<br /> � � „ „ ", ,
<br /> ,� -�5, . � .:, ` . � .. . . ,. _
<br /> h �Y'f . ' .. ,• '.t :.✓� � .., w�.♦ .#13• J � f�r.
<br /> �''`°"'' ..a. '?�!"!q�'�"�..�
<br /> .�_ ^�"-n�vn��.•. .. ��Ak�rkw,,; M.�........�„�,..�. -,e�wo.w........�....._.. „� ,,.. ,...._ ... . �.. . ., ,��. ��
<br /> W.,
<br /> , .a�..._��. :�'it".�;�.�7�?;%e.'l�_�Y!-T- __
<br /> -=`..rs' .m �:4T j . -__.
<br /> � ` _
<br /> I ��c7�`:'�],V��.�t��� i
<br /> � 'd. �vadz;nantf.i�n. Ye the eYettR the Pronerty.�rutiy�ort litetet�7,ahell be tAken Gy eminent doma{n,tl►a Mattp��ee ='
<br /> . u empc►wm�ed R��a�altuoEand wn1r�al camp�eeuaUon wfilch rmy be pdd for�ny propedy laken or fnr dr�m�to propnriy =-
<br /> •• ��aS taken,�nd Ms�rt��oa�A�II�ppiy�uch rompenu�tlon,�t Its optlon�efther to�reductlon ot the indebtada�ae�ecvroA
<br /> . . d�er�by ur ta mpnlr Mnd r.ec�2ore the peoparty w damaYed, �
<br />�'":�����`bi�,;�: �� . _
<br /> � • B.1'arlurmnnnr Ay Mert�e�ae. Mort��ee mey,but ehdl M�ve na ob1l�Uan,to da eny�ct Mhtch tha Mort�or �. �r
<br /> � ,: . hiu ytred but frtitn W ettP,�nd il9ort�re r.uy�Jau ci��u�y pc�.It i;�a;,�i�c�F,::�iy to}�:�.ce3 tAe 1{:s�[:c::34. f.:ott::;,o:
<br /> � • y;��t e�ren to rnpAy�upnn drrmand��u►y�unrs w expeadea by the Jdortryee tor th��bor�purpo�n,�nd�ny aums w�Xpended
<br /> �:�--• by the Mortua�aA shnll:be �dAed to th�Inckbkdnraa�ecured hte+eby ind Decome�ubject to the Eien henwt. �tortpree „r,,
<br />" �sr* �h�11 not Incur�ny pott�rnnl IlabUity bccawe ot�nythln�ll m�y do or ornit to do hereunder. •�
<br /> , ±3.,-�,",'r'�`r.�.. .
<br /> {' � � 9. O�itmtll;AneE�nmQnt o!R�nU� 71mo 1�ot the e�ence �emof,ind upon Mort�or'�detault In any covenuit ..
<br /> .,-',_ � or preement ot tl�ir�a1Nnt0�{��e.includinr corenuits to pay when due t�o�urru�ecurcd by this Murt�c,the Mort�ee�h�ll
<br /> � be enUtled��t itx�ec�ln a:��lon rnd wlthc;at uotice�to deciare�11 suriu r,�cvrcd by thls Mort�Qr to bs ltamedlately due and �
<br /> p�yable�sd mny c�mntnnce foreclaure of tdU Mo�t�e by Judicl�l procecdinp;md,provided further,thit upon��ucfi
<br /> detxult tbo NTa�:uagao,�rr�e+ecet�sr�ppotnted by�court.m�y RL Its optlon and wlthout nptd to the idequ�cy of the .
<br /> �ecattig�enta�r upon��nt9.ttke po�eMlon of the P�oyerty wd colleet the renU,i�uea�nd pratlts thenfrom�nd�ppiy them . �
<br /> ' grsS tn thn eart ot collnr.tton�usd operation of the Property wd tl:en u�on Rhe tndebtedaeea ucured by thu Mortp�ee; • •, .
<br /> , �aid ironG�,lieu�n anrl�rrmIIb befn�ucijred to the Mort.�a�ra u N�tber kcudty tor tha p�yment of th+e IndebteCn�as
<br /> secured hantby. ' . ,M.�'•M,��_ ;,.
<br /> „ .. "•_'
<br /> ..,u�t,;
<br /> 10. Tsnnntar af.!*roperty. It dt or any part of the Property la sotd or ipt►sPetre�1 wlti�ouf the e r�s w;it2e�con- '�'��'� "`_
<br /> �i .��„�:•.
