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<br /> �����l.��4� ..�` ' S.Hozard or Property Ins��rance. Boaower shall kccp thc improvcments now cxisting on c�rcaftcr crcc on e Yroperty
<br /> :,�; _y,, . ; ,� insured egainst loss by fac,hazards Included withln Ihe t�erm "extcndui wvcrage" and any other i�m,ards, including tloods or ''
<br /> ,—�=�f:��.�: ` . flooding.for�vhich I,ender requires insurance.Thfs insurance shnll be mulntltined in tho emounts nnd for�he perlals that L,ender � r
<br /> . . ,�• requires.'1lce insuzance caxricr provicl'sng t��e insurance shall be chosen by Borra��er subjezt w Lcnder's approval���hich shall not
<br /> �;.,;� ..,-�s�,,^�. bc unreaSOnalfly withheld if�orrawcr fnils to maintafin coverage described above, lande� may. at Lcnder's opdan, obtain
<br /> coverage t�protcct Lcndex's rightv in ikc lPro�x.rty in accordnnco wlth paragraPh 7.
<br /> ,.�r+-��: All insuranco pnll�ies�nd renewals ste�il be acceptable to I.cndcr and shall Includo a standard mnrtgage clause.Lender shnl! �
<br /> � . `���,�,,.,�.,., have tha right c��old the pollcics and renewals.If I.ender requires,Borrower shull prompdy give to Lcnder all rer,cipts of paid ..
<br /> , '. � prcmiums and renewal nodccs.In the cvent of lass,Borrower shaU givc prompt nodco to tho insuranae carrier and Lendcr.Lcrtder „ � .. �
<br /> - may make proflf of loss if aot ms�e promFtly by Bom�wes.
<br /> � • Unless Lendex und Borrower othenvise ugce,e 1n writing,insurence procecds shnil be applied to eestorntion or repair of'tho
<br /> : � ' Property damaged,if the restorAtion or repair is economlcally fcasiblc and fi.cndcr's Fccurlry is not Icxscncd. If tho restaration or
<br /> ' • c�epair is not economically fcasiblo or l.endcr's ccciuiry would be le,sscncd,the insuranco procecds ehall bo applied ta ttw sums
<br /> ' socuc�d by this Sccudty Instrumcnt, whathcr or not thcn duo, with any cxccss pald to �orrawcr. Ii Barrowcr ubanQons thc . �:�,
<br /> �,;il � : Froperty.or does not ensw�r within 30 days a nodco fr�m l.cndcr that tho insuranco carriu ha9 offcrcd w sculo u claim, thcn •� � � '
<br /> �-'�. . ` Lender may wllect tho insurance proceeds.Lcndcr may usa tha procccds to rcpair or res�ora t�o Pcoperty or ui pay sums�ecurcd ,.�1:?'�,;,*'"�-=.�
<br /> ; �• � by thls 5ecuri Inswment,whethu ar nuc then due.�0 30•da . + }����•
<br /> ry y perlod wUl bcgin whcn tho aodca Is givcn. � :,•.�;.¢,,..:.,
<br /> � Unless Y.�aider ond Honowu othcrwisa rce in wr[tin ,sn a licadon of roceeds to dnci shall not oxxnd or s y�'—��. �.�
<br /> :I. .. a8 B Y PP P P A� � ��a +;,�,�=,w�
<br />_ the duo date of tho monthly payments rcferrcd to in pare�aephs 1 ar►d 2 or chnnge tho amount of tha puymcnts.If under pueagmph ='',�>`'Y'�'""
<br /> . _ 21 the Proputy is acquim,sl by L.crtdor, Horcowcr's right to nny insurance pollcies end proceeds resaldng from dam�ge to the ..�.;.-�.w�;'��=-^�'�
<br /> „ .`"�I�r�'�rw}�,.�.:-� -
<br /> " Property prior to the ncquisidon shall pass to Lender to tho extent of�he sums secured by this SecurIty Instrument immediately �• ,����es,,.�r,:
<br /> . ,. ,�� prior to tha acqulsidon. � "�{-::r-a�},.:n:,__..
<br /> • �; • 6.Occupancy�Preservation�Maintenance and Protectbn of the Property; Eiorrower e Loan Applicat�ani Leaseltalds. s,:����7:.��
<br /> Bocrower sieaU occupy,estaGlish,ond use the Property as Horro�ver's principal residence within skty days eftcr the execudon of ° �
<br /> � z� this Security Instrument and shaU condnuc to occupy the Property es Borrower's principal residcnce for at least one year after ihe �°�;'<;�� ,r�—
<br /> •�'� data of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees ln writing, which consent shall not be unrcasonably withheld, or ualess ��''�° -
<br /> �� �`a eatenuaUing circumstance.g eaist which�re beyond Borrower's control.Borrower shall not destroy.damage or impair the Propaty, ,'s;::��:�'�� �
<br /> . 4j�— allow �he Fropeny to decerioraic,or ca.nmic wasw on [hs Properry. norrower snali be in deinidt ii any iorieituro acuon or �;�� .
