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� .�i: :�i��;' ;;�;;i yi^' . . _ <br /> . ��u��;. , r+ `r . - <br /> � :�f <br /> "n�7wr' .—. <br /> - .�'.. , _ . . ':- <br /> . a� 11EX,,, . . �... . . _ . <br />.. ._. ._ . . . ' . � �� ` _ .=.�,i? .'_.TP�Y\..}N.:L".l."L,.•_.! . ..:4BN�CTfl:t.ri.5r!ettlm+.r:x-..._-:.i. ..��'Y�!'11W �r_ - <br /> .. <br /> ,...,. <br /> ,. , . <br /> . . .. i��'d.tih.��t<_..1 ...._....__ . ..... . • - � <br /> . .. . ."_" "._"'.."._ _' • '� ��01 I � . .'.,.; _ _ <br /> - � 70�EfH�ii WI7H a{I tho Irproyem�ato now or hereafta eracted on tho property, and a!I eaoements, appurlenancus, end � <br /> ' tixtur�s now ar here�ltcr a part u9 iho pro�chy.Ap repixeemento and add�tlons ohafl also bo covFred by ihla 9ecudty Inatnim:m. � - <br /> AI ot tho forcgalnp lo rdc�rcd to In thin 3ecuYry Inotrunicnt aa tho'Propc�cy.' � , <br /> a• . ' DQRFldWER COVEWANTB that Bo�rowa I� fawlu;ry aeixed o1 the a9tste hereby canvoyed and hes the rfglit to prant and ( ' _ <br /> - . convey tha Property ond thd the Propsrty la unencumberad, exaept tor enoumbnncea ol iecord. Borrowa wernnts �nd wfil I ,�, _•;:?�, :,� . <br /> - detend flenenNy ihe IIGe to Ihe Proporty�painet�fl cl�lms�nd dom�nds,eubJect to�ny encumbrancen o}rocord. � . " ,�4,�:;a;;wF��.` <br /> . THt9 SECURffY INS'iAUMEN7 combinea unitorm covenanto tor naUon�l uee an� non•unlfortn r.ovenants wlth L'mlted '' " • �'� <br /> '� ca.::=-=- <br />- , voriatlona by wd�dictlon to conaUt��te�unNorm eecurfty inatrument coverhp ral propsr7y. I � ,�,"a-J;.r.:=_-:—_ <br /> � <br /> UNIFORM G�A�NAt�fTB, Dorrowar nnd Lender coventnt and Qgrae ia tollawe: S w`-��. - <br /> • 1. W�ym�n4 of Prinei�al �nd liig�eesi; PPOpAyiilOflQ AiiL� 0.0�� Ciis�eeos.Borvower ehatl protnpfly peY whan . -rr:,_c°.rtT.�.: � <br /> due ths nc�lp+d of�nd k�txect on the debt evidanced b the Note and�n r e ent md late chd ea due under th�Nat�. ��'"�'�%:�•-._� <br /> p Y Y p�P Ym �A r •.�,.., �_ <br /> � 2. Fuada fo�Tax�a and Insuranc�. 3ub ect to a iic�ble Iw�N or to �wrftten walva b Lender,Borrower ah�N ' ��'�'��'--�- <br /> 1 PP Y P�1+ - -L--:���---��-- <br /> " __ ro Lender on the d+�y monthy paymente ere due under the Note.untfl the Note b pald In fuA,s aum ('Funds') for. (�)yeary ,,t.,• vl>>'.`�!�t;'_'"�"'- <br /> • texea end aeseaements whlch may ettain priorfly over this 3acurtty In�trument a� � Nen on the Proporty; @) yeary leaeehold � „ �;�";:�°°"""` <br /> � �� prymente or ground rmta on the Propa►tyr, M�ny; (a) yeerty hezard or property Ineurance pranluma; (� yeery flood Inaur�nt� � '•�'nfN "�`- <br /> • �t,rs,::_'_.. <br /> remluma,M en e mort e Inaurcnce emlum�,if en nnd ;��. ;_-..-.�_`:-.-_ <br /> , . p y;( )yearfy pap pr y; (Q eny euma payuhle by Borcower to Lender In �ccord�nco },;;�;;�:ti�,��°____ <br /> wftfi the provlslon� 01 perogr�aph E, In Ileu of ihe payment of�oftgspo Ineur�nca prcm{uma. Th�ae Itema are raarzti 'Escrow �'�'_=""-=_=--°-- <br /> .. Items.' l.ender may,nt eny tkne, coRec► and hold Funda In an amount not to exceod the maxknum amount� (ender fer e � � � � <br /> federnly rel�tod mart�+pe loan may requtro tor Bortower'a eacrow account under the icd�►1 Re�l Eateta Seltlement Precedura� �6- <br /> � Act ot 99F4 as amended irnm time!o Ume,12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. ('RESPA'), unlose another U�tw th�t e �' ~ � <br /> , ppNes to the Fund� �:;_,��.