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Hnznrd or {'roperty �n5nrunce. llorruwcr �hnll kccp �hu lntpruvcmcnts novi extstinB or hereaRer ercctcd on the — <br /> �..r Prapcny insurc�J u�i►inst 105,hy fir�, hv.+ud�. Inclu�lcd t:�ithin thc lcrm "cxtr.n�ied covcru�c" �nd any�thcr hazards,including �.:<� <br /> -�,,,�": ilocxis or ilooding, ti�r whlch lw:nJer r�ci�uD�c�inwuruucc, 'I'his Inyiirancs shull he maintainui in the amounts and for the pr,riods <br />--_�_-=-__=�� that ll..citdcr rcquires.Thc insuruncc ciirrier pruvldlnu the iu�uruncc shnll hc rhosen by Sorra�ver subject to [.ender's approvul --- <br /> ,.�� which sir�ll nnt be unre:�sonaibly withhclQ, If Horruar�• fuilti iu nudnitdn coveriigc describr,d above. Lcnder may, at Lcnder's �` <br /> �T� oNtiim.obtnin covcrnsc to protcct l�:ndcr'+rf�;hls fn Ihc Prnpri�y fn uccnrdcu�cc with para�raph 7. s�s,;,,,.. <br /> .�:'-''"s'��. All insurance palicies nnd renewnls shnll hc iiccrptuhlr tn I�nder imd hlwll include u stun�arci mortguge clause. i.ender <br /> _�::_;s'..'4,�',� <br /> - �-, shall have the right to Iwld tl�e pollcies nncl rcnew;d�,. li'l�;udcr rcNuUey, Lurr���vcr�hnll protnptly give to Lendcr aU rcccipts of _ <br /> '�`4'���� paid nrentitnns und renewnl nntice�. In the evcnt ui'lohti, Hnrrnwer tili��ll�!ivc prumpt nntice to the insurunce cnrricr and I.ender. -.---. <br /> :•��,•�. .-.,.. <br /> ,;J',:,,. ,. ,, I.ender may�nukc pruof uf lass if not nuida promptly hy Flnrrnwcr. <br />=-i:��:t,�'��a!: <br />•:-�_�?��.ar,r;�}y�,P;. Unlcss L.cndcr and 8orrowcr ntlicrwise ugrcc in wri�i+�g, iuyur;mcc pr�rccals tihnll bc i�ppl;ul to restoration or repuir of thc <br />�-'4��r���'1: Yroperty damagcd, if dlc restnrution ur rcpair is ccuni�mic+dty fcnsibli:uud I�:nQcr'4�ciurity is not Icssencd.If thc restoratiat or - <br /> -.,..y_.-�t�emi� �K"�• <br /> -�-r�� repair is not cconomically feasiblc or l.endcr's sccurity w��uld hc Icssrned, Ihc fnsuranrc pn►cecds shall be applicd to the sums -- <br /> "-=_s'ir�vcr�r� <br /> -:°:Tr-+++..�;, secured by this Security Instrument. whether ar not Qun due, �vith uny excetis pidd tu 13urr�wer. If Borrower abandons t e <br />'�';1�� � �S� Propr,rty, or does not uns�vcr within 30 duys a notirc front l.cndcr thiu tlic insuruncc c►ui i�r I�us offered to scttic a claim,then - <br />,;�j°%;;� l.cndcr muy collcct the insuruncc prucecds. l.cndcr nmy usc Ihc prucceds tu icpuir ��r restorc thc Property or to puy sums <br />'^'�_��'` ` sccurcd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt, whcthcr i�r not thcn Quc.'fl�c:i0•d�iy prriu�t will hcgin whcn die notir.e is given. _ <br /> �--�"° �, � Unlcss Lendcr and Narrowcr utl�crwisc ugrcc in writing, +my upplici�Uun uf proccccls to principul shall not cxtend or <br /> �"��°'��� f'", postpone the duc datc oi thc moNhly payments rcfcrrcd to in pnri�grnplis I nnd 2 or change the amount �f thc payrnnnts. If <br />'-`��{�"'�'� undcr paragraph ZI the Nroperty is ucquircd by I.cndcr, Born��vcr'ti right tu nny insur�uicc