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/, „ :i <br /> ,k�� � <br /> '."'�y,''_�- <br /> � ,. .-. <br /> ���, ,:.'. ,> � � , ' <br /> �� � . „ . •,v--,+w.*W. ... ., <br /> .... � <br />... .. .. " ..�,,,,,,�,M„' - .. . ._. ._ . ;. � ' . . '.. r; .. .. .. ,., _ �.. ... .., � i ' Rrr.. <br /> I ' ���•-, ' ' ' � � <br /> �,����"��`� , <br /> E+. YNl1fd:'.�-(:4�Q;�5t Iti{'���?�:�{��iY;AJJl,1L!;'iltl�U II r!I or r.ny����1 r,11ho��rr�zm�+or int3re�t Ih�ram�a on!d,tr�netdtrod or ,,, <br /> othsrvutes convsysd by Tru�tor w�lhoul fl�nstctaryo {�nar�vr�tfil CJi1LBlt1, E%CIUd:t1Q (B) thG P,tA{IttOfl O)� I:CO 0� CIiCtIi�llifCflG9 , <br /> ' wbordlnNto to thH Qwd o4 Truut(b)th�cre�Ib�al i purch�a�innnsy aecuuty int�net lar houa�hotA n�pliancea,(o)a ir�netor by � °� <br />, deNN�,d�uonl or by op�r�tbn af I,��v upon th�daath o1 a�olnt t�nrnt cr(d)th�pr�nt of any le�a�ho�d int�u�t ot Ihra�y��n nr{�u , �� <br /> � riot contaU�inp an opY�cn ro purcha��,wch nctlon I�a hn�ch o1 thb�prHmenl,�nd fi�n�flelary may,rt B�n�ticlary'�aptton,AsGers , ,,: <br /> ' �N th��um�Ncu►�d by thb W+d of Yrutl to t»unm�dl�tay du�and p�y�bl�,or c�u��Ih�trust�+ m rN a�o��c.ot aorn�,n. ,�f <br /> � Bsnetfclary�h�B hnw wUwd wch optbn ta�ee�Nr�t�d,prlor to th��aN, um�fRr o!com�ysnc�,hi�neAr.inry�nd th�p�non to , . �,„r <br />" whoo�the prop:iiy la to b�cn!d or tcttct�rccd re�r.h A�reemenl in wrdtnp Ihst lh�crsdd o1 ouch p�non Is�etis'actory to Bonotic:ery , � <br />- and that th�1nt�rs�t pay�bN an th�sum���ur�cl by IhN DMd o1 Trust eh�ll b�at�uch rat�a�B�n�fielery�hs!I nqusst. ��� <br /> 6. ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT;REMEDIEB;A11LE.Ths inilur�by Ihs Trustor tu makt any peym�nt or to p�rtorm nny o} � ��, <br /> th�brms end condftbn�of th�Not�,or eny nnswal�,modiRcatbn�or�xt�nsbns th�reo},or th�peymtn4 of any oth�r Ind�btodno�o <br /> �� - -•� s�cund h�nby or In th�p�rtormenc�o}nny o1 th�cov�nents or apre�m�nte h�reund�r�heA b�a braach olthfs aprsomsnt snd Ihe <br /> �' , ��� � B�mfrlary may d�akv�a d�fault and mey d�uen ail eums eoeurwd h�nby imm�diat�ty d��and payabl�and th� eemo oh+�ll :� <br /> ```� ' thersupon b�com�due and paya6lo wNhout pns�ntm�nt,demnncl,protnt or nat�c of nny kind.TheuaR�r,B�n�ticiary mny dsliver <br /> � � � • to Truetee a wrktsn doclaratbn o}d�tnuR and d�mend for eak.TniUtor apr000 and horeby grant�that tho Tru�tee shrJl havo the <br /> powar ot eale of ths Property and B Ben�ficinry d�cMsa th�Prop�rty�s to b�sold it shall doposK w8h Truat���h�n Daed ot Trust and <br /> ''��- ths Note or nate�and eny othe►docum�nfa evid�ncin�exp�ndituros escursd hsreby,and eheJl dtliver to Trustae n written notico 01 <br /> ' • � dsfauR and skctian to cause th�Proporry to b�sold,and Trustee.In turn,ahall pnparo a cimdor notics in th�form required by iav�, i <br /> '`;�� whkh ehall6�duly filsd tor record by Trustx�. � • <br />. (e) .