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<br /> ° , � t, " , �S ., ='r,<. • ' :' . . .. _ _
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<br /> .. _.....-. .w�M•�r�� "' ......... .. .. i ' .
<br /> �=,�FKl�B'.�"��!iy- L�o�-._. __--
<br /> �-�;.�,.:.F .ry.�..� i�Gk�.`.Ct�l.}Atil5) �F��... �,�Q�� � ..,.. .. _�_':�
<br /> ' � I
<br /> .
<br /> � ' . 'PFa�mr a� �'. 6;�RG'f,�(DF�c F� q� i 6t�9iq t^c�v� �► , .
<br /> rj�1.M07L�I�b�9P.t1LEPrdI1130b0LFBBi]' ...-r.--'-^W—W;_._,....,�,�._ ���.._..�.___� .... ,��-. .R_.......-�.......�.
<br /> , �,_�_,___�(liaroin"�mzg�r,o�")and �
<br /> �., .i ..N.i Wli�
<br /> ' ,. 12eIxdQMtlha_HtL�.a�......._.— - • .
<br /> � t� �Ivn i� , r► s [i n A �Ve reqke �!?I:!?2d�:i��:P:l� _.�.---W(hereln°tl�ort��ee"). �
<br /> +��,,,;.�,. �. .
<br /> x,4;;�::.:.. � 3 fi � � , r'�iwte '=''
<br /> Mon�oT I�ind�hted to Rlort��In tl�e�trEn�ll�nl aum nf a.....�.��.n...,�... evl�cnred by Mort�yo :�`�.;�.-r
<br /> .: ''. :_;� dud,��hr�ary3. 1995 (hereln"Nnte"a prrtVidlnp tnr p�yment�01 p�rin�ipsl Rnd Intem:t,xith the bai�nce o;G�e „ �,
<br /> ' �, �+ :,
<br /> , '"°` inMbtednKC�if not iwoner prld,due�nd p�yAMd on...�..�.�'„"�rar;► �.�..�.l.�fi_.... ,
<br />� a,��;,�,,x��ti+:: ,
<br /> �•- ,; .. . To�ecuure the p�yment o4 the Note,wlth fntc�ancL�c p�vlded therrfn�t�io pr�mont o!�Il c►Iher tums,with intercit, .. .
<br /> ee � :
<br /> " ufr�nad By MoK{�re to protec!the r,ecu�ry uif tii�i�M»rtQa��Rnd te�d cron`y�ta Moitp,a�co�the [oilo i�desccibed
<br /> „ ° . the MorQ�a�ns toat�lned herein, Mort�c►r dceo� ltnMhl mart(��e ., ••- ���-.�•- °
<br /> , . ProP�rty locakd !n Hall — G`cuu�ty, Nnbraolu: `�,�''��n:''
<br /> ��r�;;".
<br /> Lot Eleven (17), Block One IQ), P�nd��ror�a L:aFce Fi�4ates 5ubtilvlslon, In the Y:{�,..�„�.,�,J�,�,,�;o_y_
<br /> . " City of Grartd Is1And, Ha�ll Ca���ity, �I�abra�ka. : ;�`�-=J _
<br /> c,. ;���_':
<br />-_A `4`Y•4f'��i�=� ' _
<br />' .. ��Yi_ rr_ .
<br />!e .. il:� _ -_�_ _-- �
<br /> , . . . .. :�'F..l��"'�'
<br />� � ' �f+�1 F�";;-.
<br />�� ` fr''_.7�.•� � ���,���i:'��p:�__
<br /> :�. StY� �::.r�
<br /> � �'.:k �Kr. '�J.:r;i?�ti�:.
<br /> . 1 1�', '_ .�::�.,.
<br /> - ,_� '-41�t. _ - - . _f.'�E��`tv��.-_ .
<br /> •,��t�i._-�
<br /> qt�,�-;.;.;`I,'y� . °'�.�,; . � �'}�r`•<.1'b.=_ -
<br /> ::ni�',}�.�:, • AY� . . -
<br /> _f., •ij�;i
<br /> ,�1 �4f� r :1��di�, _
<br /> --�x+�:c^a �a���
<br /> Y.�� rT�.�,;��r;( �.�` �i
<br /> � i � i�1.,,�i�51
<br /> -- — .�......Ji
<br />� '�, "'irS��'�,•�. WJI f O�R'II1C11ti�[l�t►s�(�iiiSja�oo wS2S� -
<br /> . . To�ether�vtth dl bull�ln�s,impror�m�nte.tixtu�rs,stnet�,�11ey����c Y �
<br /> •°=��,'. appuctenance�locxted thereon or in tnvwis�pe�txlning thereto,�nd the nnta,ltst+tz RnA{►roflts,��ev,eetions und[emtindtr�
<br /> " thenof;Includin�,but not Ilmltud tu,heat�np and coolinQ equlpment end sucti �r.nontJ p:o�►a+rty ttut Is�tt�ched to the �
<br /> �. lmpxovements 40 0�to co»stituto n fl��tuin;tll vf whlch,Includln�repl�ccmrnt��nd eo n1�►a�n'�dh��erred to hereli�a the � k
<br /> t o b e a p a a t ot the nai esttte cec:ured by tho Iir.n ot thi�Mori�i�e�nd�J�ot t��r tnrop � 1�
<br /> „ •�,:
<br /> . "I'roDertY��•
<br /> Motrt��or turther comvmanta nnA��r�r�'+,a'Ith Rlortgr;eP,R�[r�low�s � .,.�-
<br /> �b'r •e:,�„
<br /> ' � ' 1. P�ym�nt. To pp' f�n lndel�t���esa and the fnkrest thereon�s pror�tlyd tn th�s Mo�vp�e and the Ptate.
