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<br /> a � ...�nw...°ma:.n�.��. .
<br /> ni�DN . . ..�,.�-.._-. _ .
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<br /> ��I�1NSii`.t�.•�. . • . •"ti.-:t ...t..�R.' I;.-u.,.. - .. . ,..�:r.y�,N�:''�•14s::��'c
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<br /> -_,I Z,rc::' -�.. - _._ Ay,Jy�ii{riliv(e1 S:f1�•. xS:ieie3e..a.�.�.i..._�............___"_1,L'." , �±' -'...
<br /> - .'..'_. rw�YMwbMM�.� .L. . �.r _'".�S_
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<br /> - �4�fe�iL1L��._.
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<br />� 9. H�=ardou�ilA�iotl�le.TruQtor ehail keep the Property in compllence wllh nll appllcable Isws,ordtnancea and reyutsllona
<br /> �a:�t„�:r.
<br /> relatin{�to Indus9rie!hyylene or envlronmental protectlon(colleotively roferrod ta hereln ns"Envlronmentsl4awe"►.Truator ehell .
<br />- keap the Prope►ty(rae Irom xtl w[�etance9�eemed to be hezardoua or toxlc under eny�nvironmentel Le+�va(collecllvely reterred to "i�f•�•
<br /> hereln ea"Hezerdoue M�ter�ate"�.Truetor hereby warrante end repreaont�to Lender that there ere no Hexardous Meterlels on or •.�,
<br /> urd�r th�Pro�erty.Truutor hereby sgrat�e to Indemnity and hotd harm!ees Lender,lte directore,ofllcere,emptoyeoa end ayente,and ", ;.r:
<br />` any eucceaeore to LendAr'e Intereat,from and eflainat any u�d all c{alms,darn��ca,loa�efl nnci Unbllltlea arlelnfl 7ME FOREOOINO w��:
<br /> the presence,uee,ditpoael qr trandport of any Hezardaus Meterlala on,under. lrom or about the Properry. �;e,�� _.,
<br /> �:..,;;
<br /> � 1 A.A�lpnm�n4 0l R�rtb.Truator hereby aaaigne to Lender tha renta,Iasuea and profits of the Properry:provided that Truator �+;�r,.;;-_
<br />_� ehall,untU the occurrenca of an Evert of Dotault hereunder,have th�rlght to collect and rataln such runts,Isaues and protits ae they _ _��_,
<br /> becomo dua and Qayable.Upon the ocaurrence o1 en Event ot Detault, l.ander mey,either In puraon or by apent,wNh or wlthout
<br /> L:+::._
<br /> .i r. .
<br />�.� brinfllnp any action or proceQdlnq,or by e rocelver appolntod by a court and wlthout regard to th�adoquacy ot i1e seciulry,enter =�+•m;;:
<br /> upon and take poaseasion o}tho Properiy,or any part thoreot,In its own name or In the name of tho TruB�t�thereof oelntorest herolnt , ,?r�
<br /> deema necnssary or deslreble to preserve the value,marketablliry or rontabllity ol the Properry,or any p ( �-_
<br />`. �� increaeo the inoome therefrom or protect tho secuNty horaoi and, with or without taklnp possesslon a�h sama ess Costs�nnd `�f'�
<br /> Li�r__—..
<br /> f
<br /> otherwlor�colloct lhe rents,tesues nnd proitts thereot,Including th�oe past duo nnd unpnld,and npply �„R„�
<br /> oxpensos of operatlon end colloctlon including attorneys'feos,upon nny Indobtednaas sacurod hereby,all in such order ns Len er
<br />-_ may determino.7he entering upoghe��,not cu�re or waivo anytdeia�aQporrnoUce ofld tault hereunaer or invatidato eny alct don In �4�
<br /> applicatton thereol ae aforesa d, ��
<br />_�� responsa to euch de}sult or pureuant tn such notice af datault�snd,not�vl3hatanAing the contlnuanco in possesslon ot the Property or --
<br /> the�ollection,receipt and applicatlon of rents,issuas or prafits,and T�ustee and Lender shall bo entitted to exorclae evory riqNt
<br />-f� provtded for In any ot the Loan Oocuments or by law�e�+on occurrence of any Event of DAfault,includUg without IlmltetioMhe rightto ----
<br /> exercico Yha power o1 eale.Further,Londer's rights ond remedies under this peregraph shaU 9 cumulative wlth� Lender,Trusteo �'� _
<br /> l l m l t a t f o n o n,L e n d�r's r i g h t s e n d r e m e dlas under an y asstc�nment of lea,.es and rs�rte recordod a ainst the Proparty. ---
<br /> and the receiver ehall be Il�b1e to account only those ronts actuaily received.
