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. . . , :. • <br /> . ,��. <br /> �� ��,-_ <br /> �y <br /> .�;h, _, '��°`- <br /> _Z?_ <br /> �� - <br /> .. ... .. . .__c—__..... . .. .. .. . ..... .. ..,, ..san.q .. --- <br /> • � ' i�. <br /> .. _ . ..__.�.—._.__.._.._._ � <br /> �J"°����;+�•� I , . ��., <br /> 4. IN9URANCE�. Tructor, ot iro oxponcu, enll mc�mtrm vnlh mauroru approvcd by Bonoficmry, inaurnnco with rospoct lo tho .,, <br /> Irn{�rovcrnont9 nnd perconnl proporiy,eoneti;uluip Iho proRoriy,adainat loao by(uo,hphtnmp,tornodo,nnd othor porila nrid hnr.ardo � <br /> ' cov�rad 6y elandard extended covarttpo endorsem�nl,in en emouet equnl to nt loaot one hundrod percont af tho full ropincamont I ,�__ <br /> vdw th�r�o1�nd Imurnnee aflnlnet tuch oth�r haiard�and m eueh emount�a�1�ewtomanty carned by own�ro and opiretore of ' ;, ,F_ <br /> nmdar prap�rtNo or��R�n�Rctery may requlr�for At protoctbn.T�u�tot will comply with euch othvr rQqulnm�nt�e�Bon�ticlary may I ,;x <br /> Irom tirno lo tim�r�qu��t for th�prot�ction by Insurana o}tho int�ro�i�of tho nep�ctive partlae.All Ineurnnco policlee maint�lned I <br /> • punuant lo lhl�DHd of TruYt�hdl n�m�Trwtor�nd Bon�flci�ry a�Insursd�,a�th�ir r�op�et�ro int�mt�mey appoer,nnd provfd� � � 1�'� <br /> " � that Ihero thall be no cnncellat�nn or niadiflaatlon w�thout na bae thnn 18 dttye prlor vrtitton notificatlon ta Truatee and Denoficiary.In � r` <br /> + Ih��wnt any pot�y h�r�und�r i�not ron�w�d on or bdan i6 dt►yo pnor to R��xpuation dalo,7ruetor or BencSasry may procuro � j: <br /> i �uch Inruranco In aecordanc�wdh th�proNSbn�o}parayraph A.6 h�not.Tru�tor shall dNiv�r to B�mficlary th�orlpinal pol�irs o} ! ' ��� <br /> Inouranc�end ren�wel�thu�of or memo copN�ot�uch pol�clu nnd ronewal�lh�nof.Fedun to furnish such Inaurnnca by Truator. � <br /> or nn�wal�as n�ulnd h�nund�r shali,at th�optton of B�n�ficiary,con�titut�n d�fauft. � � <br /> • 6. TN(E9,A88EBSME-NTS ANO CHAR�E3.Tru�tor ehell pay all tax��,naa�ssmonte and oth�r aharQas,includtnp,wrthout � <br /> hm�tetlon, finss and Impo�ition� nttnbutnbl�to th� Property,and baa�hold pnymenta or ground rsnte, If nny, boforo the eame ( .T <br /> , become delinquant Truator ehall promptty turnleh to Benofiaery aA natkea o7 amounte due und�r thia parngreph,nnd!n th�event <br /> I Truator shali mak�paym�nt diractty,Yruator ehall promptty Nrniah to �en�ficiary recelpte evidencinp euch peymanta.Truetor shall <br /> pay all tax�n end acs�qm�nte whtch may b�I�vNd upon Beneficinry'o interast hereln or upon thla Deed of Truat without regerd!o <br /> Iany law thnt may be snect�d Imposinp peym�nt o1 the whole or any part thereof upon the Beneficfery. • <br /> 8. �1DDITIONAL UEN6 AND PROTECTION OF BENEFlCIARY'3 3ECURITY.Trustor shall make aN pnymente of interset and <br /> � principnl and paymente o}nny other charpea, feee nnd expeneee contractsd to 6e pnfd to any exisUnp Ilen holdere or prbr <br /> baneficierbe under any prior dkd of trust or mortflage b�ton Ih�date they nro dalinquent and promptly pay end dischnrps eny and I <br /> nll other liena,c!aima or chnrges whkh may jeopardize the a�curity pranted herein.If Trustor falla to mnks nny eur,h payment or tailc : <br /> • � to pertorm any of th�covennnts end egreem�nta contansd in Ihia De�d of Truat,or in any pdor mortgege or de�d of tms�or if any � • ' ';_�`' <br /> action ot prooe�ding Is commencwd which materintty affecte E3eneficinry'e interest in the Property, inciuding, but not limitsd to, '" <br /> I eminent domafn prooeedingo,or proceedinge involving e docedent,or if Trustor faile to pay Trustor'o debt�Qenoraly as they become '' , <br /> due,lhen Beneficiary,at Beneflciary o option and without no�ce to or domand upon Trustor nnd without retensing Truator hom auy j`.