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.. :., , j .� � . <br /> t - J ll�'��.,- =-.a_ <br />. - --urM' .;� ' _1 ,/, ' � ��f- �' .___ <br /> . .�y�,�ll ':x: . ..,,. .:4 ,. ,„�,...,.. .. <br /> „•�/1� Mil� ;C�...:; ;:;; .A�,� ,,• � +�__ .. - <br />_ ,. ,�,����'�_ _ <br /> . - - <br /> . � ..� , .. , � � _._Q.,� _ <br /> , . . <br /> ., <br /> . , <br /> . . ...1'Mt.lYIY Y �. . . .. . . .���...J....._.. �...w �LM. <br /> �/'._�...:" ���.��.��_�_.�................._.....�.—.�.�._._.�.._.__—_�.__.....�_-..___."�..�_..�_.__.._____��__—___'"�_— . <br /> _ .r.�f.�.r,��.:,.1 � -�}a , _ <br /> i <br /> 1 ;�' <br /> . fi �,�a- ������ . - <br /> � laonder to pr�tect the aecurlty o1 the Note;(c)lhe perTormance oi all covennnte and aproement8 of Truetor eet forth horaln;and(d)nll <br /> pr�wnt�nd tature Indobtedneaa and obllyetlone o1 Borrower(or ony o1 them If movo than ona)to Lender wheiher dlrect,Indiroot, _ <br /> Rbsc+luts or cantinpant and whether arlelnp by note,puarenry,overdratt or othervulse.The Note,thle Deed oi Trust and any end all • � <br /> " � other docuonte lhm�socuro the Note or atherwlae oxecutod In connectlon therowitfi,Including without Ilmltatlon puaranteea,ser,uriry " <br /> ��n�m�nb a�nA�aatlpnmente o1 leasea end rente,shul)be referred tar hereln as the"Loan Inatrumente". �� <br />' Truator aovenflnta anA nproea wlth LondAr ea foltowe: . � <br /> � � 1,C'ay��..�at�1!ti[fcl3lCUn»:a.Ail Indabtednc�3s�acurcd horoby sh[!II I�e{�ald when due. ��• <br /> - �� • � 2,TMM. Truetor is the owner of the Propertyr,h�e the ripht and euthorlty to convey the Prcperty,end werrente that the Ilen �� <br /> � on�ted hueby I�n flrst and prlor Ilen on the Property,oxcept}or Ilona nnd oncumbrancea oet torth by Truetor in w►Itlnp and . <br /> � . d�liversd to Lender bofore oxocutlon af thie Qeed of 7ruat,and the pxacutlan and delivery of thls Deed o1 True4 dosa not vlolate eny , . <br /> ` ' ' C9ntrsCl Or Qther ol�ll�t�tion to which Truetor la subJect. � <br /> � 3.T�rN,AssettmentR.To pc�y bofore delinquency alI texea,apecial assesamenta and nll other cherges agelnst thq Property .. <br /> -...,. <br /> , now or heroaftar levlecf. <br /> �.ielu►ane�.To keep tha Property Insured aflelnat damage by fire,hazarda Included wllliln ths term"extended coverAqe",end : • • <br /> suoh other haterde ae Lendor may roqulre,In emounts and wllh companieo acceptable to Lendar,noming Lendor es en addlUanal <br /> nemed Intured,with loaa payable td the Lender.In case of losa under ouoh policios,the Lender la euth�rizeci to ad�uet,coileat end • , <br /> aompromles.all ctefine therounder and shall havo the optlon ot applying all or pertof ihe Insurance praccseds(q to eny Indebtedneaa +:' ` . . <br /> escurad hereby and In euCh order as Lender may determine,(II)to the Trustor to ba uaed fpr the repnlr or reatoretlon.of the Property ,�', ': .' <br /> or(Ilf)lor�ny other purpoea or obJece sc+tlstactory to Lender without aNecting the Ilen of thls OAed o1 Trust for the full emount aecured ��; •• ��+�►j;; <br /> .�N'y.�.! . <br />� � henby Wloro tuch peymairi aver took ptace.Any appllcation oi proceeda to indebtednesa ehall not extend or postpone the due : •�;,,.•�,�;�;�;.� <br /> � ,• dats o!eny poy�nsnb under lhe Nofe,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder. "�,;�: :.-�s�,,;� <br /> �.. <br /> :�.. <br /> 5. Eurow,Upon written demand by Londar,Trustar ehail pay to Lender,In such manner ea Lender mey deslgnate,suHicient ��;.�•._�8�- <br /> �� eums to entdl�Lender to pay ae they beaome due one or moro of the(ollowing:(q all taxes,aesesaments and other chergaa apainat '-_ " <br /> � the Propnrty.pq th�premlume on tha property inaurance requlred hereunder,and(Ui)the premlums on any mortgnge Ineurance _;° - <br /> . ,�.- <br /> s rAqufred by Lender. �' ° - <br />- 6. M1�Intnneno�, R�ptlr�and Compllance wfth Laws. Truator ahall koep tho Property In pood conditlon and repqlr, shall „��..