policics and Procecds resultix��fram <br /> ,�°�'x": <br />_y�:�s dcunagc to thc Propeny prior to Ihc ucyuisition yhull pass to l.cndcr tu ihc ex�cnt of thc�u�ris sccurcd by the;;Security Instnimr,nt — <br />-="''°;� immcdiately prior to the acquisition. <br /> ���f=���k= 6.Occupancy, Prescrvatton,Mulntem�ncc und ProttY;Uon of the Ihvi�xrty; 8orrawcr's l.ui�n Apgltr,fltion;I..c�seholds. <br /> _:__-�.i'-,;� <br /> �',x;R Borrower shall occupy, estnblish,und use the Properry as Borrowcr's principnl residcncc within sixry duys�fcer tha execution��f <br />�`- i this Securit [nstrument and shall cuntlnue to�ucupy the I�ri�perty ati I3urru�vcr'ti prfncipul residencG for at let:st onfl year t�Rer - <br /> -.`�:".�5�': Y .._�� �....... � �,� ,,;;;� « <br /> �"�` ' the date of oceupaney, unless Lender otltenv�se u�reeti in wriiing. �vi�icL cu�i,ciii ,��a�� s�c�i ��...��rr,a,:;rabl� •a:t3t.te...,or e.... <br />'���`�`�. `' extenuating circunzstanees cxist whirh ure heynnd [3orrower's cuutrul. Hurrower yhall uot destroy, damage <►r impuir the <br /> :�-� r <br /> _�.;••.:1.��' Praperty, uliow thc Property to dcterioriite, or rommit �vi�titc on the I'r�►perty. I�nrruwcr tihttll bc in default if 1ny forfcrture = <br />.'��'t'�r�+ � �' action or proeeeding,whether civil or criminnl, is hegun thut in 1.e�iJer'ti good tidth Judgment cauld result in forfeiture of the <br />'='�'+i"rJ�O1M�R:;..;c� <br />,�y�� . Property or ptherwise muterinlly impair tl�e lien created by tlds Securiry Inyu•ument ur 1�nder'ti tivcurity interest.Aorrower may <br />��:,,�'°�'�',^, cure sucl�n defnult und reinstate,as provided in puragruph 1 H,hy r.iusing the uctlun nr prurrc�iing tu he di5missed with a ruling <br /> _ _,r� thut, in Lcndcr's gooci faith dcurminution, prccludcs furfciwrc uf' thc Hornn�•cr', fntcrest in 11►c 1'roperty ur othcr material �.. <br />_•`�.Kn���:�� impairment af the licn created by this Security Instrunzent or l.�nder'� ucw�ity fntcrctit. f9urruwcr til�all also be in default if _ <br /> „�.,:,«_„�,tR,�:- Borrower,during the loan upplicntion proccss.gnve mutcriully fid�c ur inurcur:ue intin�ntnU�m ur+tutcntetus W Lcnder(vr failed <br /> °„��,,;�F�„--v� to provide I..ender with any materinl infm•mution) in conneetion with thu laim rvideaced by U�e Nutc, including.but not limitod - <br /> ;��X;:;,,,�,�,�,� to,rcprescntations concerning Borruwcr's n�cupancy al�►�ic PmP�rtY:iti n prhmipiil icyidcurc. If�I�fti Sccurity Instrurncnt is on a i <br />--- °�-=�� Icuschold. Borruwcr shall comply with all thc provitiiun+ �+f' thc Icusr. If Horrawcr nr��uires I'cc tfQc tu dic Pr•operty, thc = <br /> '�"�'"'�'`��`�`.� Icaschold und thc f�c titic shall not mcrgc unlcss l.cridcc ugrccti tu thc nurgcr in wrilln�,. Q_�-_ <br />-�-�'`�t':'��" 7.Protection of I.endc►'y Rlghtx in thc Property.lf Eiurruwcr f'uilti tu perfurm dic cuvrnnntti und�ibrccmcnts conpzined in �.•:_ <br /> _- _�;.� tltis Security Instrumcnt,or thcrc iti n Icgal procccding thut muy tiignifirnnUy nffcrt I.