- "' ti ' . . ..., . .�.. . . . S�.uti
<br /> .��:�u"_
<br /> .t , .
<br /> _( •. � �. �
<br /> t� " . '. ' . .� - p� .
<br /> .. . . � ' � .� .. . . .'l ' . � .
<br /> . � +s' [a.�.4 �'f�> �.� �.1� . ..r �.... . . . . . ,. !J _
<br /> . ... .
<br /> , . Y y,� _..
<br /> :_��-'�11Y�-Ti-F.it�iAi. . . . .�. :.rr.�riY. . p �Yu � �.........�....a.. . ._�-1�y� .
<br /> � �. . ...:"::..�.f.l. .. .Il ' �ff. i�. � :�..il.`�Vf."�'��'.�71fG:. ZJ..� .I7.�.�......���_.KM1�lO!
<br /> .�;�y >...i4 n� . ,s.. ..,,.... _. � --- w� � ' ti, -°
<br /> ' nd r�l��etate, eu rovld�rJ h nra re h 18, b cxualn ihe uctlan or proceedlnp to be �. � �-
<br /> Borower may CUPO ELtCII N fIt'}PUH a p R ff t� Y 0 _
<br /> A'�rr���c:s1 vS:h n ai"�0 1hat. In LtStd::r'o pood(!ith dater�n!natlas�.Ezrcr,li�dan feiicltura o1 iho �oreower'e in4erest In the Ptopca5y o9 *`�
<br /> othK matadal 1+7pa�rtnenl ol th�Hw�crealecf b;�lh,a �:�eirity Ir�it�am.nt a Lonc�€r'o ascuriiy InterusY. t3asroriQr ahall also Fs�Ir� --
<br /> dNlUH H EIOIYOWK, cF��ia�the la�n�ppNr.�tlon proc�se,Q�rm m�tai'SaEy !alar►or haccurota InTormat�on ar et�t�manb to Lendar(o� '_
<br />=�?-� � = IuNd to provkfo L�ndM wMh �ny reMtufel Infarn�Uon) In coRrie�tlun waln lhs iwn widenced by th� Nou, kscludlnp, but nat""'
<br /> .:�t� ,:• :� .
<br />, Wr�lhd to, v�prQamtwtbn� cancNninp BnrcawK'r oacup�ns/ ol ihR PrnpMty u o Nelncip�l r�dd�na. If tld� ��curky�,�? I �_
<br /> '`�•t; ..,.. , Inatrument I� o� s IM��Itold, Hortow�r �h�M ca�pty wHh aN tPi� pttvlolon:� o�tha IMt�, il BartowK atcquku fa� tNN to lh� � _
<br /> ���'�����'• � Rrop�sty.Ihs{M��ho{d and lhe Iti tM{� �h�M not mer�un l�o� Lm�M r�pr� to l h�marpa F n w i f l l np, � � ., <� _
<br /> • - a. �r,�'Ii?3ECn q! IL�It±+J��'!! 6�11�h4� !n the Prapr�et��.u �3trrt�war tell� to poiform Ihe coven�nte�nd agraam�ntat� �
<br /> „��� `:;.,; , .;� cont�k��d In thl� S�ourNy Imkumrnl, a thK�I• � Ip�l proc:c�dir+o Irau r►�y tlpnlAc�my �tt�ct L�ndK'� rlpht�In th� F�rop ' �
<br /> ;� (such as�p►ocwdMip fn banktuptcy, probat�,lor c�nd�rtw��te�cn or Iort�Airr�a to entaros kwa or�eputa4lons),lhen Lender m� • _
<br /> • 4.. .F c do�nd p�y ta whatwsr b nec�ti�uy to prot�ct lhe vUu�of the Pr�rarty Mnd L�nQer's�Iflhte In Ih�P�npxry. Lende'e�ctlon I
<br /> a:�;;.:.���:`, may Inciud�o p�,yinp �ny eume e9ar�d by � Hen whlch hr.� pdotlry ovor lhla 9�curity inetrument, �ppau;np In court, �yM� 1 •. ;�
<br /> a: �;.-: :�.a_, ,
<br />_ reaaon�bN�Ytomayi'feet�nd entMinp on the Properry to mtko rt(Hfrn,A4thouph L�nder m�y uk� actioa urider thle p�npnp i
<br /> �'" . , 7, Le�der doea not h�vs to do co. �.