- <br /> sets a leaser amount. If so, Lender may,at any tlmn, coliect and hold Funde fn en amount not to exceed tho k�aer smnunt. ��"'-' - <br /> Lender mey estimate tha nmount of Funds due on the baeis ot cun�ertt date and ressaneb�o estimetea o} ex{�a►diluvea olluturo �«�'�r"�� <br /> r ,. . - <br />= Eecrow Itans or otherw�lso In accordance wfth�ppNcabfe kw. <br /> _ � � The Funds ahnN be held in an InatltuUon whoge deposke sre Innured by e lederal agency,InsUumentNity,or entHy(Indudfnp <br />- Le�ider, If Lendct is such an {nsHtutlo�) av!n any Fcdaral Homa Lo�n B:n�. Lcad:.r ch:!spµy tha Funda to p:y the Eauow <br />=�'N Items. Lmder mny �ot cherpe Borrowcr!or holding and appying the Fund3, annuefy anayzi�p the escrow �ccaunt, or valfylnp ' <br />-- ' the Eecrow Items, unbsa Lmder pays 8ortower Intxrest on the Funds end epFlouble I�w portnita Lendar to m�ke nuch • __ <br />=� � charge. HoNever, L.ender may requlre Bo�rower to pay e one�time cherge tor an Ind�endent reat estate tax r�porUnp aervice a- <br />�� uaed by Lender In connectlon with thia loan, unlasa appMcabia kw providae otherwise. Unlesa an �t9reement ta m�de or = <br /> ' appNcablo law requfree Interoet to be psid, Lender ahall not be raquked to pay Borrower eny Interost or eumhps on the F�x�ds. _�—.� <br />= Borrowar and Lenda may egrae fn wr.ting, howava, that Interest shell be psid on the Funda. Londer ahaN gtve to Oo:rawar, � <br />: wRhout aherge, �n ennual eccountinp of the Funda, ehowing credfta and deb3e to the Funda�nd the purpose f�r wh4cii eaafi <br />_ debR ta the Funda wae made. The Funda aro pleclged nn addHional sxudty for aN suma eecured by the 3ecudty Ins2rumant. <br />� II the Funda held by Lender oxceed the nmounts permitted to be held by appi:ca�ble kw,Londer snail sccount To BortaNer <br /> ��*�; tor the eucesa Funde In accordance wfth tho requlremente ot eppHable inw. if the�mount of the Funda hNd by Lender�t�ny <br /> Uirre la not sufAdent to pay the E�crow Items when due,Lender may so notHy Borrower In writk►g,and,In sucFf��aam 8arower ��`�' <br /> � ����' shdl p�y to Lender the amount necesszry to rruke up the deflclency. Borrower shail nuke up the detidency in nn moro th�n � <br /> ____ = twwlyw monthly oayments, at Lender'e sole dlscreUon. <br /> �',,;;;: Upon pxymant In lul! of all suma secured by thls Security InaUument, Lendor nhall prornptlyr raNnd to Borrower any Funds <br /> • .. hNd by La�de►. If. under pengreph 21, Lender ehaY acqulre or a�ll the Property, Londer,pHor to the acqubkion or aale of tha --�—� <br /> � Property, ehaM �pply eny Funda hald by Lender at the Ume of acqulaftion or eele as e credit epainat the auma sacured by th�a i <br /> • Secudty Instrument. <br /> . � "•''' 