<br /> — � nm•n2 QE'tho Ma��agao,{fiortgRgee m�y at Its sole option,declue dl sums secured by this Mort�ge to be(mraedletely slue _ t.,,.`,;,
<br />,�;� ;`l;Ji(:;,'.
<br /> nnci�yablo.
<br /> � +,, ��; _ :., :'u.",:�:s :l�t�:�. Upon 7aAuPat o? Mort��or, Mort�gee mny make additiontl and S�Ba�rs advancre•t� _ � _� .� �
<br /> �'�J S � �• lYlo7t gn gex.:�uch s�i'rn;icea,w�i�h.intomst thFteon,ehall be secumd Ey thia bfortgege when evldence8 b��TOmDsso=y notes ��`� �� ,•
<br /> ' .i,,,:•.,�; ' . ^, ,�� .;
<br /> •,��;,;±.+;; ,' sqnt;ng f�l,pY yni#,m�fn� are ses:uRS�i heaeby. AZ nn ti7ne s7�n31 the pdnc lp a l amount o Y�i T�a l n de b te d ness secitie d D y t h t s .'. � �.
<br />. "�„a�� . �!longnga,cat 1a-cHedUia Ruma adva�cea to psoteot the aecusi�y of thb Mort�ge.ezceed Rhe ori�n�l Note. " ' ..t�` �
<br /> • �' D2. ML��diuiooue Yravisiona. ���
<br /> .. �
<br /> (n) Aa�y[arebearance in exercfafng any right or remedy shall not be a wNver thereof.
<br /> : i�=� ,ry��..�;Q�p��.�v�Anri haroin arP diotlnct and cumulative to anV otuer riaht attotded by law ot eqUfty.
<br /> - „ a�d nuy be exerclud concurrently�fndependently or successlvely. y
<br />, �,
<br /> (��) 'I'hn cowntnts and a�reements canuined hernin sh�ll bind, tnd the dQhts Inure to, t4►e respective �
<br /> a�cceswn and�ul�ns of the MortQ�Qor and the Mortg�gee,
<br /> (d) A!1 coven�ntn�nd��reem�nGq ot the Mort��aot nre Jc(nt ind several. .
<br /> . (ap 'i�e he�dln�of tAe p�npaphs ot thla Mort�Q�are tor conventence only and�hatl nut be used to inter• ''�J�w +
<br /> 4�
<br /> prot or detine tho provi�lon�hereof.
<br /> `'�'�;r'
<br />�- . . 13. ll;el�ine. UQon payment ui eil sums secured by thte Morf:�nge,Mortgagee shall dlschuQe thls !uiortgage and ' ��'���
<br /> eheil exesup��nd dattuQr�catlstactary rele�se theretor. ��
<br /> .{. ':
<br /> II�WITNT'98 i�VH�REqF.Mnrtg�gor h�s executed this Mortgage on the�Ztj�day of�_���ry ,19�.. ,;;+� "
<br /> . - / � 1 '/ '
<br /> - - �� ��-� �- .� �
<br /> "���°" � ' (Thomas C. Reisdorph �now�=•
<br /> � ;�: - ����. �. �� .��
<br /> � � �i (17at�i een A. Reisdowph� �ri�W�= •r,
<br /> !� Sinte ot Nebnr�R. ----li�lS County ss: .
<br /> � ,i .
<br /> • _ . ��. � On t�[o��_d�y o[ �phr��arT, . 19.�IS,before me,the undetst�p►ed,a Notery Public
<br /> duly cammir�tanod ind qu�tiQed[orsaidcounty.petsonally came�otp4S.r.-.-Bei��ni".^r� A�� K�thlp�±n
<br /> ' A. Rel�dorph, Husband and Wife , to me known to be the
<br />- • Idenl9ul pcn.on(o) whose n�nle4s)ere subscribed to the tore�olnQ Instrument and scknowledged the execut[on thcrnof
<br /> � �a� tPo�'ir volunt�ry tet and deed.
<br /> Wltncs.s my h�nd and notidnl seal�t C,.M3^_� �slarxd, Nphraak� insafd county,the
<br /> �ato atores�d. �
<br /> .. My Commltctnn explres: . ..�-... . I
<br /> � � NoWy('ubllc �
<br /> '� � ��G i
<br /> ' -:�:�:. �
<br /> . .. .-- -__,– ._- . �-... �...._.e��.o__._a_.�a o----'--� �.. . .
<br />—_ - ..: -_--,:-_-� av�•u.suw �ds w.....�..•.w•v.w.........��,T. � _.
<br /> n . �..
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<br />� . . .... ... . „ � 1C{�. �•�. � � n n 7 n � •o �> r-Tn '� r:i C�"'
<br /> �
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