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<br /> „ , rtctmnccs�and f �
<br />_' 'POC3TiT7�R dU1TH al! thc improvemen4s now or hue�aftcr crccted on thc DroPertY.ond all cascments,a�pu ` .;,':._
<br />. . " fl�tur�:norl a�n c�scJ't:.r a g^_�t vf thc pm(�rsty./�Il re�lacemcnt9 r�nd uddiidans shall nlso bc Govcrcd by this Sccurisyr Insuume�t. � ,. , ` �
<br /> - ., All at tt�e foreaoing Is c�[crred w in this Sxurity Insuurr►snt av thc"i�roperty." .•�{;:o,.;—
<br /> . k10ItFiOWtiR COVBNANTS that Bomower is lawfuUy scised of tho estacc henby conveycd and has tt�c dght tu grant and �'_ `'�.�,r
<br />' , comoy tha Prc�ptriy end tht►t the Pcoperty is unencumbesed, except for encumbrnnces of recnrd.Horrower wamants und wlll -• „ _: �
<br /> t
<br /> defend�c;�ernlly tho dde to tho Propeny against all clain�.9 and demxnds,subject to nny encumbrances af recorA. � ;,::���°;'��,
<br /> '['FiIS SEGURTTY IN5TRUM8NT combines uniform covennnts far nationul use and non-�aniform covennnts with limiteA �'�
<br /> . variuttons by jutisdicilon to consdttuo a aniform security insVument coveting reul pronerty. . . � . . .°._' _
<br /> UNIFORM COV6NANTS.Bonower and Lcndcr covcnant and agrx o9 follows: . : �;� i�
<br /> a whcn duo the ����_�---
<br /> 1.Payment o!Princlpal nmd Intcresti Prepayment aad Late Clu�rges. Horrower shall promptly p y . ..� ...,
<br /> ;�:��=_
<br /> principal of and incert,t on tho debt evidenced by the Nota and any prepayment nnd lato charges due w►der the I�Iote. '�'��r'^•�,.;,'�::.,;;��:�,
<br /> � 2,Fund�Por'Frxes�nd InsurAnce. Subject to appllcable law or ro u wriuen waiver by I,e�icler, Borrower sha�l pay to ?���n;;�-^--�,"'�---`�,�--;;;�`s°""""
<br /> , . I�ender on tha dny monthly paymenis arc dua uarler thc IVote.until tho Nota is paid in full,a s�un("Fuctds")for.(ay yearly tauts =____- -°°--
<br /> � � and assessments which may attain priority over this Sccuriry Ins�cumu�t As a tien on the Property►:(b)Yearly lcaschold paymetrts =_
<br />_4�� os�raund rea�9 on tho Property.lf anY:(c)Y�aly hez^ad o;pmg,.�ty insurtutcc pmmiums:(d1 YcA..�ly floo�in.surnnce p�mmiums.if °_�=-_ - --
<br /> �:.m--
<br /> enY�(e)Yearly mortgage insurance pr�miums�if any:und(�any sums payable by Bomawer w Lender.fn accordance with tha �--__
<br />-:�' provisions of p�r�igraph 8. in Ueu uf thes payment of mortgege insuttince premiums. '11�ese ita� are called"Bscrow Item9." _�r-
<br />_:,11,�: I.cndcr may,ut any Umc,collect and hold Funds in en nmount not to excecd the mauim►tm a�nount a lender for a federally nletEd �:. '_��
<br /> ;� mortgage loan may requIre for Horrower's escrow eccount under the federal Real Eswte Seaiement Procedures Act of 1974 os --
<br /> emcnd�d from dmc to dme. 12 U.S.C.Sccdon 2601 et s�q. C'REuPA").unless arwthrs 1aw that apQlies to the�und9 sus a kssu �``-•�_.;:.._
<br /> ' art�oun�If so,Le.nder may,at eny dme.collect end hold Funds in en emount not to excad the lessa unount 1.u�der may -�- -
<br /> cstimate iho nma�unt of Funds duc on the ba9is of cwsei►t data end reatonabk esti�nates af cxpendiwces of futuxe Fscm�+Items or _ —
<br /> .. otherwise in aocordanca with applicable law.
<br />� �� 'Ihe Funds shall be held in an insawdon whosc dcposits are ins�rcd by a fecleral agency.instrumentalIty,or entity(including
<br /> L,ender.if L.ender is such an insdtudon}or in su►y Federal Home Loan Barilc. Lendu shaU apply the Funds w pay the Bscrow ___
<br /> ,_ - ---- - Items.Lcn«.r may nva um;go o�.. �'�f�n c�l3is:g:s�:�.�!=�4ng shn F.�nda�nnmwllv analyzin¢thu csctow HCCOUnt,O�VuifYillK —
<br /> the Escrow It�ems.unless L.etider pays Borrowet interesc on Ihe Funds an�appllcalble!aw petmits Lcnder W mt►Y:a sa�ch a charge. -
<br /> However, I.ender may requlrc Borrower to pay a one-time cttarge for an independatt real estatA tax reparting scivice used bY ������_
<br /> Lender in connecaon with this loan,unless applirsble Iaw provides othu�wise.Unless an agreesnes�t is made or epplicable law -- _-
<br /> . re,quires intcrost to be pnid.Lencier shull not be requir�d to pay Borrower any interest ar caminga on the Funds.Borcowcr and .-
<br /> . �� . �• l.ender may aAcea in writir���t�owever.that int,erest shall be paid on tho Funds.I,ender shall give w Ho�rowu�without Gharge.en `, .. �:"'.