�Rer th�lapts of such tims ae may be nqufnd hy law tolloMng the recordatbn of Notice of Deleult,and Notice o1 DafauR i <br />� � evid Notk�o}SnN hAVing bwn giwn as rvquind by law,Tnicte�,wdhout dsmand on Trustor,shell eell th�Prop�rty in one <br />= • or mon p�nrcda and In auch order na Truetor mny detetmino on th�dats nnd tho time end p!acm dsalgnated In seid Notice ` , <br /> � '' of 6ai�,nt puhifc auctbn to the highast bWder,the purchnse pncs p6yebla in cash in iawiul�no�ay af the Unit�d 9tatca nt i . <br /> ths tlm�of eal�.Th�pvaon conducting the sale mny,tar any cnuc�h�or she deoms expadient,postpone the snie from � � 4 <br /> i� time to tims until ft ehall be campleled and,in every such cnse,notfa of postpon�ment shall bs glven by public declaratbn , <br /> i�� theroot by such person at tho Ur�m and plaeo laet eppointad in�the eale;provlded,it tfie eale is postponed for longer than <br />..�;!' . ono(i)day bsyand tho day dsPipnnted In th�Notica of 8tfk�, notia th�roof shdl b�piven en the cema mannar as the , . {.,- <br /> ' ��;:�•` ari�lnnl Notica of 3ale.Truateo ahall execute nnd delNor tn tho purchas�r itc Deed conv�/Inp the Propsrty so cald,but x <br /> . without any cownant or werrnn'hj,�xpnea,or implied.Tim romtnlo In the Deed of any menaera or}nate nhal!be conclusive , <br />• : ,� � proof otth�truthfuln�s�theroof.Any poroon,mdudiop wilhaullirriRatqn Beneficiary or Trusbe, mny purchASe atthe sab. �. , • _ <br />• � . , , (b) When Truetao eolle purcuant ro tho poworn herein.TructF�e shell epply the procaeds of tho sak to payment o}tho coste 1��`.: : s =_ <br /> and sxpsns�s of ex�rciainp the powar of eale nnd of tNfl onk,including,wdhout IimRetion,the payment of Trustoe'e Feea � _ <br /> ' ,'+�t',� :; incurr�d,whbh Tmctoe's Foeo ahall not In ths epprogata oxcesd 4he tollowing amounte bnsed upon the emount eocured •,• •,: .,� <br /> � � henby and remaining unpnid:b percentum on the belemre thnraof,and then to th�itemo m nubpamgrnph(c)In the order ,, . ,, ' <br /> L�:. �� there stnted. � •�1��A <br /> _ _ \� ��._.1 �•. . -.. <br /> � (c) A1ter psyinp tho itoms sp�cfind in subparagreph (b), if thn enb fa by Trusteo,or the propor courc and oinor costn ui k,.