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<br /> .�,r�J Upon receipl o[pe�ment oP the price bid, Trustee sftAil deilver�t4�t�p��r��r�����+ dt�eti cm�v�yLD� dl�e _ —
<br /> 7`� p�y��erty,•fhe rer{ts�ls In the Teustee's dee�shAll be psima fvcie evidence of tBn troth ot Ihe stwnt:n�+e�:t.s.mnclu th�rrin�
<br /> ��TrustK shw1�wpply tl�c proa�of lhe swle in thc following order: (a)to uli costs arrd cxpcnscy ot ixcn:isinq thn pm+-r.r af
<br /> s�{e.and tt�e ssile,fuciv�ing the payment of the Trustee's[ees uctuaily incurral,not to exeeec� �����Q� cti
<br /> 1tt`ti�1������sihYdGikXlf�JLY�ft�i�iKil�YiihYiY>Kil�%�c�i�Yt1614�L1��dfdieYt�4and re.nsnnuble ottcr�ns��s' [�^.r�n�ti pnraufl.tcd
<br /> ��,by law;N➢ to�ii su:.is s�cnrc�i by thf.^, 5ecttrtty Litsirwne�it;and(c?any excess to the persore ur p�s[.�tu�1+Ie�;�lf�r entlili�d�tn ._
<br /> it.
<br /> �2,Reconvey�nce. Upun p��yment of all sums sccur��c! by this Securiry Insqtinicnt, I.,�ndcr shal! request Tnastce to
<br /> reconvey tht Property and sl�all surrender Ehis Securiry Instrument and ull nutes evidencinp deRG ser.ured �y tll�f� SccuTiFy
<br /> instrumcnt to Trustee.Trustce shaii reconvcy thc Property without warranty and without churge to t3+:Ex:rson or perc;cins Icg�;l�y
<br /> entided ro it.Such penon or pexsons sh:iil pay any rei:ordation costs.
<br /> Z3.Subetitute'Fntstce. Lcnder, at its a�ption, may from time to time renrove Ttustce and aji[Q1t]R!f SUCCCS'fi1P li'I.I5CL%t9
<br /> aziy Trerstee appointed herem�der by an instn�rnent rec��rded in the couttty in which this Se:curity Ins�'suirent is reca�dttd•Vtlit.l)uut
<br /> conveynnce of tlie Property,the successor trustee shali succce�i tu uU �ha title. ���rcr and�ur.es c<y��f::r.mf u�nn Tnet�ti�s lict�r;n
<br /> nreci by applicablc law.
<br /> 24.Reyuest for Notices. Barrower rec0uests that copies of the n�Ttices of default und salc �.it sent to f3e►rro�vcr's acid�7;;�3
<br /> which is ihc Property Address.
<br /> 25,Rlrkrs to t4�[s Secarity Instre�ment.If one or mo�e riders are exccutcd by ^n.,�wwc��,��f.r:�ca���tn�ether witl►dhis
<br /> Securiry Insirument, the covenants and agreements uf cach such rider�hall be incorporatcd into ar�r1 sh;all ai��end nnd h��pplentane
<br /> the covenants und agreements of this Securiry Instrument as if'the ridsr(s)wcre a pnrt of this Secuiritp Iri,trument. h��,���N���C_6
<br /> [Check applicable lwx(es)]
<br /> 0 AdJustable Rate Ridcr �Cocxlnminium Rider 0 I-4 t���iiuly Ridcr �
<br /> �Grrduatect Paymcnt Rider ❑Planaa�Unit Develnpment Rider C.�l3iv�e.r.kly Faymcnt R.idcr
<br /> [�BaJloon Ridcr �Rate Improvement Rider CI Scc�nr3 H��mc Ridc;r
<br /> LJ V.A.Rider u Gincrtsi l�{raiiyj
<br /> P 0 BDX 17bS, GRAI�SD I�LAND, NE 688020000
<br /> BY SiGNING BELOW. Bon�ower ame:pcs and agrees co the eerms and covenants conlair:r.d in tl�i;:�S�.�curity Instru�nei►t:�nY! .
<br /> in any rider(s)executcd by 13orrower and re�:ordcd with it.
<br /> W itnesscs: �
<br /> �t� (Sea!)
<br /> M D CEMPER `�
<br /> -Uurrowcr
<br /> �.:-i��i�—• «��
<br /> ' � SMARON Ft GEMPER. -�w���«
<br /> lSc:►I) (�:al)
<br /> -Dortnwer •8urrowcr
<br /> STATE OF N�BRASKA, NALL County ss:
<br /> The foregoii�g iiutrume.nt was acknowlcdged beforc me chis 15Ch day of F�eb�uary . 1995
<br /> �y Jim D. Cemper and Shuron M. Cempex, Husband and Wife •
<br /> Witness my hand arxl notarial seal at Gr�nd• sl�nd iir s d�ounty,th a �afurctixid. _
<br /> �'7'_
<br /> `/� ��- . ' ,/��
<br /> My Canunission Expires:�� "��O — � ="""����
<br /> Nutary li'
<br /> GE11ER�1 ipiA�[�St��°�Nw«s�
<br /> � MARGARE�M.O��=aN �
<br /> My Ccnm.aa 1+�y?�193� �
<br /> .r--�— :�_
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