�F,�� ;.� t l,��l - � 1 �.... „�,� .. ` :� . � 7 _
<br /> .4y'� �, ,f '�` 7 �./ .n � � . 'i� ��{
<br /> . ., .'f'� . . . .. . . . -. 1..,,.q�-a..
<br /> . l. . . :�.. , . . .
<br /> . `
<br /> �a� n
<br /> ., . � . ,. _. 'ti .t.�. _ - �Wl1PId1MNOMl'b .__�
<br /> ._.t�:'�;t!)A-;�r.�.. �Il�tr..r.......:'y.�.._.:a.. �u.wna..�c,...�.�......I„w.�v+.or�`-- ' - - — .._..--'�.�_--__...�_..il�..--�---....�.......d�'. .
<br /> 1
<br />._ ` ..�.�. :�f .t - . .
<br /> T
<br /> ,psymontn by B�.YOtver, et liia op!!on ol 8orvnwer. If the total ol tha paymente made by Borrowe�• lor E:om (n), (b), or (o) �s r'
<br /> . IneufF�oL-nl tu p�y tho kC�� �•�h�n dsa,thcn �orrornt ah�ll pty to 6cnca eny emount n�ce9oery to mslro u�tho daiicl�nCy on.or � �
<br /> betore the ctato!!�e kem becomee due. CC���� i
<br /> „ Atl us9d In thf� S�CU�ny initNmWtt, 'Secretnry" rnetn� the ,ecretary of Houe4ip and Urban OGvobpmant or his or h�T" ' `�_
<br /> • delipnp.In any yea►b whbh th�Lend¢r muat pey�moRQtpa Insurcna prcmium to th��rAtary, eech monthN payment nh � ; __
<br /> �''�y ' eleo holud�okhW: (I)u1 h�tolkf�M�f o}lhs m�n+�l mortp�p� intunnc� pnmbm to bs ptld by Lenda ro the Secretery, or(Iq�J -�.
<br /> monthly ch� intt�ad of � mortp�Qe b�tunnc� pnmfum M IhM SacurRy In�lrum�nt b hNd by Ihe Soaretary. [noh monthry � i:f
<br />_�:.. ;;' „ lnttalh�nt a}tha moRQ�ps Niuranc�pnmlum ch�N b�h�n unount suNbfml b rccumultt�the full onnual mortpsp�Inturenc�w �
<br /> ,. prKnlum wRh Lande on�month prbr to th� d�t�ths NN annual mortp�pi haur�nce premk,m ta duo ro tha Socretnry, or u tnls0 I
<br /> . ,�; S�curky In�trum�nt i� A�id by M�S�cntuy,MOh rtlonlhly Ch11�p��haM ba In m emount oqual to onatwemh ol one•hen percent(� � ;�_,
<br /> ot lh�outttandfnp prtna�al b�Minc�dw on th�Noh. � �
<br /> � �,•i tf BorrpwM tend�xM to I.�ndw lh�tuN pl�y�n�nl of aN�um� s�cur�d by thM S�curNy In�trumorsl, Bonower'e scaoum ehell bo� '�
<br /> _�_.: or�Clt�d wlth Ih�D�fl�nC�nmlthhp fOr�N h��Mt'Nnt� for RMn� (�),(b)�nd(eJ�nA�ny moRp�p�Insurance prrimlum Inetsiknon� � ,
<br /> • , '. ;,;t:,;.:.� th�t l.�nd�r hu not b�corn�abl�t�d to p�y to lM B�erNUy, �nd L�ndn eh�N promptry nNnd eny excaaa tundi to �ortow�r. I �� i
<br /> .,, IrtinNd�tNy prkx lo�tonobtum�ai�of tl►�Prop�rty a k��cquMftbn By L.�nd�►, @orruw��acoount ehall ba oradRrd wkh any �
<br /> baYnc�nrr�Ininp la�I Intt�Am�nb tor R«n�(�),(b)and(01• � „
<br /> 3. AD�lIICAt10D Of PAyl�lefitf.AN p�ym'n!�undM pu�pniph�1 md 2 Qh�M b�applfsd by Lander ao toUOwa: I�•
<br /> - Flnt�to th�mortp�p�Nsuranc�pnmlum to ba p�id by L�ndK to th�8�crettry or to Ihe montl�t�chnrpe by the Secretary �
<br /> In�t�d of tf��monthy mArtp�p�hwnncs prWnstum; �
<br /> SlC0f1d� to tny t�ut, sprahl asaosim�nt�, bttthoSd p�yments or pmund rex�te, nnd fke, flood snd other hazeid
<br /> Ineuranco pnmiuma,a�nquh�d; `
<br /> ThIPd�t�to Inbnst duo und,x ths Not�;
<br /> FOU�[n� to em�rttratbn o1 th�prinoipal of th�Note; I ,.
<br /> .- . Fift11, tu tato chtrQes dup under tho Nots. l . ��y
<br /> » 4. Fire, Fl�od end Other Haz�d Inaur�nae. Burrow�er shaA h,sure aU ImprovemeMs on the f�roperty, whether � .
