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. . ,.., , .. <br /> _o,. . „ <br /> , - �, , „ <br /> 19- � .�..... . <br />- 'tir!1 �K; ' . . .- -_ �. . i� .�v.:.. ,y� --� <br /> -.t ., - ~ rr1�111W � tN. "�=-7t�V�Ar�'!we�.- . . ,...itl�MU��:..wi�s.._..�.,...a�wiANN:tii,(tl':!!:._'__'_' '-. —-.__.. _ _. <br /> . ..Y• . p . � uLtY1. h .._..� ..__""'.._.__ ...... __... ... . <br /> . . .tiM��' <br />.. iI . � ' <br /> .. " .. . ���� ����� <br /> covr_rdR�JT�J , <br /> 1, Psym�nt�. F3orrower oqreee to meko oll peymonte on the socurod deb! when duo. Unlose Uorrower and Landor aprae othorwiee, eny ;, <br /> _ p�ymen+t� Lendor racelvea from Borrower or for 8orrowet'e benelit will be opplled flret to eny omounCS Borrower owee on the ea�ured debt �.�_ <br /> ,.'., ,, exclutive of Intord�t or principal,eecond to Intereat,ond then to p�incipal.If partiol prepsyment of the eocurad debt accure for eny reaeon,It will : <br />- rso7�educe or exa�r��ny echedulod peyment untll the tecured debt I�petd In fuli. <br /> -�-;;;' . Z.CI�Mn�Aprin�t ffAN.Dorrower wi11 p�y�0 t�xu,�ueuments,��d a�fier chupe�ettdbutable to the property when due ond wilt defend title �,..�� <br />� to the praperty op�Imt my tldmf which wautd Imp�ir the Oen oi thl�dead of trust.Lender m�y rsquln 8orrowsr to n�ipn�ny ripht�,cf�lms nr ;+::':`�� <br /> _• dafeme�which fiorrowar rtuV h�ve�galn9t partloa who eupply lebor or mnteriela to Improv�or mainta,n the praperty. � <br /> % 9,kuurana. Borrower will kaep the propsrty Insured uMer termt�ccaptabie to Lender et Borrower'e axpenso and for Lender'm benef(t. All :;�;�;: <br /> � Iniurance poUcie��hnu Inciud��axmdard mortG�pe clwae In fwor of Lender.Lender wlll be mmed d�loss peyee or as the Inwnd on ony wch �r.�r.�;. <br /> In�uunce policy.Any Inturence proceeda may t»epplled,wflhin Lender'e ditCrotion,to efthet the restoretlon or ropair of the d�m�gad propnrty ;l=`;- <br /> ' o�ta the oocurad debt,If Lender requirea mortfl�pe inwrence,Borrower eprees to mMntnin auch Imurance tor ae long ae Lender requiros. • °;r_;r: <br /> � _ - i Fu=- <br /> t:'�:. • '� 4.Prup�ty.Barrowar wlil keep the property In pood conditlon end meke ell ropaUs roaaone6ly neceasary. ���°�;k <br /> �;n,:; <br />- � � 6.Expnu��.Borrowor egroes to pay ell lender'e expenses,Includinp renaonabie attarneya'faea,if E3orrower breekc eny coven�nts In thl�Aeed �{_,_ <br /> of trust or In any obllpation aecurad by thle deed ot trunt.Borrower will puy these nmounte to Lendar ee provfded in Covunent 9 of this deed of ;;:�=� <br /> trust. �"y"��� <br /> 8.Prior S�curi�y fnteutts.Unleae Borrowor flrat obteins Lender's written consent, Uarrower will not make or pormlt eny chenyec ta any prior �;;*���- <br /> securiry Int6ru9is. 8o�rqwer will�serform ell of Borrowor's obiigetlons unde►any prior mortpapo, de�d of trust or othor security apraoment, _ - <br /> ser <br /> Inciudiny Borrowst'fl covanante to make peymente when due. _ <br />� � � AsN t of R�nts�t�d Protita.Borrower eaaipns to Lender the rents ond profito of tho property.UntaRe Borrower end Lender h�ve egreocl -- <br />. <br />_ . � otherw s�In writinp,Borrower may coll�ct end rot�in the rent�es lony st Rorrowor ie not In daf�ult. If Borrower detaulti, Lender, I.�nd�r'e <br /> " apent,�r�court appointed recelvor maY take po�te�alon and man�ps tfio property and collect ths rents.Any rents I.ender coilectp �haM I�e <br /> '`,j� � � appQed firat to tha coats of inenapinp the property, Including court coste end attorneys' fees, commiselanff ta rent�l epant�, and any other <br /> � � necea�ary rolated exyenana.The reraoTntnp amau�t of ronts Lrtll than opply to paymente an the eecu►ed debt aa{xovided In Cauen�nt 1. _- ----- <br /> �= " e.L�otdr Corxlatniniumr,Piw�d Unh OivNopmKet�.Borrower agroea to comply wlth the provlsfans of�ny teass it thls deed ot trust I�on <br /> °.tir ' undor tha�covenents by I wa,�or reputetiona�ot the co om nium or planned unit Aevelopment�t, eorrownr wiil perform ail of Borrowo�'�duti�� _ <br /> � 9.Aluthority of L�ndn to PKtam}a 8orroww. If Borrower falic to_perform eny ot Bor►ower's dutlea under thls deed of trutt, Und�r m�y <br /> perlorm the dutiea or cause them to be pertermed. Lertder may sipn Borrowtr'e neme or uey eoy amount If�e:easery for pertorm�nce.If any .