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.� " �:r. . F�.-,h.__. . ,,p:� . . _.. <br /> '�rl���p�i� � - . d%%.�:� 3'• ., � .. .. • .�'��r�M�vnit'l�ai'kr�eY6wtee5ce�n� . . <br /> � - ' . �.-.-�..�-w..r�.rri:rnY�-rw.-..r.. <br /> _ - .� .. . � . . t�M�ts:e. � <br /> "'Pi��._ . .. . . ..� .. . ' <br /> �� .��Mf�y'�''.. ... .-. .;tw h���♦ �' ���'�'}a.. :. • . .. �•�........e�rf�x �J -�„-W-'-''�"�' '__�.� _ <br /> y� �y� � <br /> �I �R/t'n�T'��l/t�N'R/�'�.S�.S.YY��E1�I�����M����T'�"^'IKtI�IF'�.. �riA•-,t• -�K .+�� __ <br /> . �a.aYN ns ''_ 1.rw4�1(WYlY1 . . 'afQ7��i�.yRl�o�` <br /> . o..�Y��R�ff.i'R1C7LTf�.°4vT��`71T0�� .. 'is.4Y�rawvJa.'. M "..Y-,�r ' <br /> ... . .. .. .__... . . _-__—��a�'m` -.�L,...,� ' ..1 �yu '_ ' -��f�� <br /> . . _ .�....... __ _�... �Il i� �iJC�:ii �,a.1�'�{i-��`L{ r <br /> .T q '-��N;�.�ivirJ�G�ti?tSM t;R-, :•'.<fJ.��v.��3H+"....:ti�...�. •t.�..s.i., - -'• " -i -r"'• Y r. .'^`'' .,. .s'ti"...� - <br /> d..�..:�.2.�,�. , , . . , � <br /> ��:' 'i��. . '�ryt.l'r . . . , . ' .. � . - , . <br /> :�.• . <br /> .. �.,. <br /> ,. . <br /> .. .,. . . � .,.-'_ ' _ .. <br /> - '_ •_. P-" „ �_..uu�_....,.�..�..• � ' '_ <br /> � .,r. _ ....._.,- - \ w.o.�. <br /> 4...._.. �'y... .: -� --:_.r- <br />._•_.__ - -- - 1' - - - -- - � � ----- — <br /> — ---...--.�..�......e.,,..�,,........, . <br /> -- __��.:__,.:�..... ..... . ... ... . ...-- -. . <br /> - r.U. <br /> tf��� �����D� ;Y�-, <br /> 17.'IYansfrr of Ihe 1'ro�xrty err u ticnet7clul lntlnwt In FMrrnw�er. If�dl�,r an}•�r.i�t uf thc Pru�xrty��r nny Intcre�,t in it ';''.: <br /> is suld or u:►nsferred lor if n heneficiul intcrc�t in[�urc��wcr is solil nr trimtifcrrcQ and Tlurr��wcr iti uut n na�ur,i!�kr�unl withaut ��- <br /> I.��tdcr'� �)ilU( i4illiCll 1:U11:+�O1. IA:klir way, at it:, option, rcquirc introMliatr p:ry��lt�irt in full ��f nl! �innti .cciu���d hy �hir �Y <br /> Si:curity Instrumcnt. Nowcvcr.lhis op�iun tihall not bc exercis�ci hy l.enJcr if cxcrc't�c i�prulubitcd hy fcitcr:il laa•;��uf�hc d.rtc ,��_ <br /> of this Sccurity In�trumcnt. �`'''" <br /> li'l.ender cxcrci�cs tD�s opti�m. l.endrr sha!1 givc ifarrativcr notirc ui'arrcicr:ilimi.Thc notirc+h:dl pruvidc a�xriixl nf n�et ��!" <br /> less th;in .'Al days from �hc date thc nuticc is delivereJ��r mailc�i�vithin wi�ich l3arruwcr mu�t p:�y :dl ,um� ,crur.d hy thiti �y <br /> Security 6�strument. If Borru�vcr fnils to pay Uicsc�ums prior to thr.cxpir,uiun uf Uii�peri�xl, l.endrr nia��invukc any rcmcdirs <br /> permiucd Uy thiti Sec�urity InStrumcnt withaut funhcr naticc or dc�nand un Bor�u�vcr. .�'� <br /> 1ti. L�o�•rcnrei�'s [tl�h4 to Re�nstatc. If B��rcou�er n:�ets cenain runditium. Nnr�u�vcr .h:�ll h:��•c thc ri�ht tu havc 4 ' i <br /> enforcement of tNis Security Instrument discantinued at �ny time prior to the carlier o!: lal 5 Jays 1ur suci� uthcr �kriuJ a5 �'��, <br /> applicablc �aw mcry specify fnr reinstatementl befur� +ale of�hc Propcny purtiu;ui[ to .wy puwer uf +ale cuntainal in �his �}��;: <br /> Security Inst�vment:or(b)entry of a juJgment enfarcing this Security Instn�ment.Thusc canditions:ir�th:it Burro��•er:fa3 pays "�`-��� <br /> Lender all sums which then would be due undcr this Security In�tnimeiu and thc Nut� a� iF nu acceleratiim had o�curred: Ib) �>>:�:° <br /> cures any default of any ather covenants or�greements: (c) p�ys all expenses incurrcd in rn(orcin�;Ihiti S�curity instrument, j�';':�� <br /> iucluding,but nut limitcd to,rcasonablc attumcys' fe�s: and Id) takcs such action ay Lcndcr may rc:uur�ably rcyuirc to.