<br /> now In existanca or suba�qu�nty er�ct�d, �p�tnst �ny harards, ctsuaNles, u�d conthqencies, Inoludhp 4ko, for whbh Lender I . ��'-
<br /> ,@ • requ►res h�uranco.This hsurance shaN ba mahtelned h th¢amaunts end tor the perbds that Lander roquires. Borrower shell
<br /> _ ,, abo (nsun aN irnprowrrtanto on the Prop�rfy,whath� now h wcistw�c�or subsequenty erected,aQahst bs� by fioods to the � �� • � -
<br /> e�Aen! roquir�d by tho Sacrotuy.AN Insuronca shal bo cartled wRh companN� �ppro�wd by Lender.The fnsurance pol�les and
<br /> any renwvxFs ehaN be held by I.erdu and shrN Inoludo bas payebk clauass h favor of,and h a form acceptabie to,Londer. • ..
<br /> , •� tn th� ewot aP las�, 8orcow�r �haq plw Lends► tmwdkt� notice by rrN�. Lev�der rtwy make proof ot bss �J not made �.Y�
<br /> � ����• prompily by Borrowar. Eooh hsurana comptny ConcemW fa henby �utharlPed m�dloated to make payment tor such loss . ,r. �
<br /> .. dUSCtry to Lender, hstecd af to Borrower end to Lendsr Johty. AY or any put o1 the Insuranca procoeds may be applled by
<br /> �t Lendar, ot ks Aptbn, ekher(a) to th�raduatbn of tha hdeblodnesa under the Note and Ihis Security Instrumont, fMst to any � • .�'�—�-
<br /> " � delhquant nrnounte !kd In the ordar h Parepraph 3,and then to p�epayment o} rho al,or(b)to the restoration or repak ot ��>�'
<br /> aPP P �P
<br /> •u tho dartuipad Property. My eppUCatbn of thp proc�ds to lha prinoq�al ehall not extend or postpono the due date o} the
<br /> . sr.C�2ZS.i wb.T.:s�.+ '�::iw�".�i :r' :N's"o'� iJ :i °:r:�:".isls .'. L`: L'�«.j� �:.^. 9.^.:CL'": .^.! �uIIh F»;.:.,.sN.°.. e.l;y °..�„^ggg �ng�v�nno
<br /> �.rr,.
<br /> ' � .
<br /> .. F� : ...! ' '_.
<br /> :„ proceeda ovsr an amount requked to pay all outstandhp hdobtednesa undor the Notm und this Seourity Instrument sheil bo paid
<br />.. . „ � to tna entRY f�pakY aitktad tnaroto. ��x .
<br /> ' . In the svent ot torsabsuro of thb Securky Instrument or olfier trensler of tkle to lho Property that extingulshes the � il�:��
<br /> hdsbtednes�,aq ripht,tkie and inta�st of Bortowet h and to hsuranca polbles In force sttRO pa&s to the purahacer. � � u���`y,.. t
<br /> 6. Qcc�psncy, Pre�rvetlo�, Mafntenence end Protection ot the Prop�rty; Borrower's Loan �''1�"`�
<br /> �� Appltceuon; LQaSlh01d8. Baroww ahaN occupy,�stabNsh,�nd u6e th�Property aa Borrower'6 princlpal residence wkhln '�'�i%
<br /> ° sbdy deye oft� tM wwcutfon ol thfe Socurky inatrumant ond ahaM aontinua to occupy thp Prope�ly as eorrower's pr(ncipal !• '
<br />" „ resldanc�tw�t I�st on� ywr �ftK th� dats of occu{wwy, uniwi th�Socntary detormtnes thl9 requlrarnent wlu cause undue ,�"'
<br /> , hardshp Por F3oROwor, w unlosa oxtonuatinp aircumsctuic� oxi�t whbh ara bayond Bnvower'4 oonUnl. Borrowsr shall notNy i�.,�,.,��
<br /> . Landan of I�ny exbnuatin0 OkCNTlntt(IC�71. BortowN shaM not oommk wast� or desUOy, damape or subetnntinly ohanQo the + ��
<br /> . Property or albw th�Property t�deterbrste,reasonnbM w�ar and teor oxoepted. Lender may hspeat tho Property it the Property �- �x *,
<br /> ' Is vncant or cbandon�d or ths ban b a defauh. Londer may take reneoneble ao[bn to protect and presorve such vacant or
<br /> abflndoned Property. Borrow�r shaM abo bo h def4uk H Borrower,duriny the ban applioatbn procese, pave materlely faise or `.;.' �
<br /> Incccurnto htortnatlon or stataments to Londar(or lafied to provldo Lender wkh any matorlal Intormatlon) in connectlon with the ,�;,i�' �
<br /> . loan evidenc�d by 9ho t�oto,Inclukfiny,but not umRod to,reprosaitatbns concemhp eorrowors occupnncy ot the Property es e
<br /> � "'' � pnc�ipal rosidonc�. If thb Sacurky InsWmant b on a IeasohoW, Bonower shall compty wkh tho provt�icns of the lease. B " ;;...
