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' ��8�, �.���� <br /> -- ����' � The folbwina�re addeuda to Ihe Mortgage. P3t�s�chec;k Ilie ep�il�cable ndder�dum. 7'I�e ncldendnnt chakal shsll be inc����rnt�l inlo,and <br />��'�����f`�`a tecorJed wilh.lhe Motigege. 7'he ttnn"ARe�rlgage"ah�ll br daintcl to iuclude"Ueed oP�'rusl;'if applicabk. <br /> �va�;,^.i�ir-: ':i <br /> ----� � x rNA end I�inNA AU�IilY1�U�i `- <br /> �, ' Tt11STAX•�XF.h�k�'f nNANCING RIU�II isninde Ii�is 31st d�y of� daminrv ,19 [�5,end W � <br /> ����-���� incor�Oratod iu�a And 6hall 5e doanal to a�mn�l end e��p�►kmenl the Morlga�e,Deal oC'I'ru�1 ur Security DeeJ("Securily ln�trun�t")at th� <br /> -=- '� r�nxdate given by the under�igned("Rorrawer")lo ucurc Ootrower s fVote("Nulc")lo <br /> =-- -*,` OObUl1�RUS FmFlt�l1, SAVINC.S MNK <br /> __:=� ("Lende�")of lhe same dal�and covering Ilu pro�x�ty dGw;ribed in II►e Sectiril1 Instrannut and I�x;nleil al: <br /> _��:"�� 814 N ST PA(IA, F!'.,� (�tM1D ISLAND, NE 6880]. _ <br /> _���-:� (Pro�xrly Addras) <br /> -�- <br /> _-__ <br /> -�,,�i i In addition t�lMecmvcn��°.s and agrxnxnis m�ul�in ll�e Security InsinirtieiiQ,Dasro►;�r Rad Lend.r far!!r�cQ�en�nta!v!aa�*!o... <br />___ - - Paesgtaph 9 of lhe I�+Ic�al D!tt�r,igage F'om�,enlillal"Grounds for Accektaiion of Dcbt"es by a�iding addilional grounds for aooela�ticrn�x <br />__'"�a;�,�'�.v� fol�aws: <br />-�==i��'�_� Leitdee,or aude of it:i cuca�sors or as.eigns�s mey�e separale i�istrunxnt essume responsibilify for A�utin6 complinna br lhe Hortower <br /> _�._�- wilh lhe prov��inn�af lf�ia Tr�x-Bxemp�Fi»ancing Rider,may reyuire imnxcliate�ynknt ia full of�H�ums xcurcd by�h�Sa;urity <br /> ��� Inslnimeret if: <br /> �:4;:�"�.. <br /> -�:.��� , <br /> _�-v_�,'. (a)AI!or��ct o[t0e Pro�rty is sflld ar olhenvi�e trnns�errc�l by Borrower to��ur�hesa nr other l[ansfaee: <br />_;:���.. <br />�.:µ➢,�._,�- <br />:���•�� (�D Who c��nol reasonabfy be eaq���led to oocupy Ihe pro�eriy�s e principal reai�encx witi�in�reea�nabie iunesiia nrn�ani�v� <br />;,�:;;�'"r'. tran�fer,�I{es Cro•ie!�:d'+n Section 143(c)and(iK2)mf Ihe Internal Revenue Cade;or <br />:TJ�Il� <br /> �t'T'" <br />:,�x��;.:. (ia�WGo haa h�cl a prese�it ownetship inter�sl in�principal�esiclena during any nart of the three•rear perivd enclin6 on lhe d�k <br />- .��..:.._ <br /> ------�_R:1;;��: of thc�ak�or trans�er,al{as providuD in Seclian 143��)and(iK2)of lhe hi�ernal Rcvenue Code(exsnnl tl�nl"100 peroent"shAll <br /> -��`t•'•'�`•- subs(ituted for"9S�.�eroent or more" �vhere lhe I�tter ep�ears in Sti;tion!a3(dKl));or <br /> _��,�• <br /> •.