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: � ,�. ,::.;;� . , , . . . .::.. <br /> .. ,.�... :��': '+ , <br /> ":�;'.- <br /> , �,. <br /> r ' — .. . .. .. . . . .. .. <br /> . ,,. ��er c � - . � - .. ,.i .. ' ., .. .�wi+�:.�.r - . <br /> � ,., .. . � ,: ` . - <br /> - .__.._:�.� � � <br /> -__,... . ai:a:�yiM' �.?'..r�� - ' o _'"�..1`._'i.�)•._FJ�1k'��Lt�'h�n�..:ltYlior2_�L"__i..-�...._.�dL...s „ . <br />.. . . `� • ,t.�t-. <br /> Wy�� � <br /> � ... .v <br /> . , . . ._ .,a.,_ . .. ' ' . <br />'-.._.��.._.�mr:;srar .. ..,�..,..�.._......._�_..__.._........._•____""'.'.'._ _.._l. .. . -- • -- ' ( . <br /> I <br /> .`::V.�...-mG:Lsa�Tft�Si:w'i � �. <br />__ .�.i�,-R:-,m:...,�,_.� . <br /> . , �5 .� �.(i���2 ; �: <br /> (p) II7ruGROi la not nn Indlvldual,tl�o looun�co,c�lt�,tranoPor,unolpnmcnl,canvoynnco or oncumbranco of moro Ihc�n n total ' <br /> „ p� p�rccnt of(If 0 corporatlon)Itfl iosusd nnct�utntt�ndlnd etocl<or(il�pnrtnorahip)o total of...._ parcont ol � ,; <br />.:`�,, . ;� partnerohlp intereate during the period thle�eed ot Truft rumelne e Ilen on th�PropArty. � ` <br /> .�u�r� , , , ' �2, p�n�diM;AccN�tatbn Upon QN�uH.ln the ev�nt�t+�ny�vant o}Deteult Londer mny,without nouca except eb reqWred by � <br /> .�.., law,declere a0 IndebFednea�secured hereby to be dun and pnyahlo and the eam� nhell there�epon become due and payebte � <br /> '"'°��� � :''�. without eny prosentment,demend,protnat or notice ot eny klelcL 7here�fter Lender may: , <br /> a-.>•r:ii,•r.. 4. <br /> � (n) Demand thec Trueteo ex9rcise th� POW�R OF�Al.E grnAteid hereln,end 7rustee ehell thereaRer eauae Truat�r'e ; <br /> • • � :,w � intereal in fhe F'roperry lo bo�old und tho praccod�ta 4o dintrlbutnd,nll In thH mennor provided Irt the Netrreeke Yrust Coada � <br /> ^-:�i:r :�;::.. . Ack ., - <br /> • - �++f�. (b) Exercise eny and all rlghta provided(or In eny of th�Lot�n Inatrumente or by law upon ocCUrrence o1 eny Event o1 ` <br />' �r„�=-�- ' Doteult;and <br /> . � .:r � <br />'-;,�,p�,;r;,,,rr� (c) Commence en actlon to(oreclose this Doed Of Truot se a mortgage,eppolnt e recelver,or apecifically enfarco eny of the ( � <br /> � ?� R � covenants hereo}. <br /> � " No romedy hereln conforred upon or reservvd to Trustflo or LUnaor Is Intondod to be excl�elve oi any other remedy hereln,In tho <br /> .. Loan Instrumente or by law provided or permltted,but eaali a'nnll bo cumulativo,shell be In additfon to every other remedy piven <br /> , �� hereunder,In the Losn Inetruments or now or hQreaftor exlE,tinp ot IAw or in equlty or by etatute,end mey be exercised cuncurrently, <br /> Indo�antiently or successlveiy. <br /> `� 13. Truetw.The Truatea moy resipn et any tim�without cauoe,and Lender mny et any tim»and wfthout cause appolnt e „ ,; <br /> ' succassor orsubstiSute Trustee.Trustee shall n�t ne Ilabl�c�t�any party,Includlnfl without Ilmitettan Lender,8orrower.Trustor or any • t <br /> purcheser oltho Pr�cperty,for any loss or darnt�c�a unlass duo tt�rocklos�or wtlltul mlaCOnducf,and shall not be requlred to take eny , <br /> �;,�`ci� acUon In connection with the�ntorcem�nt�of this Qoed ot Yrust unless Indpmni(led,In wrlting, for