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<br />_ �...:-:!'ii.`.,F. 1 9��j .
<br />-__.���'�u,; � 'PU(iETH�R WITH ull thz improvcments now or hereafter erccted on thc property,andalresuemcnts,appwtcuznccs.and �
<br /> a?�;;�; y,� � fu�una now or herca�er u pa�t of the proputy.All nplacemeuts and eddidons shatl also ba covered by this Secwity Instrument. -_
<br /> �_`�?���''��t��. '` All of the foccgding�S rcfetred w in this Sccuriry In.S�umtnt as the"ProPerty.° I�_
<br /> ��'� � �f;�� HORROWER COVENANTS Q�at Boxrowcc is lawfull seisc4 of the estate hereb conve cd and hav thc ri ht to
<br /> .;�a�:� Y� Y Y & 6'�t and .
<br /> �:. ,�;`�;����F convey the Pro�x.rty end that the Frc�perty is unencumbered,eacept for encumbxances of, record. Bonower warrants and will �� ��;;:;.� , �
<br /> :yJ�t�•ks »'�'� defend genaelly the title m the Prt�e�ty against n1S claims and demands,subject to any ene��:ntrtauces of record. � `�'`�`:°;:�, � �
<br /> _-`. . ,•sf 4- •.,,.� I �j�;;';, :�,,.f'.. ' ` , �
<br /> - .:>�:�a;-:�•�•F_.. ., THIS SECURI'I'Y INSTRUNi'6IVT combines unifoim covenants for nr�donal use and non-nniform cavenants with limited .�. . :ti .�••
<br /> .5����.'V:.��. i.�• .... ..
<br /> - �a��'f•,., r���;�.:; varintions by jurisdiction to consdtute a unifarm socudty Instrument covering real psoperty. i� .
<br />:`•s::;�;%;;��:;,:.:;;;:�:�{;ti•. �.
<br />,=�ti,,,.,�,s,s,.;:.rF�",,.�,,,,t"; UNIFORM COV�IAIVTS.Etarr�wer an�I.endu covcnant and agree a�follows:
<br /> . '�.y:;,�;,r,.,. 1.PAyment ot PrincipA!and IIeterest;PrepAymemt and Lpte Chargcs. Borrowcr sh2ll prompily pay when dua thc � . ' , �
<br /> ' , � principal of and interest An the debt evidenecd by the Note and any prepayment and Isite charges due undu�he Note. �
<br /> � • �' 2.Fuads for Taxe9 and In9urnnce. 5ub}xt to eppllcable law or to a wdtten waiver by I.ender, Borrower siiall ��ay to ;�. ' �w�;�.,:.
<br /> "��'; '�� :. �d. I.ender on the da monthl ments aro due under 1he Nou,undl thc Note i9 d In fuil.a aum("Funds" for: a carl taues '.�' `"��� ��
<br />— •.,;;•,�, . , Y Y P8Y P� ) ()Y Y • ,�.,,.�
<br /> � 'x�t: . : ��� and assessments whlch rnay auain priodty ovcr this Securlty Inswment os a Iicn an tho Prop�cy;(b)yearly lcaschold payments ""'�:�s_�--
<br />— � � �-: ar grounA rcnt�on tha Property,if any;(c)yciuly hazard or properry insuroncc prcmiumr,(d)ycarly flood insurancc pnmiums.if �� � ° -� -
<br /> . "�'. any;(o)ycuty nwrtgego insuranco prcmlums.if any; and(�ony sums payobla by Borrowcr tn Lcndcr,in nccarAw�rc wlih tho i :ti:?l:.."•:�c`�.;:,;..
<br />� pravlebn� of par�gcaph 8, in licu of tha pnymcrt of mongagc I�suranca prcmiums. 1f►cso etcros aco culled "�u:row itc�ny." �i� �� �
<br /> _ . L�endet moy,at my dma,callect and hold Funde in an emount nut to oxcad tho maaimum amuunt��nckr for a foderally rel�.d ;o:a.�i.';"y`��-c'�
<br /> .'.� . , ,-,�:.
<br /> '' mongugo loan may rcqulro for porrowcr's escrow accoum undcr U�e fcdcral Rcal Sstato ScWement Proccdurcv Act uF 1974 a9 � �;� ,.�„
<br /> �,:,�� �d�ed from dme to dmo, 12 U.S.�.Sxdon 2601 er seq. ("RESPA")�unlcss another law ihat applic,v W the Funcl.s sc�s a Ic.YSCr i R�" ----
<br /> +r�:.1' amcwnt.If'so. Lender may, nt any dmo. wllect enA hold Funds in an wn�un�nat to excecd the lesr,er amount. l.cnder may '+' ��.
<br /> ^,.:�;� ..:�.�.:� _�
<br /> e,;.glinwto�ha emount uf Funds duc on the basis of currcnt date end resuonable csamates of cxpcnditures of futura E�.TOw Itcros or
<br /> '�'�: oUxxwise in accordancc with applicable law. " -
<br /> .,;'� '[tio Funda shall ba held in an insdtudon whose deposi`c ere insured by a fcderal agency,inswmentality.or entity(htcluding �.� `
<br /> ,�°��; Lender,if Lender Ls such an insdtudon)or in any Ftderal Home L,oan Bank.Lendec shall apply the Funds to pav tho fiscrow ': �'''.
