: „� ' _
<br /> .e�rr� _.
<br /> ."� , .
<br /> . �.a�v,n. , "� .Nir- �„
<br />� . VwY H1w �.v. .
<br /> - ' ., . .. ..7. . .. �J��:4.i.:..rT
<br /> � . ._ . . . - � . .. _ _ .. . .. _ ... _ .�, ,. _ _ _ _. .. - ' . . _ . ._ I� �� . �
<br /> �� (� �.. -
<br /> . 16.Bocrower'e Copy. Borrowe�shall bc givcn onc confarmcd copy of the Notc and oP�hf°s�Se,auri►y IitstPurn�en`i� .
<br /> 17.7Yanster uY thc Fraperty or a Den�fklal Intereslt In Borrawer. If nll or nny pan at the Property oe any interest in it is , .
<br /> sold or vensfemed(or if a beneflcial int¢rest in Boaawcr i.q sold or trnnsfcrrtd end Iiorrowcr Is nat u nawr�l person)without .'�h ^�u_
<br /> i.ender's priar written canscnt,l..endu may,ut its opdon,require immediato payment in full of all sums socurod by�his Securlry • „. ,
<br /> InswmenG Hawever.titi�option si�all not i;C c:xcrctsed by I.ender if e.xerci�e Is pmhtbite�J by fCtlernl[a�v c9 of the d�!r,of this _ + ���w
<br /> Security Insnumcn� :;ti,�,;t,''.=--- °
<br /> If Lendsr exercises thi�a don,Lender shaq give Horrower nodce of acceleradon.'Ihe notice shall provide a�criat of not less .� ' �..;�._��N_,:
<br /> than 30 days from the daus�e notice ls deHvcaed or nuuled within which Borrower must pay all sunis secured by�his Security �,..�,�,�j�,.
<br /> � � InsuumenG If Bormwer failg to pay these sums prior to the capiration af thLs pedod,I.ender may invokc any rcmedic,w pcm�ittaE .;:;•�tq i— __
<br /> by this Security Instrumcnt without furttticr noacn or demand on Bortowcr. �, .' :. ,,•::�;;�:���
<br /> 18.Qorrowrr's Right to Rein�sta�a � �onoW� � �� �►tdidons. Borrowcr shall havc the right W hevc , ,,,•�:i�fl,�,ffi
<br /> .� . .
<br /> . .,-- •-•
<br /> enfurcement of Qus Security Instrumciit ciisaontinuex!at any time Prior to the earlicr of: (a) 5 days (or such other per as •��::,:::�°--___,.
<br /> applicable law may specffy for reinstatement)befare sale af the Proputy pursuant to any powcr of sak contained in thi.4 Socurity �;�;:_��::'"�_'�`°
<br />' Instrum�nt;or(b)eutry of a Judgment e.�fo�cing rhis Security Insuument,Those canditions aro tt�at�orrower:(a)pays I.enckr aU -��
<br /> sumc which then wauld be du�e undsr d�is Securiry Inslnuncnt and the Note as if no accekratlon had occuiral;(b)cures any ��.:.-.` __ _
<br /> � default of nny ott�er covenants or agroements;(c)pays ell eapenses incurred in enforcing this Sccurity Instrument,including.but +��__
<br /> .,,,,__�
<br /> not Wnited to,reasonable attomeys'�'ees;n►�d(d)tdces such ac�on av I.cnder muX reasonably ru�uire to assurc that the lirn of this ��'L���__
<br /> , .
<br /> Security Instnur�ent, Lender's nghts in the Prnperty nnd S�rrower's obligupon w pay the suma secuned by this Security _----
<br /> =..� • Insuument shall c:ontinue unchanged• Upon reinstuumcnt by Borrawa, this Security Insuumerit and the obligations socurai =�°
<br /> : --
<br /> ' � hereby shaA remain fuUy effceGve as If no accelezadan h�;d c�cuned.However.this dght t�rel�Ln!�shall rx�t a�►ly in the cas�e of % ---
<br /> _---- _ __
<br /> �.---
<br /> ,� ecceleiadon undcr parag�aph 17. 'v C'_;a�:�.
<br />�� ��; � 19.S�le oq Note;Ct�r�ge o�Loan Servicen 'Iltie Nate or a partial interest in the Nnto (togettxr, with this Sxiu»ty ►_�=�:
<br /> Insurumcnt)may be sold one or more timcs without prior notice to Barrower.A snle may result in a change�n the endry(fawwr�
<br /> �s t�e"Loan Sere�+oer')that colltxts montfil.y�nyments due under the Note and this Security InstrumenL'It�ere also may be one or �'�`�-�
<br /> ., more changes of the Loan Servicer wuclat�xl tn II sale of the NotV.If there is a change of ihe I.oan Servicer.noerower wiil be =__---
<br /> givca written nodce of the change in accord;�v'-..with Pata�6raPh l�l abovc nndappGcable law.Zl�c netice wiU state the na►ne and _ --
<br /> uddress of the new Laan Sesv'sc�es and�he address to whkh payments should be mado.'Iba nadce wi11 aiso rontain aRy othu
<br /> , infom�ation required by applicabk law.
