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.� ����L� •• `/ .. ` ,1 _ . . <br /> (` <br /> . . ,?A�ff1+Y ' . r. •• ��'. .. .. " . .'�a1M.- '�..'1 <br /> ��:�11!'+i 'AMF3�'{t:•.I� j• .L - ..esnf�'1`i.k�{�'[M:!hyYidtil�flli�.'�rtl�fMM�1LN6ii.�u�..imn..�, -- �.,.•.. . - <br /> . � <br /> . . F . . . .r..�m+�w.u..�..�.+....w.....�aw�...v.-�e <br /> .,� <br /> .- �• �5'��`_ �f''.-'..:'a.... ... _.-.,.::. t1"' . .. <br /> !:_.ur:�.���..wd L,.� _ <br /> � - ..s_i.GE711iSOt,le�i:.ti'� �.�"::,?77__ <br /> . . �•q�nizy-3s- ' ,. • <br /> �. . ` <br /> 1 <br /> ,; � ��•���'�� � . <br /> ;;�d, .y a 9. H�:ar�foui IA�t�ri�le.TruatQ��ahall keep the Property In compllance wlth nll uppllcablo lawe,ardlnancom ond repulatlone I• <br /> ° �•- �= ,•_���� reletinp to Induttrl�l hyplene ar envlronmertel protection(C011ectively relerred to heraln��"C-nvironmental Laws"►.T�ustar ehdl <br /> �a'�'���'`�" � "�'� kaap the Rroperty free tram all eubetencea d�emed to bo h�terdow or toxlG under nny Envlronmant�l Lswi(collactivaty r�terra�to � <br /> -''"`=-yr.:,� . • horeln ps"Hu�rdous M1tt�rf�le"f.Truotor hereby warrtnU end repreRents fo Landor that tht�re are no Haierdou�MaterinlA on or <br /> �--,�Th��'•.''��.'' under the Propa►ty.Tru�tor h�r�by aprN!to Indemnlry end hold hprmis��Lender,Ite dirocton,a8lcan,employeas and apenu,and , •.:�: <br /> 1• • - r.ny e�iccea�ore to Lendar'e Intowst.lrom�nd agelnet any and atl cltlm�,dr�mapo�,loaeg�end IIabllitlas arlainp In conRer,tlon with • • <br /> �'s�:;�,��,. •• the pnfence,us�,diapowl ar Ir�ntpOrt o1 nny Hsz�r�tou�Matenals on, under,irom nr eb�ut t7e Piopo�ryr.YH�FOCiC00ENQ � , <br /> �'- `� ` °"� Wl1RRANTtEB ANO REPRE3ENTATION9.ANO TRUS70C�'S OAII�ATIONS PUR3U/1NT TO THE FOHE�OINO INOEMNITV,SHALL <br /> � s, '�.• <br /> " .�''` :a:�k.• � BURVIVF RECONVEYANCE OF TMIS DEEO QF TRlJBL • � '"' <br /> "`-; �"y ' � �O. A�111D�flI ol R�nb.Truator hereby ewlpna to lender the renu,ia�uea end protlte ot the Property;provlded that Truator ;., �,,�__ <br />�:' �y,.����'� aha�l,unttl the xcurrmnce o}en Event ol 0efeutt heraundar,heve the►IyhltA cotleot and retaln euch renta,leauef snd prollts as they .�m., <br /> ��- become du�end p�yable.Upon th�accurrence of an�vant o}DetauN,Lendev may,elther In pmreon or by epenL wlth or wlthouE .��'�; <br /> � ' - -� brinpinp eny acti�n or proceedlnQ,or by s recelvar appolnted by a coun and without regtrd to the edQquacy ot its securfry,enter _ .t-.�:, <br /> ' , upon and take poaeeaeton o1 the Pro e or nn psrt li�oreol,In Ite ow�nama ar In tho numo of 4h3 Tru�tev,and do nn act�whi�ch it �`�°F'=�= <br /> P rtY� Y y -��n;���u�;-• <br /> ° � ' '"�S deema nuceasary or dotlr�ble to preserve the vnlue,ma►ket�blliry ar renteblliry of the�Property,or eny pertthereol nr Intarostthoreln. ,���i;_. <br /> Increaae the Income therelrom or protect the eecuriry hereal end,with o�wlihout teking qoaaeaelo� o}the Pm{�e�rty,su�for or ���r.:a� <br /> • othervulaa collect the rente,le8ues and p►otit�therao},Includinp thosa pasl due and unpald,end appfy the sams,lMS costs and ��ti�;4.w: <br /> � � '� ' axpensea oi operatlon ensl coller,tlon including ettorneys'leea,upon any Indebtodnoss secured hereby,ell In such ordera9 Lender �-�--,�. <br />•„��; , '• �� mey determfna.The onte�lnp upon end takln�poasossion o1 the Propeny.the caltaatton o1 euGh�ente.Iseuoa and prplits�nd the <br /> —;.