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<br /> •�
<br /> 't
<br /> . .� _�L�•�ry_
<br /> � � �
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<br /> ..
<br /> - „ ., ��': � „ . . _
<br /> . _... ...,..._ .
<br /> _....._.._�. .. . ..... . ,. , . . .. -.
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<br /> ��.�.���.�f�».ii`�+'� � , ' '
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<br /> �--
<br /> � � ' �. Asslgnur here6y coven�nt� and warreMa to thp Ae9igneH tht�l(�)ASStgnor hae nol executed any prfor , •� -�,_,
<br /> asslpnment o}the�ease or o9 its rlght title�nd interest therein or fhe rentals to uccrue thereunder,(b)As�lpnor hsa not � --
<br /> pe�iormecl eny ec1 or exe�ut�1 a�y Instruinent v�hich might prsvent the Aaslanee�irom operatin�undnr any of the terms an� , :�,�'
<br /> � conditlone hareof,or whlch woutd Itmit tira Aa�ignea ln�uch 4peratlon;(c)Asalgnor hns nntecceptad rent underthe laase lor
<br /> any parlcrcl subsoquont tp tl�e current perlod tor whtch�ent has dtre�dy becamo du�e�nd payablo;(d)thore Is rto detaull now �'°"
<br /> i existinpundertheLeaae,end(e)AasiDnorh�snotexecutedaryrsntedt�nymodlflcatlonAremendmentwhatoWO��oftheLeasa ' r��'
<br /> j elther orolly or in wriNng except ea sal lorth in 8chedule H,end that tfie Leu�ee I�in full fnrce�end effect ; �:
<br /> � 1. AaslonaeherebyprentspermisslontoAssignoftacollectupon,butnatprlortoaccrual,allrents,issuos,dep�sits , � ���,
<br /> , anslprolit�tramthe�:tdPremise�an�ltoretein,�nd�:soanycnJaytho:amn,butro;.crv�sfhaNghttorcvokoeuchparmlwlon .
<br /> atany timv,vrlthorwithautcause,by noticelnwritingtoAasignurbycertifledmailsanttott�eaddreasherelnaftetpre�ribedlor ' -�;
<br />:. sendln�noUc�.Irn�n ovent,such permteslon to Assipnor shap be ai�tomatic.ally�evoked upon defauN,by Asalpndr in the
<br /> paymentofany o}tie���tl�}a.ti4nssecuredh�robyorintheperformanceofanyobligatifln.covonanf,egreamenthereln.insaid � � "
<br /> • mongage or dead of truat,Ir�th�Lease or in any o!the abilpatlor�s eecured her�y,Qr in any secu►ing document AiKen in S �
<br />� •� co�iner.tlon thefewith,(all o!whlch will t�e reterrod to ht��:n rs"OetaulY').In tho ov+�nt(h�t the Aaalpnee ahould revake such � �� � �
<br /> " . pe�misaFanoratterthacecurrenceofaf�fauk,theAssi�;n�,m�yat(tnopNan,afternotificatlorrtoAssignor,brcArtifledmafl.to ;' ^�
<br /> '' ' the address here(naiter prescribed far sending notices,direct any w all of the tenants of the Premises to pay Su Alsslgnee,it� ' ,.
