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tif _.�n.,'�-.�-..,..' -�'._'�.. ,T `ri'� ., -�- . -:- <br /> . r� �r�,�., w�9� _ . _ ._._� <br /> �.,w .��...�,...---- -,. __ --- _ <br /> "r t�" '�S:l:�a= _"—_ - -_ —°—�t����l��:,4,i1_�—_._ ;'F':`i��`:',.'c�.P.:..�..,....:o <br /> - - — --- �T^��•��°�%':�:+.s'Y�c�:�+r �n�_�er_� �.�.. <br /> W_�:.*_+_ . ,.....�i^'".....1'�"�.'.T.R"S.'?'.u'��'.:.. — ---- <br /> : =`� ���a:;� . ��"' �,���,+`�'�"� __---- <br />•�.�ri.'.*'y`?'Fi.b���.. � . <br /> ' ., ' < ;►,�i�{�iilii'i�Lii'�ii(iy��i1,��Itibiii�Kilf:F, �i'�(iii(rit'i:P f,�;i���CL�)lh;jfi�iiY'��:.�iif.iiid lifi`,il C%i�.`,���i�Si7 rJPui,:'SH�i CICf,:ICiR['.iL E�1��"�l!� :,;* ±�r -_ <br /> � "'ir �'�.': �ilxi4(;(� 'i�i�Sl�t3a.l lijf i(ii�. �1li�:Gi�� �ieililuii� Wiiiif�l G.�[�.iiil°Ci{L�;:�i;:l UIV4�iijitt° t:i:) (::lj� lli�"if�f��� �1:1;SIIG1':e E1;ir�']!�1 �n..............--- - <br /> �____����� (1�xxfinQ,&�e whtch l.cndtr r�quires iasur��4�.`t't�i�i��suianse ah�ll ba rnalu!s�iat!t��t.��a�nnantr�nsl fur thrs pesiads thxt[.earder -_ - <br /> - .-= -- roquira.'if�o inaurtuce c�rr�pruvkling the ins�u�co stull bo ehaxn by BaYt�wcr sub}e�4 u�LC�Ii�fff'9 ilp�1['OVrI WhlCtl iF1�I�AM <br />---,�;.�a�?��°;9j ba unrcaxxwbly withheld. IP Bcxtowcr fsils to m�lnt�in coverago dcacdbntt sh�svo� [.c�dc�� mtp�� at Ld�dcr's oqticw►. obtain - <br /> -= covaqqa to pcnlect l.enda'e�hW ln Iha Pro�a�y ln�ccorcla��co wlth p�ratt�i 7. <br />_�-_,��:.,�,�r•r_�,:':� All inauronco patkies snA r�waLs shall be accepteblo to i.cndet and eh1►11�ie A sumdtr+d lnnngago claa�o,i,cncki shell - - _- -- <br /> - - have tho right w takl ii►e poGciea and renew�ls.[t Lender roquirca,Borrowor shnil�romptl��gi���ur�.en�lcr sli raceipty of pek7 �___-,-_. <br /> -------- - premiums end rencwal noticas.In the event of�oss�Bomower shall g�vo pront�t nrNloe to tho imsartt�Y�a cerriu and Gtnder.Lender <br /> _-- _ .� may�nake proof of bs�if nut mado�mmpdy by Bo;rowu. <br /> ° �'!' Unkss L.erider and Eonnwer othawlsc agroc in wriUng,insuranco pror.ceds shali bo nppliExl ta�r.sroratlon a re�ir of U�e <br /> �—�;�,�;,':' �+npacy drunaged,if the rescora¢ion or repair is oo�om�ically feasible ancl Lc�sdor's scrudty�i:�nnt,ir�ssesrcd.If the rescoeatlon a �_ -- <br />_-.:_----•-. ' ls not economicall feasibk na I.endec's sr,curi woukl be�.cxnod�thas insuranc� mcr��l�i shaU be Gcd w tha sums <br />��, �:�t���>;.� :� ni� Y � P �PP <br /> '��"�"�� ... secured by thiv Securiry Ins�umcst,whether or not IAcn dua. witDi uny exress paid � Aaytmti��v�. If Borrowcr abendons the �� _---- •- <br /> �,,�,:�•:�a�� _=:= -- - <br />,�,;�;:,�,:;,_ ., ProTxrty.or does nos answu w-ithin 3Q dnys a nadca from Lender that the�r�urance cam'err hns affered W settk a ciaim.then <br />�'-".;'� �'",r�:� ` Lender may colkct the insurance praceals.Le,�da may use the praceeds to c�e�a�c or resu�m�1tn Fr+�perty cr w pay sums socurtd - <br /> ���N';�'�'' by this Securit3�Insuurr�r.nt,whethci or not Ihu�due,.7t�e 30-dny p�ric+d wd11 bagin whr,n d�n nntina ir•�given. -- <br /> y.3it .!� <br /> ''-�. d.: ��i•.u� .�s �._�=— <br />��.