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<br />- � _ { F 'T�islYtott�et�entendintoMtween• Srsn�pu_A_..�,lila,c�a..a . �-------- � ., I
<br /> bueband�j,�; °'�'� _.r.(henEn"Mor�re�or"j Rnd
<br /> • � ' 1 Five points. Brtnk a Nebraek,� C��oration� �,� (h�rein"F[artp�ea"!• r.
<br /> i
<br /> .� � Mortp�oe U indebtad to Mort{�ee!n Ihe pdnelpal ium ot��3 r..�.gU .eridenced 6y Mortra�ot'�aote -
<br /> �w�,g�bru�r��6. I 995 (herexn"Noke")pmridln��or paymcnts a!pxinclpil and inkrest,rrith IAe M�Itncu of the �
<br /> � In&btednew,it not woner paid,dua iutd psy�ble on...�l'A9xY-�+-�--•
<br /> " " '1b�ecun the payneent nt tAe Note.�ftA inL�►e�t a prorldad theroin.the p�yment of�II otAer�umc,with intereat, . ,' �•-
<br /> MOvu�ced by Mott�ce to protect thr�ecudty of tht�Mod�e.aud the peefotr�nc��f tho caianxnta nr�d a,eements ot < <�
<br /> �� the lKortpjor rnnWnsd herafn� MortpEAr das hen6y moctta[e u►d convey to Mortp�ee tha foUawin� dneribr.d , •�� '
<br /> prc�y+trty tocated fn Elall County, Nebr�lu: 1 ;`= ,. -.��.•'.
<br /> S {��y� .�.
<br />� �. 1�4�.'l�ti.:�.,� _
<br /> Lot Six (6), Block Sixteen (161, Schimmers Addition to the Ctty of G�and �'` j�"`=��_��
<br />- � Icland, l�:ill County, Neb_aQkis� �4-�* -�
<br />_� �..,�.�sW-,_�=-
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<br /> ' '5.1:`ether wlth�ll buildlnm�ltmpmvnmeAtn,tUtLMYDt�6tG?PtB�dlays,pasea�ewoys, e�n'nz+tnts,riphk�.pNdlejrs�r►d ����
<br /> apDurten�nces located thereon ar In anywt�sn peatainlnp 4hu�ta,nn.d the eents,tuucs and pmtit+,ee�e�slont and nmainden
<br /> �-�� thereot;inclu�in�,hut aot Iimltod to.hesting And coofiny;•eqnipment and Quch pezsonal Propert3'that b Rttschal to the
<br /> tmprovementa eo:�¢a conatituta e ilsdutn;�J.1 uf wMic.�,inNu�in�repl�c:e�.r.er..ts and�ddit[ons thereto,b henby declued
<br /> to pe R put of the m�l esLte sact+m�1 by the 11r;�af thls Mattgt;�nn�d all of the toreaotn�6etn�retemcl to herein a t6e
<br /> ��p�PertY��• ;
<br /> , ;,;
<br /> Mortg�gor fu�tfior conveur.ato ond i�roea,with Mortgsgeu,ag[ollows: .,;,;..;,;.
<br /> i.PaycnenR To pay t1�e indebtodntas ancl tGc intcrest thereon aa providad in this Mort��c and the Nate. � �+-,:
<br /> � •�_,. ,
<br />• .'�,'; 2.Title. Mort��or ts ti�e a�vner ot We Picupeaty.h�dhe ri�ht�nsf wthority to mort�e the Property,and -. -•
<br /> • �� wRmnts thit the Iien cRated hc�ret�:y !��Q�st nr►d ptlor lich c�i thr Pcoperty.exocpt sa may ot�etwise be set forth herein. � ,'t'•:�� ,
<br /> ;-�'''
<br /> . �'I7�c Property Is Subjrret c;o�Mortat�ts•�sherrAi�?��d� '�...-�*.�-.���s — .
<br /> � . , t�the 14lortpree,n�oc�'.,c�:at Buak .Fa�e �of the Mort;s�e Recorck of H�.�— County,� ;; .
<br /> Nebz��a,which Mortpge Is a F,iFr^��:or to the lfcm cre�:rc1 fa�,.*et.^y. ,
<br />- �� .
