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<br /> ���I'� ``' 'Pp{i�3'�'HLR WI7M r�ll thc Imnrovcmcnts now or t�crr�aft,.r crcc*.cA on thc property,und all eascmcnts,c�ppurtcnances,and •� =•�f- ;�;° _r
<br /> ;.:,,., :,„. •� •;i fixWtes now ot he�c,atter s p�t of iho propctty.Ap replace���.�ts,a�t���dditions shall al�fl bc covcrcd by t�iiy S�curtty instrumcnt.
<br /> ' AU of thc[occguing i�refcned W in�his Socudty Instrumeac as�hc"PmI�Y•" � , • .�`.��. '
<br /> � AORROWB'R COVBNAIVTS that Borrowu is lawfuliy seised of the estat,a hcreby conveycd and haS the dght w grant and ��
<br /> �.'�`=��-''"��` canvey tho Pmpaty and that th�?rar,�ertY is unencumbeced,exccpt tor encumbranccs af record.Hqmawer warrants ond will , . _
<br /> : .;�ws R�.- .
<br /> def'end generaily the tlde to thes I'en�n'rty cE�lnsc a11 clalms nnd c�eman�s,subject to eny encumbrances of record.
<br />- . `*„ TI�IIS SECURITY INSTRUMFN7I'coRnbincs unifonn coveriont� tor nntional use and non-unifarm covenanis with (fmitcd
<br /> �� , vadatians by jurisdicdo�to caastirrto a uniform sccurity instFUr�i��►tcAVCrine mal propeity
<br /> UNIFORM CUVBNANTS.D olrowu o,nd I.ender covcnant a�d a,�rae cia follows: � ...; ..� .,.
<br /> „ 1.Prrymeet o�Principat aed Interest;1'repsyment AntD l.stte CbArgts, Borrower shnll prompcly pay when due the :�4,. ;• : �: -..:, �
<br /> pcirtici}�41 of nnd lnterest on thc debt cvidenaed by the Idoto and an�y prepayment and lat^,ct�ar.ge�s duo unde,r tho Note. :.:y�i.i�r,�.;»�:;�.r�,r�.;�. _
<br /> � �.��mdsforTaxeswnd Insurrnca Subject to eppIIcable law or to a wriucn waives by I.ender, Borrower shctll pay to ,�.•�:�1t��.�.�rh,x;,,?��".;
<br /> � ,. ..,�,: ':-_
<br /> � " l,e,��1er an thc day monthly payments aie duc undea Ihe Note,until thc[Yote is paid in fuU,a sum("Funds")for.(a)ycady taxcs _,�..;,'�.;w7y����
<br /> :���'.� •`����,+�,..----�..
<br /> — ' e.nd as�sc5.s�nents whlch may attain pdoriry over�his Security Insuument ns a Gan on thc Property;(b)Yearly Ieasehold payments �;;_=,�.,�.,„.,- --Y _
<br /> __ �• or ground rents on tha Property,if eny:(c)Ytar�Y ha�ard or propetty insurance premiums;l'd)ycarly flood insunu�ce pia��um3,if '-'•;�::--"°"'�°-
<br /> ' . eny;(c)Yearly mortga�e insurancc premiums�if eny�ttnd t�any sums Irayablo by aorrower G�L�t�der.in accordance with the ..S��y�---
<br /> � provisious of'paragroph 8,iri lieu of the payment of mortgage inaumnCC prcmiums. These items tue cAli�:d "Escrow Items." '''� ' -
<br />�, �.:,:,;�• �c•�'`:_�
<br /> Lender msy�at any tMe,wllect and hoW Funds in an amount not to aaceed the maximum amount a leader for n federally rclaud ,„___._
<br />� " ' mortgage loan aiay requirc for Hortower's esran�u� accaunt under tho federal Reai Estate Setdemer►t Prnc�..dures Act of 1974 as �^-.�.�.,��_�r�
<br /> � '�� amendcd from tlme w dma, 12 U.S.C. Secaon�b01 er seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that appli�„ti IA AIC FuI1d9 SCIS A IGSSel '.�_m_-':`-----�=" —
<br /> . `E�-..i:i��_--
<br /> ��•F+ � amoun� If so,I.cnder may, nt uny t�iimc, collc�:t and hold runds in on amuunt not Go excced the l�esscr amoun� T.rc[tdcr muy �yu=--
<br /> �,.+:� m •_�z��,�=-
<br /> ' esdmate the amaunt of Fund,due on the basis of curtent dnm and reasr•nable esdmates of capenditures of future Esccow Itcros or �.,...�,r,,.__���,
<br /> '• .�, oihawi�e in rxcordancc with agpllcabIs law. -'�-���d.�
<br /> � , �� 'Il�e�unds shaA be hcld in an instiwdon whose dcposits nre insurcd by a fcdert¢ll agency,insnumcntaliry.ar entiry(including �.,�
<br /> icnder,df l.cader is such an instimdon)or in nny Fcderel Homc Lo�n Bank. Lcnder shall apply t�.a Funds to pay the Escrow `;��,�
<br /> .:,;� It,erx�.Le�der may not eharge Aonower for ha3,ciing ond applying the Funds,annu a l iy nn,�J.yzin�d►a�scrvw e�;u�r�a����i"�g �� �`
<br /> � 'ti��.;:' � tho B,�ow dtems, unless Lend:s yaYg Borrower interest on the Funds end appIIcable Y�vr psrmits i.ender w make such a charge. <��,�;.,
<br /> '�;��;�,i� ., How�ver.Lender rnay requiae Barto��►�a to pay u one-thne charge far an independenr.nanl estate tsuc repocting service usecl by �:;:;;,,.:�,.�,
<br /> "_ "'•�; Lender in connr.r,tiron with this lovi, unlcss appllcablc law provides otherwisc.Unless an c�roement is made or s�pplicable law ,`;���;�
<br /> � rcquires interest to bo paid, Lendcr shatl not be required ro pay Boraower any interest or camings on the Funds.Borrower and
<br /> ..�-;.