•�;�'��`,�,:�,::: Unless Let�cfGC antt Svrnnwet otherwiso agccx in writing,any appficaiion a�.s,�ci16 ta princip»l shall aot ext,eAd ar pa9tpone = __— <br /> �'"_�:,;'°=�'��' the duo dato of the monthly payments refelred to in paragraghs 1 and 2 or chanQe dw amount of tl�u payments.If under paragra�h -___---� <br /> --m�.?'�'��:�Y 21 the�'mpc�y is ac�nim,�i by �.cn�kr, Bnrmwer's right tn eny insurancc pr►1��;tca nnd ptnoxdE�resultiqR from damAqe W the "�- _ - <br /> '+.`�•.i;.:#::"r c`� . m;�—�u-' <br /> ,�, Prope�ty pdor to the�cquisition sl�aU pass to Lender to the oxtent of the sunrs seeut�etl by Q�ie 3t�curity L:utrumu►t immedisteIy � ,, <br /> ��`'�� prior w ths acquisiHon. r}''��� <br /> .r�� �!,.'r 6.Occupa�cy�Prescrv�tti�n,16°d�lntenance wad Protectbn af the Property= Bornnsc::sr'� L.cuin AppUcn�°on�i.easeholds. � �'�°� '�-- <br /> -�w.. '�'�:� .�rr.!�� Horrow�r shall accuPY.estabtlsh,And use the Property as Boraawsa's princi�l xesidenca wi�7r�n F;lxty days after the exec�udon of �:•,k��.` , <br /> ... .._„�__ '--:—_•- ^s � `, �`-,,:: <br /> ',�;��If�.' t1119SCCl1Ll1}'IASfIllIllCil[aIl(�SII�CD'i11L"lii0w�ri.i,u�j�uiurav�nnayiuB4liVWVI�D�J�11{MI`/�'p\VJa�c�c.�fcr..ticastoneycar:aiderthe i::':_"��---- <br /> �� � ';•'• daie of occupancy, unless Leacier othcrwise agrees in wxidng, which cQnsent ahpll nat ba unrcasoe�ably wid�eld, or urslcss '"'' <br /> fr .� ';��Y! eateauating ca�curnstnnces exlst whfch are Ueyond Borrower's control.Bozrowcr a6+a]]noi dusttny,damage or�mpssir the PraperSy. „ ;'':.�,.�---- - <br /> ���� � j'�'' `� al�tow tht:Propesty to deteriorate,or commit wastc on the Propecty. Dotrower s6�t�S1 b�in deFuult if a�y �'ort'eltt�e ucdtin or ��� ' - <br /> �,: �;; � <br />�`� � , •�:,`,�, .: procee�iing,whethar clvU or cdm�na3,is begun that h�Lender's goo�d faith judgcnr.nt cnald n;salt in fo�feiture off ttw PrU�periy ar t,,,:�, <br /> ' procec • > <br /> ' i '`' ,.'°! othuwiso materiu;ly impnir the lie� created by this Security Ir,smunent or Lenrter's sesu��;l fnt�rasG Boaawer may c�se such a ;c � ,,f... <br /> ;: � �.�'• defa�ilt and reinstate, as provided in Qa�a�anh 18.6y cuvsinR the acdon or UraccatllnB tn be dismisseel wlGh u n�ling thst,i�e .': � <br /> '�'Yfrf�' • Lendu's good faitti cletermination,precludes fQrfti3ure of tha Boaowcr's inc r€st in the Pro►�eat�j or other maurial impaim�ent of ;,, <br /> ' ` �I f f` a the llcn created by this Securirj Instrament or Lender's sccurity interesG Horrvwea sh�ll al�,o fia in dcfnult if Bocrower.durin8 the •�±;i��',; <br /> '�t;:.r.;,, <br /> ., � '�:--.r'1t�{-r� <br /> '°� !• .,:.. loan application pracess,gavre mat�rially feLse or innccurate information or stiiten�nts ta Lc��dur(or feiled to provido Lender with ' %- ° <br /> '��`�. " eny material infonnation) in connccdon with the loan evidenced by the 1Vote, includinB, but not limlted to, representadons . ;,jµ <br /> �" ° �� conccming Bocrower's occupancy of thc Property as a principul restdcnce.If this Securiry Inettument is on n laaschald,Borrowu . � . <br /> �: • shall compiy with ell tho provisions of the leasc.If Horro�Her acqufres fec ddw t�tho Propcny,the lcaschold and tho foo dtk shals f- <br /> ..''