<br /> ° �'�h@ . Items.Lenc�r ma,y not charge Horrower for holding and upplying the�unds.annually analyzing the�scrow account.or verifying ��`�"��"`'`
<br /> ,�.: the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fundv and appllcable law permits I.ender to make such a charge. �l y��:,. �
<br /> .�� Howevec, I.ender may require Bonower w pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax reportir►g scrvice used by I'`�.�:4,
<br /> ;,i�f Lcnder in connecdon with this loan, unlesa Applfcablc law pmvides otherwise.Unless an agrecment!s mado or npplicttblt!aw � ;�};
<br /> � � ' rc;quires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be rcquirod to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Fun�s.Borro�ver and ��?r,;�.�':
<br /> ,. '; Lcndcr may agrca in writing.however,ihnt interest shall be paid on tho Funds.Lender sha!!give w Borrowcr,without charge.an ?-s.4`''`�::''�'
<br /> �•� •� •��>:��• annual eccounting of the Funds,showing cradits and debits to the Funds and the puepose for which each debit to tho F1►nds wcts ' �r,'��.;�� ' ;'�
<br /> �• � m�do.7hc Funds arc pledged as nddiHonal securtty for all sums secured by this Securiry Instrumen� � ' '•�'��'
<br /> . �.,�;r... ��{h�+�8iy� ,
<br /> _ . ,�;�;� .; If the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts permitied to be held by applicable law.Lcade�shall account to Burro�v�r for
<br /> ��:. tha excess I1�rtds In accordance wilh the cequirements of applicabl�law.If the amount flf the Funds held by Lcncle��at any timmo is ,� �:• , ,�r
<br /> � �',-�,},,�' �, not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wrldng,t�n�.in such caso Boiro�ver shall pay ,;�,,.• ',.�,��``�s��-
<br /> � �•.�` `• • to I.entler the amount n ;���.�
<br /> •-• ` •4;,,: ecesstuy to make up the doficiency. Bonower shall make up�ho deficie�icy in no moro thu� twelve �����t���
<br /> , . .,;=,,.:� :; monthly payments�at Lende,r's sole discredon. �. �.,: ,���;;::�
<br /> ..`"^;`��""�i'",-- Upon payment in full of all sums secnred by this Securlry Inswment,Lender shall promptly rofund to Bnrro�vea•any Funds "'•-'�;�;��'y�r�A�`•�:� '
<br /> ' �'`'�' held by I.cnder.If,under paragrnph 21,Lender shall acquirc or soll the Pro '' � �� `�'�'� ��"
<br /> � perty, I.ender,prior W the acquisidon or sal�of tho ��• �. •
<br /> . �� '- Property, shall apply uny Funds hold by Lcnder at the tirne of acquisidon ar sule ns a credit against the sums sccurcd by this '��'�,/: '.• �;•'•• .,
<br />. : �; � Socuriry Inswment i :' ;..�"3:.,':. .
<br /> ' „ ` •' 3.Applkxtion o!Paymente. Unley,c appllcablo law provides atherwise,till paymencs raeived by Lend�•un�ex p�rugmpf�s � • �� '
<br /> ll
<br /> � •°�.� 1 and 2 shall be applied: fust,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;secortd.lo amounts payable nnde�x pa�ph 2; " �' .�
<br /> ; •�, ��� r tt�ird,to int,cxest due;fowth,w principal due;und last,to any late cl�arges due undcr the Notc. • �.�4 �
<br /> � ' • 4.C6arges;Liens. Bormwer shall pay all tsues. assessments. ehazges, fmcs and imposiaons attributable to thE i'�openy
<br />-'�;:,�. which rosy uuain priority aver thls 5ecurity Instniment,and� leasehold payments or ground rents.if eny.Borrower shall pay thesc .
<br /> ' � . obllgadons in the cnanner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thnt mnnner,Sorrowcr shell pay them on time directly to tha
<br /> � . . . � person owed paymcnt. Borrowcr shall prompdy fumish to Lender all notices of sunounts w be paid under this paregraph. If � �.,
<br /> ' Botrowet make�these puyments directly,Borrower shall prompdy furnish to L,ender receipts evidencing the payments. '
<br /> � ."•!.� � • Borrower shull promptly discharge any lien which hav priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower: (a)ogrces in I .
<br />= . °' 4vr'rtinng to tho paym�;nt of the obligeaon Gecured by the llen in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in gond fui�h thc lien i '
<br /> � . by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, Iegal pmcexdings which in the Lender's opinion operate to p�vent the
<br /> � .� " enforccment of d�c lien; or(c)sccures from ihc holdcr of the licn an agrccmcnt satisfactory to Lender subordinating Uie lien to �
<br /> _ ° " .,; � this Seciuity Instrument If I.cndcr dcurmincs thnt any part of the Property is subject to a licn which may uttain prioriry over this �
<br /> _::;•• --�' •� Socurity[nswmcnt,Lcndcr mny giva Bomowcr a nodcc identifying the licn. Borrower shall sutisfy the licn or takc one or more �
<br /> ��.:� .
<br /> - �� of tho acdons sct forth abovc within lU days of�he giving of nodcc. ;
<br /> " ' 4 Form 0028 0/00 I
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