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<br /> `� � A�SI�NMIENT O� LEAS�S ANI�F�ENT5 �-
<br /> �.
<br /> , .� _ l obruary 1995 , , :r_
<br /> THI�ASSlGNMENT,made this ��h day of _._.. �_;
<br /> _ by Alan E. Wef.nri�ch and Judith A. L�einrich, hu,band and wife � � �,4•
<br /> rE�siding at ot havinc�An oHice at._n�1G west Guenther Road , Grand i r�.anc�. N�F�6fi@D3— . • �
<br /> •r
<br /> (herein ca!!ed"Assignor"),to� �irsTipr Bank.National Assocfatlon,Omaha,Nebrasko h�vinp I , ' �!_
<br /> � its printlpal nflico ai Omaha,t�lebrfska(horain call�:d"Asslgnee'7. I �:
<br /> . i _.
<br /> WITNESSETH: I •„
<br /> FOR VALUE RECEIVED,Assignnr heroby gronts,transfers end assigns to the Asslgnce r�ll of tho right,t�tte and I , "
<br /> interest of Assignor in and to any and all leases and other tenancies nov�or heQ�after mado on or with respoct to t4io�eal estate
<br />` � Ha31 County, Nebraslca end ntc►re paRiCUleriy described . ��
<br /> IoC-Oteclln .. .� -
<br />-� in�c:hedule A hereol,which�eal�tate sha0 be reterred to hece`.nafiter ds"Prenlses".factudi��g,but no!flmitrs!to thet e-!�!ln �
<br /> � Lease orMose c�aln Leascis,w;tte modi6cations,ii any,dese�.�d in SCherfulo B hersoi,covar�rtg�fie Premises;togetherwith _
<br />�N {t)any and all extens!ons or�anewals tl�ereot.(2)any and��l guarantces ot the Lesee's obllgations unde►any cherciot and .__
<br /> � , undsr any and all extenstons or renewats otanythere��,and(.3)all�er�'��+issues.profits,revenues,deposib,earnest of the ,. —
<br />,�-- payments,rights and benQfib naw or her�after ar�smg tran such lea�and tonancies or tor the use and occupancy *.. '�,;� . _
<br /> Premises,and any and all extensiQ�s and renawat�ther��cai��ci leases and fenancfes or oth�use of tAe Premises tc►gether _
<br /> � withanyandallguarantees,modfi�ations,extensicsns,an�Q�r�ewalsthereotshallbesometimesherslnafterr�fer�edtoasd�e ,_;
<br /> "Lease"or"Leas+es"; , �-�a��
<br /> ,. • .�:��^
<br /> . ° : —
<br /> �� ONE: Paym�nt ant9 parformance of each and every debt,tiabl!iry and abUgaBon of every rypa and description `� �;_
<br /> ---� �- wnicii Assignvr�ri�y ir�'s::'vT a�i n�ru ` p�p�°e�e�efnnc�u �nclud�no;but►tOt(ItYllted t0,�19�11d@aE![1f19S8 Ot Ass�9nor � ,,�� .-
<br /> _--__ _— br�v iiviw• a..__....__ l�y ,19 y� � y' �• _..
<br /> secured by that certasr�mort9aHe or deed of trast made by the Assognor[o tQ�e Assiqnee dated , ,�
<br /> andrecordedwtols+��so�dedatorpriortotherecordin�o4thisAssign�ntaranyothermortgageordeedoftrualherea4ter , ._¢
<br /> covenng tfiewhoboranypartofthePremises.(whethersuchdebt,lieba?a',y�,oro�llgationnowexistsorish8reattePCreatedor
<br /> incurred and whether it is or may be direat os indirect,cSue or to bcscoma due,absolute or con�rtge�f.p�imary or secondary� ;,�`
<br /> liquid�tod or unliquldated,or jnint,several, or joint and severa�. all such debts,Ilebllitles and obllqations being l�ereln ,
<br /> collactively referred to some�imes as the"�bligations"�:as�a� ._
<br /> �,:*.
<br /> . • ;.
<br /> '�"``�" 1W0: Perinrmai�ce and clisch�rge of cach and every o4ligauan, covenant snd agreement Qf Assigno► �
<br />- contained herein or in any such mortgage or deed of trust or any note or band secured lhereby,or in any abligatlon or any .�t°�r. •.
<br /> .' . securi��g document given in conne�ction wrth any of the Obligations sec�red hereby. � . ,
<br /> ,:�
<br /> i'':,
<br /> ,.,�.
<br /> ��;�.� LFJ45E: .. � ,: ,�
<br /> _ ' � . ., M;.�-�!�.A�T__.
