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. , � <br /> ,,,,� — <br /> `� _��- <br /> ^- �,�r:_ � <br /> . <br /> . —--.y.,.� �y � <br />. Lb�l�a�.Y� �J.��.��-i.:. ��LL-��� �Y.- .._..... .. ..._... ......... ... ....�l1J'�`l� �! ��X'i:..�t:. "_'___'_'__.""""'�T M�.�.S7f... ..� . <br /> __�s._� . wnriawy �-� � � . '. .. . .. ._:. ......... -._.._._._�_.."'__� <br /> .—. -... _.... . _ , <br /> '==—'raFln�i � �� <br /> _.'4��11;, �i,:"`'t}`:' ' � t; :� <br /> � � . cove:Ma+uTe ��e��"" a.Qa���� _ <br /> 9. GaynunU. F�nrroveer apreos eo mako nil payr�:;nto un ttia cccurcd dabt v�i�r.n duo. Unls�o E3orrav�cr anA Londer apreo othcre,loa, ony , <br /> p�ym�nte Lender reneivt� tram Qorrowot or fm 8orrowor'e bsnoflt wlli ho nppiled BreY to any �smounta Borrov�or owes on tha eecured debt _ <br />.��+-. � not r�rdua anixcuN�eny�aheduUA GWm�ry4 until thie cured dibt Is paid In fullaf prepaymsnt of the Rer,ured debt occure for any reason, it wiil . <br /> ,,n� <br /> �, �.��..,, . <br /> �,R 2,CIaGn�Ap�leut Titf�.florrowu will psy atl tnx��,eoens�ments,o�d other chvgee ettrfbutable to the propeny when duo and will detend tltb ,.� <br /> _r:.,,,.� . to tM prop�rtY�p�intt�ny claimo whlch woutd imp�l�tha Ibn of thfe d��d of trust.Lend�r m�y requlrs Borrower to aailpn eny ripht�,clitmx or • _ <br />'�`;.". �' Mhma wMch 8orrown m�y havs eQ�intt patl�a who wpply I�bor or matsrids 4o improw or maint�in the property. r t � <br /> � 3�L.:tN«�.o.{'.c:rroN.r�roi:l RcCV«�Propctty In�urcA undcr term� er.eepteble to Lender at Borrowor'e ox�sense and for Lende►'s benefiY.All I � - <br /> Inwa�nn polkb��ha114nclude s stsnded monp�y�clau�s tn hva of l.�ndn.L�ndn will be mmed aa loss payee or a�tho inaurod on any nuch „ - <br /> ' � �j In�wsnc�Rolicy.Any Insunnc�procaW�may b���pli�cf,withln Lendu'r diccntlon,to eithst ths res�..rauon or repalr of the dam�p�d propeny <br /> or to th�s�cured d�ht.If 6ander requkes mortp�pe nsunnce,Borrower aflren to mU�t�in tuch inauranco for es lonp a�LonGer reyufre�. <br /> , i.,� • ,. <br /> �"'- •• 4.hop�ty.Borrower wlll ke�p the property In paod condition and make dl repairs reason�bly nocessery. � . ,. <br /> , .'�'.�vY".�,`+` �, <br /> • �• ' � '`:'4Yt" 8.Fa�y�MM.Barrown►aqrae�to pay ell Lender'e expsnset.Inciudinp reaton�bls attarneye'fees,i1 Borrower 6ra�ks any covenanto in thl�dee4 <br /> , ' of Uuat or In any oblip�tlon secured by thi�deed of truat.Borrower w�ll p�y these empunto to I.ender as provldad In Covanant 9 of thla dead o} • <br /> tru»t. <br /> !.PeFor BKwity Int�r�ub.Uniew Borrower first o6tains Lender's written consent,Barrower wfi)not rv�eke or permit any cher►0ea to any prlo� <br /> eecuriry Intetesta. BarroNer will pertorm stl of Borrower'e obligation� under e�y prtor moRgege. deed of truxt or other Becurity epreement, <br /> � includinp k3ortower's covanante to mek�p�yments when dus. • ' <br /> �,A��Ipntn�nt qf RMt��nd Prolit�.Borrower ascipno to Lender the ronte encl proflu of the propeny.Uniesa Borrower and Ler�der have agroed ;-,t,-�.i�.:''°}-�� r <br /> • othsrwft� in wriUnp, F3on�ower msy coliact and raUin the ronts as lang as Barrower is not tn default. It Borrower defeulte, Ler+der, Lander'e . N �r' <br /> , p�nt,or a court sppolnted roc�iv�r may taks postes�lon and msnage the property and collect tha rents.Any renti I.endar collqctc eh�ll bo a+ <br /> �`' � � �pplNd fir:t m ths Co�t�of m�mpinp the propsrty, includin� court cost� and etmmeys'tees, commisaion�to rent�l apenta, end eny other .,�,,'V.„i-f :L.r.v-- <br /> ''—° � . . rwc�stW rei�tal nxpensa.TM rom�tMnp amount of rents wili thsn apply to paym�nic on the wcured deht ee provided In Covan7nt 1. •� "��'`�`!� <br /> M'�'—z'__' <br /> � _Z.��'u:"'_ . <br />—. �,Lw�iq{dr Carpoml�Nxnr,�d Unit D�vdoprr�U.{3orrower•yress to eompty with the provlalana of eny leaie if this deed of truat i�on �;�_ <br />—�� •I�aiNwid.Ir thlp deed of truct is on a unit in a condomfnium or a planned unit tlevntopmant, Borrower wlll p�rfa�m eil of Borrower's dutlet ��;;-.;, <br /> undK tM cownanU,bylawa,or repuletlons oT the condominium or planned uMt development. �' <br />— 9.Autl�orfty of L�ncIN to VKtorm fa BartowK. It Qorrower tails ta pevform any of Borrower'a dutiea under thfs deed o}truat, Lorxle► may I��„•_�.