3. Appllentian of Paymere'd9. unlesa appticable iaw providea otherwise, ell peymonta ►ecelved hy Lender unckr <br /> ' ' , patngmpl�v 1 nnd 2 ehnil be appliod: flrot, to eny Prcpayment ahnrgsa dus under the Nole; eecond,ta amount�a payab�e under ;; <br /> pernpmph 2;thkd, t�htaraat duo; fourth,to pr(nr,lpwt dua;end Ust,to any lata charqua due undrtr tho Notr. • <br /> • , 4. Charq��; Ll�ote. Bon�ower ahall pay rJl tnxes, asseasmente, chnrgrs, finnn and Gt�asiliona atU�+�tabta to tho � <br />', Propaty which mny eltaln pdo�lry ove►thto 3ecudty Inatrument,and leasehold paymvnts or Qrov�d rante,It�ny. Bonnww e�haM � <br /> , • ' pay lhese obligdlana In the manner prorlded In paragrsph 2, or H not paid In that mannor, 6oROwer ahaA pay them on tlme <br /> ,. dkecUy to ths person owed payment. Borrower sheY prompUy fumish to Lende►ell notice3 of emounta to be pdd undx thls ;�i;� <br /> pengnph. It Borrower makea these peyments diroctly, Bortowa sheil promptly himf�h to Lender recNpta evldenclnp the „ fjfi��;'_ <br /> ,. Ptymente. • ,;ir��,:'!''• <br /> Borrower ah�U prompty dlscharga any Ilen whlch hae pdority over this Security Instmment unless Borrower. (a)e�eea In ,;.��'n l__ �- <br /> wdting to the payment of the obpQaUon securod by the Ilen in a manner acceptable to Lmder, (b) contests in good taith the ..: �-- <br /> ° Ilen by, or dtfends epnin3t entorcement af the Ilen in, leyal proceedings whlch In tho Lendera opinion operate to provent the . ��-_� <br /> � enforcement of the llan;or(o) securea from the hotder of the Ilen nn ngreament settstactory to Lender subordinnting the Ilen to ., '�,:, ,, <br /> - thia 3ccuriry InsUument.If Lender determinea that aoy pnrt at the prapaAy is subJect to a Ren whlch may att�ln pdority over this ��' '� <br /> ; Securiry IneWment. Lender may pive Boaower e noUae IdenUfying the lien. Borrower 3haY eatlaty the Ilon or tnke one or more of °�=?'���'= <br /> the ecUona eet forth�bove wilhin 10 daya of the giving o1 notice. I iM• rr� _ <br />- ' • ! S. H�zard or Propo►ty Insurance.Bonower ahall keep the Improvemonts now exlating or hereafter erectal on the �' <br /> __ - 7, Property Inaured apaNist loaa by flre, hszards Ncluded withln the tenn 'extended coverege" snd any other hazarda, ktciudkig f�� � <br />- . � Aoods or 1loodfng, tor which lender requlroa Inaurence. Thls Insurance ahaN be mn(nta!ned tn the nmounta end for the pertods �• • � <br /> • that Lmder requkas. fie Inauranes cartfer provlding tho insurencn shali be chosen by Borrawer subject to Lender'e epprovel � ��`�`� <br />- � ' whiah ahall not ho unreasonably withheld. If Bortower fails to meintaln coverege desaibad a4ovo, Lender may, at Lendcr's • <br /> optlon, o6teln coveeege to protect Lender's righte In tho Property In eccordance with pantgreph 7. �� <br /> ' All insurence paudea end renewals ehail be uccepteble to Lender and shall Include a standard mortgago clause. Lmder I <br />-; , ehall heve the ripht to hold the policles and renewals. If Lender requiros, Borrower shall promptry fllve to Lender ell recelpts ot <br /> ' pald premiuma and renawal nodces. In the ovent ot lo3s,Bortower ahall give prompt notice 4o the Insurnnco cartter and Lendw. � <br /> T. Lender may make proof of Ioae If not made promptty by Borrower. i • <br />_`! • Unlese I.ender end Bortower otherwlae agree In wdting, Insumncn procaods ahall be epplied to restomtion or repelr of the ' <br /> � Ropatyr dimaged. H tha reatoretfon ar repnir la economicelly feasible und Landar's securiry Is not lessened. If the restomtion or . . ' <br /> repalr la not ncor,orNcal!y feasible or Lender's securiry would be leasened,tho Insurance proceeds shail be appilad to tho sumo • <br /> = secured by thl� Security Instrument, whether or nat thon duo, wUh any excoss peld to Bortower. Ii Borrower ebandona the � . <br /> - Nroperty, or doe� not enawrr within 30 daye a notice from Lender that tho Inswnnce cartiur hea oi(ared to aettlo a clalm,tNen <br /> Lender may colieat the Inaurance proceeds. Lender may ueo the proceeds to repalr or restore the Proporty or to pey sums � <br /> = oecurod by tMs 3ecurNy I�eWmmt,whether or not thon duo. The 30•day period wN bagln when tAe noUce is givm. <br /> _ Untesa Lender e�id Bomower otherwlse egrea In w�ting, nny appllcatlon ot proceeds to pdncipal ehell not extend or , <br /> • „ poytpone the due date of the monthty paymente roferred to In pemgraphe 1 and Z or chenge the amount ol the paymonta. It - <br /> = undrir paragrsph 21 the Property Is acqulrod by Lender, Borrowerb dght to any Inaurence poliGes and proceeda resultk►g trom <br /> � LL� �..�..i. �.L� �L� ��.LLL� ��.�Y 1�.l� • ... . <br /> _f- ._---___-- --_-_� iwtnoyo av um .vpa.q �n�.n •v •..v ovyu�o.uvn ..,nan j.voo .v �v�um w ii�6 vniciq vi u�v oulttb Vy intD J041fI1y insirumani • . <br />-i . Immediatey pdor to tho ucqulskfon. <br /> � • � 6. Occupareay, Prosorvetlon, Malntenarvcd and Protectlon of tho Property; Borrower's Loan <br /> '� Applleatlon; L�aa�holds. Borrower ehall accupy, ctatnbllsh, and usa tho Property ae Bartorrver'u pdnclpel resldenca wlthln <br />;,�. slxty daye �iter the exeeuUon ot thls SeJcuriry Instrument nnd shall r.ontlnuo to occupy lho Property ns Borrower'e pdnclpnl <br /> �. .:_�:.-_ rwnirinn�p fn�et lanat nnw Ymr a$M thP 13ptA et CCCUp�!��, �!nle_� Lender othcr.�:lee �r,rc V !n�rrlt�ng, �rhlch conse�i eha. roi • <br /> �� � be unrensonabty wlthheld. or unless extanunting clrcumatancea oxlst whlch ere beyond Borrawer's control. Borrower shnll not <br />•�• destroy, damage or Impair the Properry, allow tho Propc�nt}r ta dnterforate,or commlt waste on tho Property. Borrower shall be In <br /> � detautt I} eny forfelturo ection or proceeding, wh�ther clvil or crlmfnal. Is bugun that In Lender'e good it►Ith Judgi�tent could result <br /> � I In torfeiture of the Proporty or otherwlso materfaly Impafr tho Ilen creatod by thls 3ecurity Instrvment or Lender's socurity Interest. <br /> � <br /> .�_ _� � <br /> �',� . F7310.LMa(10�8!) paao� o�s <br /> I� _ <br /> i <br /> I� <br /> . -95001 <br /> '� , <br /> •.�— 1 <br /> ,• ._-__.__-_. -__._-__ <br /> 1 <br />