<br /> ; �; a�ente or its e!torReys, sucl�rents, isrL�, profib, revenu�, �t�u:,it3,rtght�ar.d Cur:�tits ss mmy naa�a�ue er shaJl j , ,y���"_
<br /> herelnattarbecomedue,andAssigneemaycoilecttheceme.Thea4Hdavitorw�ittenstetementofanotficer.agont�o�attomey �
<br /> s�'�� . ofAssigneestatin8thattherehasbeenADefauitahallconatituteconctusiveevidencethereol,andanytenamtootherpetcons • �'Y'"'="-
<br />�� ..; . is authortzed and directed to rely thereon.The Assig,nor turther agrees,that in the event thep�rmission to use nnd retafn the ( ' '- ' -
<br /> �ents,lncome,lssue�,deposiband profits,shoufd be terminated or upon the occurance of e Defauft to immed:ately tum over `
<br /> �•:'a to Aw':gnas,:.tthat:ma and in the manner rec�uested by Assignee,n!I sscurity depa9it�or oth�°m�nl;�d�M��i;�by Lessees � �� ��' - r� -
<br /> of the Prem9ses in accordance witfi tha prowsions of the Leasos. : �;:a `—
<br /> . t.,�-
<br /> � I ., ��,e,��r,:"__
<br /> F .� ;;;a:.��
<br /> 2. Notwithstar�din�the Rrov9sions ot paragraph 1 heretnabove,upon or at any tlme after a Defaul�as deNned �.;
<br /> . �sreinabove,theAsslgnoe,a4dsoption,mayrJeclareallOb�IgaUnnssecuredherebyimmedlatatyduaandpayabie,sndmay,at i �r,�:��"-
<br /> its option,without noUc�,and(f any such ObIlgaUons be secured by deod of 4rust irrespective of whether a declaretion of 'y=
<br /> ' defiault under said deed of trust has been deliverad to Trustee thereundet,exercise all rlghb and remcdiea contmined in sald '---
<br /> morigageordeedoftrustandwlthoutregardtortheadequacyoisecuslryfnrthe0bligatlon�herebrysecured,eitherinperson " •- '"
<br /> - -- -- �.ti�s..w.;.�,;x;���it!:�u:�::� t .:.... .. ... • •-- �---��. �� ���
<br /> ,- ---'�- -- —��-y �::�i.^••.i:n.v���:jr:v�:v`v�3ii����a,�i a�oi.'vi�ioi w a,o u�,�sim�cau u�r a c6un.enier upon.zaKe
<br /> ..:•
<br /> ' .. posseaslon of,rreanege and operate sa�d Premises or any part thereot,make,entnrce,modify,and accept the aur►ender of . ��.�:
<br /> , Leases.obta�nandevicttenants,fixormodityrents,anddoenyecbwhlchtheAssignaedHemaprope�toprobcttheaecuvity •a•
<br /> hefeot,andeitherwithorwlthou4takingposuessfonofthePremis�s,initsownnarmo,suefororoB�erwisecdlectendcecefve •
<br /> � all renb.isstsesand rofib,Includin those `
<br /> p g pastdueendunpaid,anyapptythesame,lesscostandexpenaesofoperati�ona�d � .
<br /> n
<br />: , cooEection,Inclieding,but not Ilmited to,payments for wages and payroll taxes,compensaUon o}managfng egont snd o�r � '
<br /> , .;._� manage�tient oe�sts and expenses,real estate taxes and essc+ssm�nts,water,sewer,and sirniiar charges,in�tance a�d :�••�h
<br />., � ;;�;f, workerscom�sationpremiums,groundrents,customaryroalc�tatacommission.andreasontibleattomey'sfeesandCOUrt �r""�
<br /> > costs,uponanyObtigatlon�securedhereby,andinsucl�ondoresthoAssigneert►aydeRermino.Theenteringuponandtaking `�''��'`
<br /> � posses.gion of fhe Premises,the col!ocUon ot such ronts,issu�s ans!qrofits and tho applicetlon thereol es atoresaid,shail no1 �'
<br /> cureorwaiveanydefaultorwaivo,modiy,orattec2n�Ytceofde�aultundersaidmortflageordeedoftivstorinvalidateany�c�t � � °t�
<br /> , donepursuanitosuchnorice.Assignorherebyroleasos�nyandnllclaimssnrhichithasormlghthaveagainstAssigneoar�stng 1'�"'� ' ;
<br /> out of such coilestlon,management operation ars�mafntenenca,excaptin�tho liabllity of Ac;sigrnee to eccountfor omounts "
<br /> s I
<br /> .. . �y cotlectad and e�ertded by it � . .
