~.� __ _
<br /> ,
<br /> , .,
<br /> . ri�+:., ..,r�y: ... - �; i�. .,.
<br />•. ' � ....�.v.,. � �MyY�1•,.•—_--�`—�wnn.._-- -��...............+..wrwYwA1111WMIYf-�'�'-�"�—'"'w..P`-`"'�..i."�`.`:?�iPMJrHW«aib.wlYlllnA�M�{IWN1���
<br /> �.
<br /> �•�J'° ���'�
<br /> 7. Condtmn�tlon, in the e�ront the Roperty.or any p�r�thrnof,�h�ti bo t�krn by emtnm� domaln,tho Mort�aRee' :r
<br /> ' , � i�empowere�to cdlect�nd rec.�lvP o!1 r.om�nc�tlon whlch rtuy M pald tor any prc�rrty t�ken m fAr dam�ea ta ptoperty ' .-
<br /> �� ' not Wken��nd klwt�o ah�U�pply wch comprnwrdon.Nt Ita oytloe,Nth�r to�r�ducdon otthe Ind�bt�daaw�ecured �
<br /> henby or W repalr and resture tAe pro�rty ao A�m��ed.
<br /> , „ !!. hr[amann by 1Kott�ppr.�lo�t�ee m�y,but�h�ll have o0 obtippan�to do�ny�ct Rhich the Mo�or ' ' •.
<br /> Mn�reed but [du�o do��nd Mortp�e�may�Iso do Rny�ct It de�rn�neceKary ta prot�ct th�Ilen henoL Mo►�a;or ° • ••
<br /> ��to rep�y�upn►�decn�nd��ny sum�so expended by SAe Mat��e tor tUe�bove purpaea,�nd�ny�urtu w expended t� � ;. ; _
<br /> by tho Mo�t.g�n�h�il be�dekd to the IndeDteAnes�ucund henby�nd become tubkct to the lien hercoL Mori�yee ' " � �
<br /> ahdl nok itic:urs�ny penon�lll�b111ty becawe ot�nythin�it mty do or omit to do�enun�ler. � �
<br /> 9. �fA:tit;.!!xl�me�t ot EieatA. Tlroa 1�of t1e c�:r�ence Aereuf.�id upoii 1►9wt�or9�eGu:!fn�ny coven�nt . -
<br /> cw�nrPetnentof tNtN�ri���inc]udln�corenante to p�y when due the�ums eecured by thUt Mortp►se,theMort�ee shtlt . ` ';,,;�.;��_:;:�`
<br /> be entitled��t fte w1e nptl�n�nA without natica,to declaro dl wrru�ecured by thb Mo,rtp{e to Ae Immedl�kiy due and ""'r�"7` �;.
<br /> p�ytble�nd muy co.rnmenoe tonclaure ot thl�Martp�e by judici�l proc�edin md '"'- '"1'`�. '°..• . '
<br /> p� . Dmvided Ncther�that upon auch . .... - �'� .,,.
<br /> ' det�ult tl�e MaYLqr;e�,ar s raalrer�ppotnted by�court,ra�y�t ly apUon ead without re�ud tA the�deqwc.y oi the 3����?� � ��._
<br /> „ securi t y,entnr u pnn and tat�p o�e r ia►otthe Ru p e rt y a n d c o l l k S t h e r e n t n,l u u n a n d p ro t f t s t h�r.e f r u m�a d�A D�Y�� �;`�:�-=-°�
<br />: �� Ont to the cat ot caUcctlon and op�ntlon ot tho lhoperty u�d then upun thr IndcEtedn�weu►m!by thft lioetra�ee; ��?�-
<br /> uid e�ents.bvie�u�a peoAh belns �Ipttd to the Mort�ee a Nrtiier iecurlty tor t�e payment of tlie In�ebtedoers - -- -
<br /> ���
<br /> � �cured henby. _=_-=--- - ---
<br /> 10. 7t�t�sta ot P�operty. U�ll or any pan ot the Proy�erty I�aold or tnn�ferreA xlthout the expres�wrltter.con•
<br /> �it of th�Mori e,Mod ����� -
<br /> �� are �a�ee may at Ita aote option,declue�ll surtu acured by this Mortp�e to be fmraedi�tely due � -
<br />_ and payabte.