<br /> h debit W the�unds wes �'-
<br /> . e sc far which cx „ .
<br /> � Funds and th
<br />. the
<br /> Funds shawen credits smd debits to P►uI�
<br /> . ual c�cccuunth� of tha . 6 ,�_.
<br /> ann cu
<br /> s .
<br /> • made.'Itie Funds ate plcdRed c�s ndditianPJ sezurity for all sums securcd by this Sxtuiry Instrumen4 �.:' .�_.
<br /> - If the Funds hcld by Lender caceed the amaunts permiued to be held bY apPlicablc law,Lendcr shall occount to Bocrowa for .
<br /> the eacecss Funds in accordance with�he m�uirements of applicable law.If the�nount of the Funds he3d by Lender�t any time is " `
<br /> .:���,�:. .^ •'
<br /> . � • nut sufficient w pay the Bscrow Items when due,Lendes m�y so notify Borrower in writing,and.in such case Borrower stuill{my �,:}`:��, ..,
<br /> to Lender the amount nec�;s,�ry to make up the deficien�y. Borrower shall make up the deficiet�cy in no moro iha.� twelve ,.,�, �,
<br /> monthly paymr��ts,at Lender's solc dLscredon. ��
<br /> , Upon payment in ful!of all sums secured by this Security Inshument,Lendcr shall promptly refund to Borrower eny Funds , ."' •"'`=-"-_-_
<br /> •-.s:�.�
<br /> ,.,� h�ld by L.endcr. Yf,under paragraph 21,I.ender shall acquire ar sell the Propeny,Lender,prior w tha acquisidon or sale of the � :�-� r�_
<br /> ;•�,,.., Pruperty. shall apply any Funds hcld by[.ender nt the time of acquisition or sale os a credit ageinst the sums secured by this „ �•'�c��_
<br /> . :-.;t� ,. 5ecurity InstrumenG '�V�'. .
<br /> :'. .e�rr•�.-.
<br /> -- ' ' .3 3.Appli�tiou o1'Paymente. Unlcss�gplicable!aw provides oth�rwtse.ull paymcnts rcceivocl by Lcndcl under patztgruphs �;`'r:....-�
<br /> i� 1 and 2 sFall be applied: ficst,to anY Pre�Yment charges due under¢fie Note;second.to amounts payable under paragraph 2; ,,�"•'�-
<br /> � • .� ' third,u�interest due;fourth,to princiPal due;and las�w any late chnrges due under tha Note. , • , • -�
<br />- 4.Cl�rges►Licns. Horrowcr shsill puy all taxes, nsszssments.charges. Cmes and imposiaons attributable to the Pcopccty I ' � •��.� :. �-
<br /> � which may aunin prioriry over this Socurity Instrument,and le�sehold payments or graund rents.U any.Homower shall pay these '
<br /> � " otoligations in the manner provided in pa�zt�ph 2,or if not paid in that manncr,Boirower shall pay them on time diroctly to the . _
<br /> ;'' pccson owed payment.Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lcnder all nodces of amounts to be paid under this paiagraph.If
<br /> Borrower makes these puyments direcdy,aorrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipt�evidencing tho payments. `
<br /> ;r� �' Borrawer shall prnmptly discharge any lien which has pdoriry ovcr this Security Instrument unless Horrowcr: (a)agrces in i
<br /> wpidng to the payment of the nbligadon secured by tho lien in a manner ecceptabl�,to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien ;
<br /> � by, ar defends Against enforcement of the lien in, legal proccxdings whic!► in tha Lender's o�iuiion operate to prevens t�e i
<br /> :� enforcement af 2he tie�r or(c)secures fro�the holder of tho lien an ugreement satisfactory tA Lerder subc�rdinadng tho lien¢n �
<br /> a; , this Socurlty InsIIvmenG If I�nder dete.�mines that any part of d�o Properry is subject to n liea which�nay atlftin prioriry ovcr this
<br /> A ' SECUriry Insuument,Lend:a rnay give Borrowcr a notice idcntifying thu lien. Bormaer shall satisfy ihe llen er t�lc�one or morc
<br /> - of the nGtions sct forth aUove Writhin 10 days of the gnvin�of noticc.
<br /> . _
<br /> Form 9Q�a 91D0
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