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<br /> Upon�ymcm of all the sum�u�urcd My this Trus1[keU.the Henefkl�ry shail rcque�t the 1Yus�ea[u rcconvey ihe proacrty and chaH ewcen+kr this
<br /> 7iu;t Dtcd..uil t�fl�IOL�cvf�la;cina?udd,:tdn:��uctntd flp►hls lYtr-.t nzci to thc Tru.tnr nnA"ih�stca di�ll iYC0i17r,y ihC pfOpa�ty without warr.'tnty to thc ;'
<br /> prese�or�xrs��nc IrgaUp enTitket th;reto.flut i4'dcl:�ult he i�i.iJC iu ihe�c�yrt:nt uf:�ict i�ate c�r i:ny rart thtr.��P or uny nf th: iniecc.t thereoa wt:en due r.-
<br /> c;i�t�t:,, i.1+.'���+t��lF:.;��rut�c uP a��y ur ciit!:r+sf,.�'.7:� ;.:u:;ul',� ;�!�u, ud.Ifr.n ihi•,d�cit+li.dl¢���ain in furcc and ttre�:hul:���f s..iid nutc rh:ill hcc,m::
<br /> A,�^-:.�;"t'°'' "t?Erl�-nc(ici��y'siq�7i��n.:!;h:�:lu�R:�rp1�ri�lcd iii�liu�::�h,:llh-is�rtliati°Bt.upuudzntaad.lnnnynrnll4>PihcG�Ili�:.in�:tolal�cimm;dirte
<br /> per!�!!i�4t�of ltic�4u�xtty.tu rent Ihc�aiaC n[ •.uih rtni:�l,���+you i��.q i!;ci���nn��tt.fn tnll[ct th,^,fCnU.lo u�al.0 auy nccc,�.uy ttp:ute ur Rp1.:ccmeut5 W
<br /> the�yioperiy.and.rRer p��inr the cu5e uF'r.niing Il�e pru�:cny,cultrcilu;j Il�c renl:;:mcl ahe�oaking uP any�tp:�irv to the pronerty. to nplily ihe b�lance an the
<br /> wm�hercby securcd:nnd if the�e is nui ru0lcirnt nrt rantal ma�iry�ccchtJ ro�uy the c��st nf rcp�ira then any batance•shnll be secwl•d hertby idnns with __
<br /> the no�e und tx�r ihe sarne rate oi interest;ena In Additiun lh�'�n��tec ur his ntt�vncy may paicced tc�sell ihe prnperty In its en!irttp or in�.trcels.+t the �_
<br /> op!ion af InC'in�stcc hr.reinhefurc dCSCrii+cd nt aml!Ib:r.uciln;i.h�dr hl�hc�.t hiddct C+�r.a�h.Ilouc�cr,thc pouer ot salc herain confcrre�upon ihc Tructee 0.
<br /> �iull not he exercisaA unul 1!)�he'Gustee Fhall flnt lilo(ur recnrd.nt Ihe�dlir,c uP the tegi�ur uf Jetda of ca�h county wherein the trust proptrty ar some ��'-
<br /> �uu-1 a parcel�htrco(ls situ�tcd,a nuticr e!deC�ul6 idenPi(�In�Ihe'1?uska hy�tating�l�c namcs uf�hc Trustor nnd names thcrein nad Qiving the t+ook und
<br /> paRC��lxce the aame is rta�tdtc},a de�enption iif�he Itttst pr��perty.nnd ce:�tahiin8«�latcment Ihat u htcich of�n ubl�?wtion(Of��/h[ch ihe l(u5I pfoplrty �-.
<br /> was eonceye�as secunry nas oceurmd,anA sethn�tonh the nalure of rurh hrtach nnd M hie clectinn ta sefl ar c::u�_w be auld�uch�;ro�wiiy W,,.cii;C,tho
<br /> aWf��ion:and(2)rRer the l�pse of not Icss than�me munth,th�"1'rustee shril��v:nc�dce af ute as pro�ideJ by Nebraska law. Aller no�ice of def.�ult nnd
<br /> Iip!se oP nos kss th�n one month,the'fruxtee nhall yitir wrluen i�odce of ehe dme and Mace�f uie particula�ly describing thc property to be eold by publicaUon -
<br /> of such noiiee,at least fioo times.once n eak tar fi�-t cmis�•wti�c Hetks,ihs le�t puh!ic:dimi to he ut Ic;ist 10 days Uut nut mor�th:m 30'days ptiai ta the �
<br /> sale,in sorr�e newcp�per having a�enenl circuta;ic��3n�ach counly in wi�ich ihe�iro�xrty lo he sald.or some part thereuf;is situatcd.Upon such sate,the
<br /> Tiustee sh�ll e�cecute Ancf drti�ec a deecl nt comsyanca of tlie pmrierty su1J w the purcha.xr ur punhxsers thereof a:�d any statement or rccitz!of fact(n such
<br /> deed(n rdallon ro tF.e exarcise af Ihe p�.+nrr of ss!e anQ salt nf�he pru�xrty describnd therein,including�citats coneernii�g nny maiting personal ddisery
<br /> and puWipuon of 1he notice of defsuit.�!n�•nr�lfina��nd tht publicaNun nnd�scng af notice of sale,::nd the wndus[of sale:nnd sech rccital shall conitiwte
<br /> pritni Pscic evid:nce uP seth torn�li�nce aud c��nclu<i�e evidtnce Ihcreof{n fati�r nf h�ma fiAe purchaoero nnJ encumbrancen for�xlua and w'itl�uul notict.
