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''�j q ` �; ��, � ': i-: ° �' �+ <br /> -- . � � h ^ � r-� i. 1-� � -��- <br /> �:7' , r-- <br /> �V N„a (- � -�y=... <br /> .v �� `,.. �.. <br /> �.. �' ��` � :: ��,:..... <br /> � � ...�... •.` —_�� <br /> • .p � N � -- <br /> � �.. <br /> ' i � � � �'�-'�_ <br /> . -'�' . .�"i <br /> �`;1'A� <br /> ��..� .�,,, <br /> , . �,,:,,;;,,F DEED OF TRUSY Q,___,_ <br /> �-._. <br /> P/4FlTIES:Thia Deed of Truet Is made on^_EEHBI�nY ?---?QQ5- ,�monp tha Cirantar,_���noo A P!+Pj►�hY �__= <br /> n v u �PPRRT V H[TQAANT] IL 4�jP�{ �►,ID_7'Lt ��Borraw�r'�� <br /> ARF7.Ni] ,R lYA7� <br /> whoae resldence eddteaa le sn_eox oon Arand 2r+lanA wA�] CounSy, Nebratks("Truate�"L wnd th�Et�nHlcisry,�� <br /> . -- �y+p}Rg F`F.nF.RAL•�ASCI�SL�S � t�AN.������T-"", ,a corpontlon orpaMzwl \ <br /> iQT RTRP',$'j'., <br /> �nd axistlrfl under the Iewi of, �pRASxa whose addres�Is_a_33�oU�Cd- N'��'��) <br /> _,,ci4 - .. �B.U�II-I�T.n�-*'n.-iaRRRAS1iP\ �aen� i on9 - - •- <br /> - CONIPFYANCE:For valuo recelvod,Bortower irtevocebly grante end conveys to Trustae,tn trust,wtth power of s�k,tM re�l praperty.of which <br /> � Borrovr�er Es l�wtuly selzed, dascribed below end all Aulldinga, fixtures, and exl�tinfl snd tutun Improvements thsreon and alt rlyht�•of-way, <br /> - oasemonts, ronts, issuea, �rotlts, income, tonements, heredltaments, prlvlleeaa and any appunsnmce�thereunta k�tonpl�0 (ell c�ll�d ttM <br /> �- �P�aPe�'tY��• , nnnun rar.m,m ,N�brask� �pp�i <br /> . " PROPERTY AODRESS: sc�e F i��rr� �TREF'i�' tc;N� Wacoaw - <br /> LEGA4.OESCRIP71G1N: Istren <br />"'� - NSAgAgKAM�MOI2E PAR�ICULAItLY DB&CRIBBD�L39 FOLLOWRBsD CONBdE.'NCINf�3 ATCTFi�Y <br /> — ��� ' gpUTHBRST CORNER OF LUT 12, tJIACK 7, MORRI9 FIF'Pfi ADLITION, THENCE IN <br /> -"• 1l�T EF1gTFRGY A2RRCTION ALONQ 1�1ND UPON THB NOR�H LIN6 OF 17TH STRS�T, A <br /> �- � ti.; DI6TANCR OF 70 FEET, TIiIINCE NORTHBRLY PAFtALLBL TO 'tFi� LH81 LINE OF � <br /> GAIU LOT 12 IN SAID SIACK 7 dH MOARxS FZFTH 11DDITION, A DYSTANCE QF <br /> � 130 FEETt THCNCE WBSTERLY PARALE+EL TO 173'FI 6TREBT, A AISTANC$ OE 70 <br /> . " nEgT Tn mHF NARTHEAST CQRNSR OF 9AID LOT 12� HIACK 7 QN SAID MORRI�J <br /> ��, y gIF'1'H ADDITION, THENCE, �OUTHSRLY 1�1LON0 I�ND UP�N TH� LASi Lirt� i�F &nIB <br /> ,r;,� LOT 12, SLOCK 7, MOAR.IS FIFTH ADDITION A DISTANCE OF 13Q PSBT OF TFiB — <br /> • . �� .: POINT OF SF3C3INNINCi. <br /> ° �� , ,`;� <br /> � <br /> locetod In HAt L _-County,Nebraeke. <br /> TITLE:Boirovro�cavenante and warrants tltlo to the property,except for <br /> � - �+ 9ECUR8d OfOT:TNIs deed of trunt securos to 4andor repaymant of the securod dobt end the pertormance of tM covsn�nt�ond ayr�rnnt+ <br /> . ' Horrov or�owos�to Lender undor t lo doed o et u tcor�under eny/nstrumentleecured bythbo cleod of trusQ end ell modlflc tionea ex enilona�nd _ <br /> . -.. � � ,��:•:� rertaw+ls th�reot. <br /> The secured debt le evldenced by(llst all Inatrumente end egreemente secured by thlo deod uf trust end the datea thereof.l: <br /> , . ��, PROMT4�RY NOTFi ANf) 4AC[lRI2'Y AC3AFRMFI�"" nAmrD FF3R t1AA ,3� 1 09S - <br /> ^ '" �j Futun Adv�oca: The ebove emount fa eecured even