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<br /> q, Yh��orro�vor chr.�l k�op thu Prapnrty In QooA rc�d�ca�chs:l not car,nit�'�e�ts ar parmlt Imp�irment ot dstorlaraUon o4 th�Fro�eiiy. , i;�4w±.;'t•�a�•riT_°,-; __
<br /> 4r.:;ca ho:nro d':n°;+czt,or t
<br /> (;, 11 ths Qorrorlot In:is to: (ol rnnlntE:in oo pay th�grer��lum�l for th�u:�died Insursnco a0 ih�Pvtp:�ty,or(h1 p%V ., ,
<br /> (o)p�y�ny emount duo ur►dn�ptlor nwrt�epe or 4nut d��d hefore d�ilnquan4 p►(d)��ia�ntafn tlia property�n tiood i�A�►�A��s)nerforrn
<br /> l7 A �y of 1�aed jY►aYmant�,or mola repelra�tu1 dish a�uoh um��d take K oh1iotlon4os It d�sm�n�ce�rirY t D►ct at It�nter��t r+lthoaut �__.v.�:,-.-���,.'�
<br /> = ww��rp or�ff�ctin9 It�rlpht to dMClara or da}eult��d�co�l�an tM d�t��cuad t�nby beoa�se of enY�uoh I�lturs o1 the Borrowor. Any �K_—_=_
<br /> a � �mount�oo dl9hurs�d by th�L�nd�r�hcN aon�titut��ddiUonal Indobt�dn�r�of tM Bortaw�r��cur�d by th1�Tru�t Dvod�nd�bd�b��r Inttmt
<br /> , }rom the dete nf dlobursetnent et thn nt�p�ysb��und�r th�Nots. NotMnp oonlMrsod!n thlv Pa►�O�+Ph�hwl raqu�n th�lc^d���°^��k��°1► �i+uo..,.�Y --
<br /> � wnh�i�uro�mmt�or t�k���y�otloo what�o�wr. -- - -- - ^ -
<br /> a, Th�Lend�t m�y�nek�ot oeus�to b�m�l�rs��onabl�snt�i�e upon and imp�atl�n of th�Prap�rtY. __ �
<br />�' r.� P operty,�or�part th�reof,ar for con eyanc�lan Ilw o}c'and�mnlitton,�rsnhersbV•eipned�nd h�ll bi p�id to ha L�ndar to the ext�nt of the -- Y - --_
<br /> � ' tul!amount oi th�remelninp w�pald lndebtodn�u acund by ihl�Tru�t Ded. _�_ _— -
<br /> •' � II th�Prop�rty la sb�ndomd by th�8orrower,or,if�ft�r twUa�Cy tha L¢ndar to the Botrower th�t fha oondNnnor oiter�to mak��n ew�rd ��--- ____
<br /> �, b euthorized�to coll ot and apD Yethe pr ce�dslrottM�m��und`bythl�Tru t p�d�Y•sftn th�d�t��uoh notla�fs mNi�d,tM Lendei ---- -----
<br /> rA Condemn�tion procctedo ur awetds ehetl b�onditad to iM lest rn�tudnp In�t�lime�h ol th�Ind�bt�dn�t�aecund snd�heil not sxtand or __�-__ -_---
<br />-;� postpone the due dato a7 the instnilmame roterrod to in p�repnph 1 henof or ohanps the emount o}woh tnst�Iim�nt�• �_______
<br /> ° g, It the Lendor Iceueo o pertiol nleoeo a?thf�Trwt O�ed,th�proos�d�na�lvsd th�ntor�hr8 b�ot�dit�d to ih�le�t m�tudnp iMtd{mentr ol �__
<br /> _ tha Indehtednees�ec�red h�nby. � _
<br /> p, If the Lsnder elther volunt�rlly�r Involuntui�y 0�com�s�D�rty to any�uit or bp�I p�oatadlnp rd�tinp to�M Proporiy.Nots or thl�Tru�t��d, _� _
<br /> ' the�the Bortower will relmbun�the Lender for all oo�t�and,to th��xto�t p�rmitted by Isw, reuoMbl�eStoone�n'f���incurr�d by th�
<br />.>� tuv�der Telatinp to auah nuit or leqel proceedtnps�nd�ald wmt�hNi oon�titut�nddi�fonel Indebtedn�n s�cur�1 bY thls Tru�t OeW end bur - ����r�
<br /> - Iniaroot nt the rete peyeble und�t tfio Noi�,until p�id. _�� .