<br />� Z, Tltk. Mort�agor it tb�oti�-ner of tho Property,ha the rit,ht�n�1�uthority 10 mu�t�e tho ProyeKy.�nd �� � •
<br /> watru►ta that the Ilen crestoit he:�by it a tf�st anA p�tor Ilen on the Property,�xcxpt u rn*y olHerwtw 6e Kt t�rth hereln. x ,
<br /> • ' . �.�'"/,�+::°4.
<br /> t, _
<br /> P�Zhe Property it e�t6)rct to a Murt�e wherefn E � Q « nt� ,?.BL1 .�� - - - ,..�'« .
<br /> r- gg��"1 � 04 the Moat�r,�Lc Rocords ot. Hall GwntY� .�.. " .. .
<br /> . 1�t6e Mozt�a�ee,ieootduet��It�=�SC3�SC3eY�G�� , •-
<br /> ;„.;;.;, Nebr+aka,which Mo�s�v Is a�l�e�PtioY to tho llen created henby.
<br />'"`��� ,,•. �� ❑ Other pr�oT llt�nb or encumbrnnces: • r :.
<br /> . � � ~� . ..
<br /> : .. ' �:
<br /> . ;:;;;:.;,`.,. .
<br /> � '' 8. T�es,A�essmrntu 'N PnY when duo�1!texes,epecial assessmr�Zs imd�l!olt►er chuge�a�alnst the Ycoperty l:�;�
<br /> � ° ':��.��'�.'•. attd,upon vrrttten demand b�klartga�C,td ad d tv tho p�ynnenQs requtred�ander th�Note�6ecured hereby,such amount a. �
<br /> . ��,.;���'��� may be sutActent to en�ble tho?J[n�gee tu(cuy such taxes.�ssessmenta os oiher etauae�ee tliey becomo due. k '
<br /> - �•.`��'.� 4, ���u�, 3'a keep tho E�npto�v�ment�now or herea[tex locAhd c+�ttie eral esfxte descdbed horeln Insumd
<br /> ue
<br /> �ln�t darnige by�re'+ind aucti oth�z ha�ds id Mort{�aQee m�Y reqWte.tn�mounit��d rrith comp�nie�acceptable to the
<br /> m
<br />- g�art�e�aad aith(ae p�y+�b1U tu thu Murt�• L�case ot loae ur�alsr euch pc�flcle�the Mort�ee ls nuthotised to
<br /> �djuct, coUeet rnd compmTnhe,hi•Ite ti�c�tion.tll cldms thereundtr et Its solr option� wthodudtoei8her�gpty the
<br /> nbe
<br /> proceedt to tho rz�tonttQp ot!hc ptapr.rty or upon the fndebtedneas�ceu�rd h¢rrby.but payroen4 iienunder 6hn11 con-
<br /> � ., tinue�until t-he s,�ms eccured heseby un�nid In tuli.
<br /> � . 6. Q Euroa For Tu��a Ws���. �'otwtthctandin�anyttutn�cohZN�rrd fn par�CnPh�8 and 4 hereot to thr.
<br /> :: _ � tontrary,Moriiator�tli p�Y to the HYurt�at the tim�of p�yin�tTcc mon4Rly In:t�llmenu o!prindp�l�nd Intexest.
<br /> Y�� one•tv�Pitth oi the ye�xly 4axes,a�ueaamwi�a. htsud L►uarance premiurla.end�pronnd nt►u(ft �ny)whlch msy ntt,�in a
<br /> —���r•_ ..__ ��._.._..L�u.,.-t..•-. .0�a zr�aonu4ilv cytitn�tod hom time to ti�e by tlne R6nrt��ee.'ihe�unounta ao pdd ahdl be
<br />—-- _• � ��.,.,.,........a..___.�.-•-. -
<br /> held by the MortQa�ee v�itha�ut fniere�t and appllud to the p�ymen!oi ttne liern�in reepect to wnicn sucn amounm.:a�a ; �
<br /> depoeited. 'it�e aums�id to MoY4:�g�ee heocunda:are pledged as�ddiN�nal eec��,rity tor ihe fnC�btccLteu acciu�ed by thls
<br /> :`'�. Mort.�aSe.Mortp�orthail pay to Pnoriy�,i�th�:�':au�tt�ot a.ny d�fl�!!r.cy�tw�eer�tha actuil Gutes.a:ees�menta. Insar�nce ;
<br />—���., , � premfums�and�ound rents �nd tNe deposlic tterQUUd�r wilhi� 19 deye atter darnand[s mt�le upon M.ortgagor requesting i
<br /> '�'�� paYmen2 23�ereoL ,
<br />_- - - . _� 6. �p�.�y(��kn�cx rit�d�Uia. '[b pr�c�mp�tly cepdc,rc�tnre or rs2�uiltl any huildtnp or Im�r�ysmenta now or �. , .
<br /> _ lttt
<br />'— he�rtter on the Property:to keep�the Prope�rty ltt Sood enntl:l3on nnd rey�alr�vr+ihout wwte,e�id trec fro�mochanic's or �,
<br />= nthr:lirns not exnreasIy subordinated tn the tien herieof;no3 ta rne�co,autter or permit any m�fsnnca to oxlot.nor to dimi^�- ;,
<br /> ;°:�'t: ,
<br />,� ': '� tch o:impalr the value ot the Property by nny act or omissiazn eo act;�nd to comply vP:CD!l�)LCQUIRIIItli1W 6t IU�iT W:e�l
<br /> ' respect 4o the Yropetty. �
<br /> . ;i;
<br /> L. i I
<br /> Il. I
<br /> „ I
<br /> -v �
<br /> �` . , .. . . . .. . ..__ r_--. .yc+a'. . .. '•. _ . . __._ . __ ... ...__. _
<br />