<br /> praceeding,whethet civil or criminnl,is begun that in Lender's good�'aith judgment cauld result ln furfeiture of the Property or �
<br /> �'., otherwise malerially impair the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interesG Borrower may cure such A
<br /> � sd;,,.
<br /> � • default end reinstate, as provided in qaragraph 18,by causing the ac6on or proceeding to ba dismis�ed with a rullng that, in �'��`
<br /> Lcnder's aod faith dete�minarion,precladcs forfeiturc of dio Borrowcr's interest in the Pro ��b
<br /> . �> > g perty or other matcrial impairment of r `
<br /> c y
<br /> . the lien crcui�d by thts Securiry Insu�unentt or Lender's secutity interess.Borrower sball elso be in defuult if Borrowcr,during tha �.,.�:, -,
<br /> • � ,,. • „__ _ loan appliealion pracess,gave materially f�1se or Inaccumw informaHon or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with �i,•, ` �,
<br /> . . . any material information) in coruiecdo» with the laan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limiied w, reprasent�tions p, ;;��
<br /> ' •.�:,�k conceming Bomnwer's occupancy of the Property as a principal msidenee.If this Sec�uity Instrument is on a leasehald,Borrower •�;�.••��� -��
<br /> • ._. slwll cflmply with all the provisions of the]cas�s.If Borrower ucquires fee title w thn Properry,the lcasehold and the feo ddo shaU �
<br /> not merge unless Lendc7 egrees to 1he merger in writing. ,''� � • �'` -
<br /> �
<br /> '; � 7.Protection ot Leader'e Rights in the Property. If Borrower fa+ls to pufom�the covenanls end ugrca,ments contained in " � ;;%-
<br /> , w tlils Socurity Instnunent,or there is a legal proceeding that muy signiticnndy affect Lender's rlghts in the Propesty(such as a ' ����
<br /> ° • • -�' proceeding in bankruptcy.pmbate,for condemnation or fodeiture or to enforce laws or regulaHons),then Lender may da and pay >'• , • ��:+� �
<br /> . �. for whatever Lv n ' , ' " .:" `
<br /> ;.� ecess�ry W protect the vulue of tho Property and Lender s rights in the Property.L.ender s acrions may include ,;,r , .. �;• �
<br /> . paying any sums socurcd by n llen which has priorIry over this Security Inswmcnt, appearing in court, paying reasonable t�..;,. ..<;w,�
<br /> � atwrr.eys' fees and entering on thc Property to makc repairs.Although I.endcr may takc acdon undcr this paragrapl�7,L,ender • `i;;s:wy.'��,
<br /> dcxs nut havo to do so. .;;,i�
<br /> Any emounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shuli become addition�l debt of Borro�ver secured by this Se�urIty
<br /> '°� .; �� Instrumen4 Unless Bonower and Lender agrcc to othcr tcrms of payment, thesc nmounts shall bear interest from tha date of •�
<br /> .4 disburscment at the Note ratc and shnll be payable,with interest,upon nodcc from Lcnder to Borrower requesting paymen� ��
<br /> . ' 8.Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance av a condition of making the loan secured by this Securlty
<br /> Insuument, Borrower shall pay Uie prcmiums requircd to maintain the mortgase insurance in effccG If, for any reason, the " ��
<br /> mortgaga insurance coverngc rcc�uired by Lc�dcr lapscs or ccases to be in effect,Borrower shsll pay �hc premiums required to f
<br /> obtain coverage aubstnnpnlly equivnlent to the mortguge insurance previonsly in effect,ut u cost subsmntinlly equivnlent to the I
<br />- . " � ;,j cost to Horrowes of the martgage insurance praviously in efFect,[rom an altamato mortga�e insurcr upproved by Lender. If �
<br /> • , •.� su�bstantially eqt�ivalent murtgage insurance wverage Is not uvallable, Borrower shull pay to I.encler each month a sum equal to i
<br /> on�Eweifth of the ye,�uly mongage lnsurance premxum being pvd by Bormwer when tho insurance coverage lapserl or ceased to
<br /> a, be!n effect Lender will accep� use and retnin these payments a�a loss reserve s liev of mongage insurance. �.oss reserve ' •
<br /> . i
<br /> - Form 3020 0180 � • �'
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