all coate,compensatlon or „ <br /> --- ' . � • " expensos which may be assactat$d therewith.On�additlon,Truotee may bocomo a purcheser et any sele ot the Property Qudicfal ar � +�k:'':,''_ _�" <br /> „ under the�owsr of sale gran9od hareln�:postpone th�salei ot all or any portlon o1 the Property, ee provided by 18w;Or sell the , •'`t-�=_ <br /> :s��tae*�i'_a--'- <br /> � Properly as a whote,or In separate parcels or lots at Trustcio'�discrotlon. '•;�,-�-:-1-�'`� <br /> -r.°-.-- <br /> - ' 14. Fw��nd Fatp�nt��.In ti��event Trustuo seil�thn Praperty by exerclse of power of eale,Troete6 ehell b6 B11lIGOd t0 epply ' ��,��,�--..1 <br />- any sale proceeda flrst to payment of all costs and oxponeoo af exorcising powor of sele,Including all 7rustee's fees,and Lender's , �r'�t���' <br /> _ . ��,J:'�a'.�"•����'� <br />--- and Truatee's attomoy's teea,sctually Incurred to extont pormitted by eppllcablo law.In the event Borrowor or Tru:�tor oxercises any -,�,��..,,��,,,,. , <br /> • ," ���ht nrnylrin�J�+;!e!!�to�ure an Event of Default,Lendor shnil be entltlud to recover from Trustor aIi Costa end expense�actually ��?�'±�+=-� <br /> `�=°`'�:_�__-._-__ <br /> ,..__��..._�,., - <br /> incurred as a result of Trustor's detault, Includinp wi4hout lin�ftotton all Truatee's and attorney's fees, to the extent permftted by xaar—�=•._-: <br /> •�°A1'� aPDticable law. � '�'D�'g�-� <br /> ' .' 15. Futura Adv�n�a�.Upan request of Borrowor, Lender may,at its optlon, make additlonal end future advances and re• ���'�� <br /> ,_o:r�'--� <br /> " advances to Borrower.Such advancea and roAdvances,wi4h Interoat thereon,shall be secured by thia Deed of Trus�At no timeehall �,:*_-_�__� <br /> lhe prliticipal amount of tho indcbtodno�a securod by thls Dead of Trust,not Including sums advanced to protectthe eecurtty of thls � �' �.:- <br /> ' Deed of Truet exceed the origlnel princlpal amount st�tnd horeln,or�_450.000.00 whtchever Is greater. ? <br /> '�%� . 16. Mbc�ll�n�wui Provhlons. '{ <br /> � - .;,_'• (a) Bortow�r Not R�hased.Extenalpn of tho timo far paymont or modl(icatlon ot�mortizatlon of the sums secured by thls �f: <br /> �� � Deetl ot Truet grantao oy L�ndar io any�uci:ve5ur ii�ii tl�it85i�i3 vuitv::oi oru��R.^.:C�I^.f::�tCf°��..°O�°,i!18!'.i manner,►_hw�lahf�(t�r -- ' <br /> o}the odgtnal 8orrower and Florrower's succoasora in tntarest.Lender shelt nat be requlred to commence proceedings agatnot <br /> .�M ,`� such successor or retuue to extend time 1oT�aym�nt or otherwise modify amortization o!th�euma secured by thia Deed of Truat <br /> � " � by reason of eny demanda made by thp ori�Ynal Borr�wor end Borrower's successors in interest <br /> , (b) L�nd�r's Powen.Wlthout afieapng tho Ii�blle��of any other peraon Ilabte for ihe paymant ot any obligatlon herein <br /> � � mentlonod,and without atfecting the Ilen or chargo al s9�la Deed of Trust upon any portlon oi fhe Property not then or theretofore <br /> •� rofeased as security for tho 4ull ampunt of atl unpafd obli�ations,Lendor may,from tirne to time and without notice(I)releaeoany <br /> ; ; _,;�., porson so Ilable,(Iq extvnd the mAturity or oltor eny ot chu terma of any such