<br /> �� My amaunta dtsbumed by LmcMr under pnreQr�h 7 ehaq bamnTa Rdditlonal debt ot Bortower seared by thia 3Hwrit� -�
<br /> � " instrumont. Unbaa BorrowK �nd Lender aproa to othor tcrns oi psyment, tAese amounte eheN bev Intaeat from the d�te of � , ��
<br /> " � diaburoement �t the Note nte�nd eha:N be payal+te,w8h tnt�ro�it u�on nc�Uce from Lenda to Borrower raquesting payment. "' �
<br />° ,• 8, Mt►it�y� Ins�r�onao. II Lenttar requkad mo�fs�oge inairo�u:o na e conditlon o} mekinp the loan aecared by thl� , ' �t`
<br /> Security Instrum�►t, Borruwer ahiN pay tha pr�nk�ma raquke�i to molnG-�In the mortgcye Ir.aurince h eHect.II,fos any reaeon,the ,. „
<br /> � , mortpage haurance covarage requked by Lender I�paes or•�eeaan to tvt ln ett�t, Bortewa ahaA pay ttee prarNums requKed to , '
<br /> ' obWn coventga eubstmtialy equiv�lant to the martyape Ins+�rmnc�praarlcusy in eftect, �t � cost substsntl�Ry equFrdent to the ,..�t: :" �-
<br /> � : 9a9 P N 9s9a aAP Y *';,`�•G''�'-�
<br /> :� coat to BoROwer o} the m�rt e Insuruice raviaus In ctfc�ct, hnm an aRemate mort insurer roved b Lender. If
<br /> `� � subatantidy oquNalent mortgepe inaurance cov�aga is not nv�ifebfa, Barower shnN pay to Latder �wc1 mai'ii�o si+�+i �yu:1 to ��''��""
<br /> ono-H�eMh ot ihs yeuty mortgtpm hnunnco pnerr�lum beinp patd b• Bcttowa when lhe Ineurance cove�ra Isp�ed or caased to ��r���—
<br /> / De �,i�,;�,;�„�...
<br /> .� be In eftact. Lendx wWl�ccept, uee and rotaln theae payrtfmte aa a kss reserve k► Neu of mortgage insurance. Loss reaerva :�,�+��•�•�'���:'
<br /> � payments may no lonfler be requlred, at th2�oplton o1 Lenda•. II maitgr�ga Insuraneo covernge (In tha emount and tor the period • ,
<br /> �� that Lender requkes) p�n:��b, !^. !^-e�-r�' ennrnv�rl hy�fndar eontn bxomea available and la dbLined. Barowar sh�N pay
<br /> ��»N. �� ;_..:
<br /> ,',;,,:.,s . �"�r�:.
<br /> the pt�uma requlred to mainteln martgage Insutanco{n eflncl,oc Ic� Nrovida e loss rzseTVe, until the requkement 9oT-r�ortgnge ;•. .� ....,�,�� �,-
<br /> '�;.�!���:�% inaurusce ends In �caord�nce with any mtlten agreement 9�h•��r.n BaraNe►snd Lender or nppUcable uw. ::, . ° ' '"� '
<br /> de
<br /> "���� ` 9. tn:p�ctlon. Lendcr or fte ayent mey muke reasonablo enlm�upon end InspecUona o1 the Prooerty. Lendar ahall yNe ��`� �,�P �y��`
<br />- -.i'�:� . .- _C, .. ,+�,��.
<br /> '� ' �.` Bortower noUce at the tkne ot or pdor to nn inapectlnn specHytnp rmn4n+bie c�uae tor the tnspuctfon. :� ��• • �;�+� "'��
<br />-� �� ;i,� 1 O. Coiid�mnatlon.The procreds ot nny award or daim Icr dunages, diruct or consequenYu�l, In coenecUon wfth any : .i•'��
<br /> �� `�`�� � condemnaUon or other taking o1 any pert ot the Property, or tor canvaynnce in Ileu of condemneUon,aro hereby anslgned nnd : •
<br /> ,. c
<br /> '.':�:..',�: shell be ptld to Lender. ;,. ' ;.,� .