�ssurc --•- <br /> that�he licn of this Sccurity Instrumcnt. Lcndcr's rights in the Propeny and Borro�vcr',ubligation tu psy the sumti sccurcd hy �:�_� <br /> this Securiry fnstrument shall wn[inuc unchangcd. Upun I�III�t�t�Ill�li[ �y Q�rro«•�r, this SC�llilt}' IRtitNfllCpt ::nd the __,__: <br /> obligcuions sccurcd hcreby shaU rcmain fully cffcclivc a5 if nu arc:cicration I�ad a�c�rrr��l. Hu«rvcr, this right ro rcinstatc shall __- <br /> not apnly in thc casc of acccicration undcr parigraph 17. �,7�: <br /> 19. Sale oP Nc�te; Ch�:t�a o6 I.o�n Serv[cer. The Nute or a partial intcrest in the Note (togcdur ���ith this Security � <br /> Instrumcnt)may bc sold oe•.�a ar nnorc timcs without prior notice to Borrower. A s:ilc may resuU in a change irt ti�e entity(knuwn �''"=- <br /> as the "Loan Scrviccr")that.vllccts mnnthly p:eymcnts duc under the Note and this Security Instrument. Th�n also may bs one ____ <br /> or nrore changes of th�Loan Servicer unrclated to a sale of the Nute.LF'there is a change of[he Loan Servicer, Borro�ver will be. - -- <br /> given�vritten notice of[he change in accordance�vitb paragraph 1<3 xlna�e and applicable la�v. ll.r;notice will state the naixv:a��a __._ <br /> adciress of the ne�v Loan Servie�.r and the aJdrebs to which payni;nt:.shoulJ be made. The netice �vill also contain any uthrr <br /> infom�ation eequireci hy aFplicahle luw. °-- <br /> 20. Ha2�rdous SubcTunces. Borrower shall nm�� <au�e or permit the presence, use. di,posal, storuge, or rclease of any <br /> Hazardous 5ubstances on or in the Property. Bortivaer shall not do, nor allow ureyune else to do, anything affecting th2 <br /> Property thxt is in violation af any Environmental L:iw. The pr����:ag t�vo ,entences shall not apply to the presence, use. or <br /> stora�e on the Property of small quannues of 1-iazardous �uoar,iR�tiy UIUI �IIC�'CIICI:tIIY 1�'.4VgIi�[ni iai uf: ii'yN:..�,:.aia. Qv i�v�iii�.�i — <br /> residential uscs and to maintcnancc of thc Property. <br /> Bo:rower shall pr��7��+tly�;ive Lender written ttc�tiee of any invr;,stigatiun. cltim, demand, lawsuit or�:ihc.s action by an)• <br /> ��overnmental or regulat�ry agency or private parcy im'oh•ing the i'ruperty and un�� H.�ardous Substance ur I�m•ironnuntal L.a��• <br /> af which Borrower hyti a:zuul knowledge. If Borro�ver leams,or is notifieJ by any governmental or regu{�'ron authority, that <br /> an�•remuv;tl�nr uthcr remediation oF any Hatardous Substanc�affcuine the Property is necessary•.Bonower shaU prompt4p tz.ko <br /> al[ neressnr�. r�:medial actions in nccordance with Envirnnmen2al�:����. <br /> As use:] in this pax:�graph 20. "H:w.ardous Sub�ta^ces" are chose substances defineci :�� c�,si�or h:vardous substar�;s 17y ___ <br /> Environmental Law and �he follo�ving substanccs: =t�.�olinc, kerus;ne. other tlammablc cr tuxic petroleum praiucts, toxic _ <br /> pesticides anJ herbicidc�.