<br /> 7'he Tn�ste�s deed sh311 operate to rnracy Io Ihe piKChaur.withow right of'redemption,thc Trustce's litte nnA all right.tiqe,interest and claim uF the Tnistue
<br /> and his sucecssors in intercat and of atl penons claiming by or Ihrough or undcr them,in�nd to Ihe property sold.inNuding all such righr,tiUe,inttrcst or►d
<br /> claim ic�an.1 to such pra{xrty ncqwr.d by ths Trus�ur ar hls wccessars in Interest wUscquent to�he execution oP�he Tructea The Tn�stee r.hall apply tao proceeds
<br /> of the TrustcG s salc,fi�st,to the cost and capcnsts of cxercising ti�e poHtr of sale,and of thc salc,inclading thc p�yment uf�he Trustee's fees acw:illy incurrcd
<br /> not to ucecd ehe�mo�71 which m�y be proridrA for in the[rust deed,second.to paymcm of the obli&�tions secuttd Ey the uust dcod,and the balance,if
<br /> any,ro thu perscn or{xrsons tegally entitled thema -
<br /> And Uu Tn�stte cmenanu failhNlly to parform the teuct t�e[cin crcated
<br /> BENEF7CIARY may from time to time substicute u successor ar successors to any Trustee named hercin or acting hereunder to execute this Tn�st Deed
<br /> U�i�uci��j,�int�;xnt;nd without cor�tyancc to th�e succtssor Trustc:.the lattcr ahall bc s�stcd ti:ith afl titk,po:xr^.,:nd dutics cunfesrc�u�n any Trostte .
<br /> hercin named or xcting hercunder.Cach s�ich np�x�intment and substitutian shall t+e maAe by writtrn insirument and�xecuted by&nefitiary.containing rcference
<br /> to this Tnut Iked and iu place of record.which,when rccorded in the oUice of the Reaister of Deedv of the counry or counties in wl�ich said property is
<br /> siwatc:l,�hall le eonctu�ire p[o�f of proper nppuinunent of the successor Trustec.Thc Corcgoing pow•er of subsu[ution nnd the pracdure thecsfore sh�ll not -
<br /> be cxclus�:e of the puurr and proccdum provide�Wr by law fur the substitntion of a Tnistee or Trustees in the place of ihe Trustee ar Trustces named hettin.
<br /> :�htutd the Trostor or iu successor in intcrcst without the crnsent in writing of the Fkneficiary sell,transfer.ur cnm•ey,or permit to be sold.trensferrcd `
<br /> or ccme�eA,try agreement for sate or in any manr.�r,its interest in the nbare Acsrribed rcal estate(or any part ihetcof),then aenefici;vy may declare a11 sums
<br /> setured tiercby immediately due and payable.subject ta applicable law.
<br /> The�rai�•er by Trustce or&reficiary of any default of Trustnr under this Trust Deed shal!not be or be dcemed to be a�wan•er oS'any other or similar
<br /> delaulu subsequently cecurring
<br /> This Trust Deed shall inune to and bind the heus,legatees.devisecs.udministr3eors,executors,successors ai�d ussigns of the panies S�r:e:o.
<br /> The'iYust Dced shull bc constru.d according to the laws ut the Statc of Nebnska.
<br /> The Trustor rtyn�u that a copy of any notice of default and of any aotice of sale hereunder be mailed ro him by cenificd mail at ihe zddres9 hereinbefon:
<br /> set ionh nnd e�•idence al'suct�mailing shall consaimte eyidence of rcce(pe of such notice.
<br /> Trustor repttsems and wareants that the nbn�e descnbed real estate is not used for•rn:�ricultunl activi.ry.
<br /> Wtrtrever the ttlntext so rcqni�rs singular xorcls:hall be con�trucd in the plural nnd vice versa,aad tM muculine gender shall be consl�;ud to include
<br /> the fem)nin:und ve:r veF.�a.
<br /> 1N WITNECS WliEP.EOF,the Trustur has hcrcunto set his hand ttie day nnd�ear first abovc writtcn.
<br /> TRUSTOR arry � ern�/r_ �
<br /> �./��-✓`y.�kr�,_„
<br /> TR R
<br /> Jqyce B. Werner
<br /> STATE O'r �Tebraska
<br /> COUNTYOF_�5�11 ��
<br /> &forc me.a Notary Public,qu:Jified by said county,personally came_ (.�rry r,_ Wnrn�_ , _ and
<br /> Jnyee •_ Werner known to mc to be the identical person(s)who signed the furcga��
<br /> Decd of Trust Actnowledgement aod then signtd the Yrust Decd and acknowledged the executiun tt�ercof to be his,her or ihcir�•oluntuy acts and deeds
<br /> �tnr.ss my hand rrnd Nmarial Seal on Februnry 13 _ �q 95
<br /> �w 60tfJ{IILrO(II�Ci�11MIMr �✓ �,r` -
<br /> � rl���t11f c�rn ��ua ►c -- -
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