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+.,.rwe :7+aA.- , s•;jri'niv� . . . .y. .,�.r�.�.�:.�.�;1;:r:.�� .. <br /> :aMfuov,� � � at.�'.�):r . . �• -•.wa.u�:vrs+4++��:aen��r.�t�.,�:�. . <br /> - , ..a...•+.,:..».�wy„r,.w.�,�-. . ,. <br /> ` <br /> n.r,ctill,s�oru ac1M�'r,Mdsri�+��••. . <br /> ..- ��µ ., ,eM��+eUp�+ �y yw. . ' , " " .�.... . .��Y_ .' <br /> ,$" � . � . +�x�...t..k(RfYA'v�t!--•� � ., •' �•r••....���y����v�,;... <br /> „ � wih�•�.,�eulf,Y. . . '+Y'..�,e�M:.HMit'�i�iJY�1(.'�:�YP4l.�Y.4U. :�i.Y�. . . .,,:..s" . '_-____—__ �—` <br /> .. _ <br /> . .� �.�_. '_. .. ._. .._ <br /> __ <br /> .."—— '� �-�).�IR`�p/i .�•.•��: r, �'�i_'x �.[f�... _. ,�i1�i�ir.�{���f'-' — <br /> ._..��^.'�=.�"�r.,. <br /> �u.LI N ...... . ...... ,__.0 <br /> _.� -- – -------- -- – <br /> 1�F�E•R�CnRDEt9 �. <br /> � �.����� � �,����.o���� f <br /> NUN-UNlI�URM('(1VGNAN1'S. llu�ruwcr;uid Lrndcr li+�thrr�:ovc�uuu:ind;i�re�as 12�luws: �. <br /> • 1'7. F��rer.losi�re Procedare. IF l.cndGr reyuires immedi«tc paymcnt in full utidcr paru�;ruph'1.L.cnder may invnkc thc _ <br /> powcr of sal�imd iu�y.otlu:r rcmcdicti`xrmi!tcJ by appHcablc luw, l.cndcr tih:dl bc cwulcd to cnitcct nll cxpcnsi�s mcurccd <br /> in pur�uing tlic irmcilics providcd in this p;iragra�h f 7 hzcludinb,hut nol limitcd to,rcasom�blc nuon:cya'fccs iuid costs of <br /> litic cvi�icncc. <br /> IP the�tnwer of s�le is invoked.'Irustce shall record u n�Uce��f defAUft In ench cc►unty!n whic��uny p�+rt uf Ihe <br /> Nraperly is lorated und shall m�ll copiry ots�ch notice In the m�nner prescribed by uppllcable I�w t��Hurrower ur.t1 <br /> tu thc nthcr per�;ans prc.ycri6ed by ap�!la�ble luw. AlYer tlie time rcyulred by applfcable Incv,'Ilrustce yhull gtve <br /> pubtfe notice aY sale to the person� W� in tho�n�nner pe�escrl6ed by u���*iics��rte luw. 'I��uyfre, wi�iiout deiy�u�►c7 un � <br /> U��rrower.shAll sell lhe!'ro�►erty at public nuction tu thr hi�hest bldAer m the time And pistce and under lhe terms <br /> designated In lhe noNce of�le fn une ur murr.parc�is and in any order 7i�ustNe determines. 7Fustre may pcnt ne <br /> ss�le of all or imy purcel of the Pro�erty by pubUs unnoun�:ement ut Ihe tlme ancl place o4►�ny previously scl� uled <br /> sale. [.endcr or i19 designee muy t�ureh�sc the Prnperty iit any r,ule. <br /> Upon eecetpt oP pnyment oY the��ricc bid.'(rustec sl�ull deliver to the�urr.h�.scr'll•ustee's dec�d cunueying the <br /> Property. Thc recituls in the'[ti�ustec c+decd shall I�c primu iACic evidence u:f trr�ih uf the statements made lherefn. <br /> '7lrustee shAll ap�ly thR procecds nf the sule in the followinA ordrr: (a) to n!i cr�t.s ar.d expenses oP exerclsinq Ihe <br /> puwer oPsxle�nnd the�le,including the payment oPthe'il-ustee'.s ftes actu�tiy�incurred,nnt to excec-d �o <br /> of the pxinr6p�1 nmount of the note nt the Nme oP the derlarntfon of dcfault, und reasuns�ble attorne�iY�'es ws <br /> �►ermittal by faw;(b1 to ull s�nns secured by thig Security Inst�f�ment;and(c)any excess tu the person or persons <br /> le�;atly ent4tled to it. <br /> 18. Recomeyance. Upon payntent of xll�sumy securcd by this Security Instrument,Lender shall requcst'tiz�stec to <br /> reconvey tlic Propcny and shull surccndor thir Sc:curity Instrument v�d ali notcs cvidcncin dcUt sccurcd by thix Sccurity <br /> Instn�menl to 7ivstcc. 