obllgations,(Iiq grunt othor Irtdulgences,pv)release <br /> � � ,� or reconvey,or cause to ba released or roconvoyad at any time at Lender's optton any parcel,portion or ell 04 the Property, <br /> (v)take or releasv any other or aBditional security Inr eny obUgatlon hereln mentloned, cr(vi)m2ke compositions or other <br /> � ' '''"t arrengomenta wtth debtors In retation thereto. � <br /> " . .. ,. (c) Forb�ararec�by�r Not a WsluQr.Any lnrbearance by Lender In exercising any rtght or remedy horeunder,or , <br /> . otherwlse efforded by ep�ltoable faw,shall not bo a waivor ot or preclude the axarclse of eny such right or remedy.The '��_ <br /> �•;!��•:,�� � procurement of Insurenco ov 4he payment of texos or other Ilens or charges by Lender shall not be a walver o1 Lendar's right to �'``:� ` ,"-' <br /> - � �., accelerato tho maturity of the Indebtednoss sACUrad by thls Deed of Truat. •��-F=�- - <br /> °' ' ' '� `� � (d) Succ�swn�nd Aalpn�Bounr3;3ofnt�nd 8ev��d Llibfllty;C�ptions.The covenants and agre9ments hereln con- �� <br /> -`'`�"'-"`"AR�.'�'°``"'� talned ehall bind,and the rlghts hereundar shAll tnuro ta,the respectiva euccessors end aoslAns ot Lender and Trustor.All P -u�°"��� <br /> . '�•,���•;`���� coVenants and agreementa oi Trustor oholl bo jofnt snd severel.The captlona and headinga of the paragraphs ot thls Deed of ,�.::--.m"—="-� <br /> '`'''� `' �'� , Trust are for convenlence oNy and aro not to be u&:�to Interpret or deflne the provislons hereof. - <br /> �'��' 1 (e) Rsqu�s!lor NoNc�s.The parttas hc�roby requ�,st that a copy ot eny notl�e of defeult hereunder and e copy of eny notice � ` <br /> ,� ,` ���' 01 nale hereunder bo mallod to oach partyr to thl5 D�ed o}Truat at tho address set foAh above In the manner prescribed by �,��;�� <br /> appltcable lew.�xcept}or any other no�ice eequirod under applicable law to be given fn another manner,any notice provided �s�- <br /> - ,� :;t• for in thls Deed of Truet sheil bo gtven by mafif n4 3uch notice by certifled mall addressed to the other parties,at the eddress sat .�.o _ <br /> . foAh abovo.Any notice provided for In this Deed oi Trust shall be etiuctivo upon maHfng In the manner designated l�ereln.If �^=-= _�-^ - � <br /> .-r��,-- <br /> '� � Trustor Is more than one person,notico oent to tho address 3et forth abovo shell be notfce to ell such ersons. `'}=--- - <br /> ,i,t:;.:. P ' �ti.��,���-.-..- <br /> • (� Insp�ctbn.Londor may make or cau�e to bo mado reasoneble entries upon end fnspections of the Propartyr,provided �;�:;%�"•'`•° <br /> :'•• •� that Lender shall give Trustor notico prlor to nny such Inspectton specitying reasonable cause therefor related to Lendor's :'^�.-�t�` •� ,�� <br /> � , � interest In tho Properfy. '; • <br /> . _ (g) Reconr�ranco.Upon paymont ot all sums securod by this Deed o}Trus�Lender shell requeat Trustee to recor+vey the � : <br /> . Proporty and shall Burrender thle Deed ot Trust end all notes evidencing Indebtednes9 eecured by this Deed ot Trust to Trustee. . <br /> . • . Truatee shall reconvey tho Property without warrc�nty and without charge to the person or p�rsons legally entitted theroto. �� <br /> . Trustor ah81i