� '.?, -,- 7 <br /> � ' ,;'•1 �. <br /> � :'•,�"� fonclosure nnd aala li the enle Is pureuant to�udiclal foroclosuro,the proceQde of sale sha�bo epplied fn tha order stated ,;•_� <br />" ' , :'`` bubw to the payment oi: I ' • r <br /> . ' . (1)AKorneys teet and coate o1 croliection; ; � <br /> (2)Cost ot any�vid�nco ot tRlo pwcured in connoctbn w�th such eale and of nny revenue requirod co ba pafd; , , ��. <br /> (9)All oblipntione a�curod by thie Truat deod; <br /> • (4)Th�mm�ind�r,if any,to the p�raon Npaly ontrtbd theroto. � •'�� <br /> 7. ADDITI0IVAL BECURITY INSTRUMENTS.Tiuetor,al tts oxpone�,w�u exacute nnd deliwr to th�B�nsfielnry,prompty upon � <br /> �� d�mand,auch��curity Instrumante ns mny b�nquind by B�nefk-ary.In form nnd sub�tnnc�satidectory to Bon�ficlary,cowrinp 1'E <br /> . , , eny of th�Prop�rty conwy�d by thb Dud o1 Tmat, whkh tocurity Instrum�nte�hall b�nddAional �ecurRy for Trustor'�taRhtul � <br /> p�rformanc�of ell th�brmo.cownente nnd condrtbno of thb Qa�d o}Trut4 th�promt�sory nol�s acur�d h�nby,nnd any oth�r , • <br /> securiry InMrum�n4e�x�cuted In connection wdh thi�trantectfon.Such instrumtntn thell b�nc:orded or 6kd nt Trustor'��xp�n:�. a <br /> . � ,i�.��-�' <br /> � B. APPOINTM�NT OF SUCCE350R TRU9TEE. B�n�fie�nry mny, trom nm�to tim�,by e wrRt�n in�trum�nt�xecut�d end = <br /> ncknowNdp�d by B�neficlnry, meilsd to Truator ertd ncord�d In tMo etlunry or countNe in which th�Prop�rty Io bcatsrl nnd by <br /> oth�rwk�complyinp wRh the proviabM of th�eppl�eebN Iew�o11hn 8tet�of N�braska subtMut�a wccv�sor or wccw�son to ths � <br /> Trust��nnm�d h�rein or ectinp h�r�und�r. r <br /> 9. INSPECTTONS.B�nsfiei�ry,or Rs eg�nts,repnsontetive9 or workmen,ero author¢�d to s�t�r et eny nat�nnbN tim�upon <br /> or In nny pttrt o}tho Praporty for tho purposo of intp�ctirtp the samn end for th�purpose of pntorming any of th�ncb rt i�nuthor¢�d <br /> ,y to p��torm undor the tvmn ot tha D�ed ot Truat. <br /> _' 10. OPTI�T�f TO FORECL05E.Upon iha occurrenco ot�ny bnseh snd upon th�decluetion of d�4auR horeunder,Beneficiary .�� <br /> ., <br /> � shall hevo tho opUon to torscloa�thl�D�ed of Trutt In th�mnnnor provid�d by law tor tho torecbsure of mortpagos on real propsrty. <br /> t 1. FOREB�At�ANCE BY BENEFlCIARY OR TRU8TCE (VOT A WAIVER.Any tonbQernnoo by Ban�fictary or Trusteo in ; <br />� ., ; ax�rcfsinp uny tipht or rsmady horsundor,or othsrwiaa eflordad by applicnbN lew,shall not M e walvor ot or pncludo the exercfse <br />_ . ., ot any auch ripht or remody I+orowider.Ukewtce,lho wnfv�er by Ben�ficinry or TruatN ot any d�tnuR oi Trustor under this Deed of <br /> , Truat ohall not bc+doemod to bo n waiwr ot any othar or ofmllar dotaulit suti��Qu�ntty ccCUrrinp.