� �a; . '. � not m�xge unle,�s Lcnder ep,ra,4 to thc mcrgu in writing. . �'s�-. <br /> ' " ' 7.Protectbn ot LendeNe Itl�hts in the Property. If Bortower fails ta�perform Ufe cova�nonts nnd egrameets contelned in � -� ' ��"� <br /> ' � ��"'� this Sccurity Inssrument,or ihero is a la el rocccdin thnt may st nitc�sntb nffi;ct LcndEt�'y ri hts in thc Pro I �" <br /> 8 P 8 8 Y 8 PertY (RSxh as a <br /> ptocading in ban4�niptcy.�obato,for condonu�adon or forfeiture or to enfa�I�ws or regulti�lons),then L,ender may da and pay '�' � <br /> �. , for whatcvu is nocesse►y to prouct tho value of tho Property and l.cndcr's xights ln tho Prn�rtyy.Lender's action�rtnay include � � • i ; _ <br /> � - <br /> . . . . P�Y�S sny sums secured by a Uen whick� h�5 pslnrity ovu this Socurity Inspumont, appaaring in court,PaYing reasonablo ' m`,��� ��t� <br /> auumeys' fees and entering on the Pcanerty to make repnirs.Atthough I.�n�ler mny t�ko nr.tion uncler this paregroph 7.f.,endc� •� , s <br /> ; . . _ .�',', does noe have a c10 sp. I . �� :,� <br /> My a�ounts disbursod by Y.cndu under this paragraph 7 shNl bccomu oddidonfll d�'nt af Borrawcr sccurerl by thls Security <br /> ° � Insuument Unkss Borrower and Lendcr agree to other terms of paymcnt� tl�ese nmwintf� shall bear intcrest from the date af j, . � <br /> dislwrscir�ent at ohc Noce ratc anct shail bc��ayablo,with interest,upon noflca from Lendc•r ta Borrowcr requcsdng paymcnt I _ <br /> , 8.MortgAge Insurance. If Lender requ�red mortgage insurance as n condition af mt�3dng tho loan sccurcd by this Security I ��,,,, <br /> �. � �� Insmiment, SomowCr shall pay the premiums rcquircd to muintatn thc �uaat�aga inaaunnLC in cffcc� If. !or any icasfln, the � ' <br /> ' mortgage insurance coverago requircd by L.cnder lsipses or c;cases to be in effcct,Bo�ro�w.�shall pay�hc premiums rcquircd w � <br /> _ � abtain c:ovuage substantiaalty cquivalci►t to Ihe mortgago insurance pmvtou�ly in effcx;t,a�a wst substnntially cquivalcnt to the � . . <br /> �� ` cost W Boaower of thc mortgage insurance pc�viously in cffect,from an ultemat� mort��o insurer approvcd by Lender. If , • <br /> subu�cdtially equivnlent mortgage insurance coverago is n�t avaiWble,Borrowrr stitill p�y u�Lender cach month u sum equul to � � - <br /> one-t�u���h of the yeaWy m�ng;ige insurfu►ce premium Ueing paid by Borroc+vea when U�n in�farn.RCes coverogo lupsed or ceascd to ; ' <br /> . be in�'lifect Ler�dec will s�.ccept,use and retdin these paymcnts tts n loss xcservo in liev af mortgngc insumncc. Loss reservc <br /> • , <br /> Form 3026 9IO0 � <br /> _ ��Bff.I�WE)(Y2t21 Pupo 9 oi e Inma�s: . <br /> ., _. ,,� <br /> _ . ._ . . _� <br /> :.., ... . <br /> _ . . . .. .. _ ........ _ . <br /> _--------,_—�---------....___......----..__....... . .... ._ ...----- ----.._...__,..........____._.-.__.--.—_-_.--�- <br /> , ��� _ ,. .. , �' ' <br /> , . . j; <> <br /> • • ,� ' _ �1'+• . � , <br /> � ,. , , �: . ---- . . . .. ....... . ' . <br /> . . � �.�� .. <br /> � . �. i�il� . ' i. <br /> .. . .. ' . .. . 'i.' <br /> i .. . .. .. ., . <br /> -� . . II �� ' . . . <br /> . ' <br /> , t <br /> .. - .�1 . ._. __ . <br />