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O7 UD piOV�tIO Q IOS9 ICSCPVC,u�dl�hc r�u[c��i�cni for rna�t�a8a _ . -_.,_='�.°- <br /> .�-'"�•`�"r�-""�,� insuttx�co ends in accordanao with�ny written sgramcnt bctwoe�Bonawu xnd Lender or nppl�:sbb law. �: '_"n'�:____-^— <br /> ;�,.1•�f4��.°���+c.,: •y;;,;�+!'P.�.::.,°^--� <br /> 9,I�upestbia. l,cndcr or Its agent may m�ke rtatonablo cntrtc�upc�n and inspocdon�of tho Proputy.Lendcr ahvl glvo , ,,.r;.m;.,,, <br /> ._.H�"•a--"-'"' �. , 8orrowru natico at tho tima of or prfor to an inapectbn spocifytng rea.xxuble causa fa tho inapoctlon. • ,:�,-rt,,�„�.'--_-. . <br /> _�_�r�tt�� <br /> -•�-��`""`'`' 10.Condenn�tbn. 7ha praeoals of sny awacd or claim fur damnge�,diroct ur can�quen�ial, in connocdan with any �"`���=�`��a�-.;.�m _ <br /> �'� : ,_ . condemnAtlon or oihu t�king of�any part ot'tha 1'rr�aty�ur fur w�rvcyenco ia lieu o�'coudi;:��nstlun,tu�� i►u�i�y:.�.:1ga:,A r.d , .. :'._--��; -- <br /> -ry, R �'�,` _':`;:'��±�� <br /> � � sh�ll bo p�id w[.onda. .�, .•, .. - <br /> r • •,�`�r In�he event of a wtal takfng of the Property,the proceeds Rhap be appllcd w tho smns secured by this 5ecurity Tnstrumeni, - <br /> .,:� ,.. �,��,,� , . ,. <br /> ,,,�,a►an�� wl�thu or noi thcn duo,with any cxcess paid to�lorcowu.In thc cvcnt�f s pactlal talctng of the Property in which�ho fair market . . <br /> ��.� 4"���"'"`"" valuo of ihu Propclty immediatcly befona tho taking is cqual w or gceater than the amount af tho cums sccurtd by this Security � `� .�__ <br /> . >�.,.. .. <br /> -"•�_�: � . Instmmcnt immocliutcly befc►re tho tak,ing, Bomnwer end Ler►dcr othcrwisa agrce in wridng,thc sums sccureA by this . .. <br /> • , Security Insuument ehall bo reducul by tt�sn;��nt of ihe procceds muliI�tllat�y ihe following frscdon:(a)tho totel amount of ,�^ <br /> � � the sums socurcd immediatcly beforo the taking. divided by (b) the fnir market valuc of nc� Proparty immediatcly before tha � T�' <br /> �. taking.Any badencc shal!6o paid to gomawer.In the evcnt af a partial teking of tha Pro{�erty in whlch Ihe fair market value o�f ihe '- "�` <br /> . � Property immcdlately beforc the talcing la less ihan Ute omount of the suma secured immediatcly bcfore�he rak�ng, unless ••• ° �_ <br /> � � Borrower and Lender othwwise agrce in wridng or unless app➢icable law otherwise providc;s,the proceeds shall Uc applied to the �:,�� .��. <br /> ���"� ' � '� sums securod by this Socurity U�suument whether or not thc sums ac�e then due. "•r"°� ' <br /> .. �"..-•��T."� <br /> � . . , IF the l�cuputy is ab�ndoned by Borrowu,or if.after notice by Lender ta Botrower that the condemnor offcrs to makc an '"�"'=- <br /> ,..��;,:,..�„at <br /> ! . sward or settlo a clalm for damage.9,Borrower fails to respond to L.endei wIUun 30 daye after the date 1he noticc is given,Lendcr , • ,,.-:;:.= ` <br /> _-- � is authorizal to collect end apply the praceeds,at its optian,cither to restoradon or repair of the Prope�ty or to the sums secured �•_?�.k•:.�*r. <br />_'�: by this Sccuriry Instrumcnt,whether or aot then due. �� • <br />"�;,,; Unkss I.ender end BomoN�er otherwise a�oe in writin8�anY applic�ion of procccds to principal shall not ea�tend ar posiponc "��•:.,,•;;A�.:�_ <br /> • � ' tho d�ae d:►te of tha monthly p:i�nients refe��red to in par�phs Y anti 2 or changc th�nmount of such�aymenis. `; i !. �� <br /> i l'.� , r,'r,;1A'• - ! :c�Y�a,_�-- <br /> ll,liorrower Not Reieased;Forbairaace By Len�e:r Not e Waiver. Extension of dtc timc for payrnenY mr modificadon ;-� . �( � <br /> :. r:.,: . ..,. ,,. <br /> ��;;;}., �,:; .i r <br /> , ,,, •.;� ef amoctuation of the�ums secured by this Sectulty Instr�ment gar►ted by Lender to any succe.vsor in intcr.est aff 3orrower shall , .,.j�.�;'.-��� <br /> " ..�,,.. nni operate to release the�ry of the origlnal Bonowcr or Bocrower's successors In interest,Lender shnll noY be requ'sred to c�:'�:.. .