<br /> � Lcnder may egsee in writinB,howcver.U�a�.intcrest shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give ta Borratvcr.withous chargc,on ; :
<br /> •• ' , annual acconndng of tha�►nds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the pucpose for which each debit to the Funds was ._��•,,i �
<br /> made.Ti�c Fundg ara plcdge�l as addikonal sect:.-it;for�+11 sams sccuned by this Sccurity InstrumcnG :;,Y;,,�
<br /> If thc Funds hcld by I,endu cxceed the amounts pem►iutA to be held by applicablc Iaw,L.ender shnll accnurt t4 Bocrowcr for ,,,W.... „ �
<br /> the eacess Funds in eccordance wiU►the requirements of applicablc law.If the amoum of the Funds hcld by I.ender at any time is -
<br /> not sufficient to pay the F.scxow Ytems when due,I.Gnder may so notify BoROwcr in wriqng,and.in such case Boirower shall pay ���
<br /> �� w Lender the amount necessary+to meke up the deficiency. Bomower shall make up the deficiency in no more than twetve �.���+, � +�F
<br /> .;,, �'�; �:ti
<br /> monthly pAyments.atLender's solodiscn:tion. ;��r;�° ��•,sd ��.•.
<br /> • "��'„ Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument,Lender shall prompdy refund W gorrower a�iy Funds {�`
<br /> . 1/�,!�M
<br /> f�;',r.a r
<br /> �• " hcld by I.endcr.If,undcr pardgraph 21,I.endcr shall cicquire or sell ihe Property,Lendcr,prior w the tic:quisition or salc of the .. . . ,��;..;;:,,.
<br /> . „ � � Propeaty,shail epply any Funds held by Lender at it►e time of acqeusition or sale as a credit agninst tt+e sums securcd by this ' ' ':�.�r,;,.'':;
<br /> rr�.
<br /> Sccurity Instcument .. .
<br /> 3.Applkatbn of Pmymenta Unlcss upplicablc lnw provi�Des oi�envisc,all payrnenu received by Lendcr under paragraplis ,
<br /> " ••� � 1 and 2 shsill be applied:Cirst,to anY prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under paragra�h 2; ':..�
<br /> � 4 thud�toJnia�dtx;��unh,to principal duc;and last,tn any Intc charges due undcr the Notc. i '��
<br /> ;` � �� 4.C6xrgesi�-k�. Borrowec shall pay nll taucs.asscssmca►►s. charges, fines and imgositions auributable to the Property . ';;�,� ,
<br /> ..�.�;1� whi��may aunin priority over this Security Inswment,and le�sehold payments or ground rents.if any.Borrowcr shall pay thcse
<br /> obl��adons in ihe menner providcd in paragraPh 2.or if not paid in that mnn�er,Borro�vcr shall pay them on time direcdy to the I
<br /> person nwed pay�ncn� Bocrower sliall prompdy fumish to Lender nU nodces of�unonnts to be paid under this paragraph.If
<br /> ` :, ' Bottower makes these payrteents dicecUy,aomnwer shall prompdy furnish to Lender reccipts evtdencing the p�ymenu. � .
<br /> � � Borrowcs shall promptly dischergc ony Ilcn which lias priotity over this�ccurily Instrumcnt unlcss Bonower:(a) agzees in . .
<br /> „ �+ writing to the payment of the obllgatian secured by the licn in a manner acceptuble to I.�nder;(b)contests in good fnith the lien � ��
<br /> {ry, or defends against enforce3ncnt of tlie lien in, Legul procoedings whicli in Ihe i.eader's opinion opemce W �revent die
<br /> �; � � enforcement of the lien; or (c)srcures from the holdcr of 1he lien an agrecment sadsfacmry to Lender suLordinnting et►e lien to ,.
<br /> this Security Instrumen�If Y.ender detcrmines Wat anY part of the Pioperty is subjcct to a lien which may attain priority ovcr this �
<br /> '� Sc�curity Instrument,Lcndcr may give Borrow�r a notice idcntifying the Gc�.Horrower shnU s:itLsfy tho Llen or takc one or rr�ure �
<br /> � � `�=' of tho actions set forth nlwvc within 1 Q Mys of thc giving of notico. '
<br /> �- - . -�- Form30T8 9180 I
<br /> ,.-s3"!f� d�.BRtNELc�f?f P��uQot 6 Innlala: '
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