<br />��.` 11. EYM1S 01 Fili$81a��1.The tollowing shail constltute a�F_vont of Default under fhls Deed of Truat
<br /> (a) Fallure to @ay any Installment ot principal or Interest of any other ai+m sacured hereby when due;
<br /> (b) A breaah c�7�r default under any provis!•an conlafned In the Note,this Deed of Trust,any ot the Loen Dacumenta,or eny
<br /> othor Ilon or encumhrance upon the PropeRV� .
<br /> (o► A writ of execution or attachment or nny slmilar process shall be entered c�galnat Trustor whlch shall become�+Iisn on
<br /> the Property or any QoRton thereot or Interest thereln;
<br /> (d) There sii<s'.i be tiled by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an actlon�+nder any presont or luture tederal,state or other
<br /> �iniuiei,ia:++�r r"�Su:«'��r.%sl�Lno!n hanknmtcy.insolvoncy or othor reliall�r debtors;or thore shall be eppolnted any trustee,
<br /> ir�r�,....Ts__._r
<br /> receiver or IlquldE�tor of Trusfo�or Bolrrower or of all or any qart of the Proparry,or tne renis,inaua�or N�oii v '^' 1°t^
<br /> or Barrower ahell meke any getiiaral as�lg�mant for the beneiit of creditors;
<br />- (e� The,sale,transfer,lease,Aaslgnment,conveyance or turther encuPnbrance ot ali or eny part of or eny interost i�the
<br /> Proporty� elthor voluntarily or involuntarily,without the oxpress written conaent ot Lender; provlded that Trustor ahall bo
<br /> pormitted to exeaute a leaso 01 the Property that doos not contaln an option to purchase and tho term of which does no1 oxCeed
<br /> one yeer; � __
<br /> ;: (� Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> (g) If Trustor Is not an in�Ivldual,the Is�unnce,sale,trensfer,asnignmores.conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total �
<br />-�� ot.�--percent�t(It e corporatlon)its Issued end outatanding stack or(if a partnerehlp)W total of percant of _
<br /> �,, p8rtnerahlp intereste during the period this Deed oT Trust remalns e Ilon on the Property,
<br /> 12, a�m�ll�s;Acc�ratbn Upon Ddault.In the event of any Event of Detault Londer mey,without nottco excopt as requlred by -
<br /> `=a lew,declare all Indobtodnass secured heroby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and pr�yabte
<br /> '' witfiout ony presentment,demand,Qroteot or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> � (a) Demand that Trust�e exerclse the POWER OF SALE c�raMed horoln, and Ttustee shall thereafter cause Trustor's �
<br /> Interesl In the Proporty to be sold and the proceeds to be distributod,all In the manner provfded tn the Nebraska Truat Deeds
<br /> �P i Ack --
<br /> (b) Exercis�any snd all right�provided for 1n any ot the Loan Documents or by Iaw upon occurronco of any Event o4 Default; --
<br /> = end��� Commence an actfon to toreciose this Deed af Trust as e mortgspo,oppolnt e recelver,or spocitically enforoe any ot the __
<br /> covenants hereot.
<br /> No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Truatee or Londar ta Intended to be exclusive ot any other remedy horeln,U thA Y
<br /> Lnan Documents or by law provfded or permitted,but oach shnll be cumulative,shell bo In additlon to evory other romedy gtvon ___
<br /> hereunder,fn the Loan Documents or now or hereafter exi�tfng et law ar in equity or by statuto,and may be oxercised Concurrently, ��-
<br /> Independently or successively.
