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.. .,.,._,.,�,.,. . <br /> � � �,,_. „ <br /> � 4:� � •' Y�A4ce.•.., , . ,�• .,. ��. ., , .�,1..��n�.b�.i�rlCxy"�«�.aa.�n,. _., ..t�w.�•..�s..i.VN+7YtFSiM►¢+"'/�..���e' " <br /> N <br /> .wM ��l-c�t, y� iNm'1! 'i�ali 1 — '�`VWI "1 •n.'��a-a•<�-.." _. <br /> ;vYdu.�_��� t�t'�ikaLytic�a�tka�a�ue,r, + <br /> ._ �ltlY�]�•: - <br /> — � y..� ...>.1�l . <br />=i�'.:?R"YFY�.I�ti.��• <br /> ��.� . .� R `, <br /> ���r ._ �Q����c�x <br /> _ .�.. { , <br />--=-=---"� 9. Huardau�M�tHial�.Truetor ahall keep!he Property In compliancs wlth nll appllc lo le s,ordinances end regutatlone . <br /> ----=-�%��.�' ral�Una to Indu�trlwl hyplene ar envlrortmental protecUan(collecNvely rote►reG to he►eln ae"Envlronmental laws").Truetor eh�ll <br /> _�.�..��;;;;;�_"� k�p the property ire!+trom all aubatAncea Aeemed to be hezerdoua or toxlc under eny Envlronr�entel Lerwe(collectively refarred to ,, <br /> —`_��� henin as"H�tardoue M�tedels").1'ruttor hereby wnrrante and repreaenta to Lender ihnt there are no Ha:a►doua Mptarlsis on ar <br /> '��"��' under the Proparry.Truetor heraby a�rees to Indemnity and hotd hermleat Lender,It�dlrectore,officere,employoea end epenU,and ,,�,;i�. <br />._:,.;::;q�.. .- ,t <br /> ___�a.:.��;. cny cucc���oro to Lcndor'a Interest,tram and a�ninqt any and ell clelms,d�mages,losses and Ilabllities erlainp In connectlQn with <br /> - the presence,u�e,diaposat or trenspoR of eny Hatsrdoue Meterlala on, under,lrom or about the Prope��r.l'H[FOF![COIf+1a <br /> —`T W�''ti" WARRANYIEB AND NEFRESENTATICSNg,ANO 7RUSTOR'S OBLIOATIONS PURSUANTTO THE FOREOOINa INDEMNITY,SHALL . , <br />`=�:i,�� SURUIVE RECONVHYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRl18T. �� <br /> ""`� 10. Msl�anl�nt ol N�ab.Trustor hereby asstqns to l.ender the renU,Iseues and proflts ot the Property:provlded thet Trustor <br />_=—�'"�., shail,untll Iho occurronce o}sn Hvent ot Datsult hpreunder,hava the rlght to cotlectand reteln such rants,Issue�end prollts ae they ,�;�,: <br /> u:;�?;��� become due nnd pAyable.Upon the occurrenoo o�f an Evant of Detault,Londer may.elther in person or my a9ent,with or without ,,,; <br /> .'��'=���`•�� hNnging nny acUon o�proceedinq,or by e receiv�pr appolnted by e couA and wlthout reQard to tha adoqun�y ot ib se�curiry,enter .�n. <br /> � � • `�'`j ' uybon An�teko posaesslon o1 the Property,or Pny partthereof,In ICs owr►name or in the namo of tho Trusteo,and do eny act�whlCh It � . ;�= <br /> `-" `�t� ���'�' ' dPems necesnary or dealrable to pr�erve the vAlue,marketablllry or rpntabilltyof the Property,�r any pa�4thereot or inter�ssttherein, ��~;°��r;'?"` <br />��`�'r'''r'``: '.'l� Increasa the Income theretrom or pratcict 1he se�uriry hereof and,with or wilhout taking po�seeslon of the Praperty,sue br or �" ' <br /> tc C .::'-�!�.�°3':" <br /> �.,;v,::•�y. �: <br />`��9 t:�.p: j .� othe►wlao collect th9 ren�g,laauos and pratit3 thereol,Includinp thoae past due end unpald,and a�ply the eame,less coaW an 4���„_;. <br /> =���;�''� ex nses of o eratlon and collectlon Including nttorneye'fees,upon any Indebtedness securAd hereby,all In such orderae Lender �-:�-��; <br /> - - ���..