�ndcr', rfE!hts In thc Propcny(such tts a e=�~' <br /> - '-°�:�r+r� roceedin in bankru tc . �rohute, for condemnution or furfeiture nr to entirrce Inwti��r rr,ulnt{uns1, then Lender m da nnd °"�` <br /> -- P b P Y 1 !' � �" <br /> ;�';;..:-� ���=' <br />- _ pay for whutevcr is ncccssary to prntcct thc vuluc of du Property und l.��ulrr'� rig:n+ in �hc Pru�kriy. l,cndcr's actions mny ,• � <br /> _-_°;'�:i���;� includc paying nny sums sccurcd by a licn which huti priurity uvcr tl►Ih ticcin•ity Intitrumrn[. ��n��.�r�„s in court. paying .. <br /> =.m;:.,.�.�,� reasonable uttorneys'fecs and entcring on the Pruperty tn nuikc rcpaiirs. Although I.�n�ler imiy �rik�i+ction unJcr this paragrapli �� <br />-s�==�72.m;r�_ 7, Lendcr docs not havc to do s�. <br /> __Y�II��IIw• <br /> L,,�.,��, Any amounts disburscJ by L.endcr undcr chiti purngrapli 7 til►all hccomc �idditiuiud dcht �d' liurrowcr yccureJ Ny this <br /> •:`�fi��rL*=.,f�'r� Security Instrumcnt. Unlesti Borivwcr and Lcndcr agrcc tu uth�r tcrnt�uf'paytnen►, �hc�c mnuum+ .hidl hr�ir intcrest f�om the <br /> __. µ- . <br /> �i"-���:,y,�,.; ctutc of disbursemcnt ut thc Notc ratc �ind shull hc paynblc, with intcrc,t, upnn nuticc frum I.rndcr tu I�nrr�iwcr rcNucsting <br />.��'�'x�•s�.���, payment. • <br /> ��'!:��,i`����,'{'': S.Mortqugc Iusurmice. If I.c:ndcr rcquircd mortgiigc insur�uirc us ii cunditiun uf�mukiu�!Ihr lu:m�r«ncd hy tliis Sccurity <br />�-, ,,�'..;,,�' lnstrument. Borrowcr sh111 pay thc prcntiunts res�uired ti� tnnintuin thc m��rt�;u�;c imurunrr in rllrrt. 11', lur uny rcotiun, the .. <br />;'�';' <br /> < <s mortgn�c insurancc covcragc rcyuired by Lcndcr lapscs or rcaxcy to hc in cft'cct, liurruwcr+hnU p;�y ihc prcniium� reyuircd to <br />,:���-�-� M1�� j � obtain coverage substuntially equivalent to the mi�rtgubc intiuranre previuu�ly in cffcrt, nt u rust tiuhtilnntiully rquivnlent tu tlm <br /> . ..��.��` cost to T�orrowcr of thc mortgagc insurancc prcviouslp in cftcct, frum nn ultcrnntc nwrl n � iiisurcr ;�i nuu��J h l.cndcr. If <br />�-:;,;;;;-��..��; fs :;• i i � y `. <br />��``t '-��'� � <br /> '"�3�rxti R.�:': substnntially equivalent mongu�c insurunce covcrage is not uvuiluble, liorruwer tiltu{I pny tu I.cndrr r,irl►numth a�um cqual w <br /> _.�r��.''` onc-twclfth of thc ycarly martgagc insur.tncc prcmium bcing paid by liorro�vc�•whcn thc in+ur;�ncr ruvrra1;r lup�cd ur rcascJ to I,: ': <br />, '�'��� be in effect. Lender wilt accept, use«nd reti�in these payments us u loss reservc in lieu uf muit��nl;c fntiwnnre• I nr., rcscrve <br />_��;�� .� <br /> -�-�z=?e,rt-=v�s;� Faini 3020 9/90 <br />'"1'T:��'� . <br />-`- - Pnua J M 0 <br /> -��.afk.f.Yi��-' �_.�-_.. <br /> '���� i <br />�... <br /> �"���,u:�r . .. � ... <br />-:;, .rG. _ _... . . .. _ . <br /> , <br />.,..:.._... .._ _ __ ..,-�- -- - � -�-- .. ., .. . . . � .f �� „ <br /> ---"--7..___••_ <br /> ., . . ._;v-.-� . - .. ...._ . .. <br /> .a. . -. . . ... , ,..... • . � . . • . . . . <br /> .: <br /> •�•.•�+J.. 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