� '" <br /> • •�'°��' cnmmencc proccecf9nge against any succrssor in intcrest or refuse to e,�tend tinio for payment or oi�r.nvise modify amortization of <br />::�.,!�:'. •,�i� the sums secured by this Security Instniment by reasan of any demfu►d made by the oziglnal Borrower or Boaower's su�cessors �+�,�� +� <br /> ... ;.�•- <br />•� •• ��•�y in intetesG Any forbcaranc�by Lender in caercising flny.right or rc�nedy sh�ll noi�c�weiver of or preclude�he exercise of nny <br /> , -. �;�" right or rcmcdy. — � � -__ <br /> L�� 12.Successors aAd Assig�Bound;Jofnt and Severul LiAbi�ity;�o•aigners. 'ltie covenants end agreements of this , y q;y,`�. <br /> ,; Securiry Inswment shaq bind and 6enefit the successors nnd a5signs of Lender and Bo�rower, subject to the provisIons of �.�.�: ' <br /> . � paragraJtb 17. Horrower's covcnants und agroements shaU be joint and several. Any Bocrower whv co•signs this Scxurlty �,.�� <br /> rt <br /> ' Inswm�nt but docs not cxcscuto tho Note: (n) is c;o-signing thi.g Securlry Instxumcnt only to mortgage,grw►t end convcy that `+� - <br /> • ' � Bomowcr's intur,�t in the Propertyr under the tcrms of Ihis Securlty Insocurnent; (b)is not perspnally obligatcd to pay the sums ��s�,. <br /> --�•��+ • • r'' ��. socurod 6y this Socurlty Inswmen�and(c)agcecs thac Lcnder end any other Borrower may agrca to extend,modify,forbear or i . �� <br /> makc any occom�Uons with rcgurd to thc tcrms of this 3ccurlry Instcumcnt or thc Notc wit�oiu that Bomowcr's wnscnG i ,;, •� <br /> ' ''"''"' 13.Ln�n C4�ar�e�. If the loan securcd by this Socurlry Instrument is subjxt to a law which se�s maximum loan charges, I • °+ <br /> � end that law is fin�tly interpretod so that the interest or olher loan ra�arges collocted or to be collected In connection with the loan i ��� <br /> excoed the permiuod limlts,thea:(a)any such loan charge shell be nduccd by the emount necessacy to roduce tho chargo to the • � � �''= <br /> _ � � �� permitied WniG end(b)any sums already collecced fram Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be sefunded to Burmwer. � "` - �� <br /> ..� �,. <br /> � " Lender may choose to malce this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making e d'uect payment W � � '- ,�� ' <br /> " ` '�"�!�' �" IIurtower.If a rcfund reduccs Principal, the m,�lnction wW bc u�tod as a pardal prepayment without uny prepaymcnc char�c • �r <br /> undcr thc Notc. � ' <br /> � � � 14.Noi�ces. Any nopce w Bortower provided for in this Sccurity Insaument shall be givem by delivering it or by mailing it � ; <br /> � by first cL�s mai�unless applicable law requires use of another method.Tho notice shall be d'uected to the Property Address or � <br /> uny other addcess Borrower designates by notice w I.ender.Any nodce to L,ender shall be given by first clnss m�il to Lender's � .�(;�w, � <br /> _ � adrlrress statod herefn or any other address Lendcr designatcs by notice to Boaower. Any notice provided tor in this Security � • � . <br /> �� � Insuumcnt shall bc deemal to hnvc becn giv�n to Boirower or L.cndc.x when given as provided in this paragraph. . <br /> 15.Gaverning LAw;Sever�bility. 'ii�is Sccurity Jnsuument shall be govemed by federtil law and the law of thc <br /> � Judsdiction in which the Prapeny is located.In the event Ihat any �rovision or clnuse of this Security Inswment or the Note � <br /> conElicts with appllcablo law.such wnflict shall not affect other prav�sions of this Security Inswmcrrt or the Note which can be � <br /> given effect with�ut U�e confticting provis}on.To this end the provisians of this Secusity Instrument And the Note ar�e decla�d to <br /> bu scvcrabb. <br /> �orm 3020 0190 <br /> (�•OR(NC)►oa�z� a.oa s o�s ��m�i.:----- <br /> , . , <br /> . � ��?�; <br /> .. . <br /> .. - J . . ,_. ... ..-�---'-"---'--__-•---*- _ ..--__.�--'-___._...._... . ... . <br /> . „_.,� .,. ... . . ... . � i <br /> - �, . 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