�.� P8 P ����,.- <br /> —���"u'*� may detormine.The enterinp uFo�and takiny posse�sion of the Property,the callRatlon af euch rents,iasues and protlts and the o,�.� <br /> -- � �asrf.. <br /> %A�,�r, appllcetlon thereol se atoresnid,ahsll not cure or walve any defauit ar nottce o}deieuli herAUnder or tnvwlldate�ny aat don�In �� . _ <br /> _=-=•�u-. response to such def�ault or pureuant to euch notica o1 de}ault and,notwlthdtandln�Ihe continuance In poeietslon of ths Pmp�ry or <br /> ;3��;�1ti��;'. Ihs cofleotlon,rocelpt�nd au0llcatlon of ronte,laauea or profile, �nd Tructsa and La��dcr shell he entltled tn exprcl�ev�ry rleht =� <br /> ;,:, provlcNd lor In�ny of th�l.o�n Oacumente or by law upon occurrs�sce of�ny Ewntol Def�ult,Includlny without l(mit�t4on Ihe�Ipht to <br /> •• ��� exercl�s the power�1 ale.Further,Lender'�riphn eisd remedlee under thls prrepraph�h�ll be cumulativ�wlth,�nd In no w�y� <br /> .�� � � Ilmp�tlonon,L�nd�r'�riphte�ndremedtesunderenyaaeipnmentollease�pndrentsrecordeclapdnsttheProp�Ay.Lend�r,TnittM uu_�_ <br /> `�•rr,;,�� ������1yH�h���q�U�bl�ta�ccount only►how ront�actuiily rec�lvsd• <br /> " � ' tt, Ewnb W I?M�uM.Ths followlnp ehall con�tltute an Event of Delault und�r thl�Qeed ol Trwt __ <br /> -�;.�.=q:,+�' (�) Fallur�to pay�ny In�tallmenl of princlpal or Intereot o}any otfier mum socured htlreby when due; �- <br /> •: , �;�_ �' (b) Abr��cholordet�u�tundera�yprovtslancont�lnedlnlhsNote,thls[)eedofTrurt,myoltMLo�nDocum�nts,orar�y <br /> .'����G� otMr Ilen or encumbnncs upon ths PropertY; <br />-�.- ..ti (o) A wrlt of ex�oullon or attachniant or any slmtlar proceta ehell bo entored eyainet Trustor whlch ehall bscame s Il�n on � <br /> � ' ths Praperty ar eny po►tlon thAreof or IntereAt thereln; �---�-- <br /> •� ��� � (d) There ehall 6e filed by or apalnst Truator or Borrawer an actlon under any present or tuture tedorel,aGt�or othK <br /> �•"`'�!'�'��' i s t a t u t e,l aw or r e pulatton relatin y to bankruptcy,Inaolvency or other rellei fur debtoro;or there ehell bs appolntsd any trustse, <br /> ,r receiver or iiquioaior oi�Fuoi��vi�:.tto:�4�at a!3!!C!s!!;�8n nf the P�oDerN.or Ihe re n ta,I s s u e s o r p r o i i t s t h e ro o l,o r T r u s t o r <br />.:'�}�!(J.1°''.� � -� <br /> - � or Borrower shall make any general assignment for the ber+efit oi creditors; <br /> ' � I (e) The,sele,tranafer,Ieas4,asslpnment,conveyance or further�ncumErance of all or any pa:�t o1 or eny Interest In thn — <br /> ,-���. Property,elthar voluntartly or Invoiuntarlly, without the ex�resa v�ritten consent of Lender, providad that Trustor ahall be <br /> .,,,,,:,,:;�' � permltted to execute e lease of the Properry that does not contaln an optlon to purchase end the term of whlah does not exceed <br /> . • .;#�,��1't: one year,' <br /> •,��+-•'=• (� Abandonment of the Property;or <br /> ���''y � If Truator le not en Indlvldual,the I�suance,sale,trenster,esslgnment,conveyance or encumbrance ot moro tha�e totel <br /> °.'``'�;�,,�_ (a) <br />::.,�,�,:,�+r� <br /> -:;�..' o}.