__ <br /> promptty reptlr, or replucd any Improvement which mey be damaged or destroyed;ahall not commtt or permit eny waste or �-•_"'�� <br />, � �� � deterlo►etlon oi the�roperty;eholl not ramove,demoush or substantlalty alter eny of the improvements on the Praporty;aholl not r-,-:�:-_ <br /> comrnll,�uitor�r p�rmit eny act to be dono In or upon the Pro�ertyr In vloletion of any It�w,ordinance,ur reyulatlon;and ehall pay and �+�� <br />_ „ promptiy dlschp►pe et TrueZOr'e coat and expenoe all Itens, encumbrencea end charges levled,Imposed or essessed ayslnet the <br />'.' ��q. Prop�rty or sny p:trt lhereof. -- <br /> 7. �Mln�rnl Qaml�irt.Lendor Is horoby assigned all compenaetlon,awards,damages and othor paymente or rellel(herelnAfler ��- <br /> "ProCeedi') In connectlon with condomnation or other taking ol the Property or part thereol, or for conveya�ce In Ileu of ����� <br /> condemnptlon. Lender shell bd entftled at 1YS option to commence, appear in and proaecute In Its own name eny aotlon or <br /> proceedlnps,and�hell elao be entltled to mnke any compromise or settlement In connection wlth such taking or damage.ln the <br /> -- --- eveni.riy pvriiu►�ui ti�o��vpo��r�o o�ia�ar ar�an�a�^�,.�T��P�li�l!l:�.�tl:C 0�`!l4T.,!R If°3�I8 BT.L�@�8?!!!tw�ilarfatln�f,tn annlv <br /> • ell euc1�Proceade,aRer deducting therefram all costs and exponses Incurred by It in connection with auah Proaeeda,upon eny <br /> . • Indentedness teound hereby and In euch ordor as Lender may determine,or to apply all such Proceeda,atter euch deductiona,to <br /> �, tlio►aetoretlon ut the Property upun such conditlons as Lendor may detormine.Any appllcntlon ot Proceuds to Indebtedneaa shall <br />� not extend or posipone Ihe duo dete of any paymenta under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.Any unappllad <br /> - fund�shdl b�pald ro Truetor. ' <br /> �, 9. P�rlotmsnc�br L�nd�r.Upon the accurrence ol en Event of Default hereunder,or It any aat Is tek�n ar legal proceeding <br /> cnmm�nced whloh mpterleliy aHecte lender'e Intareot In the Property,Lender mey In its own dlscrotlon,but without abligcttlon to do <br /> ao,end wllhaut notice to or dertiand upon Trustor nnd�nrlthout releasing TrustAr from eny obllgation,do any aat whloh Truator has <br /> apreed but iall�to do enU mey elso do eny other act it deeme necaseary to proteCt the security hereof.Trustor ehall,Immediately <br /> upon dsm�nd Ihsnlor by L�nd�r,p�y to Lender ell Coste end expenaes Incurred and aum�expended by Lender In conneatlon with <br /> the exsrcUs by Lender o}Ihe lorepoing rlghta,togethor with Intereat thereon at the detauit rete provlded In tho Note,whlch ahall be _ <br /> atddeQ to Ihe Indebttdneas eecured heraby. Lender shell not Incur any Ilabllity beceuse oi anything It mey do or omit to do _ <br /> hersonder. "%` <br /> 9, H�sardou�M111NI�H,Tnidtor ehall k�iep the Property In compllance with ell epplicable laws,ordlnancds end regulatlons ��— <br /> • relstlnp to Indwtrlel hyplene nr envlronmantAl protectlon(collectively referred to herein as"Environmental").Trustor ehall ---- <br /> . keep the Property Iree Irom ell eubatances deemed to be hezardous or toxlc under eny Envlronmentol Laws(coliecUvely referred to ___----�-,�_ <br />= ��ereln ee"Haterdoue Meterlals").Truetor h9reby�varrAnts and roprasents to Lender thet there are no Hazerdous Meterials on or �-�:=�:--�- <br /> � � under the Pr•operty.Tru�tor hereby eyreea to Indomnf(y and hold hermieas Lender,Its diroctors,oNicers,empioyoe9 and mgent&,end �-°'�-.��•---. <br /> '� nny eucceaaoro to lender'e IntereeL from end agefnst eny end eil clatms,dAmagea,losses and Ilabllitlea arlsinp In connectlon wfth :' ,`ca-° _Y- <br /> the preaence,use,dlepoenl or Ireneport of•any Hazardous Materials on,under,from or ebout the Property.THE FOREGOINti ,,•'.:r�;` , .�.,.. <br />- +'" � WARRANTIES AND R�PRESENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIQATIONS PUHSUANT TO THE FORECi01Nd INDEMNITY,SHAI.L '` ,'" <br /> . SURVIVE Fik:CONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. °'�`•:'{� �~,�rr <br /> �0. AtslynmsM o1 R�nU.Truator horeby aselgna to Lendor tho ronts,Isaues and proflte oi the Property;provided that 7ruetor � --- <br />_ �- ahall,untll lheoocurrence ot nn Evont o1 Daloult heraunder,heve the right to cullect and retaln such rents,Isaues and profita ae thoy i• ' �'" �:..