<br /> 3. The Assignee st�all not be obligated to Rerform or discharge, nor does it heroby undertake tope rform or � ;. ..� - � �
<br /> dlsaharge,any obiigatlon,d►e�j or Ilabiliiy under tho Lease,or under or by reason oi thls Assignment Asslgnor�S�all and does � ' '�'/"-"°"�''`'
<br /> -.:,�,f,� a • ' • i w_�,:—
<br /> � herebyagreetofndomnftyrtheAssigneea�ainstandholditharmlessfromanysndallllabHlry,Oflssordamagewhichftmayor ' �'+��' � i—
<br /> '� might incur under the Lease ar under or by reason of this Assignment and of end from er�y�nd a11 clalms and dernand ' :"�''� '�
<br /> whatsoever which may be c�ssertad ag�ir+�It by reason of any al{eged oblfgatlon or undert�aking on fts paRto pertorm or In ttae
<br /> d(scharge ot any of Ehe terms,covenants,ur agreemsnb containod in tho Leaser,should the Assignee incur any such Ifabfli�y+,
<br /> . �, loss or damage under the O.oa�e or under or by reasoT of thts Assignment,or i� �he dtttense against eny such cl$ims ar ;�,•f-�� � . „
<br /> = demands,fhe artxwnt therE�rr�,including costs,expenaes and reasonsble attomey's 4ees,together with Interest Mereon�t the '�"'� �•• �� - -
<br /> �' hfgh�st rate s�!forth in uny of the Obligation3 secured h�reby,sh�ll be secured hereby and by tho said m�rtgage or deed o! � �� �ti.•
<br />� Uu�t,andAssi�n�rshallreimbursetheAsEic�neethareiorimmediatoSy�a�onsiemartd,anduponthatapurootAssignorsotodo i �.•,,;,��; �
<br />-� 4he Assi gnee ma y declare all Obli gations s zc ur e d h e r e b y i m m e d l a t o t y d u e e n d p a y a b l e. :,;;.t:: �
<br />� . C. IT IS FURTHE�iV1UTUALLY AGREE�Tt-fd�7: I � �
<br /> ��� � 1. U�itil the Obligattons secureti hereby shnll have been paid in full,A�siyrtor coven�nts and egrees to keep leased �
<br /> , � � at a good end sutTicient rental tho Premise�nnd upon dernand to transfer and a�ssig�to tho Assigrtee any and nll subsequent �
<br /> �, Lemses upon all or any Rart o4 suCh Rremises upon the samo or substantialty t��same temts ond condltions As ere herein �
<br />` �' ' � co�etalned,andtomake,exe�,�i9te,anddelivertotheAss9gnee,upondemand,any��a�lallinsWmentsshatmaybenecessaryor
<br /> -:"�:�p`��. dCS's•;abto theretor,but thQ tosin3 and provisions of tfiis Assignmont shall ap�fy tn any such subscquont Lease ar Leases ,
<br /> � whatlior or noi ao u5slgned and transtaned. ,
<br /> � 2 A�sfgrtorshall,uponrequestofAssi nee,fumishitecon�p!etoilatesoflht�datea�4flherequestotallLeasesancf "'� �
<br /> _- ; o�ts�r tenancies of the Rremises in such reasonab�e detail as may be requested by Asslgnee.Further,if requested,As�igrtor ' '
<br />:� g shall delive�to Assi nee executed or Certifisd copies of all Leasos and oth�v w�itten agreements, coRespondenc�,and " �
<br /> S mltittUf8rid168tW�eli/lQSianerartdLc�cs�snndnthartur►antccuNlnn�.,.fh��....,.a�e..n.e�h..., - ..�.��...__ .,...� _.
<br /> _ ________'.___._.
<br /> ..�....w.........yv,.svi.wwa000��mctn..7UGtt �.
<br /> •� _ _� requests may Da made at any reasonable time. '""-._�_..a._._._._,._..
<br /> a.
<br /> �• , � 3. Th�failure to Itst eny spaciFic Leaso2 under Schodule B herato,shali not invalidate or atfect in any mannor,the
<br /> � ,. � general assl�nrttent ot rents and!eases provided tor herefn.
<br /> - � t
<br /> � j 4. upon me Rayment m tun cf atl Oblic�aUons secured hereby, as evider�ce�d by the recording or liling oi an
<br /> d
<br /> � , insirum�nt of satisiaction or full r�lease of safd mortgage or deecf of trust,unless there shafl have besn recorded enother
<br /> 1 mortgage or�ie6aioltrust in tevOr of tho Assi�neo covering the whole or any part utthele�sed Fararnisos,this Assignmentshall
<br /> � t:ecoms null and void nnd of no etfect
<br /> '-�. , �
<br />��.� � Cc��o s�cc ��
<br /> �
<br /> �`.. � ✓,: ..
<br />