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<br /> � S.Nrzard or Property Iosur�nce. �ortnwcr shall kccp tho ImpTOVCmcnts now cxisu��g or hercaftcr crcctcd on thc Propcny �
<br /> insurcd agalnst loss by fir�. hnutrds i�cluded within c�e term "oxtended coverage" end any other hu7ards, including flc�ods or ��
<br /> ' flo�din�,fae whictt l.ec�du rcquires insunu�ce.'I�is ir►surancc sball ba malnt�.incd in thc emounty ertA for the pc�lods ihPt Lendcr � '' _�-_�
<br /> rcquires.'It�c insuaance careler providing thc inseuer►cc shaU be chosen by BaROwcr subJcct to Lcndcr's appmval which shall not �..
<br /> be unrc,�sonably withheld. If Aorrowet faUs to mulntain covcrage doscr9bed abovc, Lcnder may, a! Lcndcr's oritlon, obtain i . •� ,R,�.
<br /> coveruga w protoct Lcndcr's dghts in tho Property in nccordnnce with parngrnph 7. I �,''�.
<br /> " All insurance policiea and renewals shall be acceptnble to Lender and shal!include a standnrd mortgAge clause.Lender shall . „
<br /> have the right to hold the polu,ies and renewals.If l.ender requires.Borrowea shuU promptly givc to Lender aU receipts of pald � „ . �•
<br /> premiums and renewal naBccs.In the evcnt of toss,Borrowcr shaU give pmmp!norico w ttae insura�►ce c�aier und I..ender.Lendcr *y_
<br /> mny mss�{cce praof of loss if nat made promptly by Sorrower. � �;r��
<br /> m
<br /> Unless Lcadcr ond Horrower othuwLs9�in writing,ins�unnce prae�ds shall be applicd to restorarian or cepair of the }��
<br /> � pnnpenyr damaged,if the restoration or rcpair is economicully fensible and I.end�r's sccurity is nat lessened.If the resmratian or � �`
<br /> � repair is not economically feasible or I.ender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shiill be applied to the sums �,�+.
<br />- secured by this Scxuriry Iasuument, whether ar nat ihen ddic, with any excess p�id to Hoerower. If Borrower abanduns�he : 4 ��;`�..�;�,�-;�,_.�
<br /> ° ' Pro�rty,ar does not answer within 30 days u notice from Lender that the insurana;carrier han offered tn seWe a claim.then j , ;,,,;,,,- •=_�
<br />''�y I.end�r may collect the insurance prc�ceeds•I.ender muy use the proceeds to repair or restore the Pmpexly ur w�iay suns r,�cur..d �.° �';�,�=, '-Rv
<br /> ,� ,.
<br /> .�;r�--
<br /> ,•'� 1, .. by this Securtry Instcument,wheB�e,r or not then due.Tho 30-day peri.od will begin when the natica is given. �.�,,.;„.: . �-t�'-�
<br />,=� � Unless Lender and Ii�rcowcr otherwise agcee in writin8.fury aPPlication of pnocceds to principal shaU not extend or posqwne '`Y���v__-:
<br /> � • " �he due date of d�s mondity paymcats rcferrcd w in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changa the sunount of the payments.If undcr pnmgr�aph ' . .�;_:f.�:::"'u�`-=
<br /> , 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right to aay i.�.surance Polieies and proceeds resulting from dcuntute v��he �'�=-�`:'�-'_ . __
<br /> ;,� ��,,,-.,,�.._.
<br /> ' Pmpezty prior to the acquisidon shall paSS to Lender to the extent of the sums socured by this Security Instrument imm�ec�:,al:ly r�`*�L_:^=<^^,-�.
<br /> . prior to the acquisidon. •�,�`�' �:
<br /> 6.Ocr.upAncy,Preservadon,ll�iatenAnce a�zd Etrc�te�tbn of the Preperty; Horrower's l.ean AppUcaPjoe;E.easel�ids. `_.+�-i.'��`�•-=�
<br /> Bonowe�shall a:eupy.estab�lsh,and use the Property as Borrower's principal msidence within sixty days afisr tha eacecution of ,;_y���,l= -
<br /> � this Seciuity Instrument and shall condnue to occupy the Property os Borrower's principal nsidence�or at least one year after the .;�.•.; ��
<br /> :,r,r.;;•. " .., �
<br /> � ___ _ _ da� of occupancy, unless Lcnder otherwise agroes in writinn8, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. or unless ••< '�'
<br /> extenuadng Gircums4lnces ealst which are beyond Borrower's controi,narrower si�sii no�dwiavy.wuiw�e vi„���a�:its�.'�"�,�i3. `' °°'�`
<br /> :�� ��:
<br /> allow the Prape�ty co d�eerlorate, or comn�it waste on the Fcu�cny. Borrower shall ba in default if ae�y �orfeiUUS action or .,p :±
<br /> procecain g,whether c�vid a�r cdmin�l,is begua that in Lender's Euud fnith judganeiot could result ui forfci�s�f tho Property or '"`l°`� ;
<br /> otherwise anaterially impeir ihe Gen created by this Security Instiu:�nent ar Len�ier's security intenesG Bocrowar may cure such a `.�',1.;
<br /> defut+lt AncB reinstate� s�provided in paragrnph 18�by causing�:e action or proceeding to be dismissed with a nil�rg shat,in ,;
<br /> Lcnder's good faith dete�n►inadon,precludes forfetture of the BoTrower's lnterest in the Prouerty or other mater3al i�nfiair�►ent of • . ::-
<br /> the lIcn created by this Securlry Instrument or Lcnder's securlty interesG Boirower shall also be in dcfault if Bonower,riuring the ;�, , �,
<br /> loan upplication process,gave matcrially false or iaucctuate informadon or statemeats to Lender(or failesl to provada Lender witk� ��_.�.
<br /> � nny material Information) in connesdan with the loan evldenced by thu Note, fncluding, but no� lirnnt�.A �o, reprrsenmtians ,. ,,,�
<br /> � ''� concE+�ning Borrower's occupancy uf ah,Pmperty as a principal msidence.If thi�Securiry Insuument is on a leusehold.Horrower ; ' f•, �
<br /> � shall wmply with all the provisions of tha lease.If Borrower scqu-�res fce auc+to the Pcoperty,zhe leasehold and tho fca pQ�shall , ��_
<br /> not merg�unlass Lender agrees to the mergcc in wdting. �
<br /> 7,prol:ctlun oi A.ec�der'R lUg6ts ia the Property. If B�rrowcr fniLs to pe�'orm the c�nvensmnts and�rcements contained in _,;��.__
<br /> " this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding d►at may signiticandy affect Lender's rights in the Ftaperty (such tts a , . ��, z�
<br /> " procecding in banhuptcy,probate,for condemnuaon or forfcihue�nr to enforcc laws or regulations),then Lender ma do ar�d '�� '`�
<br /> Y Pa►Y . :•'McY�� - .�• <
<br />' � f o r w h a t e v e r i s n e c e s s t�r Y t o P r o t c x t t h e v n l u a o f t he Pro p e rt y an�l Lender's rights in the Property.I.ender's acdans may include ; �
<br />_ .� � paying nny sums securcd by a Ilen which tws grio�isy ovar this Secauity Instrument, appearing in caurs,paying reasonabl�e �° _;
<br /> �,,,� .
<br /> '� � attomeys' foes and entaring on thG Properey w maks repAizs. Although l,ender may tekc ecdon under this h 7,Lender . '.;:"��
<br /> P�aP :�x��:°
<br />` .. - docs not hnva to do so. '•"�'k ; �
<br />