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<br /> W�, a�o�w Q, l.a��i a�nd S�ndra J. Losrll.� !'�11!ll�tl��d �Njf� �
<br /> � �CTninor')_
<br /> undK the toNowiny Oe�d of 1'rust to b��rtitKOd Into�wnonp Tnistan,ArYnd R.B�Gk. /EtdortfllL��L��• Q• �o�
<br /> 73�O��nd l�lsnd� �{ sA802 .—
<br /> .�.+('T�v:�::)� --.
<br /> .nd T,,,j�._S�►�iN��l�.��@snk of �r�nd I�lu�d
<br /> ('Bmelfcbny'► coverkip the prope�ty desakaM!bNow hereby ncknowl�dpe thnt ft la und�ntood thtt(+�) ths De�d o1 Tti�t ta M
<br /> aacutW by Y�u�tor Is a hutt dNd and noY�mortp�g��nd(b)tho pawx ot sale pn�rMod tor In the DNd ot 1'ruet provida
<br />- aubst�nti�lly dM(ar�nt dptito�nd obNq�tlona to the 7lvata than a mort�ge In the avsnt of dMauk a LM�sach of obli�Non.
<br /> Truator acknowisdp�s th�t thle A�{cnmNlwigm�nt w�s made prior to ihs ucscutton of the Deed ot Truat. _
<br />_ Exe�c�ted ond defHere�d thia 10th!d�y o1 F�brua�_ ,_,,19� ,_
<br /> �rS►' � �.ol�Kl,s _
<br /> r_.,..,.. rn,swr n. I..�r►a
<br /> ..�..,. -j- - - - ��
<br /> ltuita� Tru;tor S d�a J. I.W�!1
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST('Securlty Inatrument'� Is made a� Fsbruarv �O�h ,M. 199b ��y_
<br /> '1't�e wetor is[3�ar�� D Loaris �nd Safldr� J La�riu. Husband �nd Wih _ E_�:
<br />- ('BoROwer'). �-^`
<br />= The wstee ia A�ir��d R. Bt�ck. Attoinw pt LAw. P. O. Box 79Gl, C��nd Islandl, NE 688�2 �-��--
<br /> ('Tivateey.Ths benaAdary I� .:
<br />- 'th� Qv�risnd Natt�Bank of �ir�nd_Isl�nd .whlch Is org�nized and exlaUnp
<br />- under th�kwa ot Thw Unit�d St�t�s a�f Am�rlc� ,end whoae address Is 304 W�st Thfrd Strs�t
<br /> J Grand Island, NE 68801 l'��da')�
<br /> Borrow�r ow�s Lender the pdndpa!sum ut Ei�hfil Thouund �nd 00/100.
<br /> DoNve(U.9.S 80.000.00 l. Thls debt la evldanced by Bnrrower's note
<br /> dnted ths eame deits aa thl�Security InaGumant ('Note'),whlch providee tor monYhly payment�, wfth the tull debt, H not pald
<br /> eer�er,due and peyable on August 9. 199&
<br /> TAia Ser.urity Instrument sewrea to Lenda: (�) repayment of the debt evidcnced by the Note, wfth Interest, end e.4 renewals,
<br />- e:Renabna �nd� modHlc�Uona ot tho Note; (b) the psyment ol aN otha sums, with Intnreat, ndvenced und�r parayreph 7 to �
<br /> protect the asc�ud4y of thl� Securtry Insuumant; snd (c) the pe�formancn of Borcower'e covenente and egree.ment�. For thls
<br />_ I�urpote, Borrower Irtavocaby granta and aonveya to Tvu�toe, In truat, wRh power of oale, the tollowing deac�ibed propedy
<br />- loc�ted!n H�II Counly, Mlebraeka:
<br />= l.ots S�v�n (� and EIgM (8), B�ock Stx (6), Ashton Ptaca, City of �rand Island� Hali County.
<br /> Nabr��cka.
<br /> _ �
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br />_ i
<br />- �.
<br /> �
<br />':; 4.
<br /> � which has 4he uddrasa ot 2307 W�st.I.ouls� St. , Qra�d 181and
<br /> � Nebnnka 80_�3�a ('Properry Addreas'); `� �
<br /> W n (((yyy,��
<br />— Po�m 302b 8190 NEE(tASi4t SMple Famiry FNMIIJFHLMC UNir^ORM iNSTRUMENT y �(pJ
<br /> F131ti.LM�(10/J4) Rnqo 7 of 3 ��� _ �-�`
<br /> •95001 �J
<br /> ] �"" l���J/.
<br />