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<br /> ---'"""�v''��. I '9'tJ(ilil'llfiR WI'I'll ��II thc impr�n•cments nuw on c�rcaRer cr¢cted on Ihe propeity. iind:iH cascmcnts.;ippurtcnanccs,nnd �`.
<br /> � vr� � fixuirrs iiow on c�rc:dlcr n pan ��1' thc prc��xrty. All rcplacenunts iind n�1Ji�inn� shull ulsu bc rnvcrcd by this Sccurity -
<br />_''i6-�;'�;�-_ {u,uumrm. AU�N'ihe fu�.c�:uiu�:i�rel�rrcd tu in thin ticcurity lnsawncnt a�lhe "I'rnperty." �,c,�
<br /> - _ _�.'::� fiUHItOW[iFt CUV!'sNAN'1'S th,�t Nnrruwcr is I�iwfully sciscd uf thc etiliitc Itcrcby convcycd and h,is thc rigbt�o grunt and -
<br /> ---°_� cum•cy il�c 1'rupert�� :md ihat �hc Pruperty is uncnrumbcrcd, exccpt for cncumbranccs af record. Rorro�vcr �varrattts and will
<br />`-"'='�'�� • dcfcutl gcncr:dly Uic ti�lc tu tl�c Prn�xrty n�;;witit ciU cl;iims und dcnunds.subjcrt to any cncumhrunccs�if rec.ird.
<br /> ��,:'.�•
<br /> _ .�r�•.-' THIS S[iCUHITY INSTRUIVII:NT rmnhincti unifonn c�wcnants f��r nation;il utic and non-unifiirm r�wcnants�vith IimiterJ �
<br /> °:��"'�" � vari;itiuns by juri�dictirn�to rumtiture a unifiirm�crurity imtrumcnl covcrinb rc:d prapcny. —
<br /> :�_.=,:::Dati i '
<br /> -;r�����,x= UN1F012M COVI?NANTS. �nrnm�cr and Lendcr rovcnant und,i�;rcc ais follows:
<br /> -`''��:. Prc mc�xt a�zd I.atc Cl�a �w Rorrowcr sh�ll rom sl � when duc thc ---
<br />-.;�r l. Flnymcnt uP f'rinclpul und intcrcwt: {�aY � •'• P P 5' P•Y —
<br />°`=• ''•' '' princip,il nf i+nd intcrc:�t un thc dcbt cvid�nrcd by thc Notc:uid any prcpayment and latc charges dur, uivl.c+r thr. Notc.
<br />�`•-��'���� s � 2. Funds Por Taxcs and la�surnncc. Subjcct ai applicanic taa•cir ta u�vrittcn wuivcr by Lendcr. Bormwer shall pay to
<br />._'1.�j,t.F�tµ + I
<br /> �r L.cndcr on th�:duy m��nthly paymcnts ar�duc undcr tlie Nitite,until the Nnte is paid in full, u sum("Funds")far:(a)yearly ta�ces
<br />•'"'�"'�h � and assessments�vhiclt irzay attain prioriry ovcr this Sccuriry Instrumcnt as n lic�i on thc Property;(b1 yc;irly Icaschold payments
<br />°�,�5,�
<br /> -�d�,�� � or ground rents on thc Pruperty.if any:(r)ycarly h:u.nrd nr property insunncc prcmiums; (dl ycarly flo��d insunncc premiums.
<br /> ' "'''�4`�"'�' if any: (c)y�arly nmrtgube imuruncc prcmiumti. ii any:and l�;my cum+�+ay.ihle by Rorrmvcr to I,endcr, in nccotd�ne� with ---
<br /> ":�',,,����;f: thc provisiuns��f paragraph S, in licu of thc paymcnt of m�rtgage in5unnce pmmiums.Thcse icems nre callcd"Essrow Items."
<br /> -�-_�; i; •` Lender may, at any time, collect and hnld Fwids in an:unount not ta exceed the maximum amount a lender for u falerally
<br /> _„t�••�'-:� related mortguge luan muy rc��uiro ti�r Borrower's cscrnw account unde�the federal Real 6state 5ettlement Procedu�es Act of
<br /> eZ'��a�lk' • 1974 as amendcd frant time to tinu. 12 U.S.C. Scc:tion 2601 er ser�. ("RESPA"l.unless anothcr law that applies to the Funds
<br /> ?;,��:.;�.ti� seu:� Icsscr �r.o�!nt If�!�, l.end�r m:�}� at any time. collect and hold FunJs in an amount not to excecd the Iesser mnount. _
<br />`n:�k,. _ [..endcr m�y cstimatc thc amuunt of Funds Juc on thc basis of current data and reasonablc cstimates of exE►enditures uf future
<br /> i" " � Escrow Itcn2s or uthenvitc in uccorJ:incc with applicablc law.
<br />, ;-n�",
<br /> -�..;� The Funds shall bc held in an institution whose dc�sits arc �nwred by a feJcrul agency, instrmncntaliry, or entity
<br /> ,`.._;p�,r• r (including LcnJcr,if Lciidcr iti such an►nstitution)ur in�uiy Fcdcral Homc [a�an Bauk.Luid�r,licdl apply thc runds to pay thc ----
<br />_"<=' -,�.1 � Escrow Itcros. Lr.ndcr m�y nut chargc Borrowcr for holding and applying thc Funds,annually unalyzing thc escrow account,or
<br /> iJ; _ i.�rifvlrsn�Iu�Fcr{nw Itrmc,ilttl�c�Irndcr�ayc Borrrnvcr inccrc.�t on ihc Funds and anplica6lc luw permits Lendcr to makc such =
<br /> .., ..o...
