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<br /> (c) Fafi�srane�by�.md�r Nol�W�ivu.Any torb9annce by Londer In exprCleliip Iany rl9ht�rom�d 1Tlrifunder,ar
<br /> othK�la eHorde�i by app�lcable Itw,nhall no!t�A walv�r of nr prQCtuds ths ex�rclar of �ny tuch rl�ht or ren�dy.The -
<br /> p�ocuremsntuf tneuranc�or tha p�ymant of uxa nr omar Ileno or ch�r00o by Lende�ehall nat be�w�lver ot�end6r'o rlpht to
<br /> ��cM�r�b ths maturlry ol ths Indebadnn�a acur�d by MI�D�cl ot Tius�
<br /> {d)�e�ora rnd Awi�Ilow�d;JoMt�d laver�llJabMly:C�pMo�a,Th�cmv�nt��nd e9re�m�r►ts h�rNn eon-
<br /> �s4nc�chr_!t blrtd,nnd th�rl�hM hercund�r eh�ll In�re t�,fh�re�!�e;tivn Eut;eC!��rn nrtd r!s!!!gnn ni LencFMr end Tru�tor.Il�l
<br /> cownonb and aqrMm�nb of Truelor�h�ll b��olnt�nd swN�l.vhs c�pticns end l�wdinae of thn par�prephf of thls DsW M
<br /> T�u�t ere fer conwnlsnc�oniy�nd u�n4t to be uwd to lnterpr�t ov detine th�provlelons hereof.
<br /> (a) R�puoat Iw NoMcN.'Phe p�rtlea hereby rsqusst thaY e copy r�f eny notia ef del�ult horeundsr and a copy d.n�y nat��
<br /> af�als haraundNr t�s malled to e�ch party to xt�l�Oeod of Trwt at the addre�e set foAh�kovo in tha m�nna preticrib�d by
<br /> µ�pllCabN►law.Excopt tor eny other notice rpulred undsr appticable I�w ta be ptven In anotha manner,aoy natke provldecl
<br /> lor In tfll�L)eed ol Truet ahall bopiven by m�lilnp such no4lce by v�rtlilnd meil addreaeed to the other�arllee,etthe�cfdrs�sset
<br /> (ereh�bove.My notice prov{ded for In thln Dasd of T�ust�hell be eifective upnn m�llin�In tf�e manner c1eKlaru�Md horeln.tf
<br /> Yru�tw le mare than one�ereon,noHce aent to the eddress 6et tarth above ehell be notice 4o ell auah parsona.
<br /> (Q N»p�tlon.Lendar mey make or ceuee to be m�de re�toneble entrl4a upon and Inapscdon�o11he PropeAyr,provided
<br /> tt�at Lend�r ehell plve Truator notica prior to any euch Inepectlon spacttylrtp reaaonable cai+se tharefor releted to Lender's
<br /> In�arsatln the Properiy.
<br /> (a) RK;onwyine�.Upon psyment of ell sum�secerefd by thls Deed oi Truet,l.endar ahell reqe�eat Truatee to�econvciy tM
<br /> Prop�nyr xnd ehall�ur�endx thib i3usd ul Truat and al!notee evidencinp IndebG►dnee�secured by tfita Oeed of Tru�tfo TruWS.
<br /> Tru�a�hall roconvey the Properlyr without urarrenty end wlthout charge to Ihe peraon or perocna legally entltled thertAn.
<br /> T►wbr�11 pay all coata at recordaUon.If any.
<br /> (h) P�noesl Prop�t�;S�euHty Apt�em�m�Ae ndditional aecurity tor Me payment o1 the Nate,TruaMr h�ereby pnr�b
<br /> Lender unda the Nehraske Unfform Commercla:Code a securlry interest in al l fixturee,e►�ulpment,and other pe�xial prop�rty
<br /> uaed in connection with the�eal eatate or improvements located tl;e�eon,and not atherwlae declared or Ua�rr�m!!o be e p�rtot
<br /> iha rsal ertale secured hereby.Thla instrument shell Ine canaVued as e Securiry A,�reoment under aald Cade,and ths L��d�►
<br /> ehall havs sltiha�ights end remedlea of s secured party under safd Code In additla�to the ri�hh and ramsdlss crat�d und�r
<br /> and eccordsd th�Lendor Rursuant to thla Qee+d of Trust provided tha4 Ler:der's riphts and remedlea undar thle peu�yreph sfitUt
<br /> bs cumulaave with,ana 6:�n no way�Iimitetlon on,Lender's Nphts and�emedies undar eny other eecurity epr�d s�wd by
<br /> Borrow�r ar Trush►r.
<br /> (I) I.i��nd Encwnbrsncw.Truator heraby werranta end repre�ants thnt tt�erA Is no dafauft under Me providans ol any
<br /> mortpape,dsad of trus�leese or purcheae contract descrfbinp all or eny part ot tt�e Property,cx cvdher contrect In�trumK►t a•
<br /> epreement conatftu8ny a Ilen or encumbranca egalnst ell or any part of the Property(collectively,"Uena'7,exis4iny ee of the
<br /> dete of this Desd ot Truat,and thal aay ertd ell exlsti�g Llens remaln unmodified except ea d(aclosod to Lenrier In Trustor's
<br /> w�iden diaCloeure of Ilens and nncumbrance�s provided tor hereln. Trustor shall Hmely �erform all ol Truetor'�ot�ligettata,
<br /> covenanb,�eptAaentaUon�end warrantiea under any and all exlsiHna arh7 tuture Uene,shall prompty lorw�rd b isa�d(�r Copiss -
<br /> of all notices o1 de(su(t sent in connection with any end ell exisUng or tuture tlena,and ehal!not without Lender'�pr1o�w�ilfen
<br /> confeot fn�►ny mannor modlty the provlalona of or ailow any futur�e edvances under any existlnp or tuture Uens.
<br /> (J) Ap�dRrstbn W PaynNnh.Unleas otherwiae requlred by law,sums pefd tu Lender hereunder,including withotA IImlhNor�
<br /> paymenta of principal a�tntoreet inaurence proceeds,condemnatlon prxeeds and rent� and pro8ts,ahall be�pplNd by
<br /> Londer to the amounb durc end owlnp trom Trustor and E�c+rrower In euch order ae��nder in Ite sole discretton deemedMlrat•Is.
<br /> (k)�ab�ty.lf any prov(sion uf this peed of 4ruat ConfltCts with eppliCOt�trt,law or i9 declared i�valid or otherwiie�
<br /> unentorceable,auch conflict or Invaltdity shall not aftect the other pravisons of th3s Dead of Trust�r the Note whlch can bs
<br /> piven eHec9 wfthoul the conflicting provlston,enu�o lhis end the provisions of thfs Deed of Truat sr�d the Note ere doclared to be
<br /> sevetnbl�
<br /> (1) Y�rma The terms"Trustot"end"Borrower"shrll inalude both singular and plural,and whnn tl�e Tructor And�orrower ..
<br /> ero tite eame pereon(s),lhose terms a�uaed In this Qloancrl Trust ehall be interchAngeable. '
<br /> (m)Gpwrr�Mp 6aMr.Thls Oeed oi Trunt shnll be�c�.�mr�ed by the lawa o1 tha State of Nehraske.
<br /> 1'ruNor hea executed thia.0ead of 7�ust as of Uio date wc'rtten abovo.�� / �
<br /> � � C.�.-
<br /> LA IE IND7 F�Ia�iiT PERSON llerried Pereon
<br /> i �-
<br /> HD JERALD oINDT1'riidi& �HYISBAHD riarried P�+r.son
<br /> �
<br /> I
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