pay ell costs of recordntion,If any. ' <br /> (h) Peroend Proper�y;S�curity Agreament. As additional securiry for the payment ot ihe Note,Trusto�hareby grants <br /> Lendor under the Nebreske Unitorm Commerciai Coda a socurlty interest In all tixtures.equlpment,and other personal property . • <br /> � ' ' used In connEClion with tho roal oatnto or im�rovomonts Iocated thereon,and not otherwl�e declared or deemed to be a part of <br /> •`• - `� ' the real esL�ta seCUred hereby.Thfo fnatrumont sliail�o construed as e Socurity Agreement under sald Code,and tha Lender <br /> � shati have oll 4ho rights and remedies of n secured party undor aald Code In additlon to the rights end remedles creatod urtder <br /> • : ,�C and accorded the Lendor pursunnt to thi�Deod of 7rust;provided that Lendar's rights and remedles uttder thls paregraph st�ali <br /> _ ' � •ti�•. be cumulative with,end in nu wey a Ilmitetlon on,lender's rights and romedlos under any other securiry agreement signed by '�'� <br /> �-'"' Borrowor or Trustor, ' <br /> � '� i Li�nt and Encumbraneh.Trustor horab wurrnnts and represents that thore is no detault under tho provislons ot any �.: . <br /> :+ . O <br /> ._. ._�j:..�_____,__ . . . .. . . .'_ "_ "_.."_ __"y".___�u_��u....�.........�.d�l.vO.....e.n. nr..fhurrnnhnnfineln�monfnr �_ <br /> mortgape.QBOa oi irYa4 roaav t�r pur�naoo vv�ivaw�aa�.nu...y a.....o..�r............. ...r....�._'_-'-•--•'---+..."-..._..._. <br /> �, _��:- -� agreemen4 constttutlnfl a Ilon or encumbranco ngatnst all or nny pnrt ol tho Properiy(colloctivety,"Llent►"�,dxlating as of tho — <br /> deto of ihla Doed ot Trust�nnd thnt any nnd all exfstinq Liona remein unmodlfted except ee dlsclosed to Lender In Trustor'e � <br /> ��f" � v�ritton disclosurd of Ilens end encumbrances providod for horoln.Trustor ahall tlmely perfarm All of Trustor's o6tipationa, i <br /> � covonants,raprosentotlona and warr�ntlos undor any and ail exleting and Yuturo Lfens,shall promptly forward to Lendor copfes <br /> ' of ell notico9 of dotnult sent In connectlon wfth any and all exlatfnfl or luture Liens,end shall not without Lender's prlor written <br /> _=c�- - CO(13Cflt�t1 orj i�ioi�i,�r modify:!:.^,r.:�:!��=.^.==1 nr e11nw en�/��n�.o orlunnrno��nr�a.any BxiStlnn �r 1��t��.a 1 IqnA. � _.._ <br /> ' , �� p) Appllcaton ot Paym�nt�.Unloss otherwl3�requirod by law,oums pald to Lender hvreundor,InCluding without limrtn4fon <br /> payments o1 princlpal and Intorest,inaurance proceods,condamnntion proceeds end rents end protlts,shell be appllod by ; <br /> .. Lendor to the amounts duo end owfng lrom Ttustor and Borrowor In auch order ae Landar In Its sole dlscretlon daemo deslrablo. ; <br /> � (k)6�vtrebliity.If any provisfon o}thla Deed o}Trust conflfcts wlth c►pplicablo law or Is declarod Invalld or otherwlae i <br /> unen4orccsable,suGh ConfliCt or involldlry ohall not aifoCt tho othor provlaone of this Deod ot Truot or the Noto which cen be � <br /> ' givun eitect without 4hu confilcting provision,and to th13 ond the provlslons ot thls Dead of Trust end the Nnte ere declarad to bo I <br /> .' i ,' eeverable. i <br /> . � � .. <br /> �4. ., . i <br /> � <br />