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<br /> ` ���� ��TF�U�°�WOFF� �t��iil�� A�V�N�E9 ; �.�A.. ������ ti , ,^.
<br /> . THIS DEED OF TRU�T,Is made ne o}tho 16th dey�}_ February ,�g�% by and emonp
<br />= tha 7ruator, ��IG A HARRGNSTEIN and KAREN J HARTtGNSTCIN, huoband and wif� , � �
<br /> ';
<br /> . • whoae maltlnp addreaa le 302 C ircYe Dr lloniphan N� 68832 . �hereln"Trustor,"whether one or more), • � .i
<br /> ' ., tho Tru:,tc�, CHART.rs�HnsTZNCS ATTORNElC AT LAI�J ,� � . . �
<br /> , .. whoae mal�ing address la PO Box 104k Hastin�e NE 68902-1044 (hereln"Truatee'�,end
<br /> �'y.:.� tho 8enetlaiary, CITY NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COME'ANY, HASTINGS. NBDRASKA ; ' •
<br /> whose mailing addres�le PO Bo�: 349 Haetin�e NE 68902-03G9 ••
<br /> (hereln"Lender").
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,in�luding Lendor's oxtonaton o}credit IdenUfidd hnreln to ��IG A HARRENSTEIN
<br /> (hareln"Bor�owor",whether one or more)and th�trust hereln created, ;`(��:�' ,r';�'r��``�",; .
<br /> . the recoi t oi v►•Mich Is horob acknowlc�d 2tl,Trustor herab uravo:.�bh �� ''�'� � �':"'' "
<br /> P Y �J y ' �g�mnts,trans4ers, conveya and ssAiqns ta Trusteo,IN �, `•,1,,.,�..}�
<br /> � TRUST,WO'PH PmUUER OF SALE,for tho b�nn112 and securlty of Lendor,uncio7 and aubjectta the tttrmst�nd condiUons herelnafter epC `,,,� � �c�
<br />, , iorih,thp real p�r� irty,descrlbed as tpIIGHS: � . . �+,,�'•"���f
<br /> ".��'€�.�;:�=;-,
<br /> ,� Lot 3, Bart�lt Subdivision af part of Lots 7. 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the County ,;.,_'.v.,;..:�..a.....r.:
<br /> .� 5ubdivision of part of the South 1J2 of Section 5� Townehip 9 North, Range 9 Weet of +.a;•,,; _ - -
<br /> '� the 6th P.Pt., Villa�e of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebruaka. •:.L; .,;,,;�__-
<br /> ::�.,:�����
<br /> �� Topether wkh all bulldinpa,Improvemente,fixturos,streete,alloye,paesayewaye,eaeementa,rlphte,privllepai�nd+�p�urts- -��'�''
<br /> „ nences located thereon or In anywlee pertelnlnp theroto,antf tha rente,Inauea end pro(Its,rnver�lont snd rerfselndsn th�reof,end pG��;,-_�.,
<br /> such personel prnporry that la atcached to the Improvemente eo ae to coneSltute a Ilxture,Includlnp,but nut Ilmlt�d to,hseNny and �Ev�:`��'
<br /> : coollnp equfpment;nnd topether wlth the homeetebd or meritel Intere�N,II sny,whloh Intore�te Are herAby retea�ad�nd w�IvW;dl _
<br /> o}whlah,Includlnp replecemente and edditlone thereto,le hereby dlolared to be e part of tho real s�t�te racured by Ih�Il�n ollhlo -
<br /> '' "�v Osed of Tru�t nnd all of the toreQolnp bslnp referred ro heroln a�the"Prop�rty", w�.,.
<br /> .�. C"'._ -�� —
<br /> ' Thla Dsed of T►uet chell�ecure(a)the peyment ol the princlpal aum end Inters�t evldenced by�pramluory nota or crWlt �������
<br /> ' � npreem�nt deted rebruar� 16,i 1995 , Iisvinp e mnturlty date of Murch 1. 2000 �4
<br /> ., .