thouph ell or peat ot it mey not yot be edvanced. Futwe advances ere -- <br /> contompletod end wfll be eecured to the�eme ex4ent aa If made on the dnte thls deed of truat le executed. <br /> �� ❑Revo{ving Ilna of crodit aproeme�t deted ,wlth Initlal ennual Intoreat rete ot_ 96• c- <br /> All nmounte owed under thle agreement ere secured oven lhouph all emounte may not yot bo�dvanced. Future edvances u�xJer _ <br /> tho epreement ere contemplated end will be secured to the semo oxtent as If made on the dete thVy deed of truet Is executed. �; <br /> = �-� <br /> • The ebove obllgetlon le duo and payablo o�� RFSRtt7�uY ��, 1 9Q7 It not pald earlier. ' <br /> The totel unpald belanco socured by thle deod of trust at any one tlme shell not exceed a maxlmum princlpel emount of. ._ ��.� <br /> s G <br /> � Qrtv'F�7TP�r�r SgpnGnnm oNe +nmm�xn Fiy� nrm !:e/i nn Dallers(012,�nS 5n 1,p�us tnterest, <br /> r plua eny emounte dlpbursod undor the torme of thls deed ot truct to protoct tho sucurlty ot thls doad ot trust or to porform eny of the �; <br /> -��` covenente contefnod fn thls deud o}truat,with Intorost on such dlsbursoments. � <br /> _� i , <br />�` ❑ Vel�bl�R�t�:Tho Intorost rate on tho obllpatfon sncurod by thls dood of truat mey vary according to tho torrna of thet oblipation. <br /> - ❑ A copy of tho lonn nflroomont containlnp tho tarme undor whfch tho Intornat rnto moy vaty Is ottachod to thle dood of trust and I ; <br /> made o part horoof. 1.• <br />=�,nr. ' . <br /> - RlDERB: ❑Commoro{al f� ARS=�HI�fRNT aE-�-NT� - � <br /> ' ' . ' �--- DESI(iNAT1QN OF HOMES'FEAD <br /> - Pureuant to the Farm Homostoud Protectl�n Aet,dealgnatlon of homeetead ❑ Is nttached tu thla dood of trust end made e pert hereof <br /> - I <br /> '��. � haa baen dlacieimed;the dioctalmor IB ottachod to thts dood o}iruat end made a parc hereoP. �., <br /> • `l SI(iNATURES:By dpnfnp below,Borrow�r �pna to M�terms and covennt�contaln�d(n tMs d��d of trus4,locludinp thos�on p��2.end In I ,/� <br /> --.'�-' - �ny�in d�icdMd abov�d by Borrgw�r. <br /> .._ .:._ __- "'�_���L�� �f Iwn Y� L.I i—_' <br /> __3�. .._1' . _.— ��0_���Jl._�L=;If�/J�'�,SU __ <br /> i.�_ �r-J-- � <br /> RZCHAItD A FPPERLY YE M EPPERLY <br /> = — � -- � <br /> -- Tii4iti�-i'r.i'i.D?ri,LtLY <br /> _ �-.. . .nvunu+�cnrnuc�ur•aTATF OF NEBFiASKA. HAL�L __ - --- __County ss: � <br /> s� ' . . . � Tho foropofng Instrumant wns ncknowtadgod boforo mo on thls 3Rn day of 1'F;SRUIlBY.�.9�5__— . <br />��; by nrcunan f� rtr RR� TY ANi) 11tt.IR M RPPRFiLY. u rt cnn�n�� ° ""'"` '""^KAS R 1:ppFf1T:Y <br /> 1iiPalell <br /> —. . . " Lwua�t�or ����'M�'���+� _-- '_ INUn�ol l;orponUOn d PpM�qNpl <br />— . P�HnK�Np O}-- .._.--���r$P�Kg- —__.._—.. — <br />— - . ' AtknowN6pmMt o �5,,,,,�p_Mt�,] _ _ ___on bnhalf ot th0 corporntion or partnorship. <br />.� � My comm sa on oxp ros: s/6/98 �/� ' <br /> ISem �,ran RD71R1fS ���"'�!`-"'�------�uota�r vuo��c� <br />� ' " This inatrumont woe pruRArod by_�Sn �Q�RKa__ _—_ -�- -_- --- -- - ' <br />� �;;� „ � �p�,o�, NE��ASKA <br />_�I�,; '� �� mtpBg�IKFf1S6Y6TEMS.�NC..ST.CLOUO.MNO830111•800��37•1�471FORMOCP•Mip�NEG/10181 AppL# 0���357� � <br /> �� <br /> CCDl3 OOOOU00000 <br />