��" <br />-- become due nnd peyeblo.Upon Ihe ocr,urrence of on Event of Dot�ult,Lendor may,elther In poreon or by agent, with or without <br /> - brinpinp en�Rctl�n or praceedlnq,or by c+rpC9lver npqolnted by a court nnd wlthout regerd to the adequacy o1 Its oaaurity,eMor �; ^ ' <br /> ` upan end take poa�eaelon ol Ihe Property,or uny part thoreof,in its own name or In the nsme of the 7rustee,and do anyacts wttich ft <br /> , deams necea�nry or deulrnbla to pruaerve�Iho vnlue,merketability or rentabllity o}the Property,or any part therool or intoreatthereln, . . , <br />= Inoreaeo Ihe Income therelrom or protecl lh�eoCUrity hvreot and,with or without taking possosalon o1 the Property, aus for or <br /> � otherwlte colleat the ronta,leeuoe and prollte thereof,fncluding thoae pest due and unpnld,and epply the eamo, losa coots nnd <br /> - � expense�of opAretlon nnd codeatlon inoludinp�ttorneye'(eea,upon any.lndebtadness socured hereby,all In auch ordor ao Lender <br />- mey datermine.The entminp upon and tnkinp posae,�olon ot the Properry,the collectlon of such rents,Issueo end proflts and the <br />� appllcetlon thereol n�aforefald,ehall not curo or w�lve nny dof�ult or notico of dotault heroundor or Invalldate any act done In . <br />_ • ; reaponse lo eucl�deinull or pureuenl to such nqtico of delnult nnd,notwithstanding ihe contlnuance In possesslon of tha Property or <br /> ° tho ColleCllOn,recelpl nnti appllcntlon ol ronts,iseuoe or prolits,and Trueteo end Lender ohall be entltlod to exerclae every rlght <br /> provlded lo�In uny oi Ihe Loun Inetrumonle o�by law upon occurronce of any Event o}Deteult,Including wlthout Ilmltetlon the right <br /> ~ to exerolts the power qt tel�.Furfh��,Lender'e rlpht�end remedles under thls paragraph ahall be cumulativa wNh,nnd in no way a <br /> ' Ilmlqtlon on,lendir'�riphto end remeUle�unJer pny ueelanment of IeASey and rente recurded egelnot the Proporry.Londer,TfU8t0A <br /> ;�t!�- end Ihe r�cel�e►ehall bo Il�bl�to nccount anly for thqie renta actualty racelved. <br /> 11. EY�nb ol DN�uN.Tlie followlnp eliall r,onetltute nn Event of De}ault under thle Deed af Trust <br /> —�-' =-.'_.- . .. . ��� c�u...�.�«'......�...�ou.,.o..�nl ndnnlm�nr lntnrntl n}unv n}har aum aar.urad harahv whnn(1�6: --'_ '._ <br /> - .__,_-.-- -_ <br /> .,_____.._.-,_--_ ___-. ly �anu�v w pq wn�.....a.....�..�.'.....�.�,�.�.....�.__._._.y _..._. __. . . <br />— (D) A broach ol or clolnult un�er nny nruvlelon contelned In tho Noto,thfe Deed of Truat,any of the l.oan Instrumonta,or any <br /> _ , :- ,,. olhor Ifen or ancumbrnnco upon►he Properry; � <br /> (C) A wrlt of executlon or nit�cl�men!or ony elmllnr procon3 ehall bo ontered agalnst Trustor whlch shell become a Ilen on <br /> � me Property or ony po►tlon thoreo�a In4ereat Qiereln; <br /> - (d) Thorv af�eli bo Illed by or ngainat Truoto�or 43orrower en actlon under any prosont or futuro fodoral,stato or othor <br /> �- . s�awie. mw or ronulatlon roluunp lo bank�uptoy,IntolvenCY or othor rullei for debtore;or thpro shall be nppolnted ony trueteo. � <br /> rocalver or Ilyuldetor of Truetor or f3orrower or ol NII or�ny pnrt o}tha Proporty,or tho rente,�osues or pronts tnereor,or i rusior � <br />� ' Qr Borrawor ahnl!m�ka nn <br /> , y qanerAl ne�Ipnmont tor Ihu benoflt oi credltoro; <br /> le) The eale,t►andfer,lo�►ao,naei�nnient,cprrvoyenca or lurth�r oncumbrence of nll or eny part ot or any Intorost in tho <br /> ' Propet�ty,olther voluniHrily or involuntarlly, wllhc�ul U�o c�xproes writton consent of Londot; provided ihat Trustor ehall be <br /> pormitted to ox�cuto�loaso of tli�Propo+ry lh�it�Icioa��oi comaln an aptlon to purchaso end the torm of whlch d4os not oxcoed <br /> - orte year, <br /> ; (Q Abandomnent ol the Proporty,ur <br /> ,. . � <br /> * <br /> .' « <br /> . i <br />