<br /> 1. To fa�htully abide by,pertor�a�d discharge each and e��ry obligation,covenant and agreement of the I.�use -�'( ����,
<br /> ;�.,;{.;�:
<br /> byLessortobepertormed,togivepromptnotieatothoAssEgneeofany�oticeotdetaultonthepartotAsslgnorwithr+e4pactto `'';��' �-
<br /> - `•�;• the��ase�nce+vedfromLesseeorguarantor,togetherwi�h��acsureteandcampletecopy ofanysuchnotice;atthesolecost ' �`'"� ` rl.
<br /> �"���� and ex,pense ot Assignor, ro entorce or secure the per5armance ot each and every oWfgation,covenant condition and . � � •,
<br />_ � � � agreementoftheLeaseby theLesseetol�pertarmedfluY4omodityorinanywayaltertfietermsoftheLease;nottoteRni�ate �
<br /> - the term of the Lease and nut to accept a surrend�r of the rents thereunder or to wafve,excuse,condane or in any manner '. .
<br />� � . i rc�ease or discharge thd Lessee thereunder drom the obllgation�,covenants,conditions and agreemenb by the Lesseeto b� i •,�� ' , ..
<br />- • ' i periormed,incfuding the obligaUon to pay the rer+tal callad tor thereundRr in th�manner and at the place and time speciRed . _.
<br />� ; there�n,and Assignor does by t�n�se presents expYessly�•�I�ase,�elinquish and sur�ender unto the Asslgnee all Assig�+ors I � :-;:;.•' .• :,.
<br /> � . j rightpowerandauthonrytomocl'lJyorinanywayaltertt�etsm►sorprovlsionsottheLeasEtortotern►Inatethetermoraccepta , ��;;;
<br /> , � surrend�r thereof,and eny attempt on the part of the Asstgnor to exercise any suGh ric�ht without the written aulhority and �
<br />- consent of the Assignee thereto beir.g first hsd end obtained shalt oonstiNte a Default of the terms heroofi,us def+aed ,
<br /> � j �ereinatter,entitiin�the Assignee to declare�li sums secured hereby�mmedlateiy due and paya6lo. � .
<br /> � l 2. At Asslgnors sole cost and expense to appear in and de?er�d any actten or proceeding arising under,growing i
<br />=L out of or in any manrsar connected with the Lease or the pbligatinns.�luEies or I'��ilitie;;of Lessar,Lessee or guarantar �
<br /> :s thereunrfer,and to pay all custs ond�xpQnses of the Assignee,inctud:a��aitomey's fees in a reasonablo sum,in any such
<br />� acUon or procesding in which the Assfgnee nTr+y�pA�ar. � �
<br /> 3 � ,
<br /> 3. That shoutd Assignor fail to make any p�ymsnt or to do a�y act as heroin provided,the�tho Assigneeo b� '
<br /> without obligation so to do and witfioul notics to or deman�on Assignor,and wi4hout�eleaslng Assignor 4rom any obligation
<br /> �• horoof,may mako o�do tho samo in such manner and to such extent as the Ass[gnee may dec�m necossary to protect the
<br /> security hereot,inclutl+ng specificalty,wiMaut lirtniling its general powers,tho �ght to appear i�and dotond any action a
<br />�� ,__ praceedingpurporGngtoafbctthasecurityhereoforthenghLsorpowersotthoAss�gntiv.wndall�Qifien�'gl��nt�n�snd fR
<br /> - -_--_
<br /> � pertorm and tliscnargv eacn ana every OU��guuvn, a.vrc+�mn o,...ay.�........�•...• '
<br /> exercising any such poweis to p�y necessery co5ts and expanses,employ counsel and incur and pt�y rea^�nable attomey's
<br />—� teES.
<br /> ;`
<br /> _ � 4. Tapayimmediata(yupondemanda�IsumsQxpencledbytheAssiqnee,undertheauthorityhereot,togQiherwith
<br /> � °� :...,r.w..,►;�rwn of!hn h'tno►,o�+.ato crar tne�n tn anv o!the Obtications secured hQreby,and tha same sh�all b+a added to the
<br /> � Obligations and shatl ba securet9 hcireby and by t��e satd mortgage or deed of trust
<br /> 5. ThatAssfgnorw111nottrans4erorcor�vaytotNeLesseethefeetitleto2hedemiserlPremisos.oranypartthereoi,
<br /> �, unless thd Lessec�essurt�es in writing and aarees tu pay the debt secured hereby in accordance with theterms,covereants nnd
<br /> ° ccndi6ons of the said note ar bond secured by said in�rtg�age or deed o1 trust
<br /> ��..
<br />:��' .
<br /> ,, ,,., , ,,., ,.
<br /> I�� .. ,...
<br /> �- �
<br /> i
<br />