. . nY,•1.r. �� . .�.�1:.. � ' ' �::`..- :5"; '
<br /> �' � � � �.1�'� . . . �
<br /> � . •fn�(i�if . . . ;.�° _ .V�:'�� � � .
<br /> •. �f ' . . -__ � ' .. . .. ' ' -.�
<br /> , . . . -rw-.��i' Y� I�I►'�k4,c.v.. .. • - . ., - � � • � .. . .. ' ��i .. .
<br /> Sz�rf*W.:f�� �v .i�w.,s,..��?.Ylt"�R7t�P.AXAli63M�',=L°��v:.-�.;�.�.�...�.t�...u.�_.,,:.n.v.r.,r..:.i,.:t�A�Y,a:i�- . .
<br /> ��-a��ir:��—_ �-
<br /> � . �� g 5�a ����� � �
<br /> ; .
<br /> _ . i .
<br />--- - ••� L�ncle►to protect the eocurlry n}the Moie;(c)the pe�formenc3 01�II covennnta and ndroemenro o}Trun4or aot fortti h�rnfn;�nd(d)nll i .
<br />'_--'••-����6_ prefent end tuture Indebtedne��and obllpatlona ol Borrower(or any o}them I1 mar�than onn)tc�Lendur�vhathor di►nni,incltroct, F
<br /> � �"°.�j� ab�olute or continpent and whether erlalnp by note,punrenty,overdrafi or otherwloo.Tho Nat�i,thln Doed o�Truat�nd r�ny rnd�11
<br />--��,_:;'�a;��' �� olhor docuentethat eecure the Note or otherwlee executad In connoctlon therowlth,Uialudlnp wilhaut Ilmltotlon�unr�ntna�,ooaudry • � ,�.
<br /> �,•_if.: ,..
<br /> •-- ----•-- eyreements end atefpnmente oi leaaes and ronta,ehall be reterred tv hereln aa tha"LQ�n Inotrum�nte".
<br /> -�ri��;=���'�� Truator covenente end epreee wlth Lender ne toflows: _
<br /> -„,:�,::Mr::.i,:�• � 1. �'ay�..:ai u}lrtdch._'!r,~�.All Indebtedne±s eecured hereyy ehail be pnid whon due. �� ._
<br /> --_- 2.TNN.Truetor Is the owner o1 ihe Properry,hae the ripht and authorrty ta aanvoy th�Proporty,and wArrnnte thnt tho Ilon ,
<br />- '°'����� created hereby le e 11ret and prlor Ilen on the Property,except far Hene and onoumdrnnc;ao set(orth by Trusto� In writin� �nd
<br />-�-��'� delivered to Lender before e�cecutlon of this Deed o1 TrueG and the�xeautlon and dull+�or�of thic�Daod ot Trust dop�nat vinlnto t�ny
<br /> � "j�' contract or other obllpatlon to whlch Truetar la eubJect •�
<br /> `-°`��'"� 3. T�xN,MNUmmb.To pay bofore deilnquer+cy all texes,special asaee�m�ntu onci all othor chnrflos apAinAt tht�Propprty
<br /> ��;•}�,'.:" '
<br /> �r =►•
<br />_..-:�;r. ,y.,�_ now or horo.�fter tevled.
<br /> •� ���=a�'���. 4. lowrinc�.To keep the Property Insured againat demapa by fire,hn�rdfl Inaludtid withln tho torm"oxtendnd cov�repe",and
<br />�:r,��;'�,p�,,;!}� such other hararda as Lender may requlre,In arnounts and wlth companias c�cat�ptt�blt�to 4andor,naminp Londor t�n t�n additlonni -
<br /> namod Inaured,with loss payable to 4he l.ender.In ca�e of loss under such pallatat�,tho Lendor fn uuthorizod to adJuFt,aollact nnd ° ;,��
<br />:-''t-;��•a; `' , compromlen�,ail Nnlma thereunder and ahatl have the option of epplying all�or p�rt of tha inaurance proceeds(q to eny Incfnbtodnonts :
<br /> _�'r;f;'!�'�y�:�.�,, eecured hereby and In such order as Lender may determine,(Iq to 4he Truninr ta bo uaed br the repalr or restoratlon,�f tht�Prapprty ��
<br /> -�c-��,-':.,�. ,� or(Uq tor eny oth�r gurpose or ob�E'�t eatis}actory to Lender without ettoctinp tha I I�n of thin Deed of Trust fo�tho fuli amount oocured :
<br />'°`�'���'�`� mwnt ever Mqk ���a.An a Ilcatlon of proGeedu to indebtedne�s ehall not extend or pastpona tho duo � �.
