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<br /> Paymcr��may n�lonBcr ho n�qui�al�at tt►o option of Le�cfer, ntatgage insura�ico cuv. Vg w u'�e w�(i,iu/i�an�ro�r fne �iad � : �
<br /> if t� �'� PW
<br /> that Lcndcr require,$)provided by an insunu appmved by Lender ognan becc�mes�av�aila6le and is obtejned.�3orrowu shall pay the ����
<br /> �^� prrmlum9 royuleod to maintein mcxtgago 6nswrancc in effoct, or w provide a los�reset4o, until tho roqulrement for mortg�ge _.,�_-..
<br /> � : i�surance ends in eccordance with any writf�en s�rocment berwcon Borrowu and C.endar or a�licable law. -`—
<br /> � - „ ' 9.Yaa�Kion. Let�dex or its egutt may m�ice rr.usoita6l�e�i�ie,�uy��i a�id uis�c:.iats oF i;w fi�cc�iy. l.c+:c�;r w'�.»I!qi.�e �:..°
<br /> � -�� Hortower ncxice at tho time of cx Exior to en inspocdon speclfjing rt,asn�abb auso[or the inspection.
<br /> :��- . . 10.Condtmnatbn. 'I7�e of ar+y award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in cannecdon v�(th any `"�
<br /> P►'ocee,ds �':'
<br /> ::-*""`"'�+' condemnation or othu taYing ot eny patt of the Pnuperty,a for conveyance in lieu of condemnation,a�hereby asslgned a�d
<br /> � �-,
<br /> � , shall bo paid to l.cndu. �-
<br /> � In the cvent of�tote!taicing of the Praputy�[t!E pD0000AS SABbI bC B�LROII IO fI1C BLIf11.4 SOCIUYA bY t�1�9 SCCIIt'�[y LiSWlILCi1C, --
<br /> whe�her or not then duo.with any excess paid to Borrower.In Q�e sveni of a pac7iel WcIng of tlse i�rup:.rty in whici�t}s�e tair nta�ret ,
<br /> valua af�hc Propetty immcdiately befae tho taking u oqual ta�x Qreat�r than�he amoun¢of the aum��s�ecurod by thb Secu�ity
<br />' Insmiment immr.di�ue.ly bcfae the taking, uNes9 Borrawer�nd I.,ender ottK.rwise agrr,o in wrilinB.the sums secucul by this -
<br /> . Security Instru�nt shall be ceductd by the nmount of the Proceeds muldplied by ehe f¢�Iba�ing fr�ction: (a)the tnta!anwunl of
<br /> the suma sxure�l. immatiauly bofoc�c ttie taking,div�ded by (b)lho faic market v�lue �nf�he Propeity immodiacely before the -
<br /> � talang.Any ba4lctic�e shall be paid W Borrowu.In Qxe c:vcnt of a partit►1 taking of the Prop�tty In which the fair mericet valuo of the v
<br /> � Pmpctty lmmadiNoly befcxe Ihc taking is less than the amount oi the sums socural immediately befac �t�a taking, unk�
<br />.r Bonowa and Lender athuvvise agrx in writing or uukss a�licable taw otlKrwise provides,the procoals shall be appliod m tttie
<br /> � sums socurai by this Sectuity Instrument whether or not the sums aro ttsen due.
<br /> If the Property is abandos►ed by Borrowcr.or if,after nntice by I.endu to Borrower that the condemnor affers w maica sUt
<br /> award a setti�a claim fa darnages,Borrowu fails to mspond to Lencler within 30 days atier Ihe date�he rxxLco is givrai,T�ender
<br /> is authorized to colloct and a�+ply thc pmcee�is.nt!ts option,eitl�cr w restoradon or repait of thc Propetty or w the sums soc� �
<br /> . : by this Securiry Instrume,nt,whether or not tlxn due.
<br /> '' Unkss I.er�der and Bomowes cuberwise agroe in writing.nny a�pllcalion of procceds to principal sl�aU nat�xu,wid or postpono
<br /> ' '�' the due date of the monthiy payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the emount of such payments.
