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. t�.� �.f• .-�...�-rtw+em�wwn••1";t'..�. ..�R�:('��,.,,I,r.�.r1r . <br /> •• vI"y'71MatitatYfw�/eYf��� � - ' �14A'1Yw�MA���^'—' ���, <br /> ����!'7�YS'c,gk y .r.-,.... .. . - �� ���Erwor-' . . . ... .__-- <br /> .A �.w+n,r��ia• -•� .ir� i�.:;RV• ..5� .�J't��'�^11,ir^�7n�'S�t1iJ�`.rrr� _ <br /> ..�_..�.. ......,...�...._..._.,,�. W _ ._...,�kirt�]w4a��siw ---- _,��---. <br /> � �:. <br /> Fxr. <br /> j�����.�I��`l'�r I,-. <br /> (c) �orl�N+ranc�hy LMd�t�ol a W�ivir.Any forboarance by Lender In exercialne eny Npht or remedy hereunder,or �-- <br /> othorwise�Horded by sppllcable lew,ehell nal bo a Walver of ar preclud�the exerctse o1 eny such rlpht or remedy.The <br /> pracure�nent o1 In�unnce or the peyment o1 taxe�or other Ilana or Charpe�by l.ender eNall not be e welver of LendEr'a rlghtto _ <br /> eccMer�t�th�mrturiry nf the indshtednees recured by thla Deed ol Truat. <br /> (d) �uccc�en�nd Ao�{yns Qound;,9oln!�nd 8wr�rW1 LlaWlky;C�Ptions.Tha coven�nts encl ayreemmnta hereln con- _ <br /> telned ahAll bind,nnd fhe rlgHta tjereu��er ehali inuro to,thc ra�pCaUvo�uCCO7"or�nnd q�s��ne ol Lender And Yruator.AQ � <br /> covsna�nb Rnd afl+edment�ol7ruator aheli bs Jolnt end�veral.The ceptlane e�nd headinp�at the paraprapha of lhis�ead ot <br /> TruiS ere tor convenience only nnd ere not to be uaed to Interpret or detlne the provteinns hereoi. <br /> (e) R�quMt tor No11�N.The partles hereby roquest that a copy of any notice ot deiault hereunder end a capy et any notice <br /> ot s+�ls hereunder be mafl�d!o each party tn 4hle Deed of Truat at the addreaa eat forlh dbove In the manner prascribed ay <br /> epplicable law.Except tor any other notice requlred under appllcabte lew to be piven In another mannor,any notice provldad <br /> for In thle Deod of Trust ehali he piven by malllnp sucN notice by cert111ed mall addreaaed to the other pertlea,at thA address cet _ <br /> farth�bova.Any notlao pr4vtded tor In this Deed of 7re�ot shatl be eftective upon malling In the mannor dasipnated hereln. tt <br /> 7ruetor ie more than one person,notfcs sent to the addrea�aet torlh ebove ehall tse notice to eil such persone. <br /> (Q ln�p�cllon.Londer may m&k�or aauae to be made reasonable entile�upon and inspecUnna o11he Properly,provlddd _ <br /> that Lertdef ehall give Tivator natls�priar to any such Ir,spflctl�n specifying reasoneble caus9 theretor retated to Lender'a <br /> Intereat In the Praperty. <br /> (p) R�conv�yanc�.Upon payment o4 ell sums secured by thia Deed of Trust,Lertde►ahsll regueat Trust�e to reconvey the <br /> Property and ehall eurrender this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencinp Indebt�noaa sacured by thts Deed of 1Yuat to Tru�tee. <br /> Trustee ehall reconvey tho Properry witnout Karranry and wfthout charge to the pereon or pnreona legslty entitled thereto. <br /> TPUotOi 6ha11 p�y all coat�ot�eccrdetton,Ii any, . <br /> (h) �+�sonal PropKty;S�curity Aq��nt.As additiondl securlty to�the peyment of tho Note,Trus4or hereby granta <br /> Lender under the Nebrasks Unitorm Commerclal Code n securiry Intereat in ell ftxturea,equipment,and other pe►aonAl prope�ty <br /> used In conneotton wNh the real eatate or Improvements locatod thereon,and not otherwise daclarsd or deemRd to be e part of <br /> the real estate oecured horeby.Thls Instrument sha11 be construed as n uecurity Agreement under sald Code,end the Lender <br /> si�all hava alt the righte enA remedles ot e securooi Rsny under satd Code In eddltlon to the rights aryd remsdie�created under <br /> and accorded the Lo�der pursuent to thls Deed of Trust provided that Lender's rlghts nnd remedies under thla pareQraph ehali <br /> be cumulative with,and in no way a Iimitation on,Lender's riphts and remedles under any other securiry eqreement slgned by <br /> Borrowar or Trustor. <br /> (I) Lt�n��nd Eacumbnnc�.Truator heroby warrants end repressnt�that there is no default under the pravialona of eny <br /> mortgage,deed of truat,lease or purchaae ca�tract describing all or any part ot the Property,or other corttrect,Inatrument or <br /> agreement congtituting a Ile�or encumbrence agalnst all or any pa�rt at the Property(coilectivety,"Llens"),existin�es ot the <br /> date ot thla Deed ot Trus�and t�at any and all existing Llens remain unmodified except as discloaed to Lender in Truato�'e <br /> :,;�z rl:��lc°.,urs�i!�.^.��!mnrancnc orovided for hereln. Trustor ehall timaly pertorm ell of Trustor's obtipstlon�, <br /> covenants,representatlpns and warrantles under any and ell exlsiting and tuture Uena,shail prorr�ptty torward to Lender copies <br /> oi ali noilces of datault aenE in connection wlth any and all�xlating or future Llens,and shall not without Lend�x'a prior writtan <br /> conaent in eny manner modity the provisl�ns ot or al►ow any tuture advances under any exlsttng or tuture L1ens. <br /> �� a¢��ceuon at otherwise required by law,suma pald to Lendor hereundar,fncfuding without IlmituUon <br /> paymente ot principal and intersat,Insurence proceed�,condemnetion proceeds end rents and protits,shell bs e�lied by <br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing trom Trustor ond Bonower in such orde�ee Lender In Its sote discretlon deom�da�'.rable. <br /> (k) SwsnbNity. If any provisi�n of this peed of Truet conflir,b with appllcable law or Is declared Invalld or aJ'xjrwlae <br /> unentorceable,euch Conflict or fnvalidtty ehall not affect the athar provisons o1 thls Deed ot Trust Or the Note whSi;:�can be <br /> given eHeat without the conflicting pravisian,And to thls end the provisions ot this Daed of Trust and fiw�ioie are deCl&red ko!a <br /> severeble. <br /> (I) T�nns.Tha terma"Tru�tor"and"BOrrower"shall Include both oinguler and plural,and whon the Trustor and Bonower <br /> are the same�oerson(a),those terms as used in this Deed of Trust shall be Interchangeabta. <br /> (m) Gov�minq Law.Thl9 DE�ed of Truat shell be governed by the lews oi the 3tata o7 Nebrn�ka. <br /> TrustO��has executec]thla Deod oi Trus4 as ot thb date written above. • __ <br />- ' �( � - <br /> ���� . �ru r � ` <br /> ������ Tn�stor ` <br /> F' <br /> M <br /> • ��;�: ,y��R:,;:..:±��.. �• - , ' , ; <br /> � � i�64 V :��v d - � <br /> e r !�l411�iFa�;.u<,ay��. ,•,y�� <br />-- <br /> = i <br /> _ � <br />_ , <br /> ' i <br /> � _ _ _ <br />