<br /> - 20.Haznrd�us 3nbztaeera. Bom�v��r stu^,�l nQt ettuse or pecmit the preseace, use, dis•wsf+ll, stor��e, or rek�se of any �_ _____ --_-
<br /> Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Property.�orrower siwu not do,nor allow anyone else to do,enything affcxting the PmpatY _ _ �
<br /> that is in violation of an}�Hnvironmental I.aw.'ihe preceding hvo sentences shall not appiy w the presenco.use,or storage on the
<br /> Property af small quanaaes of Hazardaus Substances that ssre generally reco�►ized to be appropr�ate w normal resida�ual uses .
<br /> -- --- -- - aAU Iu ttnluitai8ii"�i vf i}ib I'c�'iT,�ij'. i�
<br /> Borrower st3aU prompdy glvc I.ender written nodce of any invcsGgadon, claim, demand,lawsuit or other actian bp any
<br /> govemmental at regulatory agency or pnvate party involving the Property and any Iia7ardous Substance or Environmerttal I.aw
<br /> � of which Borrower has acwal knowledge.If Borrowcr leams.or is nodtied by any govemmenta!or regulatory auUwrity.that any
<br /> removal ur other remcdiation of any I3azardaus Substencc affecting the Property�.v necess�vy. Bormwer shaU promptly teke aU
<br /> necessary rentedial actions in accordance with Environmental Y.aw.
<br /> :, ps used in this paragraph 20, "Ha�rdous Substances" are those substances d�f'�ri�ti as toxic or t�a7r.�dous subst��ces by ,,
<br /> ' Environmental Law and ihe following sabstences: gasalisaa, kerosene, olher flamrrra�ble or toxic pettolcum �pcoe'Iucts, Wuic ���,,;•'
<br /> '� pesticidas and herbicides,volatile solvents. materials containing asbestos or focmaldehyda,and redioactiva matenuls.Aa used in j.�;•
<br /> this parngrnpb 20,"Bnvironme��tal Law"means federal laws end laws of the jurisdicdon where the Propetty is located thut re]at� .�„ t
<br /> tn health,safery or envimamcntal protecti�on. � ••���«
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVLNANTS.Bomowcr and Lender fucthar covcnant and agree as fallows:
<br /> 21.Acoekratbn;Remedies.Lender s6al1 give notice to Borrower prior to+�ccekrstbn tolbwing Bormwer'a breach ot . .�
<br /> ' any covenant or agreement in ihi� Security Iostrument (but not prdor to accekrxtlon undtr pAragraph 17 un{e� , .: ;,�y�-
<br />� appllcebk law paovides otherwise).T6e notLce ahall specEfy:(a)We defaulh(b)the actlon required to cure the detault;(c) '"�
<br /> a date,not ks.s than 30 da e flrom the dete the notice[v given to Barrower,by whic6 the defautt must be cured;ond(dD �'�`��� 1����
<br /> Y _ S-�,�t�
<br />- t6at fa�lure to cure the detaul.t on or before the date specified in We notic�moy result in accekration ot the sums secured �
<br /> - � by tbis SecurIty Iastrumcnt aa�l sale ot the Property.rhe notke sdaU further infor�Dorrower of tLe right tn reiestatc �•�'; , �•�.
<br />� � aner aaekration aadl the right to Uring a cuurt action to assert the non-eaistence of e default or any othcr defense of '�:
<br /> }� � Bovrower to accekratton and sak.If the default is aot cured on or before the dzte specifkd in the not�:e,l.ender�et iss
<br /> R optioa,m�y require immediate ppyment in full o!aU sums sec�r�al by this Security Instrument without further demand , �-
<br /> j , and t�sy invoke t�e power of aak¢ed any ather remedfies permitted by epplkable Iaw.Lender shnll be catitted to cofkct
<br />- ai!expeases incurred in pursuing the re�ned6es provided in thL�paragraph Zl,tncludtog,but not limited to,reasouable i
<br /> '� ' attorneys'fees aod coste of titk evWence. '
<br /> � � IP the powPr of 5n6e tv invoked,Trustee sdall record a notke of detault [n each county In which any part of tiiP ' ,� •
<br /> .n
<br /> Property is located And ahall meU copies of such notice in the maaner prescribed by appicable law to Borrower and to t6e ;
<br />:�� other persons prescrfbed by applicab{e law.Aner the ti�e required by opplicable�aw,Trustee shalt give publk notke of �
<br /> � sak lo the persons and in t6e manner prescribed by applkabk luw.Trustee,withant demand on Borrower,shall seU the
<br /> Praperty at publlc auctbn tm the htghest btdder et the time and piace aad under the terms des(gnated in the nutke of sule
<br /> �
<br /> x •
<br /> - Form 3 8 0
<br /> _ �•aR(NB)lY2t�1 Paps 6 ot B inuiu • �
<br /> , � 1�
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