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<br /> 1/Nc. Sarxv x...,�r trtL�!tltl-JOyr,a__F„ W�rner, hueband an8 wife As �Qint ,�°Trust,�r'►under�hat artain '"w�---
<br /> � f.,i•..,:,.
<br /> �DItd11{.`!! '"'_
<br /> Or.cd of Tn�xt d�tcd ��brLrY,�,�,,; 139� . 1"IkcJ of Tnist"1 to hc cnttrcd into ��"_`:
<br /> M�t'w
<br /> aman{TrusWt. u'�'{f�Lla T�ls rr►���Sc4r�r�.�n1� l�rusice"1 •---
<br /> �nd..6!lG1LC1.Y�t._P,I.��L7 A�,nenei�, gervi�ea. �nC• 1'Rencficiary"ih;reby '�/°`�`_
<br /> acknowiedse thr.1 it is uncitntoosf�hat(nl the Deed uf Trust w be e�ecutcA by Tnistor is n trust dccd nnJ not a mortg�c anA(�)ihe pow•tr of�le provided _ _
<br /> fur in thc Qced of Trest provides cubstanti�lty dif@rent rigfits and oMi�uions m thr.Truswr tlmn n mortg.:Et in�hc e��cnt oP�dcfault or Dre�ch af ohligation. �____
<br /> ir,�w.��._
<br /> Trustur xicnowtedgea�hct this Acl�nuwiedg:r+tm urs�m;+rla prior to Ihe eaccution of the netd uf Tnis� �'-'""-`
<br /> Exscuted nnd dcli��crcQ thio 13tih ��y o( FEfbYttaTY __, 19 9� _. -_
<br /> �� � --_-
<br /> Trus�or Gt►rry . Werner
<br /> �': � .�_�- _ -
<br /> cor �oyca P. Wernes
<br /> TRUST L3EBD
<br /> THIS DEED OF'fRUSi:made and entcied into this 13th day of Feb=u�rp ,�g g5
<br /> w��..o„_.�r_.•v� r. r.7e�nsar wnA JoVCe E., ��'e=a�xTnuwr.c.nd Nntions Title IA�t1XSl11Ce CO11lQ8A�/ �ZNStte,
<br /> husbancl and wife ae 9oint tenant3 '
<br /> �nd.�,i,t.,r o�•.+�i�c�inans�++� sp vi- _s. inq8eneficiary;
<br /> WITNESSE:77i� "Phat the Trustor does by these presen[s gran4 bu8.vn nnd sell, com•ey and canfi�m� wiU� Po�re ot Sale unto �he Tivstee
<br /> the followins desecibed Real Cstau includi[u; nil buildinEv, impro�•ements, nnd fxtuc�s of every fcind noi� ur herrai�tet e�ecud o! piued on the
<br /> cralatate,utwtod in Hall County,tn tho SUte ot Nebnst�:
<br /> Lot 1, BLoak 3, South Grand Island, City of Grnnd ieland. Hall County, _
<br /> Nebraeke.
<br /> and postession nf said pmperry is now dciiti2rcd unto sald 7lustee; -__
<br /> �`
<br /> !f,'•^-`.
<br /> TO NAVE AND'PO F10:L'D the samc,with all rights,pdvilegzs,and appurtcnanca thcmto l�?ongin.q unt�the Trustee,his cxecutors,udministratore,hetrn. ` ;:�•
<br /> and asslgns fore�zr.And thc'Px�irton c�rcby expressly waivcs,rcSe.�aes,and relinquishes unto�hc Trcraa:all r�ght,tale,claim,intcrcst,benefit,and estatc whatcver, �
<br />- in xnd to the above-dezeribed property nnd cach and e�ery part thettof,whlch is given by or results�from oll laws of the Stute of NeLmskn ptnainina to the ��•'
<br /> cxtmption of t�omrtesd.And the Trustor c��•cnunts with the Trustec that he will forcvcr aarmnt and dCRnd the litle to thc samc against thc lawful claim�
<br />= of all person9 whomsavcr.
<br />= V ,
<br /> IN?RU5T H05V�VER.fur Uie(olloaingdcscribcd purpnacs Tocccum full cnd prnmpt pcdo.zn;.nc;oP ull tt�c terms nnd conditions of thui i �
<br /> ❑ Reu:aviiqr,Loan Agrcemcnt of e�rn date hercwith(indudir�panicularly,twt not uclusively.prompt paymmt uf utl 6ums which me or may becomo
<br />: p:.yal��f.cero tuu:to a;ms tyercunder�whicA Re�otving Loan A,gceem:nt obl'�n:es aeneRciary,sub;;et to thernaditiuns etated thecein.to xdvance co Tnu:�r
<br /> up to$ .plus fineacc nnd othcr chargrn(�sid Revol�ing Galn Agmement is heremafter rcferrtd w as'note'1.(or) �
<br /> �] Note of c�en d6t�hCU:riih,in t(te princi�al sum��f ll.a S�R. 76-�n paYablc in monlhly installments of principal and intercst,wit6 the
<br /> tnlance nf tl�e inafe�oG.�s[f not 3uonu uafd duennd aavahlc on FPhruarv 1T.aoQD,_.nnd any cxtensions,rcncwals,modifications
<br /> or refinancings�hcrcof. � �
<br /> _ �
<br />_ �
<br />= :' �ro:,,,;,�,�� "::;;.,' �µviio nc�civ iuu�:..•:��1:•^�'N�r„_..�f D,�,fault,thc Trusar shalL t I l n:�ti•�ll nma„+,n�n��., .. �y�- �,,,. �•. I_. _
<br />= general unJ special.o�ttenst said pmperty beCote lhe same bccom:s delinqucnt ur actionablr.(Z)keep all impro�ements erecteJ on thc land insurcdras may be (
<br />" rcqu4rcJ fmm Ume tu time Dy lxneticury abaimt luss by fire nnJ other h.vards cssualties and contin�rncie,in such amounts und fur such pcnods as nrc �
<br />-- reasnnable and may he rcQuired by beneficiary,mtd tu i,eep all polieies of such insurartse in Wrce or eil'cet upon thc pruperry herem descnbed constantly ass�;ned i
<br /> and deli�ercd to be�teficiary:l3)p1y and wmpry w�th aU�he!emis und condiiions uY'nny lien,claim or indebtedness Ihat may�he senior W ur take prccedence
<br /> � mer thls Trust Dtcd os soon ns uny such parymtnt on or of sucA lien,clsim or�udebulness sh�ll 4ttane Jue:and upon fadurc uf Trustor to kcep:my s.�3d �
<br /> �
<br /> uyiccauitts,b�ri�ii:uy may p.�y;uch tax,p.:y fur:uclt insurancc ur p�y niT sucli licns or claims or incicR:cc!�u:-�t thz c��c m�y hc..!nd t�ic mo�iey su czpcnJcd. �
<br /> y with intercst at 9�per annum.�hall b.:secured Dy this T�us�Dced,nnd ihe Trustor egats ro rcpay the same upun demanJ.nnd upun fadum tu do so the tralance i
<br />- ot iiic attached nute shall bec�me immedistel�due m�S payable at the upiiun of Ihe ben:ticiary:l4)specificaliy cunkr upon the 7rustee the poWer of sale
<br /> os provi�ed in Ncbraswi law;(S)retain pussesslun uf the pnmisce und cu)lcct thc mnts nnd rcrcnues thcrrfrom. :
<br /> = I
<br /> ; i ,
<br /> � xa�ro•ass�Ne qRIGiNA� '
<br /> 1_
<br />