� `' <br /> t , <br /> 12. TRUSTOFI NdT RELEASEO.F�cbnclon of tho tims tor peymsnt w motkfiCation�or amord�ten of tho sums secured by this , , �'' <br /> _ '• ��' Deed of Traat grontad by B�noficlary to nny auccaccor{n int�nat o}Tru�to�thall no�op�rat�to r1i�a��.fn any mnnner,tha liabihty of . <br /> ::S � „ tho odginal 7ruotor and Truator'o euccosoor in IMmst.Beneficlary shall not be roquired to commence proceedings againat such � , <br /> �� succossor or ntuse to sxtand timo tor pnyment or othenvins moddy emoA¢etbn of tha aume secured by thte Doed of Trust by <br />'� nenon o}any demend mad�by tho odptnd Trustor nnd Trustor'�ouccas�or�in int�rsat. <br /> � ' 13. BENEFlCIARY'8 POWEN8.Wdhout ettoctinp o► nNs�lnp th� Ik�bility ot th� Trustor or eny othar p�rson linbls tor the <br /> � ' paym�nt ot eny obiiyaUon h�nln m�ntbn�d,end�rithout efleetinp th�I�n or chnrQ�of thie�Hd of Trust upon eny portlon o}tho <br /> � Prop�rty not th�n or th�ntotoro nbns�d ne security inr th�tull amount o!ell unpaid oblipatic�ne,Li�n�ficfary may,hom tlme to tims <br /> , . end without notic�nt th�nq��n of on�or mor�Truston p)nlea��nny p�non so liabl�,(ii)sxt�nd or nnsw th�mnturiry or aR�r nny <br /> 01 th�tums ot eny ouch oblipaUon:,(il)yrent oth�r Indulp�nces.Qv)nNau ar nconwy,or caua�to M rol�nad or reconvoy�d et <br /> =' __ - - r...:..�..e.,,�s�...r..ww�.anv o�rdL noAbn or ell of lhs ProD�rtY.N)tnW►or nl�a��any olh�r or additbnal seeurRy Mr eiy <br /> _ - - —-, - ...,_...__�..-°--•--�-- - <br /> . � ablipateon hsreln mentfoned, (v�) mako compos�ona or othu nrtnnd�m�nts vrith d�bton In nlalbn lhento.An 7ruston ehatt ne <br /> ,�; � Jolotly nnd sewrelly oblipsted nnd bound by th�ection9 of th�Ben�ficiary or nny trustor as h�rdn sut�d. <br /> � ;;-��, , t4. A1TORNEY F�ES.C08TS AND IXPENSES.M ths Ban�fielery of Ihls Oeod of Trust Ic n benk ne dafin�d by N�breska law, <br /> z �' " eny stad�m�nt contc'nsd 1n nny other soctbn o}thf�deed notwithstnndlny,the k3m�fictnry shell nol b�entitled to recelve or tnke and <br /> .�.. <br /> f •.. �.;.r <br /> _ .. _,i:,��_ .4,u�.ti.0 npf h�nbNaated to paV or pive;nny con}eanbn ot iudpment pawar ot nttomey to cont+�sn�udpment{rower o ettomey o <br />' ! , l � npp�ar for e bottunrr tn e�udkial procee��nfl or ngrooment to pey ths cacte ot co�NCtion or cns anam•y:iem.unisea ii�s ntia�r.i . <br /> ��..`' .,�—_:: __ <br /> ,:i:..��� ,, paye5la 6y ths t�rma m'17fi�Nots rotrrr�d to In Ihh dwd Is 1896 par ennum or les�,or th�note reterred to In tht�deed Ie ropayabte in <br /> ,� two or more oqueJ or¢�rnquel Inat�llmente nnd over e period o}moro than ono huridred torty-five(145)months.Prowded,howevor, <br /> lhat Nia e�Ctlen doea not epply to th�truatee tee refetted tu in Pnrcgrnph B.0(b).Providsd turther thnt thls Pcreprnph 8.14 ohall not <br />-,s eppty to thts Dasd ot Truat i1 ths B�neficlary heretn la not n bnnk. <br /> oAtOtN11L(1) <br /> � � E0707�REV.i-07��Dnft� DORROWEH CaPV(1) ��'x.� <br /> ��' l I IRETQNilO1V C9PY(7).J . .^ <br /> �'' I <br />