--_ <br /> conatructlon on the property Is discontinued or not carrled on!n a reasoneblo m�nnor,Lender may do whatover le necessery to prott+ct lendu'o <br /> aecutity Into►sit In the properry.Thh may include comptetinp tho constn�ctlon. <br /> .. Lender'a ttilure to peHorm will not preclude Lender from exercising any of ite othe►righte undar thn law or this deed of trust. <br /> Any emovnts paid hy Londor to protoct Londor'a securlty intcrest will he aacurod by thfc deed oi t►uet. Such emounta wlll be due on demend --- <br /> � end will be�r intereat trom the deto of the payment untfl paid In tull at the intereat rate In otfect on the securad debt. <br /> 10. O�fault�nd Acc�1�r�Uon. If Borrower feile to make any payment when due cr breake eny covenents undor thln deed ot trust or �n1� <br /> � � obligatio�9 eecurod 6y this deed of truet or any prior mortflepe or deed of trust, Lender may accoterete the meturlty of the secured a9ebt aM Y <br />� �� " i tlemana immemate p�ymertt and mry inwice ine powor'vi ufiiv di�u'oTi�vi�'ioi iou�vu3oo j'i6?37S�ZZ�r.'j•'•��::C:.S���%«. - - <br /> � W 11. R�qtwtt ta Notk�of D�twtt.It ia he►o6y requeatod that copiae of the noticea of dofeult nnd sele be sent ta esch person who!a�pany <br /> herato,at the address o}each euch pereon, ns sat torth herein. <br /> � � 12. PowN o!S�t�.It the l.onder invokea the power of eate,the Trustee shalt first record in the office of the replater of deeds of eich county <br /> whereln the trust property or soma pert or percel theraof la eituated e notice a}default contelntng the Intorm�tion repulred by law.�"Fw 7ruatee <br />, �• . � shell elso mafl coptes of the notiae of detault to the Borrower,to e�ch person who is e p�rty hereto, and to other person:�e prn.s�iMd by . <br /> epplic�ble Inw. Not lesa than one month eiter the Trustee recorda tho notice of default, or two month� ft thd trwt pro�terty ss naY in any <br /> Incorpo�ated cky or villepe end It uted In fnrming operstlona carried on by the trusto►,tlw Trustee ahall pive publle notiCe of sals fo thtt E�ersona <br /> • end in the manner prescribed by appplicable law.7rustee,without demartd on Borrow�r,sfiall sell thu ptoperty et public aucilon to t1p�hipMst <br /> ' Didder. If required by tho S�orm Homestoad Protection Act,Trustee shalt offer tho proporty in two uep�rate ssles ea requlred by epplicabb law. �y,r <br /> • Trustee may postpone seto 09 0ll or eny parcel of tho property 6y publtc ennouncyment at 4ha tima end place of any pr6vioualy acheduled i�le. <br /> . Lendar or Its designee msy purthese the property at any sale. °`s' <br />° Upon reedpt of payment of 4ha price bid,Trusteo ehail doliver t�tho purcheaor Trustee's deed conveyin�the proporty.The recitials contelned in - <br /> Truetea's doed ahcli be prima facEo evidionca of the truth of tho statementa contoined thoroin.7ruatee s ail eppiy the proceeda of the nale In the ��-°'� <br /> " foltowing ordor. (a) to all oxpenses of the aelo, includinfl, but not limttod to, roaeonebla Trustee'e fees, reasonabte attorney'� feef and ,�:t,-. <br />` relnst�iement feea;(b)to ell sums secured by this doed of trust,und lc)tho balanco,if nny,to the peraons Iepaliy entitied to reCeive It. _ <br /> 13. Forrektur�.At Londor's option,thia doed of trust mny ba tordclosed fn the manner provide by applfceble lew for foroc�o�ure of morigsgei ��l�: <br /> <� .. on re�l property. �- <br /> 14. Int(MCdon.Londor mey onter tho proporty to inspoct It if Landor pfvee Borrowor notico befurohand. Tho notice must state the res8onabie fi�-�" <br /> . cause for Lunder's inspection. <br /> '.'.