<br /> �� .�' a chargc. Howcver. Lcnder may reyuirc Borrower w pay a onc-timc charge for an indcpendent real estatc tax reporting scrvice
<br /> ��s� ,R used by I.ender in connection with this loan, unless applicablc law provides other�vise. Unless an agn,•ement is n�ade or
<br /> , ,. applicable luw rcquires inlem�t to be paid, I.endcr sliall not be rcquired to pay Borrower any intemst or camings on the Funds. �
<br /> ::'; '�,��,;•-••�L: Borrowcr and Lcndcr may a,rcc in writing,hawevcr, that in[crest shall bc paid on thc Funds. Lcndcr chall givc to Borrowcr,
<br /> `,a�r,; �s without chargc, un annual acrounting of thc Funds, showing crcdits and dcbits to thc Funds and thc purpasc for which cach
<br />__+�;;�i�'•` dcbit to thc Funds was madc. Thc Funds are plcdgcd as additional�ccuriry for ull xums sccural by this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> :�'�� • If�he Funds held by Lrreder exceed the a�nounts permitteai to be held by applicc�ble lu�v. Lender shall nccount to Bonower �.
<br />_,x�`__ -�:�..�
<br />",u����F for thc excess Funds in accordance�vith the requirements of applicuble law. Tf the amount of the Funds held by I.ender at any
<br /> _�..::-;,•�W . time is not sufficicnt to pay the Escrow ltcros when due,Lcnder may,o notify Borrower in writing,and, in such case Burrower
<br />,=;�•�::._�:�;'�, shnll pay to Lender the umount necestiary to make up the deficiency. Borrowec shall make up the deficiency in no more than --
<br /> `}••-:`•"`"''� twclvc monthly paymcnts.at Lcndcr'�sulc discretion. _-
<br />-;�w..V.• -, �_ _
<br /> ?->H�° Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Le:nder shall prumptly refund to Borrowzr any
<br /> k�';'
<br />.`.{�"�'r�''"�"� Funds held by[.ender.IF. �nder paragraph Z1, Lender shall acquire or sell the Pn�peny,[.cnder,priur to thc acquisition or sale �,:u
<br /> � '�' •'s of the Propeny, shall apply any Funds I�eld by Lender at the time of acyuisition or sale as a credit ugainst the sums secured by �- .
<br /> ��:' .
<br /> �--
<br /> 'j.�� , this Sc:c:uriry Instnm�ent. r"'.x
<br /> �" '"' 3.A Itcution of Pa ments.Unless a licable law rovides other�vise,all a ments receivai b L.ende�under ara ra hs <'`L''•
<br />;=;� ',:':� •'.`' pp Y AP P P'Y Y P B P •.
<br /> . ! atK1 2 shall be appliccl: first, tn any prepxyment cliarges due under the Note: tiecand,to amounts payable under pn�agra�h 2; ��"'`
<br />-.�,�` ; ' tk:ird,to interest duc: fourth,to principal duc:and last, to any latc chargcs due undcr thc Notc. j�y��;.
<br /> "w�=" - 4.Cl�n es; Liens. Dorrower shall a ►II taxes, assessmcnts, char es, fincs and im ositions attributable to the Pro rt
<br /> _ _ r�;• p'Y� F P P� Y �� "
<br /> .�j•�s which may attain priority ovcr this Sccw�ity Instniment, and Iwschold paymcnts or grounJ rents, if any. B�nowcr shall pay
<br /> -..,»-•„
<br /> ,•. r:•.;.,� ' thesc obligations in the manncr proviJc�i in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr, Borrowcr shall pay them on time direcdy
<br />����.��.,��` to thc perron oweJ payment. Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of am�unts to be paid under this para�raph.
<br />`"'T:";�::oa�`.•'�:� If Borrowcr makes thcse pa�'rnents direetly, Borrowcr shall pruinptly furnish to L,endcr rcccipts evidcncing thc payments.
<br /> �;;'.�;��'•_� Borrowcr shsll prnmptly diychar�.c any lirn whirh lias priurity over this Security [nstrument unlcss Bonower: (:i)agrc:es in ��t�
<br /> • writing to thr payment ot'the obligation secured by du li�n in a manner acceptublc ro L.cndcr. (b)conte.r'ts in good faith the lien
<br /> �'�j""�� by, or dcfends against cnforccment of th� licn in. Icgal procecdings which in the C.cndcr's arinion operatc to prcvent thc
<br /> ' � �.�11 cnforcement ��f thc licn: or(r)sccures fmm thc holdcr of thc licn an agrcemcnt satisthctory to I.cnder subordinating the licn to
<br /> ,v,.
<br /> -:,,�;;�:� , this 5ecuriry (nstrumcnt. lF L.cndcr dctermiucs thut .my pan of'the Property is subject to a licn�vhirh muy attnin priority over
<br /> .-�:�;,���Mn this Sccuriry Instrument, Lender may givc Borrowrr a naticc idcntit'yinr the licn. Bormwcr shall uitisf�•thc licn or takc one or
<br /> �"''� more of the actions set fortli ubovc witliin 10 Jays of the giving uf notice.
<br /> '.,P af S��1..� .I
<br /> 'i.,tt:+�.
<br />-��';�° Form 3026 9/90
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