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<br /> 81�t� ot Nabr�Mc� QEEQ �L1F 7RUS7 �3Z97741D84 �_
<br /> TttiB OEED 01'?Fi�J3T ('3�curkY InfWm�nt")M rt�d�on�;l1![y 1�th —,�-� ' � —
<br /> Yh�wctor u�Y�'Sl.� MIL!ER I�IFlaA S IIAILLE . � �d����Yl��• --_ � ._
<br /> ("BCrtOWYr'). Th• WbIM _
<br /> �.INCOLN.NE. e8808 ("Trustw").Th�WnNbiWY M UNITED NEBRA3K� BANK OAAt�D —
<br />- ��N� ,whbh b orQanix�d�nd�ocktin9 untbr th�t�w�of
<br />_ p�Qq�A r— ,anA whoa Qddnas k 700 N WEeB FiQAD GF�AND ISLAND
<br /> NE t3ss03 ("l�ndK•).eorrower avpa i.aider th�prfnct{�al sum of
<br /> F�Kv-Ttw3�nd Ftflv e�ed QON00 — —
<br /> DoMaro(U.S t 60 050.Q0 1. Thfs d�bt is wk)w►ad bY Bortowers nota dated the same deto as thia Sscurity
<br />- o -. ....w m.�e. �f��. wn�1 nayabls on
<br /> Instrumrnt ("Nots"), whicA provide� tor monthy paymwin. wim m� NM i,w,�. • r�• w� --��--• --_ -
<br /> Me1rCh 1 �025 . Thb SacuritY Inttrummt a�cuns to I.ender. (a1 the repaymant af ths debt
<br />- qrldencad by tho Nota, wHt� (nterest, �nd aM renew�M, ncton�ioes �nd modfffeatbns; (b) the payment of aY other sums, wNh
<br /> hterost,�dvancid unWr panynpYa 8 to prot�ct ths s�curky of thit S�curlly In�Wmont; md(c)the perfortnanca of Borcowers --
<br /> covenants ond �a+�nwnri under 4his Securky Inabument and tho Noto. For thb purpose, Bortowrer does heroby mortpeye,
<br />- p�ant ind conwy to Trus� wkh poww of tuM, th� toYOwbp described property locetad h
<br /> ISLAND� HALL CvUNTY� N�BRASKA. '+�`'-
<br /> . �„
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<br />__ l4%:it f.
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<br /> e .
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<br /> _ �C
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<br />.� ___ GRAND ISLAND.
<br /> wh�ch has ths addrass ot Z67 S KIMBALL �p,y�,
<br /> �etnn)
<br />� N� 8g�my ("Proporty Addres6'):
<br /> .,
<br /> �81at�) (Tlp Cod�J
<br />� TOOETHER WRH a4 the h�proven�ents now or horeaReP�r�ct�d on tha Property, and QII sosemonto, riphts, appurtenances,
<br /> ' rents, royakies, mherel, ail end qas riphts a�d prolk�, w�tar riphts �nd atock Hnd aM Ibcturos now or hereeker a part of Ihe
<br /> PropeRy. AM repl�cem�nla end edd'Abna ahYA also W ao�wred by thl�Securky InsWment.All ot tho tor�qohp ts rotorred to tn
<br />:; this Securfty tnsWment as tho"Proporty'.
<br /> � BOFiROWER C4VENANTS ihat BoROwar Is lawtuly soi�d of the estato horeby convoyed end has tho rieht to mortgope, ,
<br /> .; pntnt end convoy tho Property u►d thal the PrapoRy Is unonoumborod, �xcopl tor enoumbrencos ot reoord.Dorrower warrentss
<br /> � end wWl dotend QonenW the tNM to tho Propaty apufnct�N cf�ima end domnndo,subJeat to any eneumbruneos of record.
<br />=� 1. Peyme:::af Prtnsi�e�,IntereN ar�d L.eto Gttiar�o.L3otroumr LhaA pIIy wh�n duo tho prinClpFtl ot,nnd intaost
<br />= on,th�dabt�vfd�x�ced by Iho Note and I�ta ch�ryas due und�r th�Not�.
<br />� �. Month�y Peyments oi TMx�a, inwr�nc� and Other Char�ea. eorrow.r an.M hcwd� �n Baon mo��nry
<br />�� p�ymsnt,to�th�r vrkh th�pnc�pd�nd ht�nst as o�t tath N ttH Note�nd�ny �t�chtrgn,u� ImttlMr�nt of any (�) tdcee
<br /> md sp�aMl assaasmente kvied or to bu NvMd�pahst ths Property, (b)►ses�hofd paymentn or ground rents on tho PropeRy, I
<br /> � and(o)premfums 1or hsurmc�nqukad by PtrapnWn�•
<br /> �ach monlhty hslelYnent tor item�s (a), (b)cnd(o)bhaN equal ono-tvreMlh of the annual amounts,as reasonaby estimated by I.,
<br />= Lender,Glus en amouM auflicfent to mahmin an addkbntl baWC�01 not more than one�sDRh o�the estknetod umounts.Tho tull I
<br /> annual amount►or ench item shall be acaumulatod by Lender wRhin a perbd endhq one month belore nn Ilem would becomo �
<br /> � � rw��...1�w1 knlnro fhnv MMntnp dellflpllBflt. �
<br /> clolinquent.Londer shnU hob the amounta ca'rsciod s�busi iu y:� �1���:�:,,�..�.••...-.--• - �
<br /> If at ar�y 14ne the totnl ot 1he payma�ts held by Lander for kems(a),(b),and (o),togelher wfth tho tuturu monthy payments �
<br /> (or auah kKn��onry�a to LondK prfor to th�dw datn of such kamu,�xcanda by mon th�n one�sbcth ths estimated nmount of �
<br /> pnymenta requksd to pey sueh Iteros when due, and N paymente on the Noro flre eurrent, thon Lender shaU olther ietund tho � •
<br /> .� excoss o�wr on♦a6dfi ot th�estimatod p�yments or cndk tho�xcass owr onae6dh of the estYnnted paymonte to subsoquent
<br /> ''� Fse�9.lMO(�!w) P1y�� 01•
<br />';.1 I .,
<br /> e7
<br /> I__
<br />