<br /> J 11.lioarower Not Rekased;For�bearswce Qy I.ead¢:!�a!a Waiver. Extension of the time for payrr�ent or me:lificasinn G--
<br /> • - I of amortizatinn of the sums secured by Ihis Security Insorumem granted by Lcnder to eny suca.csor in interest of Bamwa shali
<br /> not opaata to rcicasc the liability of tho original Sorrewer or Bomnwcr's successors in interest.Lcndcr shall not be roquirod to
<br /> � . ) commencc proceaiings against uny sucassor in interrst or refuse to catend ume for�+ayment or otl�erwise modiiy arroo�tization oi �
<br /> I the sums socuced by ttvi9 Security Instrument by reason of ony demand made by�h�;cri�ginal Sorrower or Borrowu's succesaoro
<br /> in interes�Any forbearance by Lca►der in eaercising any right or remedy shell not be a waiver of or pre�clude die eaencise of any ,
<br /> rigl�t ot remody. �
<br />, ' lZ.Sucers.�pnd Assige�s Bound;Joint and Several LiabUityi Casigners. 'ITie covenants and agroements of this
<br /> Security In�ument shatl 6ir�d and bencFit�he successc�rs end essigns of Lerider end Borrnwer,svbjoct to the pcorisions of E---
<br /> Ler
<br /> pa�Agraph 1?. Dcxmwer's covenants end egreements shall be}oint and several. Any Borrower who casign� this Security f�-
<br /> Instntment bnt does nat executc the Not+e:(a) is co-signing this Security Instzument only W moctgage.grani epd convey tltat ��''`=
<br /> Borrowu's intaest in the Property under the tertns of this Security lnstrument;(b)is not personally obligated w pay t�e snras � ?:"`
<br /> secured by this Socurity Instcumcnt;and(c)ag�rees that Lender and ony other Bocrower may egrca to eactend,modify,focbear or .-;:�
<br /> .. .. _ . . , �irr any accnm,nodauo�ss with regard to the tezms of thi,v Sesuri�ry Instrument or tPte Noic without that Borrowea's consenG :�-
<br /> � �• 13.l.00u Charges. If the loan secured by this Security In.9t:ument is subject to a law which sets ma�cim�im loan charges, '"
<br /> ' a�id that law is finelly inte�preMd so that the interest or other tnan charges collected or to be coUocted in connoction with the loan .,,� �
<br /> ' excced the pertnitud limits,then:(n)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessacy to reduce the chargo to the ,
<br /> " pe�miGed limit;and(b)any sums alteady r.ollected fimm Bozrower which excecded pem�itted llmits will be refunded w Boaow�r.
<br /> • �r. Lender may choose to make this refund by reduc.ing the principal owed under tlie Noro o�by making a direct payment to
<br /> ,. Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, d�e rcducdon will be t�ated as a pac�al prcpayment withaut any pmpayment c6nrge
<br /> .� undea the Note. .
<br /> 14.Notices. Any notice to Bamawer provided�or in this Sccurity Instrument sht�ll be gtven by delivcring it or by mailing it
<br /> by first class mail unless applicable law requires�ase of anoher method.The nouce shall be d'uec;ted to the Property Address or
<br /> � ony othee address Bonower dc�signates by nodce to LendGr.Any nodcc to I.cndcr shall be given by first class mail to Lendcr's �
<br /> address stated herein ar any other eddress Lender designutes by notice to Borrowcr.Any noticc provided for in this S�urity ;:
<br />- � Insttument s.hall Ue decmed to have been�vcn to Barrower or Lendcr when given us provided in this pacggrdph.
<br /> 1S.Govcrning l.aw;SeverabWty. This Security Insmsmcnt shall bc govemed by fedcral law and ihe law of the �
<br /> __ ' jurisdicdon en which the Pt�peity is locgted. In th�event tliat sny provi�ion or clnuse of this Security Instrument or tl�e Note
<br /> ' " eonflicts with applieabl�law,such conflIet shall not affect other provisions of this Secmrity Instcument or the Nou whieh ean be
<br />_ . given effect without the oonflicting provision.To this end dte pmvisions of this Securiry InsUn�ment sutd the 1Vote are decl�ucd to :
<br /> ' hc scvcrablc.
<br /> . �
<br /> ' � Form 304! 9/9D
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