•• :�''•�,;,� epplicatlon thereo(ae ato►eaeld,shall not cure or welve nny default or notice of delault hereundar or Invelidato eny act done In <br /> - . •� roaponae to euch default or pureua�t to euch notfce c►f detault and,notwlih�4e�ndl�p lhe continuanca In pouaaalon of the PrapsRy or <br /> -- ' h the coltectlr�n,receipt end epplicetion nf renfa,iasue9 0o praflta,and and I.end�r shaN!rs enqUed to exerclae every rlaAt _ <br /> � . .�,, provtdedforinanyoltheLatnDocumentsarbylawuponaccurrenceofenyEventofDetault,lncludinpwithoutlimftatlonthsdphtlo <br /> exerciee the pawer of sate.Further,Lende►'s rights 3nd remedles under thia paregrnph shatl bo cumulative with,and In no w�y s <br />— •• �� Ilmltetionon,Lender'srightsandremodlesunderenyassignmec�totlease5endronterecordedagaln�lthaProperty.l.ender,Truatee � <br /> � •� :,� • end tP►e recelver ahall be Ilable to account only thase rents aotualiy recelved. _ <br /> ''� ' '; 1 t. �v�nb o10el�ufl.The(ollowlna shall cons4ltuta an Event of Deiault under thto Daerc�7 0�Trus� _ <br /> �� � (a) Fallure co pay any instutlment of principal or InSerest o} nny other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> � ��" � (b) A breach ot ardefeult under any provlsion contnlned in the Note,this Qeed of Trust,snyof the Loan Document�,or�ny <br /> j othev Ilen or encum4rence upon tha PrapeRV; <br /> (c) A wrlt of executlon or sttachment or any slmllar process ohall bo ontorar�agalnst Trustor which ehsli beconie e Ilen on <br /> �� ��t, Me Property or any portlon thereaf or Interest t�eretn; <br /> �;� (d) Thero shall be 1'lled by or agalnet Trustor or 9orrawer an actfan under any prdsent or tutur�tederal,siate or other <br /> ,.,.ti stetute,law or regulatlon relating to bankruptcy,Ineolvency or other rellel ior debtors;o�there ahall be appolnted any truatee. <br /> i3Co1:o7 Oi!lq:t:::..°!.^.'�t Tlt:9t�s^!'L�±rrnyrar nr nt pll or eny nert oi the Property,or the rents,(S9U8S O►pfpTRb th@f8tJ1,Of TfUStO� <br /> �� . ��` or Borrower 8hali make any general assignment lor the benetit o!creditors; <br /> k'>� (e) The,sale,tranefer,lease,assignment,conveyance o�(urther encumbrance o1 ull or any part ot or eny Interest In tlta <br /> . '�;js Pro�oeriy,either votunterliy or Involunterfly,without the express written consent M Lertder;provided that Trustor dhati bs <br /> i� permitted to execute e lense of tho Properiy that does not contal�an option to purchase and the term of whlGh does not exceed <br /> - one year,' <br /> > (Q Abandonmen2 ot tha Proporty;or <br /> ;'��i'� ". � (g) If Trustor is not on Indlvidual,the iasuance,sale,transter,asslgnment,conveyance or encumbmnce of moro tha�a tolal <br />':1�::�:;.i, ':.