<br /> 'r;�_:';�:____: " In the event of a totxl taldnp o1 tho Property, the praceeds 3hell be applied to the sums sECUred by this Security _
<br /> °;��.,�`,�i:�- •-�a:%
<br /> �,::,•,;f;�, {naWment,whUher or not then due, wfth nny excesa paEd to 8ocranr�. In the event of a putlal takin� altha FYo(+aty in wh�h �,•••,�,�� r
<br /> t •':;{� • ������ the taM t�wkot value o}lhe Propaty immedintey betaro the takln�is equul to or greater than the amaunt of the auma aecured '?;;:;'�;'::� "
<br /> �'�"!'t' �h,, by thla Sa:urfty Instrument ImmedatNyr beTare tha te!Qng, unless Boxower end Lender oth�wisa apree In w��g, the sums 9' �• � .
<br /> .•;' �',�; ,
<br /> "':•, secured by thla Secudty Instrum�tt ehall be mducecJ Dy 4ha nmounl 07 the proceeds mutt'�piled by the foHowing irnalion: (�)the ` "'�.:
<br /> •, .{�' ' total amount of the suma secured knmedlatelyr bufore tho tak4+p, dM�+xd by (b) the fair merket value of the Propertyr 1mmaYately �,<.��'.,�
<br /> " ltdoro the tsking. My bapu�ca ahell be pald to Bomower.In tho o�rn4 of e parilal teking of the Property in whfch the l�lt muket , `' �.
<br /> � v�lue of tho Property Immedintely betore the t�kinp Is le�s thun tho amount of the uums secured (mmedytey betore the taking, ' ' �� �,
<br /> , ' unksa Boirower �nd Lender othrnMye �rr�+ 1n wdtnc� or unlnoo applirabte kw othawtae provida, the proceeds ahaM be ;,► ,,
<br /> � � applied to the auma secured by thle Seairtry Instrument whotha or nc�t the aums sro then due. � s���
<br /> tf tho Property Is abendoned by 8arower, or M, �ftnr natica b�L,ender ta BortoNer that the condercnor oflero to meke an •,`:��
<br /> award or selU� • cldm for damapca. Borrower hN� to roap�ancA to lender wfthln 30 deys afta the date the noUce is glve�, �-�'
<br /> • Lendar le�uthatzed to coAeat nnd eppy the pnoceade.. et Itu o�yon, ekher to rostoraUon or repak of the Property er to the � "
<br /> "' sums securod by thle Swurfly Inawment,whether or not than due. I " �`'~��
<br /> ' �� •� Unlesa Lender snd Barower othawlsa nflreo In wripnc�, any appAcaUon ot proceeda to pdncipel shall not extend or �r,��'•
<br />= po�tpone the cluo dnte o1 the monthly paymente reterted tu In par.r.�o�phs 1 and 2 or chanfla the amount of such pnyments. � '"'^���•F `
<br /> � ' 11.Bono��r Not Rdoased; Forba�rar.co By Lsnder No4 a W�Ivor. Extcnslon of the time tor payment or I . �
<br />_ �.�i. "" modMcetbn ot�nwNzaUon of the sumo aecured by thla. Securlly Instrummt pranted by Lendcr to eny succesaor hi intereat o!
<br />_ �.. .
<br /> � .�,��s+;: �' gorrower shaN not opente to rdaa�e the OaEWity of the qrffline�l Bortower or Bonower'e succosaora In intaesl. Lender ahaN not �
<br /> " ,�" be requMed to commence proeeedir►ga ac3elnat any auc�cnssor (n Interest or retuse to extn�d Ume tor payment or otherwise ' , � „
<br /> modify emort�z�tlon oi the suma secured my this 3ecudty 4nut►umant by reason of any dcmand made by the odgtnal Borrower or • ;
<br />_ ;>�� �• BerrowePe nuccessors in Intrrost. My forbearencs by Lt�ncier in exerdsing eny dght ar remedy sha91 not bo a waiver of or ; ` �.�`.