<br /> ;,b, �, hereby be(ore such pay P Y PP I . - . .:
<br /> _�^�y"�-�. '�� date of eny paymenb under the Note,or cure eny d�afeult thereunder or harounder. ,,
<br /> ��..iy:i�'��.,_n..h � ..t4Wt: .�1".,_..-T�-
<br /> i 5. Eferow.!lpon written demand by Lender,Truator shell pay to(.endc�r,in puoh mpnner aa Lender m�y dos 4�natt�,su i f ia len t �
<br /> !:.•'�`•' °.: �'- sums to enable Lendar to pay a�they become due one or more of the tollnwlnp:p)all u+nos,enaeaaments and oti7ar aharp�as n�ain�ii "'"' M""'�"
<br /> :- ';ti";sc��.;:`r, . the Property,pi)tha premfuma on the property insurence requlred hernunder,wnd piq tho pramiums on any mortgp�a Inouranca ••'''��q''":h. �j
<br /> e,„ „ .(y ..�•�
<br /> - i . required by Loreder. "'�.;��'^
<br /> - �j B. MNn4�nana.R�pain�nd Complianc�wlth I.�ws.Trustor ol��ll Icoep the Property In gaad conditlon and ropnir; shafl � �
<br /> _:=^�a*'�� �' promptiy repalr, or r9place any improvement whlch mey be damagod or destroyed; shali not commit or parmit any wasto or ::.';,,.=�'�-�k�s
<br /> ' ' '�� deterioratlon of the Property;shall not removo,demollsh or substantlally nitnr any of the improvementa on the Pro�tsnry;ahaii noi '' �'��' "==-�
<br />-;;•�•�::= commit,suNer or permit any act 4o be done!n or upon the Properiy in vloletfan at any la�v,ordlnnnce,or repulatlon;an;l shall pny nn�1 � �.i`���`
<br /> • :� ��•'� prpmptly dlschsige at TrustOr's cost snd expense all IIRne,encumbrancea and char es Ievied, Imposed or assesned a afnat the � ���'''`�__� r
<br /> g 9 i� a��
<br /> - � `}�, Property or eny part thereof.
<br />- � � 7. Em!nertt Oameln.Lender Is hereby Assiflned eil compensatlon,a�vnrdo,demages and other payments or raliat(horeinaHbr �r4''�'`„��"�
<br /> _',''' ' �` "Proceeds") In connectlon with condemnetion or other taking oi the Proporty or pert theroof, or br convoyi�npo In Ilou of � a.;�k �uti.='�
<br />' l`�' ��� .. condemnation. Lender ehell bd entitled at Its option to commenaa. appeAr in and prosecute In ito own nam�e eny aatlon or ��� ; `� --
<br />-"•�"�� ;�� � proceedinga,end shalt elso be entitled to meke any compromiso ar sattlemant In conneadon wlth such taking or�^a�r�tge.On tha �" "� -
<br />- ..,��.��.: evnniar�y Nu�iiufi ui irio�i�yoiY'y to o'v w�'��Oi CBi�3$�d..CiS30T��ttll!!1AL'B l318��lilCn.!S!!!9 94!�9.^.�8h8nlyf�a�iigr_.rg�inn,M wnnly
<br /> all such Procoecls,after deducting theretrom ell coste and sxpen[tian incurrod by It In conneatlon with such P�ocaflds,upo�arry
<br /> ' �� Indebtednoss sa�ured hereby and In auch order es LenQer may de�tarmine,or to apply all suah Proceeds,�fter suCh dEdUC11pA9,i9
<br /> '. ,,,: � the re8toration of lhe Property upon such conditlons as Lender mqy dc�totmine.Any appllcation af Procaeds to fnciebtadnes�ehnll
<br />° ; {�:��.� not extend or postpone the due date ot any payments under the Ruta,or cure any defauit therounder or heroundor.Ar�y unappl�ad
<br /> '' .� ., funds shell be paid to Trustor.