<br /> +�� ».::-
<br />_� �p, As additiooal seaurity,the Borrower doeo hsreby enipn,trancfer end sat nver to the Lender,in oa�e of default In the performnno�01 any �� :
<br /> ,� 04 the term�or omxlitl�ns of thi�Truet Desd,th�Note or th�tsim�of eny indebtedne�e aacurod honby,�11 04 the rente,nvonu��end sny ___
<br />�'_'e Income of eny typc r:"atsoevsr to be derivsd lrom the Propeny,Includinp land contrsot payment�. Ths 4ender,In pstson,bV�Q�nt or by _
<br />:� ' reoolver,without repard to th�ea�venoy or insolvenoy o}th�Borrower or the value of the Property,ehall ba u�to1 s�ld Ino n��dl e pen eo --- ;
<br /> repdr,rent end manepe the Properfy end to oollect ihe rent3,revenuea e�d Income thoPelrom and It maV psy
<br /> ,� o! repair end 000te Incurred In rentinp and mans9lnp the anta ol t•d bt'as ur drhorehy�Upon pre entinp'e aopy of tNe T 9t Deed sM ��
<br /> •'� rernoininp balanoe to be eppiled to the leet maturinp peym
<br /> '� demand to eny lessee,tenent or aontr�ct purc hase� o f t hs P ro pen y, such peraon ehell pay dl rent�,peymeMS nnd profitt aaorued or �. r��
<br />;;� tnoroaiie�dus.-uir�i�t!s'�.sr.dzt�!n!f!��!!!hwr notica trom the Lendet. 1'
<br />. 11, If ell or eny pert ot ths Propnrty or eny Intere�t therofn h de�ded, aotely by land aontreot or otherwi�a aonveyed, el�nn�ted or furthar ;-
<br /> encumDered elther volunterfly or Involuntarlly�vithout the 4�ndtr's prior writtsn oons�nt,exciudinp{�)�trsn�f�r by operetlon of lew upon
<br /> ths deuth of s►olnt tenant or Ib)the prant of�ny I��s�hotd Intsrnet not oontelnfil`�e�othsn the Lender m Yh���8optlonmdeolava ell�uma '.�� -
<br /> Iw��,or lu)th�orestlon ot th�purahe��mon�y teaudty Inta��t In houoshal:l npp �
<br /> eecured by�thh Truot Desd to bs fmrn�ii�toiy duo ond P�V���• ,
<br /> � 12. Upon thb Bo�b �thi�Tru�t O�ed Yth Lsnd�r,t�1n optlon�may dolu��1 ot'the�um�o sadu 6d`by thl�Truet Desd to be Inmsdl�ely due �� ��
<br />.•"%� sum�secu y iloeble lew�ncludinp the � t,
<br /> '� s�d peynble wlthout turther demand and may Invok�the pawa o}��Is�ndlot�ny other remedles pem►ttted bV ePP •'�, ��!.,
<br /> ,� �ipht to(ureclo�s tM�Tru�t DiYd In th�m�nn�r proddsd by law}or ths foreclo�ure ot mortpepes on reel estete. The Lerxler ohdl be entitled
<br /> .� to coiteot ell naso�ablo uoet�end expanr��incurred fn pursulnp suah nmsdle�Inaludinp,but not Iim�t�d to,and tv the sxtant permittad by •,.,,n;
<br />- � law,�oasonoble ettorneye'foee. '
<br /> o.�. .,� . . �-_.
<br /> � It the power of aete ie Invoked,tlie truotee shsll raxnrd e notl;e of detc�ult in eer.h countV In which the P�ope�ty or aome Dort cherao;�ebin Atw. ' ,
<br /> `� end provide nottoe thereof In the menner pro�cribed by epp foaGte law. After the lepse ol such time ae moy be requirad by epp �l:�;���
<br />.�� the Truatoe shall nfve publlo notioe ot eete to the penon�and fn ths manner prs�c�ibed by epplicebin law. 7he Truetee,or the ettoraey for -_ - ._;�����„ ,�g
<br /> r,. ,.
<br /> thoTructos,without domend on the 8ortower,�h�ll sell th�Propetty ut publla euntion to the hfpheet biddur nt the time and ploae and undor , C
<br /> •� G V y .'�;:<;,fr'
<br /> the tsrm�deai netad In the notlae of s�le�� ublic ennounoe nsnt et ths ti e end p�aoe of eny preWou ly hioduted o Ie.6The Londer up the �tb�r
<br /> - sde of ell or any percol of the Property by p ��!��.'� •
<br />_:.� Lender's doatpnee mey purchese the Property�t eny�ele. �;
<br /> .t ;
<br /> � �..•-,
<br /> Upon reaelpt of payment ot the priae bIJ, the 7ruateo eholi dellver to the pu�ohes�r a 7rustee'e Deed, without wervnnty,con�eyfnp the .��;:;�.