�� -'• <br /> i obf r.fMn hereunder, may mak� aueh e terana�s, dlsburso auch aume and teko cuch ectian ea Ic n�cassary to proteC! �— <br /> re PP '.;�;'�`'�1,� •i, <br /> Benoficlary'o inreres� includinp, but not limded to. diabu►eement o4 raasonable attorneya fees, pnyment, purchaee, conteat or . ..;�i11;.;,;'' , '� <br /> compromise ot any encumbrance,cherpa or lien,nnd eniry upon the Froporty to make repnire.In th��vont that Trustor shnll fnil to �f., ��� ��,.�.+.�-- <br /> � procure insuranco or to pay taxea,asaessmente,or any othor chmflos or ta meke any paymonto to any sxiating pr�or lion hold�ro or ,;,;:' ••. =��,- <br /> . .ic-'- <br /> beneficiariea,Beneficfary may procure such inaumnoa ana make snch payment.Any amounte diebursed by Benef�ciary pureusnt to , . ;�� -- <br /> ` • , !hia Parayrnph A.6 shall bocome ndditbnai indebtedness ofTrustor socurod by thia Drad of Tmst. Such amounta ah�ll bo ptryabl� -u�*`- <br /> upon netica from Bensficinry to Trustor requssting payrnant thoreo7,nnd shall banr interest irom the date of diibunomsrrt at the ` <br /> mte payabie from time to time on outstandinfl prinGpal under the Note unleae payment of interoat at such rat�would Ne contrary lo . ;'•-;;;.�.1' <br /> `' appticabla law, in wh'.ch evont sueh emounts shrJl boar intere3t nt the highest rate permisaiblo undsr epplicab:e law. Nothinp r.;.. .'�':� <br /> � , . contained In thie PnrnDrAph A.6 ahnll require Benefi:ifl��ta mcur any expens�or take nny aCtion horoundat. t;�"� � ' <br /> � , B. IT IS MUTUALLY AQREED THAT: (', ' ���5� <br /> . .� �'�'i,.,� <br /> • t. AS3IGNMENT OF RENTS.Beneficinry shall have the right,power nnd authority durinfl the continuanc�ot thia De�d of Truct �, `� <br /> to crofk�ct the rents,Isauoa end prof�te ot the Properly and ot any perconal propsrty bcated thereon with or wdhout tskinp po�R��abn <br /> ' of the proparty aftected heroby,nnd Trustor hereby absolNey and unconditionally nasigna nll such ronb, issua�end profits to :t• • <br /> Beneficinry.Beneficinry,however,hsreby cona�ll!!�O�110 TfU610Ye ralkctfon and r�tention of euch ront�,laeu�i end profih a�th�y • <br /> • I accrus end become peyabla eo bnd as Truitor�e not,at such timo,in datnuft with ro�pact to paymont of any indsbtedneea secured ,, <br /> henby,ur in th�psrformanc�o}any agnem�nt h�nundsr.Upon eny such dofaul�B�noficiary may at eny tim�,�ithsr In panon,by 4;:� � <br /> ng�nt, or by e rec�n�r to b�nppointod by n court. without notia end wdhout nQard to th�ed�quncy of eny s�curiry for th� ,,�1 <br /> ' indebtsdness hsrwby s�cured,(e)ant�r upon end tnk�postn�bn of th�Prop�ity or nny part th�nof,and In�t�own n�m�su�for or , . <br /> othervvis�collect uueh nnte,iaeuss end profite,includinp thoa�pntl du�end unpaid,and nppiy ths tem�.I�ts eo�U and�xprns�� „ ;:,� <br /> of oporntion end collaction, includinp roasonnbl�nttornoye fota,upon nny Ind�btodnese secured h�nby,and In such ord�r as "�3 �• - <br /> , B�n�ficiary may de?�rminr,(b)p�rform such ects o1 repnlr or prot�dbn no mey b�noc�ssery or prop�r fo cons�rw th�vaiu�o!th� '� <br /> i Property;(c) lenes tM enm�or nny part th�teof for such rental,term,and upon euch condRione na rts�udpm�nt may dktat�or . �t ����� <br /> terminate,or edJust ths terms end eondRlont of�xlatiny leesn. Unlsst Tru�tor end Bsn�P�ciery th�roof ayn�oth�rvvla�in writinp, ,ry�v. . <br /> � any npplication of ronta,�snu�a or profite to nny indabt�drnsa eecured henby ehail not extsnd o�pottpon�the du� dat�of the � , � <br /> instnllment paymenW ns prov(ded in seid promissory note or ehange th� nmount ot aueh inatalim�nts.Th� �ntaring upon and � <br /> ' taking possession of the Propsrty,the coilection of auch rents,isssuee nnd prafits,nnd the applicatlon th�rsot na ntoroaaid,ehail not � <br /> , watve or cure nny defeuk or notiw ot dofeuft hereundor or mvalidnla eny aet dona pursuent to such notiea.Trustor also nssipns to � . <br /> Bsmfielnry,ns turth�r e�currty far tho performana of th�oblipntWns aac:und henby,ell prepeid runte nnd ell monbs wh�h mny I � <br /> � hnv�b��n or mny heronR�r be d�po:d�d with said Tru�or by nny I�sas�of the s�cura th�paymsnt of nny nnt