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<br /> � (o� fFa�b�rau�e b�I.�n�w fiat w W�iYa.�ay fort►eArnnse by l.encler In�xerclelnp eny rlQhi or romedy I�er6iinc�fu,r+r
<br /> othawlsu dto�drd by wpplluahto luw, eh�ll n��8 tro a wttiver of or prerludo Ihe exerclse ot any euch rlpht ar remecfy'fh�
<br /> prxurtrtt�nt ollnout�nce�r tlio paymont oltt+xt��or other Ilena or ct�ttrpna t>>�I.onder shell not Iw a walver n}Lendsr'e rlpht to
<br /> � accNMat�tt»ir►aturity of th�Ir�clxdtedn�ss Ma��red by thl�[?aed ol Truft,
<br /> (d) �uecw�orr�nd Aealpnn 6oand;.d.�bnt�ml lSovsr�l�d�bNN1f��%�M���The covensnts a�r�d�prs�m�nb h�rNn con-
<br /> tRin�d dh�B bind,R�u�fii���I�{�►ia fieiau�wa:�d�5��11nuro ta,tha rc_��ctfva aur.r.Per.ore end nesl�nm of L�dor end Yruetor,Afl --
<br /> cown�nt�a�d wqr�+nonte af Trd�tor ahat!t�n 8�►Sn1 t►�d aavaral.The csntinnp and heedlnpa ot th�prr�prapht of thl�De�d of
<br /> Trust ere for conv�nlence anlK end are n�t to t�m u�►ad to Interpret or d�tlnA ths provlelona hereol.
<br /> (e� p�qwNturNoMcM.Th�e qactie�horM�p requeftthate cony o1 any nt�tfce of defeult h�areundor snd e copy of eny n�tica
<br /> ol ealu har+lurtdsr b�meil�xb to ear,h party tp�t?►3�D�ed ot Tnnt e�t the addrees eot lorth ebovs In tfie mann�r pnscrlb�d by
<br /> applloahlt�It�w,Except t�r eny other notico rt►qLi;reM undar applicable lawr tn 1►e�Iven In another manner,any noUce pravidrd
<br /> (aRh ayt�au�Uf rttt�tit�p o'vi�ic�lo In thl�ISFr�ri1 ot Tr�tt ehall be Hectivn��ponr mell�inp In the m�enne I Qe��fl ated hK o.Mll
<br /> Trustor Fa�ma�9 titnn ono pernc�rt,notice son!t�tho Rddreae�aet forth e1►ovn nhall be nodca lo atl auah pereon�. -
<br /> �q,p�tT�u�t,Lendur may meka or cau�te Sn tx�made roasonabt�ontrtno upon and Ins�ectlons ot Me Property�p►a�lded
<br /> that Lenttnr ehnll givo Teuntor notlae prlor ta�ny:�uch Inapection arecitylnp reasonable cause theretor ieleted to Lender's
<br /> Interwt In,t11R RrnpeRy.
<br /> (y) FEuc�mu�yanr.�.Uponpaymantott�li;uQnnse�cur�dbY�hls�eedot't'rust.Lenderehalireque�tTrusteetoreconveythe
<br /> Propsrt��nd ehnll surcr�ndor thig Doed at 7nixt wn�i a11 natos ovldenclnA Indfll�tadneaa secured by thls Reecl of 7ruet to Tru�ESS.
<br /> Trustee shAll manevoy the property witt►ou>>v7�rrnnty and without charpn to the peraon or peraons leyally entitled t�ereto.