<br /> :;� Property eotd. The rocftels fn ths Truetee'e Deed ehall be prim�feule evidenae of ths truth of the atetements made therein. The Yruetee ehdl ��,�.�(,,.• .
<br /> �;�t�
<br /> eyp{y the proceede o1 ths so!o in ths foilowlnp order: (e)to slt na�on�61�cost��nd expen�so o}ths eale,Inc�udiny,but�ot limited to,the ti,,,
<br /> Tmstee's feee of not more thnn b600.00 plue.596 01 the emount secured hereby end remeinlnQ unDa�d�e�coet�of titic evidenca;(b!to
<br /> oll nume secured by this Truat Deed:end(0)the excsaa,II eny,to the pinon or peraon�lopal!y entftled theroto. .��l:p5+r••;
<br /> 13. Any torbaarenae by 1ha Lender in oxercisinp eny tipht or romedy hereunder,o�othsrwise eflorded bY ePP��coble low, sANf not be e wnivur
<br />- oY or proclude the exercfae of ony euoh dpht or rnmedy In the event o}oontinuinp or future broaohoe by the 6orrower.
<br /> �4� or'�quitey,f end msy he'exehcised ao�na�u�r►ntty,�lnd�pendently or•w o��,jv��ythsr riyht or remedy under thlo Tiuet Deed or efforded by low
<br /> �6, Upon poyment of eil sume seouied i�y tN�Trust Oeed,the lertder sh�ll requ�st the ttueteo to reeonvey the Proporty nncl uhdl surrende�this
<br />- .vr�rrenty t athe�psroon o pereo�e I p�i yt����d th�retob S ch{�rereon�otpenonn ahell poy oil eoete ut re�oo dndonVHho�Vroporty wfthout .
<br /> ' is. Th�Lender,et th�Lsndtt'�optfan,m�y(rom tirrH to tlme ranov�th�Tru�te��nd Wpoi�t e sucoes�or Truetee to ony Truuteo oppointod I
<br /> �� h�rounder by en in9�rument noorded in the uounty In wMoh thl�Trust O��d b�eoord�d. Without uonveyence ot tho ProponY,thu succeoeor
<br /> 'y Truates eholl succeed to ell title,power n�xl dutl�f confursd upon th�Tru�tsa h�nin�nc1 by epplioebl�lew• i
<br /> -,,.
<br /> :c}-'� ��, Fxaapt tor any natices,demerxf�,rsqvests or other oommudo�Uon���quttsd under appliaabl�lew to be{��en in another menneh whenevet
<br /> � the Lernlor, the Borrowe►cr ths Truetee�ivoo or suve��ny notla� Uncludinp, without limltatlon. nntice oP def�uit�r►d notice of seie).
<br /> ......i...........w�do.tlen wlth ee�neat to thi�Tiust U��d,�aoh�uah notias,dsmend.reque�t or other cormwnicatlon ehy 11
<br /> _�-� o:.nm�oa.�wd-�-•--•-•--.._.._ . . —_. .
<br /> be In w�itlnp end shell bo etfeative only ff the�ame lo ddiv�red by personel�ervice o►mafiew by oe�tineu meii,voaieyo v�aNa%,:o��•---�+-- �
<br /> °� requeated,oddroeeed to the oddreee�ei lorth st the beplm�lnp of tlds Trust Dsed.A aopy uf eny notfce of lefeuit,nny nvtioe of ade,required
<br /> ar permitted to�e piven hereunder,ehall be mMled to uoh penon who Is�pnty h�reto at ths eCdreso eet forth et the bep{nn�np of thla Truet �
<br /> '`'.� pad. Any perty mey et ony tlme ohonpe ft�eddrose Oor auoh�otic��Gy deUverfnp o►meflirtq to the uther pertiea theroto,ee elureenfd,e I
<br /> notioe of auch ohanda. Any notioe hereundet uhell be deemed to hev�bsen piven to the[iorroviar or the Lendor,when ptven fn tMo munner `
<br /> n�.�.��,t�J herel�. i .
<br /> - 1e epr eeniaHvee,e�oaeeeo d e�nd oenipn'�oP tha pertteeh Ail coR ene�end ep eemente o}�the Bor owor sNeil beeoint end`eeverul�Wheno er ! '
<br />- raference le mode to the elnpulor horcundur,ft nhott Include the plurol end the plural ehell Include the einguler.
<br /> i
<br /> __}
<br /> I
<br /> ;
<br />=_ I .
<br />- I
<br /> ;
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �- -- — _
<br />