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<br /> • PAltTtfrii:Thie Doed of Tru�t b m�ds on F`BAF�VArt�22_ 149.5 ,emonp the Grantor, e+ rax�rrK Aan=� '
<br /> 1'Dorrower'1,...— i
<br />`- ' �� ARTtNi] R AAACK_ 11'P'IV]RN^V O I
<br /> ' whqna ru:►ide+t�:a eddrest lo 0o nnx?an_ csr��a •A�and, uA» Counry, Nebreska('Tructea'1,and the BaneNr.f�ry, `Q` : ., -
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<br /> � anQ ianirtiit��nder tha laws of, tmnaACU�a whoae eddress la a -�sot3TH t�Clis'r Sri{B}'3T 4 , �+^ f'�"r ,:'�.
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<br /> - �iT�.F.+t1iZ:rfir.n rntaut���rn Faan2-�nfl.Q 1"Lende�^I. ;,;,'.:�-t�:--
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<br /> •� CQ1711Tf1'/N!L'Et For value recelved,Borrov�yr Urovocadiy prant�and eonveya to Trusteo,in trust, with power of esto,the ro�l property,of whieh l' '"��- -
<br /> - Borcnyrar ia lusrfuly ceiaed, de:cribed betow and ell buldinps, fixtures, end existinp end futuro Improveme�te thereon end a(i righte•of-way, t�;;r:ti.'"�"-�����
<br />-- e�armRn'�, rettt, istuee, proflts, Incoma, t�x�ements, haseditamante, privileSla end eny oppurtenances thereuntq helonpiry (all cdiad tha --
<br /> . . x ;'„• c. —
<br /> • "prciperL'V"1. °�
<br />— Pit�1PB'htYYADDRESS• ��� c+�'RnrcFR , r�Rnrrn TRT�TIfl .NobfeBka_(i$A03 . ..*�;:�:1_��-
<br /> - • ' LEQI�G(AT:SCRtPT10M: tsv..o �c�m aro coa� - �`'�:
<br /> �� COt]2iT7, NBSRASXFI. ��'�`=
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<br /> loaate�d i� HAta. County,N@6roska. -
<br />' TITt,E:Norror.er cavenents and wsnarKS r.'rilo to ffie property,except for _ __
<br /> . i
<br /> 61ECUIIED DEDT:Thl� daed oi trust securea ta Lender repayment of ths secured debY end the performence of tho coven�nt��ntl�pre�rtwnt� �
<br /> • cantained in thb deed of trun end In any other document incorponted hereln.Secured debt,ea ulecf in tf►is de�d ot trust.Inckxk��ny smounU
<br /> tiort�w�r owea to Lender under thfs deed pf au�t or under eny Insdumont ascured by thia deed ot truat, and oll modfflLaUoru, exten�Iorn and
<br />, ronewats Ms�veof. °
<br /> ' TtN 6�CUnrt+J�:ebt i�evid�naad hy(Ust all instruments end apreemente cecured by this deed of:rmt end the dstea iMrsof.l:
<br />_ . . �,1 p� A PROMISS4BY NRTF�fi[R7ATTY AAARFSMRNT n�TEn FF�'.AT���AV 27+ 709�. -
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<br /> " ! �••„y�'N �Fut�w Adv�nca: The ebove emount is secured even thouph aU or part of It may not yet be advanced. Future Wwnce� an � �
<br /> � ; , �y..� : eontempi�ted and will be seeured to the eame exteot as If made on the dite this deed of Vust Is executad.
<br /> • �,,'t�r ❑ Revolvinp Iine af crodit aQcmoment d�ted __,wlth inkiel en�ual intere�tt rats of 96. -
<br /> All smounte owad under 4?�;a egreeme�t ere secured even though etl emounte mey not yet be edvanced.Future adva�ca9 under
<br /> , .�_, the ayreemern are contnmpiated and wiit t»saared to the eame extent as If made on tfio dato thia deed of trust la ottetutod. --- �--�.r
<br /> enti
<br /> The�4ova oblipatlon ia due and psyable on FFRRL7ARY 2�, i 4Aa _ft not paid oartier. �+���---
<br /> � � � The tot�l unpeld 6almce securod hy tMs deed of trust et eny one t+me shall not exceed e maxirnum principal�smount o} -- _______ _
<br /> �;� �.�.;I s: �nir �nenna �tlNR M117fIRRIf cr.vmrrv Rznur aun is/inn _Dolla►8 14_�,- �7rt _14 _ 1.�1us(nteroet, �"?"�';'�°�° -_-
<br /> . �7 ' plua ahy emounta disburaed under tAo torms o}thfs deed of truat to protect the security of thia doed af trust ar to perform any of the ,Y�' , i' Ge`
<br /> • wvenante conteiaed in thia deed of truri,wfth Interest on auch disbursemente. �.r�: "��`;•,.�'�
<br /> d...�,: •-t� 4�
<br /> v,. :a, �r�-.�.��. ��
<br /> �. , � ❑V�ri�bi�Ret�:The Intaroat rete on the obityation securod by thla doed of trust may vary occording tn the terme ot thut obligation. '� ._ ;?;',yt;�___
<br /> ;;!;, ❑ A copy of the loan egrc3emom contalninp thv tarme undor which the intoroat tato moy very ia ntteched to this deed of trust and • -
<br /> ":,,i;�. . " madm e Part hereof. ,��i� �:. .
<br /> , . . •. RIQEAS: �Commetci�l oG�w_�.z�'f�NMRNT nF R�NTS __ ❑
<br />° : � � Purauant to the Farr.n tiomettead Protecttan Act,dosi9nation of homattoad ❑ Is nttnched ta this daed of t��.�t and mode n pert hereof
<br /> ❑ ha been dlaclafined:the diacl�fmor la ettsahad to this deed of Vuat end made e pert hereuf.
<br /> _ �
<br /> - . �i7 SI(iNATURES:8y�Iprdnp balow,Borraw��N to Ht�tKtn��nc1 r,ownant�contalrwd In W� dad of truaL tnekidrq efiot�on ps�o 2.�nd In I
<br /> � '� �ny tidsa dNeeib�d dpned CY BorrowK.
<br /> - --� .�`-_ r�I.��,�'h ,�,� I
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<br /> ` . ' M PATRTCK 3BDZVY — - �, . --
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<br /> ��� AClWOiI�LE�aMENT: 5TATE OF NEBRASKA, HAi.r. � _ Cauntv cs: ;
<br /> - . Thetore�oir►ginsUUmentwesncknowietlpeabeforemennthis_�2nro dayor rn.,K.,.+c�; i7�� _ '
<br /> by M DATRT(`K .RRn2VY '
<br />- ITItIeUll
<br />— COrCent�a pf �— —
<br />_ . P��� � M�m�ol Corpactbn or Dutnv�n'Dl
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<br />- �cuww'ea�^Mn a on behelf of tho corporetion or pormorsh�p.
<br />� " My commfss � ��
<br />_— M MIdY�Skll ,,�=��"�-.—wc�uv wnn�i
<br /> �• . " Thia lnsVUment�ve�prepared b .��,_,_.�._— •
<br />��/• �� 0198 IfER9 BY6TCMS,INC..ST.CIOVD,MN 68�01 11�800�7 97-7 311 1�ORM OCP•MT6-NE tl/19l91 lpAy� 1 0111 N�BRASKA
<br /> - . ��' APPL#t 00004287
<br /> CC17� 0000000000
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