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<br /> - n '`�'�'��� PREFAC�1'O AQRICULTURAL DEED AF Ti�UST � .
<br /> -� __'� ,.,.,�..
<br />— ��s��.o�;;�,�: � «:_`
<br /> , �, COMPIET,.thls portlon ONLY If tlie real properry described �`'.
<br />-..r.;._,��:.,��-• con9(sts oi INdIVIDiJALLY OWNF.D At3PoCULTURAL LAND. f:': :
<br /> ,._��'��
<br /> ¢i_�-
<br />��- � � •��� If eppllcablA,complete ONLY ON�elther A,B,or C: :�'�,•
<br /> - _ '• :�-,
<br />-'������ - Truetar acknowledges thet T�uator la about to exacute the tollowln Geed of Truat u on tho Pro eri Tvuator,and each af thAm !��''r
<br />�,t`��r:y�" '+ 8 F� P Y�
<br /> ;�._ „;_ �.�L�s , if more than one,hereby dieclulms Truator'e rlyf�t to deslgnate a homestead on oafcl rc��l estate.No part oi Trustor'a homestead i� F;�:
<br /> • �z�~''C pr�sently o►wlll In the tuture ho eltuated upon eald real eatuto.Truator understand�th�t 11 Trustor estat�lishes n homeatead on any `=`--.�
<br /> '���'�'`�"���j . part of eald real estate durin�tht�tlme the DeCd ol Tr�st remelns uneaUstied and a Ilen upan sald real eotata,there ahall ba no ripht t0
<br /> `. `"''� `' ''� make a deslgnatlon a}homestead In the event o}p toreclosuro or truet�ca's s�le with roapact to sald t]eed ot Truat
<br /> �^''r4 .,
<br /> •.``` '.'�.-; ,� ❑ B.WAIVI:Fi OF RIQFIT TO OGSIt3NATG H�AAF3TEAD:
<br />' "' � �� � Trustor scknowlecigos that Trustor Is about to execute the talloNing l]cted o4 Truet upon the Property.Trustor,and each of tham —
<br /> �� . r �,. .t., ., . -_
<br /> --�,,,�;� .;; y if mare than ane,hereby walv�s Truator's rlght ta designate a homestead pn said real estete.Trustor underatande Iht�t 7rustor haa - -
<br /> 1�-°'�:��►i�����• right to make a designatlon of homsstead and that by executing th19 welvCr,Trustor Is walving rlght�athe►wlae�vsllable for the
<br /> , ' '��{";~ purpoae ot atf�rdinr�them the apportun4ty to►eteln Trustor's home�tead In thc�ovcnt ot a dotault upon the Oeed oi Truet °
<br /> ..' _::c_+, ..
<br /> .; .r,,.:j},;.;,
<br />,,,f� '��'�;� Purouant to the Farm Homeatead Protectfon Act(Sectlon 78-1901 ot seq.Revised Stetutes of the Stafe of Nebraaka),Tru82A►
<br /> ... .: , heroby deslgnates the real estate described in the"Deslgnayon-otfiom�ste "attaahed hereto nd Incorporated herein hy thls
<br /> ,;��, "�'�".� reterence. � _
<br /> . , _
<br /> .'; ,n h�•�``;. i C Y' Id. NyCe 7r tor _~�
<br />-_,. .. ,.:� . —
<br /> . ' ` ��, � �y1CC. � -
<br /> -��:�., .— --
<br />:;��,y�:; �:"� ;�� R 'h A. Nyoe�—��Trustcr —
<br /> �.�
<br /> � ;�:•><�,, i�t�inii:ii�t iir�Ai. u�tu vF TRUST WITH FUTUFaE ADVAHCES
<br /> . '�',:•�
<br /> '-�,� ���'� THifi�E['D OF TRU$?,la made ae oi the Zh day oi February ,18_�,b�+and arc.on�
<br /> `.;.;; . .�,i��1i tht�Trus!�r,_Rlchard �4Io Nyce and Ru�Ya A. Nyco -
<br /> r, . . '�:s»,�,r 0 Don7.ph�n,_ NE 6$� 2 �.