<br />— `;":�;�;;;. ��� predude the exerdae o}any right or remedy. , , �
<br /> :,.(::� - � 12. Succ��soro and Aaglgr�s Bound; .6a�n4 arud Saveral LlabiG3i�; Co-eQy�n��s.Th� covEnants and ;
<br />_ . � �:,,'�� agreemenle oi thia Securtty Inntnament ehaN bind md benefR fho e�uacQSSOrs end essic,�ne of Lender ond 8atower, subJect to the
<br /> provislon�04 paragraph 17. Bortower'a covennnta and agracenonta shnll be Joint end several. My Boirower who co-signa this I
<br /> " " Securtly InsWment but does no: axacute the Noto: (e) Os co•�Igntnp this Securtty Instrument ony ta mortgxge,grant and convey
<br />- - thet �ortower'e {nterest In the P�ope+ty undcr tho t� ol thls SecuMry InsUument: (�o) is not persortaty cb�gffied�o pay the
<br /> _ , sums securod by this Securily Inshument: nnd (s) nyLas thnt lundcY and any o4�ar Borrowc�e mey agree to o.�tend, modit/,
<br /> � �, fo►bev or meke any nccartvnodatbna with regnrd to th�terrna ot thls Securfty Instrument or the Note wfthout tQ�n9 �orrower's
<br /> consent.
<br /> _ -�'� 13. Lwn Charges. �f the toui socured by thls Secu�iry Instrument ts subJect to a Isev whkh sets meximum loan
<br /> — chuge�,end that kw ts ftnafry intecpreted so that tho int�tre�t or other loen chs�roes collected or to be collected in connecUon
<br /> - with tA¢laan oxc�ed the pamittad F:mtte, then: (e) eny sL+ch b�i charpe shaH be rMUaad try the emount necessary to reduce
<br />— � the charpe to the permttted limft: end (b)any sums araad�j cokcted irom Bortmwar tivhich rxceeded pxmitted IimHs wW be
<br /> , rdunded to Boerowe►. Lender may choose to rnake thls retund L�y reduckig the princpal uwed under the Note or by making a
<br /> ' �,�,�. diroct p�Kn�nt 8o Dorrowu. it a retund radusea princlpal, the reduction wW be treated as e partlal prepayment without any '
<br /> . �. prep�yrnen! Char+pe und�tAe Note.
<br /> _: „ 14.NONG�s.AnY noUce to Bortower provlded tor in thls Security Instrument she8 be gtrm by deYv�►ing R or by mulYng It
<br /> -_='�_ n..e..�.�.��..�u....L.. ..ui-.:��I�w r�vJrm uw n} anntlur m�tl�nd Th�nntlra alwY Mu diract�rl tn ths Prrv�rlv Aildrtiax .. . . _ ._ ..
<br /> -._----=.z�.�--_�, .q ..��. ...��...�..�...�_ �_� ._.. .-�--- --- -- -- -� �-- �
<br />= " ae�ny olher ui�esa Barower de�lgnote� by nottcu to la�der. Any noUce to Lenda sh�l be gNen by firsi�class maN to
<br />� ' . ° �c.n�'�'a ed�r,a� eLlr!!1 her�ln nr nny oth�v��kk+rsa l�+ndor deslanntee by noUce to Borcuwer. My noUce provided tor!n thFs �
<br /> Sec�rity Instrument shaY b�da�xnad to h7�ve buen gMm to Borto�aa or Lender when gkm as provided in thls pangraph.
<br /> iS. GOYOmIng L#w; S��e�r�bility. This Secudry In�wmmt shdl be guvemed by tederel kw end the law of ti�e
<br /> —, ^ .. judsdietJon On�vAldi tha Rroperty Is loCated. In thu cvmt thet eny pravislon or ctause of thi�Security InsVument or tho Note
<br />- , coniNcts wNn appNCwta taw, eucn aant�ct snu not utoct otntt provrsrons ot this 5ecurity InsUvment or tle Note which can bo
<br />�� � y1vM�efl'�ct �vilhout the canRfct�ng provlaton.To thls end tAo pro�el�lons of thls Securit�r Instrument en� the(Vote aro daclnred io
<br /> '�.�a�, _ ," ba sevanhle.
<br /> � S�.Borrawo�'s Copy. Bonower shal! he gtren one confamad copy of lha Note end o1 thls Secudiy InsUumenf. _
<br /> � . . _
<br /> � /yy `t (\ �
<br /> � . � . � F1310.LM0(10,9A) Paqo 3 tf� rrr'°✓� ���\
<br /> ru;. .„ .,�
<br /> � I
<br /> I
<br /> ��
<br /> .-__
<br /> .
<br /> �• � _
<br />