<br /> Tni�or r,tmti pn1►all caab Q!rer.er•'atlon,f1�nY•
<br /> (h) Farnonnl RroMrty;Sa�satr.if�D+DreanrApt.Ao additlan�l security lor the payment of tha Note,TPUator nereby gr�ntn
<br /> Lender und«r tlnl Nohr9aka U�9lrynn C�mmorcEnl Code o securiry Interoat in e�ll fixturea,equlpmen�and other personal p�opKty
<br /> used In curtnc�Mlnn with tho reol us�4a or impaavamnnts lacatod tht►roon,nnd not utherwlse daciared or deemed to Pre a put o1
<br /> the reat e�tatu saRUr9d hqraby.Th+s Insuur�rnS:hall be aonatrued as fl�or.��ricy Agreement under safd Cade,and the Lender ,
<br /> shHll RAV�!All tt10►i�ht0 and rdmncrh�44 i�t.117f:���sr;an��r s�id Gcutn In addidon to ths rights snd rsmndle�cre�E�d ur�N►
<br /> en�t�cwc�c�txllfio Le�dar purouaEit?�Yhis QM>�E n1 Trust;nrovlded that l.�rnder's righ4a end remattse ur�derthla persyraph ahall
<br /> bs c:anauGative wilh,enc!in no wu�r r�limltaUan o�,Lander's NpMra Rnd romndlea under eny other sscurfry a�r�smer�t sl�nnd by
<br /> F3orr���er Or Tntntur.
<br /> (i) !.l•ne�n�!F.�aumbnncM.Trustor ho�nl�y warrenta and roprosanto that thare la no dMeult undsr th�provisiona M a�y
<br /> mortya�o,duec!af trut�t,lAaue or purahese coe►trnct describtng ali or any pert of the Property,or other caniract,lneirument or
<br /> agroemimt aonatitutinQ e Ilon or encumbrens�e,rgafnat eli or any part o1 the Property(collecUveiy,"Llens"),exis�np na of tM
<br /> dute ai�lhfn Doad ct Tr�tat,and h'�RR any and all axistinp l.lena romaln unmod(fisd except aa diactosed to Lendsr In T�v�i�r's
<br /> �:stl�r..d:r.��!!°!!P3 41 l�nnn anti�;�ra,mbrenaon providod tov h�rmin.Yruetor ei�ell timely perform ell af TrueWr's ab�1W1l�onf,
<br /> aovanantu,rr�prr�sontatbna and rr�srantles unsl9s any snd aIi vxl6it.infl and tuture Uene,anaii prampuY�v�w:��w G^^^�
<br /> at alt notiaot�of det�:ik sent In con�ecUon w�9h nny and all oxistin�or future Llens,end ehell not vrilhout Lrir►der's pr6or wrilbn
<br /> consent.in eny mtu*csr:e modi(y the psovlsimnA�4 or aflaw any tuturo[tdvences under eny exiedny or tut��r�a�L.?ena
<br /> (IL N�nun�����'�����nlese otharw7to requf rod by IAw,sums(nfc�E�Lender her�nder,inClUd;n�°evithout lim!Wic►n
<br /> paymnntu af•prtrtafpel and Interee�Inaurenao procc+eds.condr;�ret.ntttian pco+Qeda�nd rents and profits,s:?a:l bs applied by
<br /> Lench�rcu lh�Amaunto duo end owing trorn Tru�tor nnd E3arrowee in s:ach a;�or ae Lendar In Ets sole dfacrstlon dsema dqairabl�•
<br /> (i�) �nveabMlty.if any provlalon ot this Q�od ot Trust aunhF���ia w1�ri nPP►lcatr�e law Qr is declared Invatid or WtrA�wiM
<br /> uneniarr.en,Uln,�uah conflict or invAlidity st4Af�nof atlect the o;:�Qe provisa�hs oi thia Oeed of T�ust or the Note which r�n be
<br /> givan t�tThrzt wfli�aut iti�coniiicti��g uiuvisi�n,a�iu fo thl&end tha�rovl�ton�a'thia DMd ot Truet end t�e Note are decl�roct b b�
<br /> e�vetaUN�..
<br /> are Ut�o e,mne pehr'so o),thoao torm�s u�od In his Da�eed o}�Truat�ehail be InterChenflreable d when the Truator end Eiorrower
<br /> (m)t�ler+m�►p l�w.Thl9 Deed ot Truat sl�all be govnrnod by lho Inwa ot the State ot Nebresks.
<br /> Truytor t�as exe�cutad thiaQoed af Trust as O1 the dato writton above.
<br /> 1a�ee��or���or 5ingle Pereon
<br /> � Truator
<br /> �'�ii�'�",, -
<br /> ''l Y�1flt.`s:
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