<br /> whuse mnllln addreas 1e1�+�63 S. LO Cust. ��... �����eln��Truator",whether one or mon),
<br />,,f;�;r :.;�„�,,,,, �
<br />" r�� "^�"�' the Truatee, Hank a f llo�i.phan_
<br /> - r ..LT' �
<br /> =x^•�����+�+�+'�. whoae malling address is p•On Bc�x B. lloni pha� NE �$�32 (hereln"Truatee'q,end
<br /> ,-..., . -
<br /> � � the Benetfclary,���k o:f lloni.�h.�n _
<br /> .:�:. ,
<br /> .-���_,°�^=n••:���•�+'� whose mallln{�addreae is P•O. Hox B, Doni phan, NE 68$3z (hereln"Lender'�. �-_-
<br />:>s�:..�:n.y�...: — ::
<br />'°'�^wr,.�r+ FOR VALUAHLE CONSIOERATION,Inciudln Lender's oxtonslon of credlt identifled hereln to • ��`�°-
<br />.�:,.�__..- � g Richard i�I Nvco- �rY,�_
<br />=� � °'�;�;.,�, and Ruth A. Nyce c�����_
<br /> _�`l;,�.��' :,• (horoln"Borrower;'whether one or more)and the truat herein Creatod, ---
<br /> , . � the recelpt ot which Is hereby ecknowledged,Trusto► hereby irrovocably grants,trnnsfore, conv�ys and esalpna to Tru�tee,IN �~�'�-`
<br /> __ , ; THU�T,WITH POWER OF SAI.E,tor the benotlt and secuNty o4 Lender,under and subject ta tho torms and condlUOna herelnattor set 7�y�_,°
<br /> '" - • forth,the real property,descrlbc3d as foilowa:
<br /> „r -
<br /> -",��w. �,. S�E ATT'ACHED LEGA,L SECRINTION �-�:;k
<br /> �`t �' •..�..."' ON EXEiIBTT A
<br /> ----�`ft::.,�•. ��.'
<br />.. :'4 w.
<br /> �'= �__ '
<br /> t''� -.��r,: : Togethor wlth al!bulldin�s,Improvemente,ftxtures, streete,ailoys,passapeways,easements, rights,privfleges end appurte-
<br /> •��: � nances(or.ated thereon or in t�nywlee pertalning thereto,and the rents,Issues and prolits.revorelons and remalndere thereof,end
<br /> _ _ ' such pereonal property that Is attached to tho Improvernents so as to conetltute a fixturo,Incl uding, but nat Ilmlted to,heating and
<br /> _ -• cooling equlpmont;and tapether with the homastaad or mnritnl intoreste,If nny,whlch Intereat9 aro horeby roleased and wofved;nit
<br /> • of whlch,Including roplacamenta end additlona thereto,l3 hereby doclarod to be e part of tho real ostate socur�d by tho Ilan of this
<br /> , ._ � Deed of Trust and all of the loregolnp being referrod to horbin as tho"Proporty".
<br /> ` . Thie Deed of Trust shali aecuro(e�tho paymont o}tho princtpA!�um and interesl evidenced by a promfasory nOte or credit �
<br />_!'' ���' ••-• agreement dAted �'�bruarv 7. 1995 ,having e msturlty date ol�Qbxut�xv 1. 2J1� ' ���
<br />'� h-?�~ �'��i In the orl �na� r�no� a�amount of S?�60,O��J.n0 �
<br /> ��� � ••: � p p ,and any and all modiflcetlona, oxtenalona and renowals�
<br /> • ; -�. I thtlreof or thereto and any and oll future advnncea end readvences to Borrower(or any of them If more than ono) hereunder \�. �•:
<br />..,�,���� r puvsuant to ona or more promlasory notes or credlt aqreementa(hereln called"Note");(b)tho payment oi oth�r eums advanced bv � �--
<br /> _ ;,. � � n Z i •� cn �� 'a .. f _ .
<br /> � ��� �' C �n v, � cn '
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