<br /> 13. Trustk.The Trustee may resfgn at any time wlthout cause,end Lemder may at any tlme and without cause apAolnt a �r;
<br /> sucCessor o�substituteTrustee.l'rustee shall not be Ilable to any party,Includl�g without limltatton Londer,Borrower,Tr�stor or any �.f
<br />- purchaeor of tHe Property.to�eny Ioss or demago unless due tn reckless or wlllful misconduct,and ahnll not be required�to take eny •�Fr\
<br /> actlon In connoctlon wfth the on4orcement of thla Oeed ot Trust unless Indemnified,in writing,tor nll costo,componeation or
<br /> `�.; expenses w�ich may be asaocleted therewith.In additlon,Trustee may bacome e purchaser at any sale o}the Properry QudiClal or
<br /> under the power of�ale granted hereln);postpono the saie of all or eny portlon of tho Property.as provlded by Inw;or sall the
<br /> Property as a whole,or ln soRerato parcels or lots at Trustee's discretlon.
<br /> 1�S. Fees and FacpensH.In thc�event Truatoe sells the Property by exercise ot power of salo,Truetee shall be entitled to opply
<br /> - g�y gala procoetls lirot to paymont of all c�sts and expons�s of exerclsing power of saie,includinp ell Trustoo's fees,end Lendor's
<br /> and i'ruotoe's ariornoy'e tees,actually incurred to oxtont parmittod by applicable law.In tho ovont Rorrowor or Trustor exerclsea t�ny
<br /> - �ig��p�se 9s ut of�T uetor e dVetautt Dclud ng wi houthlmitatlontiall Tru34oe's a d ttornoy's teos�ott o et nt Porm�tad bY
<br /> Inc
<br /> �S;� aPPitcable law.
<br /> 16. Futu��AdManc�s.Upon request ot Bor�ower,Lendor mey,at its 4ptton, muke additlonel and tuture aclvances and ro-
<br /> _k►;� advanCes to Borrower.�SLLch advnnCe�n�dQeadv�a,�v thls DQed of TruSC notlRhudir]g eumo advanced to protoc4 the socurfty of t Is
<br /> ` " Lfl8pilflGlPalEtiiVUtttv�u�an...a.:�..°.C.••�------•---. SL�vvu.w .W1tiCttovorisgrrjaier.
<br />-�` , Deod o}Trust,oxceed tho orlgfnai principal emount stuted hereln,or S
<br /> 16. 11AI�cNl�nwuo Provisions.
<br /> (n) BoROw�r Nut Rsla��d•Extenslun of the timo tor payment or modlllcation of amortizatfon o1 the suma socurod by thia
<br /> •: �,� Deed ot Trust grnnted by Lender to Any successor In Irterost of Barrower shnll not oper�tto to rolease,tn any ma�ner,the Ilebtlity �
<br /> .a�ha�.�o�nn►(anrrnwer end Borrowor's auccessoro In fnterost.Lendershall not bo requlrod to commence proceedings ngt►Inst
<br /> -- .,�r� .,,�...e�,ottnn�f tha aums secured bY thlo Dood ot Trust
<br />- such succossor or retuse to oxtond tlmo tor payment or o[nenriea���;,....;..•••-•••—••-
<br /> by reason o1 nny dom3nds mado by tho orlg!nnl Barrowe:and Borrqwer'o sucr,assors In fntere�t. f
<br /> (b) l.trtder'�Powlrs.Without ettectin�tho Ilublllty of eny olher pereon Ilable for the payment of uny obllgt►tfon hereln
<br />- mentlone�,and without alfocting the Ilen or chnrge ot+.his Deod olTrust upon ony portlon o1 tho Proporty not thon or therutotoro
<br /> � reloasec!Qo sncurlty tor the full t�mount ot all unpald obllpot�ime�ot nn eo ch nbi getlonst(III)g�ant o hor ndulgc�nce�sr(Iv)ao oa�se I
<br />- porson so Ilable.(Iq oxtcnd tho matu►ity or e1tQr nny ot the y ;
<br /> or roconvoy,or cnuse to bo roleasad or�ecenveyed at eny Iime at :onder's optlon nny parcel,portion or all of tha Property,
<br /> =__ (v)tako or rolonee nny other or addltional socurlty tor nny obllgation herein mentloned,or(vq meko compos�tlons or other �
<br />``=r�°'; arrangemente w8h debtara In rsfatlon thereto.
<br /> . i
<br /> i
<br />