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<br /> -•`--=_� � periods ihat Lcndcr rcquircs. Thc imurancc carricr providing thc insur.mra shall hc cho��»by�orrowcr subjcct to Lcndcr ti �`^,
<br /> --= approval which shall not bc unrexsonably withlicld. lf Horrowcr fails w miiintain c�wcragc dcsrribed abovc,Lcndcr may,iu ��*
<br /> — Lender's optian,obtain covern�e to protect L.ender's rights in the Property in accorduncc with paragraph 7. ____
<br /> -�� ' All insurance pulicies and mncwids shall be acccptable to Lender and shull include a stundard mortgugc clause. Lender ___
<br /> ��� shall have the right to hold the policics�md renewals. If I.ender rcquires,Borrower sl�all prompQy give to Lendcr all rcccipts '-'=
<br /> = of paid premiums ar►d renewuf notices. In the event of lass.DoROwer shall givc prompt notice to the intiueanee car�ier and �•r:
<br /> W�;,: Lender. Lender may make proof of lass if not made prompdy by Sorrowcr. �r�•=
<br /> _-�"='�� Unlcss Lc;ndcr yid Borrower othcrwise.�grcc in writing. insurancc procceds shall be applied to restaration or repair of �
<br /> _�„�1,� the Property dumaged, if the restoration or repair is economicaily fe.isible .md Lenderti sccuri[y is not lesscncd. If thr
<br /> �o restoration or repair is not economically fcasible or Lendcr'.s security would be Icsscncd, the insur.incc procecds shall bc
<br />:�� �pplied to the sums sccurcd by this Security Instrument, whcthcr or not then due. �vith any cxcess paid to Bottuwer. If --
<br /> — Dorcowrr abandons the Property, or does not unswer within 30 days a notice from I.ender that the insurance r.urier hns
<br /> - -=�=-=� offered to setAe a claim,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the procecds to repair ur restoru
<br /> _ the Property or ta pay sums secured by this Securiry lnstrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day pe�i��d will begin when
<br /> the notice is given.
<br /> ___�_� Uuk� Ley�dtr nnd Qorrowcr othcnvisc agrce in tieritin�,any applicution of proceeL+.s�o principa!shall not extcr.d or - -
<br /> —T�'�=a"� postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragriiphs 1 and 2 or cl�aa��e:ha amaunt of the paymGnt.. If
<br /> under puragrup� 21 the Property is acyuired by Lender, Borrowerti right to any insur;�.ie�pvlicies und proceeds resulting
<br />__�.,:�.��� from dama;e to the Prope:rty pnor to the acyuisition shall p�ss to Lender to the exte��t���':he sums sece.red by this Sa:u�ity _
<br /> _' '`— Instrument imm�dintely prior to tlie acyuisition.
<br /> v-—•�� 6. Occu�ancy, Preservaiiun. iv'�ainicnunce +,�iu :rdt:r-:tion �;� .he Pr��.srt�; �°�r�owcr's Loan Applicntfon; __
<br />` �-�-`t'"�'� Leaseho➢i1s. Bonower shull occupy,estublish,and use the Pr�perty as Borrower's princi,a3�sesidence within sixty days ufter
<br /> the execution of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as f3c�sro�ver's principal residence for at
<br /> � lelst one year afler thc datc� of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise ugrees in writin�, which cnasent shal! no1 be
<br /> '`�=�� unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuuung circumstances exist whici�ure beyund Aorruwer's co�Urul. Tiouuw�r shall not �- -
<br />�;��� destroy,damagc or impuir tlte Property,ullow the Property to detcriorate,or cotnmit waste on•the Property. Bonnwer shull
<br />•�, be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civil or crimin.►l, is bc:gun thsr in Lender s good faith jud�;ment
<br /> could result in forfeiture of the Propeny or otherwise materially impair the licn cresiai. by tliis Security (nstrument nr
<br />'"Y'�°� Lender's security interest. liorrow'er may cure such a deiauii and reins[ate,as provided in n:��grupn i8,oy causing ine nciiun
<br />_.�—.