<br /> �r��`--`•-
<br />�. ' � .. morn
<br /> Il. Fuaue Adrtrnnn, U n �r uest of NYort "-�""
<br />_ po q �ayor, Mort�a�ee may mate �dditlon��nd Nture �dvaacec to �=_��
<br />• Mort�s�or.Such�dvanc�s�wi2ls int�rrest thereon.ahtll be secured by thia Mott�e�rhen ertdenecK7 by pmmitwry nolea ��::`
<br /> ��� statin�th�t a!d notc�s ue�ecured hereby. E1t no tirne ahwl L1is p�inclpsl �mount of th� in&btednRS:eecuced by tL� �s�,—._
<br /> Mortpy�e.not lncludiap�ucra�drmced tc�protect the�ecudty ot thb Mart;qe.exceed the od�ul Note. =___
<br /> � �:rr�y-
<br /> - —--� 1B. Miieeliuia�ous ProYlafo�u, --- �
<br /> Qt�r•,-�e��
<br /> i !!'? 8:!��^PL�"'�'L.?!4 '�lt�.:�l:�«R�YI�SL Qi SC::CJ..j S�'�a.�:if.^.=vo i wo�c?Z�icic'vf.
<br /> � ? (by NI mmedies piovlded leerein ue distinet�nd cumulattrc to any othcr�l�t �ttorded by law or equity,
<br /> ' �ntf msy be exereLsed:oncunentiy�Independently or ca;�resslvely.
<br /> , � ,,,
<br /> � � � (c) 71ie coYenants utd �gteetnenis coatelned henin sh�il bind. tnd the dihp Inure to�the erapectire �
<br /> succesaozs�nd asc{�rs of tbe Morti�or�nd the Morcrqee. ,;F`f
<br /> , (d) All coYenants and a ments of the Mort �
<br /> �ree ��or ue jo[nt and aeveral. �.: �::
<br />,. ,}
<br /> (e) 'R�e heading,s ot the punp�apEs of this Mort�a�e ue for convenience only uid chaYi aot be uud to Inter• ' � -
<br /> r' ,
<br /> �,Tes ur'ucCnr tha�tovielo,.s:t..co:. , . �,.
<br /> � 18. Reles�c. Upon payment uf all sunu secu�ed by this hiortqige. Mortg�gee shall d'vsc�uge thL9 Mortp�e and ��
<br /> � . �h�ll execute sad ddtdrer n satisfactory releise theretor. � �� �-
<br /> IN WI7IVESS WIiEREQF,MoM g a gor hLS e xe c u t e d t h l s R l o r t g r.�e o n t h o 16t t��y�tFebrLarv �l g 9 S„ ."►����•f`
<br /> �
<br /> , . , .� -
<br /> .6�:�j /.�`/f'..� ,.;,`?`=u �t
<br /> � - � " -��,.aZG!_ ;��*�.�,.;
<br /> " L3.r11q B. WilsOq) Burroxer• " ,
<br /> ,� - ��• .. ...
<br />= " • - r'G'-� ` ---`�,2:.,_:t,�_► �.��
<br />= � . CDella M. Wilson) s�ROw�: �,�
<br /> � St�te ot Nebr�lc�, Hall County ss: . , �
<br /> �� On tht�_�6th d�y ot_ Februa v „�19 `� ,be[orn me,ttie undcrsigned,a Notary Pubiic
<br /> ' dalj�commLsetonedt�adqualltiedfors�idcounty.�rs�nnllyame�3gnley g•�1�.4�.end Della M. 4lilson�
<br />__ hur�band_mnd wi£e ,to me known t�be the
<br />_ � IdenticrU personlsy whae n�me(e)Rre subscri6ed to the tomgofng I�+aumet►t and acknowledged the executlon tliereof •
<br /> M
<br /> ' to be_�s _voluntary act tnd deed. . .
<br />_' Wiqeeurnyha:dandnotuialceal�t�nd I.sland. Nebcaska [nsaldcouory,the ' �+�
<br /> _ date aforessid. j
<br /> ., ' My Co ��o.��n�r...: n,� �) I
<br /> �
<br /> - – �GfyFAY.11011M�i1MtM�11�M� u7�.. _ �
<br /> ���� Notary Yubtic J
<br />, ---- _,-_---� �",!!�C"MGr�.ga��L1011� �J C�\��
<br />�s. ��� �--ISDx� io�v 7h1�I.1ne Resetvcd For Under aud Recadet) .. \C' �
<br /> Y• �
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