<br /> " I� In the origfnel princlpe!emount o4 S 80�000.00 ,and nny and ail modllicetione,extenalone end renewela
<br /> , thereo}or thereto end nny and nIi futuro ndvances and readvances to Borrowor(or any of them If more than one}heraunder
<br /> pureunnt to ane o►more promlasory note�or credit egreemente(hereln cailed"Nota");(b)tha payment of other euma odvanced by
<br /> Londer ta proteot the o�curiry of the Note;(o)the performance of ell covenente end agreemente of Truatov set ta►th hereln;and(d)ell
<br /> ' present and(uture Indebtedness end obiigetlona oi Borrower(or any of them I}more than one)tfl Lender whether direat,indirect,
<br /> • abaolute or cont:ngent and whether arlaing by nota,guaranty,overdratt or otherwise.7ha Noto,thle Deed o}Trust end any end ali
<br /> , .. .. . other docuente that eecure the Note orotherwlse executed In connaction thorewith,Includinp without Ilmitatlon guarnntuoe,securlry
<br /> egreements end essignments of loasva And rents,shnll bo retorred ta horeln es the"Loan Documonto".
<br /> Truator covenants and agraes wlth Lendor ne followa: •�
<br />� � 1. Paym�nt o1 Ind�bt�dr��s.Ail inciebtodn�ss secured horeby aholl bo pald whon duo, .;.,,,y;,:..,
<br /> 2. Tkl�.Truator is the owner of iha Proporty,has the rlght nnd nuthority to convey tho Proporry,and warranto thot tho Ilon .��: ;:��,,,
<br /> created hereby Is a tirst and prlor li�•n on the Property,oxcapt for Ilens and oncumbrancoa set forth by Trustor fn writing and r•+'•�s- �..
<br /> f�"� r'�.�_.
<br />- deiivered to Lend�r betore executloro ot th I�Daed of Truat,and the executlon end dollvery of th Is Deed of 7rust doos not violate eny �•t�„�„o-�: �
<br /> contrnct or othor obligatlon to whlch Trustor la aubJect r,�n�`, K_ r,;:�.„,�_.
<br /> - 3. Tsx��,Ms�am�nl�.To pay before dollnquency ali taxes,apoclal assessments and all other charges agflinst the Property ;f F�'"��
<br />�`.;:�..'
<br /> ,.;s now or hereatter lovled. �`� ' °�_;�-•:
<br />�:�?�. " 4. Insu►�nc�.To keep the Proparrty Insured against dpmage by fire,hezarda Included wlthin the term"extended a0verage",and �i"".' ,•.`� ,�Q.
<br /> such othor hazerda ea Lender may roqutre,In amounts end with companles accopteble to Lender,naming Lender as an additional ..�`;'� ;,�w_
<br /> �} namc►d insurad,wlth loss puyt�blo to tho Lender.In case of loss under such policfes,the Len der la au t h�r iz e d to e dJust collect end .,3��±}��,
<br /> . �S� campromisv,pll ClAlma thereunder and ehall heve the optlon of applylnA c�ll or part of tho Ineurence proCeoda(IJ to any IndeGtednesa
<br />_ .�. secured horoby end In auch order as Lendor mey determino,(Iq to the Truetor to be used for Bie repelr or restoratlon of the Property ��.
<br /> qr(IIl)tor any othor purpoae or obJeCt aatlBtactory to Lender withaut eflecting tho Ilen ot thle Deed of Truet tor the full amount eocured �•�,;���
<br /> hereby tretoro such pnymont ever took placo.Any applicatlon of proceeds to Indebtednes�shall not extend or poatpone the due .