<br /> :,`;�jB�,� or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lendcr's Sand faith determinatian,precludes forfeiture of thc Borrower'.s
<br /> interest in the Properiy or other material impxirment of[he licn crcated by this Sccurity Instsvment ar Lender's• security
<br />`i�� interest. BoROwer shall ulso be in default if Borrowcr, during thc loan upplecstion proccss, gave muterially false or
<br /> -�� inaccurnte inforrnation or statements to Lender(or failed w provide Lender with an}•.;;�,r:ri�l infortnation)in connection with
<br />=`:��.� the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited :a, r°prescntations c��ix�:nin, Borcower's• occupancy of the
<br />;� Propecty as a principul residence. if this Security Instrument i�on a Ieasrliold.Bo��ro�var s,�nll comply with nU the provisiuns
<br /> of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property,the leasehold.u►d the fee title shall not nqerge unless Lender agrees
<br />';��"-`•� to the merger in writing.
<br />-- �'9� 7. Pratectton of Lendcr's Rights in tlie Property. If Borro�vcr fails to perform thc covenants ;uid agrcements
<br />-�i.a...,.L_
<br /> `�`-'j'"W'� contained in this Security [nstrument, or there is a legal procceding that may significatiuly affect Lendcr5 rigltts in the
<br />�;,•°,,�,.�� Property(such as a ptoceedin�in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or ro enforce laws or regulutions),then
<br />'�����_� Lender muy do and pay for whatever is nccessary ro protcct the value of the Property und Lender's rights in the Pmxnrty.
<br /> "`�'a' Lender's actiuns ms►y include i in an tiums secured b �lien which hiis riorit over this Securit Instrument,a arin
<br /> _;,��y P�Y S Y• Y� p Y Y PPe 8
<br /> �__�_�� in court,paying masonable attomey+'ferx and entering on the Pro�xrty to make repain. Althc�ugh I..ender may tnke action
<br /> under this paragraph 7,Lender da�s not have to do so.
<br />;;�� Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this paragrs�ph 1 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />-���'�■ Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lendcr agrcc to othcr tcrms of payment,thcsc amounts shall bcar interest from the
<br />�__�� dnte of disbursement at the Notc rate and shall be payable,wilh interest, upon notice from Lendec ro Borrowcr requestin�
<br /> payment. --
<br />"�� 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lcnder required mortgage insurancc as a condilion of mukin� the loan secured by this __
<br /> �_°�.� Security [nst►ument, Borro�ver shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mort�as:e insunnce in effect. If, for any �_
<br /> -=�d� reason, the mortga�e insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceuses to lx: in effect, Bonower shall Ray the
<br />���"'''� premiums required to obtain coverage substantiully eyuivalent to the mortgage insurance previausly in effect, :�t a cost ---
<br />`�="�'�� substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower ot'the mortgage insurnnce previously in effcct,fmm:m altemate mortgage
<br /> '=``"'"� insurer approved by Lendec If substantially eyuivalent mortgage insurancc coveruge is not available,Borrower shall pay to
<br />-y��' Lender cach month a sum eyual to onc-twclfth of thc yearly mortgagc insurmcc pmmium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> y;,ti:�... --
<br /> -�:�� = insurance coverage Ilpsed or ceusecl to be in effect. Lender will accept,usc and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu �:1
<br />-_�"�� of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longcr be myuired,at the optaw:of Lender, if mon�age insurance
<br />,';�; coverage(in the amount and for the periad that Lendcr reyuims)providcd by an insurer ar�,rovcd by Lender uLain l�umes
<br />'`:,i,;�"�`y:` ' available and is obtained.Borro�ver shall pay the premiums required to maintain mortgagc insurance in effect,or to providc a �
<br /> '''•"'� s� loss mserve,until th�rcquirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordunc�:with any written agrw�a:�n[benveen Borrower
<br />:`"-:'•=::: xnd Lender or applicable la�v.
<br />_�_a.y�" 9. Inspectlon. Lendcr or its agent may make reasonablc cntrics upon anJ inspcctions of the Praperty. Lcnder shall
<br />'�'=::�� give Borrower notice at thc time of or prior to an inspection spe�cifying rcasonablc cause for the inspection.
<br />-'-'��' 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any awani or clairn for damnges,direct or cons�quential,in c�nnection with any
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