<br /> , � Bortoww e�qulns t�1Rw to th�Proparty.th�I�asohaid tnd t»tBk�shaY not be me�yed unless Lender agrees to tNe merger In , ��' �
<br /> '.�'i..
<br /> wrkhg. .
<br /> , " 6. Charpee to eorrov,rer and ProtecUon o! Lende�'s Riphte in the Property. Borrower shall pay all ' "
<br /> ��' povaenm�n�at or nwnbipat charpa, tin�a and irnposkkns that �n not fneluded in Panpreph 2. Borcqwer ehall pay these ' ,
<br /> obNpattone on tYrn dlncty to tM�rttNy whbh k owW ihe paym�nt. It IaWu�to pay wouW adversey aHoot Lender's Interest In �• t��''�
<br /> • the Propaty,upon L9ndW�a nqtNft BOrtOwK�haN p►ompty fumtsh to L�ndYr nC�qts wfdYnchp thes�paytnwtte. ��
<br /> tf BarrowK falh to►naks thesa paymenb or ths paym�nte roqulrad by Penyraph 2, or fails to porPorm nny other covonants
<br /> � . and apraements Contafn�d h thh Socurlry InsWment, w thar�i8 �bpat proce�dhy tha!mey 618nMbanty aHACt LendofG rk�hte In
<br /> the PropeRy(such as a praceedinQ in bankruptoy,(or cos�deimatbn or tn enlorce lawe or repuletinns),then Lender may do and f��•'
<br /> , , pay whatwror b necessary to protoat the vaba ot ths Propaiy and f.endera ripl�te in tho Property, (ncbdinq pnymant o(taxes,
<br /> � harttrd Bsuranc��nd other koms mentbned In Para9raph 2. ,
<br />_ ; � :
<br /> My nmount� disbursod by Lender undor tht: Parapr,.ph sha�hacc-ne an addh{onai debt of Borrower und be secured by � ,
<br /> = this Sscurlry InstNmmt.Th����mounta sh�M baar hienst hom th�date of dlsburoemont, at tha Note rete,and at tho optlon of ,
<br /> . Londar�e1�N be knmed�tey dus�nd payabl�. '
<br /> = 7. Cmndomnatinn. The proc�eds of�ny award or alnfm tor d�mepe�, dtect or aonsoquontial, h conneatlon wRh any
<br />= condcxnnnt�cn a otMr tdkhq of eny psrt of lht Prope�ty,or(or cornreyencA In pnce ot oonderrxietl�n,ero hereby asstpned and
<br />— •-�. BheA bo pald t0 Unda to th� uRSnf of the tuN amount of tM hd�DDdnas th�t rem.alna unpald under tha Note and thls
<br />— Security InsWmant. LontNr eh�N appty su�h procsods to th� roducti�n of ch9 hdabtodnass under tho Nota and this Securfty i
<br /> InsWmant, first to ony dQUnqu�nt 4mounri upplied In th� ord� provid�d In Pwqraph a, and then to prrrpQyment ot pnc�ipal.
<br /> �� -� My Bpplicatbn o}th�procwda to th�princpd sh�N not sxta�d a postpono tt�� duo dat�of tha monthy paymenta,whtch arA �
<br /> refom�d to In Panqraph 2, or chmpa tha�mount of such payrcrt�nb. My �zc�ss procoods ovx an nmount requkud to pay nll
<br /> " out5tandinp hdabt�dn��s under lhs Not��nd thb Securky InsWmmt sh�M b�paW to th��ntlty lapaly ontitted thoroto.
<br /> , . .
<br /> — _._:_.=T_
<br />-° '� 8. Fees.Landar may cotlocf feot and charpes authorixed by tha Saaretary.
<br />=- 9. Grounda for Accelerefio�i oq Debt
<br />-- ., (e) Defaul�.�onaor m.y, �xc�pt as Iimkod by repulttbne faeuad by the Sacretary In the caso of paymont dotaults,
<br /> requMa inxced�te peyment In NM u}aN sume securod by thle Securkv Inatnmient M:
<br />_� � (I)8arrowa detauks by faNhp to p�y In NN�ny manthy paymait reqvked br thfs SecurRy In3trumont prlor to or on
<br /> the du d�ta o}th�nwR monthry+payment,or
<br /> __ ;' (II)BorrowK defauk�by hNiny,tor�perbd of thNy doys, to p�(orm eny other ob�ipatbne contahed h thls Socurlty
<br />° Inetrument.
<br /> ',, (b) SAIe Without Credtt Apprnval.Landar eh�ll, M p9rmAtod by aQFNr.ab1Y bw flnd wkh the prbr approval of tho
<br /> Secrehry,requlrs Ynmedleta peyment h fi,ll ot aY ths cums aecurod by thb Security InsWment�:
<br /> „ ° r•sa�a�nno���w� Pao•a o�•
<br /> ✓ .. ,
<br /> � °
<br />_,�
<br /> ' os '
<br />