<br /> date of eny pnymonte under the Note,or cure nny dofault thereundor or hereunder, _
<br /> b. Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Truetor shal!pey to Lender,In auch manner as Lender mey doslgnate,sufticient
<br /> aume to enable Lendor to pay as they become due one or more ot the following:(I)all taxes,asaesamenta and�ther chargos egalnet �
<br /> the Property,(II)the premluma on the property inauranco requlred horeunder,and(III)the premlume on any mortgape Inauranco ' � '
<br />" requlred by Lendor. '��;'�
<br />= • 8. Matntenanc�, R�palr�and Compll�nce wlth I.ew�.Truator ahall koep th�Proporty In pood condltlon ancl ropelr;shall
<br />- promptly repair,or ropinco any Improvomant vahlah mpy ba damaged or daetroyod; snnll not commlt or permit t►ny waeto or
<br /> _ doterlorntlon oi tho Propprty;shall not romovc�,damolls�h or subotantlelty altor any of thc�irnprovemonte on tho Proport/;ahnll nof i i
<br /> - commlt,9uttur ar pormlt any act to bo dono fn or upon tho Proporty In vlolatlon ot eny Inw,arc�lnanao,or rogulatlon;end chnll{u�y und i�
<br />- prompdy die�chnrgo ut Trustor'o coat nnd�xponae all Ilnno,onoumbrancos and chargae levlud,Imposed or nesessed ugolnnt thu i
<br />- Properly or any part tY�ereof.
<br /> 7. Emin�nt Dom�in.Londor Is hereby esalflned all componeatlon,awArda,damages and other paymente or rellet(horolnatter
<br /> "Proceeda")In connactlon with condemnatlon or ather taking of the Property or part thereot,or for conveynnco In Ileu o}condemna- �
<br /> tlon.Lender ehall be entltled at Ite optlon to commence,appeer In and proaecute In Its own neme any actlon or procoodings,end �
<br /> �� ehall eiao bo entltled to make any compromise or aettlement In connectlon with euch toking or damage.In the event any portlon of �
<br /> � the Proporty le so teken or damaged. Lender shall have tho optlon,In Ita sole and ebsolute dlscretlon,to opply ell such Proceede, �I
<br /> aftar deducting therefrom flll coate end sxponses Incurred by It In connectlon wlth euch Proceode,unon anv Indabmdnnsa mcurnef L._ ._..._ _
<br /> __
<br /> , • - -- , . ..
<br />- -� -- - - neraby ana m eucn order na Lencler may cJOtermfne,or to apply n1i auch Procoods,aftor euch deductlona,to tho ras4orutlon ot thA
<br />_ . Property upon such condltlona ae Londer mny detormine,Any eppllcntlon of Procoede to Indebtedn9ss sholl no4 oxtund or postpone
<br />-= the due dete of eny paymenta undor the Noto,or cure any dofault thereundor or haroundor.Any unapplled lunda shnll be pald to
<br />- , - Tru3tor.
<br /> 8. P�rformanc�by Lmd�r.Upon the occurronc4 of an Evont of Detault horeunder,or If t�ny aCt Is tokon or Ingal procooding
<br />�`` commenoed whlch matarlally etfecte Lender's Into��ust in tho Prnperty,Lpndor may In Ita own dfscretion,but wlthout obllgutfon to do
<br />-= so,and without notice to or demand upan Trustor and Hlthout rolonelna Trustor from anv obliqation,do nnv act which Truetor hr�s
<br /> � ,:. apreed but inlls to do and may el90 dA any othor act It deoma necoasary to protoct tho securlty horeoi.Trustor ehall,Immpolately
<br /> , �� upon domand tMorofor by Lnnder,pay to Lendor all coate and expenaos Incurred and eums oxponddd by Londar In connectlon wlth
<br />,� the exerclso by Londor of the toregoing rlghta,togother wlth Intereat thereon nt tho detault roto provld�d In tho Note,whlch ahall bo
<br /> -. addad to the Indobtedness aecurad haroby. Lender ahall not Incur any Ilabllity beceuae of anythlnp It mny do or omlt to do
<br /> �:;; hervunder,
<br /> ;�
<br />.��� .
<br />'� .
<br /> I!�
<br />� ... _ .. . .,
<br /> . .....
<br /> , ,� ---�- ,• __._ _- _ _
<br />