�.�latile solvents, materials contaiuing s�b.stos or forma"_dciy�la, ��Zd radiouctive materials. As us�d in -,. <br /> this paragrsph 20. "Em�.r:,nmental Law" mcans fcder.�l la�vs and ln�vs of thc jurisdiction �vhcre the Property is located that �;. _ <br /> relate to hcalth, safcty o�e��virorunexital protection. ""--� <br /> NON-UNIFORM Ci7VENANTS. n�crrrowcr attd Lenilcr funhcr covcnant and agrc�::is!�*:;aws: �n <br /> 2D.Acccleration; Re�nedi�s. Ler�i�cr shall give notice to Borrower prfor to acceler.►tion Pollo��•wng Borrower's�mmt�� �"___ <br /> of any cvvcnuut or u�ree�nent lro this Security� I��trument (but not pri¢r to acceleratton under paragraph 17 unit�.s �;r: <br /> uppNcable law provides o�t�rr�citic�l. Tlie notice sh��t specify: (a)the defaul�;i;b) the acteon reclutrc�4n cu�re the defnult; C��:-: <br /> (c)n date, not I�.s.s thun:6�clays from the date thz nn2�cc rs R�aen to Borron�ur.,fiy�vhfch the detault miR�t be cured;an�! �=;-_ <br /> (d) that f�ilure to cur�:th�clefault un or befitre titP�l�te spec�fd+.�d in the uoNce m�y n�st�lt in uccelerution of the sus�s �_ <br /> sesured by tl�is Security lautrumen3 c�nd sale uf the�opert}�_ �fhe notfce shall further i�'fu��n Borro�ver of the rifil�t to �:;°�: <br /> rett�state.�ftcr acceleration mid the r"l�ht to brin� a court ucrion to asscrt the non-existc n�F oP a default or a�ny u4�nrr ��;i <br /> dete�ise of I3orroK�er to acceler.ition and sale. !f the default is not cured un or 6efore the date s��iiied in the notice, ;,�Q <br /> Lender, nt [ts option, may rcquire immaitate payirnent in full of:�11 san?s secured by this Secnris9 ��►.trument with�vt j��;�. <br /> ilirtlwr demand a�td niay imoke�he po�r•cr of sale and any othcr rcmedics permftted by appHcab'r�tz:ti�. I.endec shall br �;_�_ <br /> entitled to collect all expenscs incurred in puesuin�;the remedies pr�vEdeci in this par.iFr��h 21, inc3utNnR.but nut lircited t•- <br /> to,rcasonable atturncys'fces and costs of titic evidence. <br /> IP die �w�rer of salc is in��oked, Trustee sl�all rc�ord a notice of default in cach�a�unYv in ��'�ich any pai�t uS!hr <br /> {'roperty is lor:iteal auci sl�all m�til cop[es ot'such�ntfce in tlze manner prescri.bed by applicaflie I•�*�r tn Iturro«•cr anei to ; ��' <br /> ih�other pe�sotte pr�xcsi.hte!i�y ap�tlicabla I��r.A€,cr,thc time rcquircd by a�,�,irable la«�.Trusice�,."►:ill give public no¢ice � : <br /> of sale to thc persoiu:a.�:l In!hc manner presrribed b��ap�li�:nble law.T�•ustee. �r•ithout demand on[iorm�ser.sP.a3!�e�l '+ ., <br /> the 1'roperty at public auction to tl�c hi�hcst btddcr at thc tf�z�..*��1 place and under tttc t:^�ms dcsi�nated in the it�aiee af " <br /> sate in u�ic or moae p.vtirls and in any order Trustce deterii:i�-<<s.Trust��may �wst�o�u:�ale of all ur any parcet iAg Chr ;;� <br /> Property t►y public QnnooncemYnt at thc ti�e and placc uf an}� pre��tousl�• scheduled s:�.'�. Lend�r or ics d��igr�ce ins�}� . <br /> ��uschsse tt�e l'�•operty at anr saEe. �� <br /> � <br /> f, <br /> �� <br /> Form 3Q.i.rJ 9/s�b <br /> c�U,s o+e <br /> I <br /> � <br /> __. �,_--------•_-•_-. . . .._....... ! <br /> - - -- --- - —_ — _— — _ -=a'`�,�,���-.. _•- — - ,- —I. <br /> _-__ <br />