� percent of pf e corporatlon)Ita Issued end outstandln0 etock or(if e partnerehlp)a total of percent o <br />_:•�`°=`"��• pArtnerehlp intereets dJring the pe7iod thls Deed of Trust remalns e Iten on the Property. <br />'.`;,�:;;"�'�..:.� 12. R�n�dln;AccMe�tbn Upon DN�uN.In the event o1 eny Event of Delault Lender may,without notice oxcept fls requlrod by <br /> <<::'t��"r�' '"�� I,aw,de�clare all Indebtednesa seaured heroby to be due end payabla snd the eame shall theroupon become due snd p�yable <br /> �i��4n � without any preaentment,demend,protost or notice af any klnd.Thereaftar Lender may: <br />.,=;k,:;,'.:: <br />� ==4��':�T� ��� ' (a)�Oemand that Trustee exeroiae tho POWER OF DALE peaMed herelr�. and Trustee ah.�tt thereatter c+�usa 7nutor� — <br />,-.,"^:!'�t".�°""?';' " Interest In tho Property to be sold end the proceeAs to be dlatrlbuted,all ln the menner provided in tha Nebraska 7ruat Daeda �, <br /> .,�:.,,. ,�• . Act; <br /> -,:=�"�,�i�� <br /> ;,=�-v-, (b) Exerclse eny and ali rights provided for In any of tho Loan Documentsor by law upon occurronce ot nny Ev�►ntot De aulC _ <br />-A�. ,� - <br /> `,Y,,,Y' and(Q� Commence nn notlon to foreclose thia Deod ot Trust as a mortgage,eppolnt e recelver,or apeciticel�y entorce any of the <br /> covenanb hereot. �-� <br /> I NO remedy hereln conierred upon or roserved to Trustee or Lender io Intended to be exclusivo of nny other remedy hereln,In the _ __ <br /> �'� "�`�"�': Loan Documents or by law provlded or permitted,but each ehAll be cumulative,shall be In additEOn to evnry other remedy gfven °___. <br /> n`�'''°`�"��'' hereunder,In the Loan Documents or now or hereuftor existfng st lew or In equltyor by sttriute,and may be oxercised concurrentiy, <br /> _ 7..,,,,,,� f�IF�Pu'�r?�! <br /> ' ' f�� '. % independently or 6�ccesslvefy. `r ._. <br /> ��'''� 13.'f�uNN.The Truetee may realgn at any tlmo wlthout cauae,and Londer may at any tlme nnd without cause appolnt a s __,. <br /> �' �,�`�•� •''�: `5 -�-�. - <br /> ��•�r�rs„=ti.c: auCCessor or sud9titute Trustoe.Truetee shAll not be Ifable to gny party,Including wlthout Ilmitation Londer,Borrower,Trustoror any �_�t_: <br /> `��P�-5i"_: purchaser of tFte Praperry,fo�nny losa or damage unlass due to reckless or wlllful mieconduct,and shall not be roquired to Uke any �,;:;f=; <br /> `"��`� ' � actlon In connectlon wlth the onforcement of thla Deed of Trust unless Indemnftied, In writing,tor all costs,compenaaUon or `�;�:,.� <br /> • j'!��'°�,;,,,�� oxpensea whlch may bo nseaclated therewith.In additlon,Trustae may become e purchaser At any eale ot the Property QudlClal or � 'r ,. <br />�,` •� under the power of esle granted horeln►;postpone the sale�of�II or eny portlon o(the Property,as provlded by law;or sell the <br /> . •°- :,�...' .rr'i` <br /> ll::.`.'.`:�.•. ."� Proparty ee a whole,or in soparute paresls or lots at Trustoe's dlscretlon. <br /> `��' .•i.•';� '�+� 14. FMf�nd Exp���N.In the event Trustee solle the t�rop�rty by exerclso ot power of eale,Truatee uhall be entitled to apply . <br /> r� any oolo praceada ilrst to paymont of all costo and oxponads ot oxerclsirog power of eale,Including alt 7ru�tee's tees,and Lender'e <br /> .