<br />�y,�,i:�;�•,: �:x . 8. P�r7urmance by L�nd�r.i3pon the occurrence of an Evr�nt o1 pefAUlt horounder,or it eny act le takon or I��n4 g�roceading ,
<br /> �y„g`�:-��.trt�ir��, commenced whloh meterially aifects LendePe Interest In the Nroper1y,landnr may in Ita own diacretlon,but without oyli�atlon to do ��'�t• r
<br /> -,-,�=v'�.�-�"*.�`�'•�:�•:;, so,ard without noticv to or demend upon Truetor end without r@Ic�aoinfl Truator from any oblfgatlon,do any act whfch Truator hae •�
<br /> �==�.�. -. •^.%',t`;`t� agreed but talls to do end may also da eny other act it deems ne�ossaN tn pro2eot the secuHty hereot.Trustor shall,Immodletoty
<br />---=T�•+µ��" upon demsnd theretor by Lender,pay to Lender all costs and exponpna Inourrod and suma expondad by LQndor in conrteatlon wfth -
<br />- ° � "�""'•'�>." the axerclee by Lender of the toregoing rights,together with�ntorostthar�on attho dai�ult roto provided In the Nota,��tit�leh shall bo
<br />_-' •,. ;y��ti• addc+d to the Indebtedness secured hereby. Londer shall nat inour eny IlabHity becauee of enythfng it may d�or omlt to do -__-- -
<br />_-___' _-•c . hereunder. � '
<br /> �'�''';�i-�''�'^F' 9. H�x�tdow M�t�rial�.Trustor shall keep the Property in compllanoe with all appllcable Iew�,ordinances nnd rogulAtlon9 __
<br />=p . -� -:.�• -
<br /> :�:::',�••��� relating to Industrlal hygiene or environmental protection(coliautivoly referrnd to hareln as"Environrtsentol Laws").7rustor eh711 --�----��-- -
<br /> "}-�-""t" k the Property tree trom all substances deemed to be hazardouo o�toulc undor any Hnvironmontaf Lnw.s(collectivdiy roforrod f0 f -�
<br /> °=�_r:�.�'? �P `
<br /> ,:;�:,�4 �•• hereln es'Hazardous Materlals").Trustor hereby warrants and ropr4sonta to Lendar thpt thero are nv hlazflrdous Matorlals on or �:-_.___� __.�
<br /> ' .-_,��,"_` under the Properry.Truetor hereby agrees to IndemnNy anA hold harml�s9 lenddr,ite dlr�,ctore,ofiicors,employoes n.^.;1 agonts,end [:
<br />-"_�� �"� ony auccessoro to Lender's intaras�trom end egalnst any and all cluima,damppos,lossos ond Ilabllities arising in ca�neatlon wfth ar.,
<br /> .. ,.. _ ���,; the pre9enCe,use,dlsposal or trensport of•any Hezerdous Matorl�l�on, und�r,trom or nbaut th�Propnrty.TNE ROREGOINa ��
<br /> '��i •��" '' SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE QF TWIS DEEQ OF TRUSL ---- _-�-'��
<br /> .•.;y.� ��'' -'K' 10. Ass{pnm�nt o1 R�nts.Trustor hereby asstgne to Lender the rc�ntn,+o2uos and proiite oi tho Prope�ty;provideti thAt Trubtar ,-_
<br /> ' ��'^-' "�'" ahall,until the oacurrence of an Event of Default hereunder,have the rightto cotfuat and rotuln such ronts,issuos an�pvotits esthey _ _
<br /> -"""�r""' "" beconia due And payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event oi Defauit,Lpndor me�y,eflher In pereon or by sgan3,wnh or witho4it :R:;;��„
<br /> -��"'�'�4�•�^�"`•^` ` brl� In en ectton or proceeding,or by a recetver appolnted by a court unci withaut rogArd to tho adoquacy o"i.��acudty,entflr _
<br />;, ..,���•_.1:. ,A 9 9 Y �i�:'"-�.�
<br /> upon and take possesslan ot the Property.or any part thereot,fn fts own num�or fn th�name of the Trvstoe,and do any aats whlah Il �� ���
<br /> •.,,�'....._•. ' '
<br /> - - •,�.•.:,, deema necessary or desirable to pre�orve the value,marketabllity or rentabUity nt the Property,or any part thereof or Intaro�t thorof n,
<br /> � �"��' InCrease the irtcomo theretrom or protect the security hereof and,with or without tnking po�soasion of the Property,auo(or or �;��,t
<br />- '-.-:i'._:v�:.� otherv�efsA collect the rents,Issues�end profite thereof,MCluding those past duo and un�rald,and appty tho aam�,tass aosts e►nd °•��:... . -�rr.=
<br /> - _ . .�.,.• • � r,;•;_
<br /> :=�:r'��� ''+";':;�, expensea ot operotlon and collactton including eriomeys'tees,upon any.indE�btndnea�securod heroby,al!in su.f�o•dmr ns Landi+r , ..F:r,J�."��:�.w�^--,
<br /> =_- ••,,n�s may determine.7he entoring upon and taking possesslon of the Property,thA coltecUon ot suah ronts,issu�a a^.a�rotlts and the :"'��":'"��•'�'`f`� '
<br /> �� .:,;d i�:'�� ".�•..;Z r.t�'t,�.'