�i-: <br /> • , •-� rcent ot(it a cor�oration)its Issued end outstandin stock or pf a partnershi ►a toial ul percenl�9 -- <br />. of.�—pe <br /> •�_•.• • .�.tic..� .. p8rtnfl�ship Interests dJring tho porlod this Qeed of Truat roma9ns e IIen on the Proporty. � � <br /> , ' 1 p, psm�dltN;AccMtr�qon Upon D�I�ui�In the event ot nny Event of Default Lender may,without notiCO exCeptea required by <br />' • " Itaw,declnre all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and pnyable und the sama shell thereupon bacome due end psyaCle -- <br /> _:r� ,: , without any presentment,demend,protest or notice ot any kind.Thereatter Lendar may: <br /> ���•. �.���. .. (a) Demend that Trustee exerciso the POWER OF SALE g�ented horeln, end Tru�tae shell ihereetter cauas 7rustor's <br /> .��� , • . ,�� ,�a•.' Intorest In ti�e Property to be sold nnd the procoeds to ba distributed,all In tho mnnner provlded I�the Nebrflaks Tru�t Daeds w�� <br /> .-;.=��...•>..; ,�.::. ACt -- <br /> ,. . �� . <br /> .��;:;,., ., �: (b) Exorciseanyandallripl�tsprovldadtorinnc�yoftheLoanDocenmantsorbylswu�onoccurranceofenyEventofDetaWt: _ <br /> s�y�,?'°S�, • end c;� <br /> �';:`;}��:;•;. (c) Commence an actlon to toreclose thls Doed af Trust ss e mortgago.A�pof�it a recelver,or speclticalty entorce any of the <br /> ; 'i����'. � covenants hereof. ���.� <br /> 4.i" �. �"+"Fr <br /> ° No�emedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lendar i�intended to be excluslvo of any other remedy hereln,In the -- <br /> °,_,.. _ ... Loan Docvmenta or by lew provided or permitted,but each shall bm cumulative,shell be in addition to every other remedy given ��j�;�,;�_, _. <br /> ���°- � hereundnr,In the Lc>an DOCUmonts or now or hereafter exlating at law or in equity or by statute,and may be exercised concurrently, ,;�-r_t?z <br /> :�;:;� � • Independently or succe:ssively. �,�=- <br /> :;`��: , . 13. TrwtM.The Trus4eo may resign et any Ume wlthout cuuse,nnd Lonc]�z may et eny time and without cause appotm e '..���, <br /> ',�:�:,. •y succ9ssor or substituto Truatoe.Trust[te shall not be Ileble to eny parry,Including without Iimftatlon Londer,Borrower,Trustor or eny �, ;_ <br /> � � ��;;F`,; purchasor al the Property,tor eny loss or damage unloss due to rocteless or wllltul misconduct,and shalt not be requfroel to lake any • <br /> ��s;s •`?'`' actlon In connectfon with the en}oPaoment of thlo Deed of Trust unless Indemnitled, In writing,lor all cosZS,compensation or : • <br />- � � expensos which may be nssoclated thorov+ith.In additfon,Trusteo rnay become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudicial mr <br /> '���.�.'