'G'iostcc shall rccnnvoy thn Property wilhout warr,►nry and without c�argc to thc perxon or per�ons <br /> Icgally cntiUcd ta it. Such person or per.;onr•,shnll pay:uiy rccordation wsts. <br /> 39. �U�Y52�t➢I�C�AI'UStCC. iir�optian,mny fram t±ma to time mm�ve 7lvstee and a�point n successor tnlstee <br /> to any'IYu�tee appointed hereundc;r b��an in�•tnemnnt recarded m tltc county in which ihis Secnz•ity Instrumcnt iy rccorded. <br /> Without wnveyance of the Propcay,eae successvr trustee shnll succccd to uU the title,powrr mid duties conferred upon <br /> 7tustcc hcrcin nnd by �pp�licnblc I.nv. <br /> 20. RequesR for Nutices. Qorro�vcr rec{ucsts dint copics of thc notices uf default and salc bc scnt to Borco�v�r's <br /> addrcss which is thc Property Addrus�;. <br /> R��le�rs to this Secu�ity InsirtttnQnt. If ane or more riders are executed by Borrower:und recarded together with this <br /> Security Instruntent, the covenants of each such tzder shall l� incorporated intu and shail nmend nnd supplement the <br /> covcnants und agrccnient:;of this 5ccuriry Instram�:nt as if thc ridcr(s)wcre in a part of ihis Securiry Instrumcnt. <br /> [Check applicablc bnx(es)J. <br /> ��[`nndnminium Rider �C;raduated Payment Rider ��Growine EquitY Ridcr <br /> �Pl.u►ncd Unit pevelopment Rider ��Uther[Specify] �,�� A�V� <br /> 6Y SiGNING BELOW, Uorro�+��:r acccpts an�agrccs to thc temis contained in pages l through 4 of thls Savsi:,i• � <br /> Instrument and in xny rider(s)cxecuted fiy�lorro«�r.r and record4�u�ith it. <br /> wimesscs: <br /> _ � _��-- _(Scaq <br /> �Borro•xer <br /> wat, i a t�nc�► <br /> — — a- �-�' .—cs�ap <br /> eo�W�► <br /> SWIMVAFI �. BACA <br /> (Sea".1 <br /> Dorrows� <br />� (SCAI) <br /> Dqrtnu�cr <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ��.��� County ss: <br /> On this 1st `�`�y°f J er 1995 ���nrc mc,thc undcrsi�ncd,a Notary <br /> Public duly commissionc�and quidif icd for said county,pa�on i��y c.�iic _ <br /> WILII,Y�bM A BACA AND SHAIYNAf1 L BAG1 9itI�AANll AND WfFE �= <br /> ,to mc known to bc thc �: <br /> identicul penon(s)whose ne!me(s)are subscribcd to ahe foregoin�;instrumcnt and uckno�vled�ed the exccutin�lhereof to be Y: <br /> tl�eir volantary actnnddced. 4, <br /> Wnncss my hand and nntarial scal ut ��� ISLANll in suid counry, thc _ <br /> datc aforesaid. ° <br /> Mv Commission exnires: � � <br /> .Y YGEt��1�OD�RT�l�te ol MeDrnti r—— -• — � � � nocn.y i��oi�c <br /> � H A l.REED 1�C�i41ItPA L ItI:F� <br /> IAyfamm.E�p luly 30.145A RtiQUEST FOR IiLCONVF:YANCE <br /> 'I'O TRUSTEE: <br /> 1 hc undcrsi�ncd is Ihc hoidcr oi t6c noic ur noics�ccun�d by iiiis Decd oi 1t�u+t. Said nolc or nuie�.lugctiic� wilh nli <br /> othcr indcbt�dness secumd by thi:;Deed of lYust,havc bccn paid in Full. You arc hemby dircctcd ro ranrcl saicf notc or <br /> notcs an�this Uccd of 71�ust,wliich a��delivcrcd hcrcby,aud tu rerunvcy.without a�arranry,all thc estatc now hcld by you <br /> undcr this Dccd nF 7Yast to thc person or persuns Icgally cntitlyd thc�rto. <br /> nate: <br /> . "� r�ige 4 e j 4 pdgc�� <br />