<br /> ' � v Cl OtLer pdor llens or enc..mbnnan: � .��
<br /> . �
<br /> ., �
<br />- , I .
<br /> - ,
<br /> g.Ta�cqy�A�e�menta, '[�pey when due all teaes��sa«:lal assessments and�II other�act*.�ag�fnst the Propetty � . ;
<br /> i
<br /> � �nd�up�n�reitkn demv►d by Ma».�a�ec.to edd to the p�ymrats required under the Note aeeured 6ereby,auch amount as �
<br /> may be autticient to ecible the Mortgeree to isay aach taxes�asaesstnente or other char�es as they become due.. '
<br /> �
<br /> = 4. �. To kce�+ G.`.e Improvements nonr or�ere�iter locitcd on tlte teal estate descrlDe�heretn Insurcd !
<br /> °_ �I�csC du�e by Are'u►d oucfl atE�er Epzuds a+Mort��ee ins�nquiro�tn amoants md witd�mznpanies acapt�ble to the �
<br /> �{o�re,and with to�a p�ribit Co the 11[otip�ee. In ew of dos�undcr�uct�pdicin th,e bSo�o�cc t��uthorized to I..
<br />- adjust, cdkct �nd c�tn�e.le[t�di�ceetlon.�Il diimt taQteunder�t ita wk option� authodsedtueilher�p�iy the : -
<br /> ' � psoctet]s to the restonNon of th�Yropeity or upoe the Indebtedness tecured hereby.Dut paym�nffi herenndor shall con•
<br /> Ctnuo•until the tum�u,�cu:ed�enby are pafd tn Nll.
<br />-• ' { 6. ❑B�cmw for Tattea u�a1 Io�uraece. Nokwithttandin�tnythln�{conWned fn pttaQapAs 3�nd 4 henof to the
<br /> � contr�ry,l�to►f�a�or ahtll p�y to the Motktree at the time ot payiep the monthly i�tdlmcnta of principai and[nMmst,
<br /> _ —___ �J_ ���.r..�.il�i�.�..�1��1��
<br /> ..:_.__ _.__.__ —"_.__.-_. .� � __�
<br /> o�e•t.rettth ot tho yeuiy tuces,e�ennfents.n�zard insunu�a p�em;u�re,ano�..���.��• �•,,R�•.•.....,-..�.._
<br /> � pdority ov�r tAb bl.ortpre.W d renon�bly estlmakd hom time ta time by!he Mntt�ee.'Itie uuaunk so pd�shdl bc
<br />- - • hcld by tAe Mort�tree�riq�out intemt�utd applitd to the wyweet ot the iter�u in cespect to w�lch such amouuts wete
<br /> - depos[ted,'11►s�ums p�id to Mort�a�ee hetenndet are plcd�eA H additlonal cecuHty[or tAe indebtedness secured by this
<br />--_ � �4ortp�e.Mait�or�hal pay to Mort�ee the�moant oY�ny deticlency Detween th�e actu�l wca,ac�s�raen±a,(ns►usuice
<br />_ " � prem�lu►m md�roun�l rents arrd the ckpalta Aereunder Nithln 10 cLy��tter demand Ic m�de upon b�oct�gor reqursting
<br />_=-_.-. _- p*ymeni�iunoi.
<br />_ 6. Repatr�Melaten�nc�md U�e. To prnmptly rep�lr.reston or nbWld any buttdln�e or tmprovemen4a naw or
<br />= haceattee on the Property:to kecp the Ptoperty fn gn�d cunclltlon�nd rrpatr,without waste�u►d frce from mech:nlc's or
<br /> '�` W,her Iteni noe exprnsiy�ubordln�tsd to thr Ilen hereot;not to m�te��utter nr petmit�ny nulsana tu exist,nor ta dimin•
<br /> -< fsh o;Imp�.ir the v�lue ot the Propsety by any act or omtulon to�ct;and to con:piy K�ith�i cequfrementa ot l�w with
<br /> .� retpec�/to the Property,
<br />��� „ ' �
<br />:3:
<br /> „_ •
<br /> . �:. .......�t_ __..___. _- __—___._._____. . . __..
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