<br /> •~� ,,.,.�;•, appllcatfon thereot ns atoresaid,ehall rot cure or welve eny dotault or notluo af dnfnult horoundor or Ia�vAfid�ta pny aot dono in ,, *:;`,;;�;.=:;,.':.F-
<br /> ,���*=��;�x�;;.�,i:!�: responsetosuchdetauftorpurauanttosuchnoticeotdefeultand,notwithctundlnplhncontinuancafc�poasessionolthaProporryor �„�r.•;�'�,::,•;:.,..• :
<br /> =•t'.,,�`,',i?l,;'" the collectlon,recefpt and epplicetlon of rents,lasues or profRa,end Trustoe nnd Londer shall be entitlod to exerCls�+avory rigfit ' - _ �
<br /> `'� 'rt� prdvided for In any of the toan Instrumente or by law upon occurrenca of nny���ent o1�e�fautt,Includinp wfthout i,:�:�a".ion tho rl�ht •
<br />.'-`'i:`��,��`�'`:;'�� to vnerclso the po�rrer ot oale.Further,Lender's rights end remedfes under thle parriQrnph ahnll ba awnulative wr�r,em9 In no wAy e �-
<br /> _`-�;���'''"�� Ilmitation on,Lende Pe r ig hts and remedies under any asst gnment ot leases and ronte rocordud apnlnst tho Property.l.c,ndor,Truatoe •.
<br /> '� ` Y�' r end the receiver shall be Ilable to account only for those rents actually r4celved. �
<br /> � 11. EYNIb OI di��Yl1.7h9}Ol�wln�shall co^nstitute en E�;t�01�I'i8}^hIt�UQdm►t�19„QBBdQ nhuUwhan dun: �
<br /> ' _ ' ° °_ _- ..
<br /> .�Z . ..,-�� �o) ranv�o av pw�ou�n.v.vn...v..•v.�........�...�. ....�._�'_'_"� __"' __...--- -- - '-. . .
<br /> . � ` __- -------- ---
<br /> � (b) A broach ot or detault undar any provlsfon contalned In the Note,thls Ooed af Trust any of tho Loan instourmm�ts,or ony I ,
<br /> . ;,''. Y ` o8tor tlen cs�nc!�mh►anr.w unon the Property�
<br /> - +�"� (c) A writ of executlon or ettachment or eny slmllar procoss shall bv entored againat Truotor wn�Cn snau bocomo e uon on r
<br />_ : `°�� the Property or any portlon theren}or Intereat thereln; f �
<br /> (d) There ahall bo filed by or upatnst Trustar or Borrower an nction undor eny prosonl ar tuturo fodo►al,stnto or othor �
<br /> - .�-•--^J+'-- tliniuio�ius vi i uio�i"vn�oivani '�"'^�"'nMv inaniywnrv rn�thpr rwUat for debtors•or tharct ehnll ba apDOintOd any trufROe� �� _. �
<br /> recefver or Ilquldator oi Truator or Borrnwer or at all or eny part ot the�Property,or the rents,ioouuo ar profits th�roo0,or Trustor r �--� --��--
<br /> :��. . ' or Bo�rower shall make c►ny paneral esstgnment tor the benefit of croditors;
<br /> - - (e) The eale,trenster,loase,aselgnment conveyanco or turther oncumbranee o1 all or any parQ of ar eny i�n:�rost In t�o
<br /> - Propertyr,elther voluntarHy or Invotuntarlly,without tho express wrltten coneent o}Lander; provlctud that 7ruat�r shnll t�e „
<br /> " • , � permfited to oxecuto a lease ot tha Properry lhnt does not contaln an optlon to purchnso and thn term of whlch doo�not oxcead ; , •
<br /> : ;.��i.: �.• one yeer•
<br /> --:.�ya,�. 't�.::.p (q Abandonment of the Property:or ,
<br /> � .Y
<br /> .l •
<br /> ,� ..r
<br /> .. L
<br />