or <br /> �, i dameg�t,or upon d�tnuft in the p�rformana of any of the proviebna h�reof,Trustor ngnea to ddiv�r e�uah nnt�and d�posit�to �`� - . <br /> � + Benefieiary. Delivery ot written nottce of Benefieiary'u exe�cis�of the righto pranted herein,to e+ny tsnant occupying neid pnmia�a � <br /> .,;;• � shall be auncfent to r�quire enid tenant to pay rent to the Beneficiary untd further no�c�• � <br /> `:.', , <br /> j 2. CONDF.MfW1TION.If tdle to nny part of th�Property ahnll be taken in condemne�tbn proceedinga,by ripht of eminent doman I <br /> J�` i or eimfler actbn,or ehali b�sold undvr threat of condomnatan,ail awnrds,damages nnd proceeda nrro'neroby nsaipnsd nnd shGll bs ; <br /> pnfd to Bansficiary who ehnll appty such awnrde,damagms and proceeds to the sum eecured by thia Da�d o}TrusR with ths�xeess. i <br /> _ • il nny, paid to Truator.If Trustor receives eny notiCe or other informatbn repardmg sueh nctlono or proceedinga.Trustor ehnll piva , <br /> prompt writtsn notice 4horeot to Benefieiary.Bnnehciary aha!I bo ontRled,nt its option,to eommenee,eppeer m and proaeeute fn ds <br /> , • own nam�nny sueh aclion or procvedings nnd shell 6o e�tniod to meke any comprem�av or settlement in cronnoction with any euch <br /> indlon or procoedmga. <br /> ! <br /> 3. FUTURC ADVANCCS.Upon roquest of 1'rustor,Bsneficinry at 0anefic�nry's option,prior to reconveyenc�of the Property lo <br /> • : I Truatar, may meko future advances to Trustor. 3uch luture advences,wrth intereot thereon,ahall be srcured by thle Truet Deed ' <br /> � whm evkieneed by promloeory notoe atettnfl thnt eatd notee ars secund h�reby;provided that et no tim�shell tho s�cursd principel. <br /> futura advanea�,not includ�ng eums ndvaneed to protect the eeeun:y,oxeo�d Two Hundred perwnt(200%)oT the oriylnnl prineipal <br /> —� emountes�cur�dhtreby. <br /> 4. REMEDIEB NOT EXCLU3IVE. Trustee mid BoneGciary, and eaeh o} them, shali be ent�tled to enforce paym�nt nnd <br /> "' � pertorm�nce o1 nny indeb4edness or oblifln!ionc cecurad horeby nnd to exorcise all righte and powere undor this Daed of Trust or <br /> -> under nny othcr egroemcnt executed m connoction horowiN or nny In�v�now or heroaRor in fores,notwrthstpndmg somo or all of tho <br />' .�: such indobtodnesa nnd obhgntlons oecured horoby may now or heroa8er be otherw�sa securod,whether by mortgago,doed of iruct. <br /> pledga.6e�,assi�nmant or othervvise.Neither tho acauptence of this Deed ot Truot nar rte enforcoment whether by court nc4on ot <br /> �; purcunnt to the power o}oele or other powera hereln eonte!ned,ehnli pre�ud�ce or in nny manner effect Trusta�'s or Beneficfnry's <br />'�t � rrght to reat¢e upon or entorce eny otner securrty now or nerenT[or noa oy Trumee ur oenenc,ary,�i uemp a�re.0 ii�a�Tc::a.w a�� <br /> i�' Ban�fieiery, nnd oach of them, ehell be entrtlsd to enio�cv this Dood of Truat end any other s�euMy now or heronThr held by <br /> � Baneficiary or Yrustee in uuch ordor and mnnner as they or edher oi them mey in tfieir ebsolute discreGon determme.No remedy <br />- I heretn eontened upon or roservad to Truatoe or Bonoficmry is mlended t�be oxclusrve of any other remedy hore�n or by law <br /> ,A proaded or perm�tted, but e+xch shnli 6e cumulxitivo enA shnll be In adddion to overy other remody groen hereundor or now or <br /> i 1 haranRer existinp nt law ot in equRy or by stetute. Evety powor or remedy prov�ded herounder thte Daed of Truat to Truotoe or <br /> � Ben�ficiery or to wt�ich erther of U�m may b�otherwiss enmled.mny be exerased,concurcenlly or indopendsnty,from time to time <br /> nrtd ns oRen an mey ba d�em�d oxp�diant by Trustee or Bmofictery�d edher of them may purtue incons�stent nmedfea.No2hmg <br /> � i horem shall b�construed es prohibdinp Banefiaary fram seekmg e defiaenc,•yr�udgment nga�nst the Ttustot to the exteot ouch ad�on <br /> 1I, <br /> j u permdted by In�v. <br /> I6070)t NlEr�ek� 007528.03 <br /> _�_j.. i <br />=��F <br />