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<br /> = S. Hux��rd or Pr��perty Insuruncc. Oorrowcr shall kecp tlic improvcmcnts no�v cxisting un c�rcaftsi crcctcd on Uic � ''
<br /> Pro�ny imsurcd agafnsl luss hy firc, hu�arrds included within thc tc�rii� "cxtcnded covcragc" and,my othcr hazurds, including !;,•-
<br />- floods or fluixling, fur�vl�ich LenJer reyuires insuranc�. This insurance shall hc mninti�ir►ed in thc amaums and ti�r tl�e pericsds 'f``'
<br />° that I.endcr rcquires. 'flic iohucnncc carricr pruviding thc insuranre shall bc chu,eu by 13ur�u�tia:�+uhj�ct tu La;nacr', appru�al
<br /> which sh�dl nut bc unrcas�m:ibly �vitlilicld. If Hnrrowcr fails to maintnin covcni�c dcscrihcd abovc, lAndcr iva it I.cndcr's ��}�
<br /> b Y• � r.:�
<br />— option,ubtain coverage tu pre�tect Lender's rightti in the Property in uccurdance with para�;raph 7. "`
<br /> All insuranec policies and renewulti tihall be �tcceptable ta I.ender und shall includc a standarJ mungnge el:tuse. I.ender t•'�Aj
<br /> = shall havc thc right tu huld the pulicics und rencwals. If L.�ndcr rcquires, Borrowcr shull prumptly�ivc ta I.crtdcr ull reccipts of
<br /> paiJ prcmiunis und�cnctv.d noticcs. ln thc eveni of Inss. F3orrowcr shall give prompt nutice to�he insurancc carricr,md 1.cndGr. ,.
<br />-- �.ender may muke priwf of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. �,*,,:
<br />