�.�'� °�^�."'�'•°-� and Tru�tee'e nttorney'e fees,actually InCUrred to oxtent pormft�d by oPPliCable law.In the evont Borrovrer or Trustor exorcl�es any : r:: . <br /> `;:ti�;4•�,.-:�_•_f'1�' ripht provided by iaw to cure an Event o1 Default,Lender shall be entillod to recover tram Yrustor nll coats and expanses ectually , • <br /> -° � ; incurr�d ea e reeu�t ot Truator's detauit,includfng wlthout Ilmftatton ell Truatee's and attorney'o tees,to the oxtent permitted by <br /> . r.�°�:,.�"�L� aPPUaable lew. . <br /> -�.��f+�. 15. Futuh Adv�ncN, Upon requeot ot Borrower,Lender msy,at Itu op4lon. mako addltlonal and future edvancas and ro- <br /> _��. �f:-r'�y�� <br /> -• •_. �.�x��� ' advencee to Borrower.Suah advancee end readvancos,with Interest thereon,ehell be eecured by thle Deed ot 7ruat.At no time shall <br />�.T;,;ya•_'• `� the princip�l�mount ot the I�debtednesa seoured by thle Deed o1 Truat not Including sums advenced to pfoteat the security of thls <br /> =�- ._ ... ...__._�__.__�___..�w��M�rdn .,.s _ whlchever IA preater. <br /> 009d 01 1NST,@1cC000 me vn0tna�pnnu�pu�an.w��.o.o.o.......-�..,-' '— <br /> =�'_`•�,��,; 18.Ml�c�llan�ow�ProvHlon�. � � �� -- - <br /> ..,_„y�;��Y.,:1.-�••., (e) Borrow�r Not R�I�at�a.Extonnlon ut tho tlme tor pdyment or modlllcatlon o}emort{xQ11o��ot the sums securod by this <br /> .;�;,r,a�W��, �� Uood o!Trust grnntod by Londar to eny succesaor In Interost of Borrower ehall not opereta to reloase,In any mAnner,the Ilablliry � <br /> � ''.F1- ^ of tho orlglnal�orrowar and Barrower'e successors In Intarest.Londer ehali not bo roqulrod to commanco proceodinga ngalnst <br /> - •:••,� such eucce&sor or rofuso to extend time tor payment or otherwlse modHy umortizatlon of the suma socurad by thlo Deed ot Trust <br /> - by rouson ol any damands made by the orlglnal Borrowor and Borrower's succossore in intorest. <br /> ' �: ';_a,.'.._.,. �_.._..._� �en�t,,..��nMAnHnn 1ha uaniuw�}Qnv other nerson Ilablo tor the paymont of any obllgatlon heroln ! <br /> ..._'_ �,�.rl'r�-...� �uj ►�itYn�rv�I�... ••.•..��'�"�"..p .. .. , � <br />"`�'•;`J;'? rnontloned,and wltNout afiecting tho Ilen or chargo of thls Doed ot Trustupan any porttnn of the Proporty not then or therototoro <br /> ;��;���,.: .;:.�1. rolaasod as securlty tor the tull umouni ot all unpald obllgatlona,Londermay,Irom time to time and wfthout nottce(q releaso ony i <br /> ' . �::' poreon ao llnble,(II)extond tho mnturity or alter eny of tho terma o}any such obligatfons,(fll)prent othor Indulgences.(Iv)rolease <br /> �.:: �„, , or reconvoy,or cnuao to be raleased or roconveyod at any timo at Londer'a optton any parcol,portion or oll of the Proparty, ; <br /> -��a�y.; } .�� (v)teko or rolease any othor or ndditfonal pecurity 1or nny obligattan horoln mentioned,ar(vi) mako composltlons or other <br /> __r.-'�''`'rf�-•: � arrengements wlth debtore In relatlon thAreto, �� r�.� • ' <br />_- .11:7:, . . " i � <br /> I <br />:� • <br />.i I <br /> . , <br /> � . -.. _... _ .. .. .. -.. .i .. - .. ... .. .. .. <br /> - .... . _._. .�... .. .. . . _ .: .. ' .� <br />