�"?_.�`�. -- <br /> �'�'�l�'�� (iiiJ At au aa�uisilion casl which ia g�+ter thTn 9U�ercenl of Ihe average area pun;hese n�ice(grc�ler than I 10 pecant I'or <br />_�r�°'"' � tnr��ie�l�r��raidenoea)�all ns providal in Sectimi 14J(c)and(i}(2)of the luternal Rcvame Code;or <br />-'�-':�1��`i <br /> -'`Y:==�-�� (iv)�Vlto has a gcoss feinily incom�in ex�;es�of Qic applicable penxn�age of applic�bk me�ian family inmmeas�rovi�ed in <br /> ����:��:��% <br />- - Sectian 14J(Q anJ(i}��)o�lhc lntemal Revenue�ode:or <br />--�;.,,�r�.; <br />= �����- (b) Qorrower fails to oocupy the pronerly da�cribeJ in tlu Sn;urily Instrument witl►oul prior written wnsent of LenJeror its <br />--:,:r:�1 i�;, <br /> sucoessors or a�signs described al lhe beginning of the 1'�x•Exempt finnncing RiJe�,or <br />,�.,>� - <br />. . ��,.: <br /> �w:�`• (c) I3arrower omils or miarepreseitls n(ecl lhal is matetial with respecl to the provisions o(Section 143 0�lhe lnlemal Revenue Cocle - <br /> "'° ' ` in an a liralion for lhe loan securecl by lhis Security Inslrument. <br />-r-� pP� � <br />����.~�`�'.. Referenues are to�he Internal Revenue Code as amendnl ao�f in e�fec�on�he date of is,euanue of bonds,Ihe pr�ce�)s of which will be <br /> ' �-''� used lo t'inance the Securily Inslrumenl and�ttedeeined lo inclnde lhe implemenling regulalions. <br /> �Y' ;�j . <br /> ..• i"..�.�w': <br /> h �'! t <br /> �' =.;�'`�!'::r � DY SIGNING BBLOW,Dorrowrr a��Is���d agrees la lhe lenns�nd provisions in lhis T�x•Excmpt Financing RiJcr. <br /> �.�¢ ., � <br /> ',.�,<1.a� y i. <br />- 4M; �t�e / �� y . <br /> _�....�•.7F fr <br /> ;#� Burro�vet WiLI.IAM A Me�J► <br />__�•,�:��z �.�. � <br />-- r J�nuarV 3�, 1895 ' � <br /> �,.,.. . ,.,. <br />_�c;:�i�=;�at�• � <br />';-Y,.,�: ,.� • • - �U�le SNANNNI L [�ACA ; <br /> n_.. OItOtYCI' <br /> _, .�:• <br />_�_..—�-.;:_- _ � ; <br /> .� .,.;�:, VAMOR'I'GAGBADUBN(�UM 8�A N ST pAUL ROAD � <br />�_:,���'- ----" c�wU is�.�wu, Nc seaoi <br />:,�;�•.� <br />' '`•''7�" If,so loug Hs Q�e Mortgage is o«Islnnding,�II or eny parl of Ilie pro��erly is sold or tr�n�ferred by Dorrotiver wilhoul Leuder's prionvrillen <br /> , :�� <br />=„i:)" WI1�G112�Uti'tCi ii'tnii n=icZii�,�i'�r`j u�^.:io�°,�i�Cra�eist ar!:y ai::f1�10!!D��il19���Ip�pl��4f!1!i!Y�i!��Ptl��Cf S O�1�1OI1.lIltililfC 8II(Ile SUI11S SftiU�E()�IY��1C <br /> �'•"��,-.. Morlgagc to I�immtdiately due and payable. <br /> - '�;,=,�,:, <br /> .'r '�l�•'��� norro�ver <br /> •�y�;. <br />��'"�"` Jeu�uary 3�� 1995 -- - <br /> �.��;��;�;: n��� Ilorro+vice <br /> .. <br /> , <br /> .....•...,-... . ..:y <br />