=� 16.Cond�mnatton.Borrower asslgne to Landor tho�rocoodo ot eny award or ciaim for damapos connactod with a condomnatlon or othor taking <br /> � '.�' of etl or eny part ot tho proporty. Such procoods will bo npplied as provided in Covenant i.Thie essipnment io subJect to the terma of any prior <br /> „„ • securiry egreement. <br /> .. „ ;�, . <br /> " .. 18.W�Ivor.By oxarcising any rnmed�+nvn!lablo to Londer, Londor doos not pivo up any rights to loter uso any othor remedy.By not exerclsirq <br /> any remody upon 8orrower's default,Londor dooa not waivo any right to lator co�sidor tho ovont a dofeult i}It tiappnns agnin. <br /> � 17. Jolnt�nd Ssvera LI�biHty; Co•sign�n; Suac�iaon ond Aulpns Bou�d. AI! duties undor this dood of trust aro Jolnt and ooverel. Any <br /> Borrower who co-signs thls deed of trust but doas not co•sign tho undorlying dobt Instrumentlal dooe �o only to prant and canvey that • <br /> ' � � Borrower's Interest In the propArty to tho Truatoo undor tho turma of thfe duod of trust.In additlon,such o Borrowor apreos that tho Lender and I <br /> ' eny other Borrawer undor thls dood of trusY may extend, moditv or moko any othor chnngoa in the torms of thfa dood of truat or iho socurad <br /> dobt without thet Borrowar's consent und without raleasfng thot�orrower from tho torms of thls dood ot trust. <br /> Tho dutlos and bonofite of thfe dnod of trust eholl bind and bonofit tho aur.coesore end esafpne ot I.onder and Borrower. <br /> � . 18.NoYie�,Unlose othorwlso roquirod by I�w,eny notico to Borrowor shali bo pivon by dolfvorinp it o►by muflinfl it by cortlflod mafl addrosaed to <br /> " Borrowo►at the property addruos or ony o4her nddrose thnt Uorrowm hns givon to Lundor. Borrowot wlll pivo any notica to Londar by cortifiod <br /> - m�il to Lendar'e addroae on pago 1 04 tAls doed of truet,or to any othor addross which Londer has dosipnetod.Any othor notice to londer sholl <br />- be sont to Londor's nddross as etated on pnpe 1 of this daed of trust. , <br />_ � <br /> ' A�y notice sholl be doomod to hnvo boon pivon to Borrowor or Londnr whan pivan in tho manner otetod abovo. �• <br />_ 19.Tr�nat�r of th�Propsrty or� &n�flcial Int�nst In th�Borrow�r.If ali or any pert of tho proporty or eny fnrorost fn it fs sold or tranaforrod I <br /> � „, wlthout Londor'a prlar wrliton consonT, Londor may domnnd fmmediatn payment of tho socurod dobt. Londor mny nlso domnnd immodiate <br /> •• paymont if tho Borrowor Is not a natural person and a bonoiiclul In2oroat in the Borrowor ia sold or transforrad. Howovor, Londm� may not i <br /> • domand paymont In tho nhova oltuatlona It ft le prohibitod by fodoral Inw os of the date of thia deod ot truat. <br /> .. � <br /> ` 20. R�conv�y�nc�. WNon the obtigetlon socured by,thls dood of trust hes been paid, end Londar has no furthor oblipation to mnko advoncoe <br /> -"�- ""-----'_ ' "-- Ilfl���fI1B RISSfUT8Rf0 Of e �ECTen[8 6oCtlfOtl Vy t�ita VOOV t7i iiupi� ii�o irilaiOe oi�un,ujsVi��1liiitoi�ioy:ivoi u iitp ioi�uoi,�io7 i�io"'": ��-- - <br /> - -,.�--- .. � uuo � <br />_ �� proporty.Tho Londor shnll�olivar to tha Borrower,or to Borrowor'a succassar In intorast, tho trust duod and t�o noto or othar ovidonco of tho <br />_ obliqetion sn satlafiad.Borrower shell pny ony recardetion costs. <br /> 21. 6uccuaor Tru�tu. londor, at Londor'e option, mny romovo Truatae and appoint � cuccosear Uuetoo by tirst, matlinp o copy of tho <br /> - substitution of truetee os roqui;od Uy npplicablo luw,ond thon,by flling tho substitution of truetoo for rocord fn tho oftico ot thn rogfstor af doeda , <br /> � of oach county in which tho truot proparty, or oomo par4 thoroof,is situotud.Tho succnssor truetou,witiiout convoyonco ot tho proporty, shnll <br /> succoed to nll tho powor,dutius,authorfty and titlo nf tho Trustoo nnmad in tho dood of tnist nnd of any auccossor trustoo. <br /> , � , <br /> Ipege 2 0l L <br /> - 1 BANKFIIS 6Y6tEM;.INC..67.CLOUD.MN 68701�1�800�997•23411 FORM OCP�MTO�NE 0118181 <br /> , � ---- - - <br /> �r . , <br /> - � <br />