�-- — <br /> - • perform th�duti��w cw�them to be pe►h,rmed.Lender may nipn 8orrower's n:me or pay eny emount ff necnsRary for performance. It any "---- <br /> con:vuetion on theproperty is di�continued or not carried on in a reasonabla manner,Lender may do whatever I�necessnry[o protect Lendar'� :_� <br /> � aecurity interent in the{xopnrty.Thia may include completinp the consVUCtion. �f�_� <br /> ..�I'��� e � <br /> • . Lendx'�failure to perform wfll not prectude Lendar from exercisinp pny of Its other rlghtt under tt�e law or this cked of tru:t. __ _, <br /> . }1 ____ <br /> ,� � Any amount�pald by Lendor to ptotect Lertder'e security(ntereat will be ascwed by thi�deed of Vuat.SusA oimunta will ba due on dem��d � <br /> ond will b�ar intorstt hom the date ot the payment until pald In full at the Interest rate in effect on the sscured debt. ��,T,;,��� <br /> • 90, pNwk and Acc�I�radoe�. If Borrcwer faile to make any payment when due or breeks any covenant�under thia doed of truzt or�ny ► <br /> • � d�artid Imm�edr�piyment s�r►dd may Invoke th p�ower of sile aod�oy other remed es p�ermattoAcbyipplicable law rity of tM eecuretl de�rt a�xl 1��-� - <br /> , � �"� ;`� 11. R�qwrt fo�MMIc�of D�i�Wt. �t ia hereby requosted that coP�es of the n�ticea of deisuit nnd eab bo cont to e�ch persan w!w it a party <br /> '� hu'.rta nt the add�ess of e�ch such person,ae aet fonh herein. <br /> 12. Pou:sv cf SaM.If the Lender invokes the power of aete,the Trustee sheu flrst record in the offlce af the�epister of desds of each county <br /> " whu;ei:+tiu+ttuat property or aome part or parcel tMreof is situated e notice oE de}ault conteininy the intormetion raquired by law.The T�ust�e <br /> � ehNt nlsn�rt►� �sopiss of the notice o}default tv the each penon who Ir e party hereto, end to other percon��e pretcrihnd Uy <br /> • ' ap6ilfcatata,Invr. Not le�a than one month after the Trustee records the notice of defauit, or two months It the truat propKty is nat In eny <br /> � incr,tpm�tMl RitY or villep�s�d is used in farminp cgerotlona carried on 6y tha Vustor,the Trustea shall givs p�blic notice ot cak to the FerrAns <br /> ' . ond in t�a,rnir.nir pretcnbed bY appplicibte law.Trustee,without demand on Barrower,shall seli the property at pu611a auctlon to the ttigfielt • <br /> btdw'Nn,l qrn�roA by the Fem Homeste�d Protection Act,Trustee shall ofter the pro�erty in two ceperata setea es requked by�ppNciWe l�w. ��: <br /> �,,� ' `� True,tisc+mny postpana sal�of all rx anY psrcel of the proporty by publla ennouncemsnt ef the timo end place of�ny praviou�ly schsdulyd ssk. <br /> � Leixln ar iti ct�ilq�m�y purch�se the property at any ate. <br /> . ,�..`s, J <br /> UDcn mrnl t af p�yme nt of the price btd,T�ustee shell deli�er to the purr,h�6er Trusten'e deed cnnveyinp the propotty.TtN tecitid�contairnd In <br /> � Trt!f,Ilp'm��Mt1 6ha11 be prfms tacie svidience ut the truth of the statemente contefnad thorei�.Ttuatee sh�il epply tho procesdt ot tP�e sale in ths <br /> � fol'oau��i.ardm: la) to ell expenses of tho sele, including, but �ot limited to, reasonebte Trustee'e feea, re�sonabte eEtaney�lt �EE9 Plld • <br /> rni:rt:�tnrr�oni 1'ae9:(b)to ell sume secured by thfe deed of trust,and Ic)the belance,if any,to the persona leg�lly entitied to recalvs it. <br /> • ' 13, t'�a�odlaur�.At Lnnder's option,thfa deed of trust may be toroclosed In the menner provide by opplicable law for foreclosure o4 mortqape� ,.�''� <br /> ' • on Qe�P��P�Y• _�------ ' <br /> � �,'� � 14. fm{xsttia++• Lender mey ontor the properry to inspoct ft if londer pives 8orrower notics beforehend.The no!ice must state the reaaonaEb ���'���� Y <br /> caum for LmraYr'e inapectlon. <br /> • ��R' iB.Car�llarM�iun•Gorrower assigna to Lender tho procaede of eny award or claim for dema�ges connocted with o condemnetion or other takf �""`���-�" <br /> ny „rv.»_�:__ <br /> �., of a�ur eny paTt of the proparty.Such proceeds wfll be applied as providad in Covenant 1.This ascignment is subject to the terma ot ony prior '�,�- <br /> seniHiry epreement. �'� <br /> �„_� <br /> ; ��: I ���:��y' <br /> 18. �Ndvn.By oxarcfaing eny romedy eveileble to Lender,Londer daes not plve up eny righte to Ieter use enV o[her remedy. By not er.ercisinp � <br /> � �k eny remedy upon Borrower'a Aefautt,Lvndor does not walvo any right to later conaider tha ovent a deteult�t d happana eflefn. �r.�w- <br />