• under the power of sale pranted horaln�;postpone the aole of ell or eny portlon of the Property,as provtded by law;or seli the <br /> � ' Property as a wholo,or in aeparate parcols or lots at Trustoo's discretlon. <br /> ~ 14. Fwif�rtd Exp�naN.In tha event Trustee sells tho Rroporty by exarciso of power of eale,Trustea shnll be entltied tv appiy <br /> - ��;:'��, any salo procaods tirst to paymont of aIl costo end oxpon3es of exercising power of sale.Including ell 7rust6e's fees,and Lendor's <br /> ' ;��� and Tni�?ae s atto�ney's tees.actuoliy Incurrod to extent permftted t►y applicnble lew.In the even4 Borrowor or Trustor exercisas any <br /> . � � right provided by Iaw to curo en Event of Dofault,Londer shell ba�ntltlod to rocovor from Teu�'tcr ell costs and expenses en4ually � <br /> Incurrod as a rosult of Trustor'o defnult, Including without Ilmitetfon ell Trustee's and nttornoy's toos,to tho extent permiited by <br /> • . . aPpllCable Inw. � <br />- . . �'�� 16. Futuro Ad•+t�ncN.Upon requoat of Borrowoi,Londor may,at its option, enake additional and tuturo edvances and ro- � <br /> ` " advances to Borrower.Such advances nnd roadvancas,with Into:ost thereon,shall be soCUred ay thls Deed of Trust.At no time shall <br /> � tho princi�al umount of the Indobtedness oecurad by thle Doed o1 Trr.�sl,not Including sums aciv.nncod to protect tho securiry olthis � <br />-• --�� r�a...r...e. o,,..�rho nrialnal nrincinal amount stntod herein_ot 5 -0 0Q1N.0fd whichever Is gre�ter. <br /> . ---'- <br /> - ------ ---.:-- ..o....... ....�.. -------°•- - - - � , _ <br /> -- �-�.''i`�" ., .. 16. MhicNlm�ow Provi�lon�. <br /> �' � ' (a) Bonow�r Not Ft�Natrd.Extenslon of tho tlme for payment o�modiiicniion of emortizatlon of tho sums socurt3d by this � <br /> � � • Oeed ot Truat granted by Londe�to nny succes�or in Intorost oi Borrower shat���ot operato to�oleasa,in nny manner,tho Ilabllity <br /> . � ;. ot tho original Borrowor end Borrowor's succsusors fn Interost.Lender ahall not bo roquirod to commence proceedings agalnst ` <br /> •� � such succ�sso�or re}use to axtend tfm�for paymont or otherwise modify omortizeUon o!the aums secured by this Deed of Trust i <br /> .. , <br /> ...:__�.—�._..�__... ---_.. „�� ..a,,,,,,,,,ao mn./n hv tho nrinfnnl Finrrnwa►anri Flnrre�war'a aur.ceS30f8 I�irltBtOSt. <br /> _- �. •�-- - uy�odovn vi u:�...........�� ...-_- -. .._ _. . - -- - <br /> . (b) L�ndK'�Pow�re.Without eflocting the Ifabtlfty af nny othe�porson Ifable lor the pnymant of eny oblfpntlon hc�rein <br /> mentioned,end wfthout atlecting the Ilen or chargo of thls Deed ot Trust uaon any portion ot tho Property not then or theretoforo <br />-- • � refeasad�g securiry ior tho tull amount of all unpald obligatfons,Londer may,trom time to timo end withaut notice(i)release uny <br /> �' person so Ilpblv,(ii)oxtond 4he mnturiry or elter any of tho terms o1 any such oblic�attons.(ifi)grant othor Indulgonces.(iv)reloase <br /> - • or reconvey,or causo to bo re:eased or reconveyecl et any time et l.endor's option nny parcvl, portion or oll of the Praperty, <br /> � ' � (v)tako or releaso nny otl�er or additional security for any obligation horefn manUoned,or(vf) make compositlons or other , <br /> ���'�'�: '`. �.�� errangements with debtora In reletlon thereto. . <br />'�;.. . <br /> , <br /> _ i <br /> -: <br /> . <br /> ... - . . <br />