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<br /> for In t�1�Yurot[iaW{iraN�Jea au�etrnt!*tV d:iterar.t it�ht�ervJ a►r!!{��t�on�to ilu and�r�tp�ed th�rn�morta�p�Ic+the�wnt of�da4auli or bros;:h o?
<br /> odllpNtlon. 7hn undailqmd PunM+rpr�es^�i Md�prN�tfut�tM�o�nifm�tlon t���bo�n a.yd�nd�xrutad is�coemaation wlth G-�t piior to the ,
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<br /> ' TRUSTOE�d
<br /> THIS TRUST OE[D,mad�thls_�doy ot .s 8nutiXy .18�,bV o���9 tM Trostor. _„ --
<br /> Michael E. LeggotG und Betty„K. LQggott� t►uaband and �uife, ,_...__
<br /> ��—� {hanin'Hottow�r'I.
<br /> w�,r,r�,�„�,��,.��i. 4222 Nevada Ave Grand Island, NF 6A803 —
<br /> e,M Fn71n Bank.�2„atio�al AASOCiat�.on OmAha. Nebraska ,lh.rdn"Tru�toa'1,F•�i�
<br /> g� �wy,�r�Tiv �uIIk N8ti4II��,.,(�Apnci wti_n ._T�Omaht�- hc�� rq�ddratt i� 17(10 FArnnm StrPp�_,
<br /> rie"6rae ca
<br /> �� 1�IL•�18L�� E q Q� IN�lC�R��?IY�M��. _.
<br /> 80NROWEN.fn eonMdsr�tion of th�frwl�btWn��a MtNn noNwd�nd th�tru�t MrNn on�tsd,irr voo�btV prant�,u�n�f�n,conww Md Maip��o
<br /> 'frustN,in TRUST.WItH POWER QF SALE.the followfnp daorib�d prop�rty,looat�d In HF31� �^Cou�tV.N�bnskc
<br /> ' Lot 37. Capital Heighta 5eventt► Subivision. Ha].1 County� Nebraaka. .
<br /> TOGE7HER w�th sll bu�idinyf.ti�un�,�mprov�m�nt�artel�pourt�mnc��now o�h�n�fto ersotrd th�nae�nd�II riphts•of•w�Y.���sm�ntr•nnta,
<br /> �f�u��,Orotrt�,maom�,t�nement�,hendiament�.pNvd�ws.�ppurt�n�nas,royNtfe�,�nd mir►�td,oil,a���nd w�t�r tiphts tMtwnto bNorqinp,und
<br /> or�npyW w�th eNd I��d o�eny D�rt th�reof,MI of wNoh,fnciudinp r�pl�c�nt���d�dditiont tMnto�hell b�d�em�d to b��nd r�mMn�P�tt o�
<br /> tM prop�rty cov�r�d by�Ma Tru�t O�M;�nd MI ot tha for�pnftop top�th�r with Fad ptope►ty�r�MtNn r�t�rr�d to��th�'Prop�rty.'
<br /> TO SECURE to l�nd�r tM��ym�nt ef�nd�bt+dn���wid�naW by BorrcwaJ'e Hom�Equlty lln�Lo�r►Apq�rna�t�eW Home EeWity Nori d�ad
<br /> ('��v 2A •1! 9+ .top�tMr vrith My Mtd rll aMw�ls.nwdillo�tion�.�t�1�L�tMt�ot K+d evMdtuUon�a�xohMpM thaafor
<br /> tM•iT at�'1 In tM RN�derMxn Pdecipd�um out�t�r�dinp et�ny orw Wr��of� t�.UU • ��waudry to Mty IUlU1�MIVMION til�t RMY
<br /> provfd�d tMrNn�wiM�fiMi m�tutitll�If not�ooner pMd.cf . ,
<br /> bs m�d�by tM lftf�ds�to the Borrow�r f�om tirt+�to tim+�nd n��cu�tY tor tM paym�nt o �ny N�d M�oth�r Ind�btudn���o)LM Borrow�r to 1M
<br /> I.e�d�r which may�N��,�ut�Nd sum�eot tu�xc��d In the�ppap�te��uro�4�a to thrae Ilmef th�odpirul pdnclpsl Mnount o}th�Not�. For
<br /> pur{�o��s o}tM Horne Equ�cy Un�Lo�n Apnem�nt,p�nprpfi�2.3,4,5 end 11 E�lo�v ehuli b�d��m�d cov�o�nto rNstinp to tt�e Prop�nV• ;
<br /> BORIIOWER eown�nto thnt the Borrow�e Is lowfully sai[ed of th�Prop�rty h�r�by eonv�y�d�nd h�s the�+pht to ptont end conv�y the Property,thut
<br /> tM Ptop�rly i�unancwnb�rad by�ny mortqipe,trust d��d,aonirwt tn urahN�or oth�rwis�,exo t Ia�� �
<br /> fn f�vot ot COmmp����Q
<br /> � on wMch tM unpdd batMnN on tN�date do�s not�xc�W e Ths Borrow�r cowrnnM to comply with Ni th�tottm�nd
<br /> prov�Mcm af�ny pnor monpep�. tru�t d��d or contnct to purches�,uqon the Prop�rty and to mMcw NI pxym�nt� th�non beton tMy b�come
<br /> dNinqu�nt. If no nam�or rmount u in��rt�d In tM�D�npr�ph.lMn th�Bortower cov�n�nt�tha!then�r�no Pdor Il�ns or�ncumbnnc�s of e�+y kfnd
<br /> upon tM Prop�rty. TM Dorrow�r furth��cov�n�nt�to wornnt ond d�t�nd tho t�tl�to tM Prop�ny epMmt�!!clalm�ond d�msredr.
<br /> Th�Bo�rowar�nd tM L�nd�r lurthar Cov�n�nt and�pne�f followe:
<br /> 1. 7h�Borrow�r thMl promptlY PeY whrn duq ths pnnclpN�nd mterest on tl�e fndnbtsdM�s e�ridanced by the Note.
<br /> �, A1 I��s�t�n d�y�bstan th�V b�com�d�mqu�nt, Borrower�hail pay ell t�xea�nt!�p�c�N���usm�nt�I�v�ed or an����d �pMn�t the
<br /> ��TUP�IIY�Of MY P�tt i�t1t�J}.�:.�t;�ILX:�.IS!'!!=GN.!�!:^_!:tR�R!!(^!R!!�L�'^.^[1 th!�TFJ!�!)��tt n��h�dlUt Whlah It��Ct1tf8.
<br /> 3. Th�8orrow�r�t�dl k��p[h�unprov�m�nts�nd buildinp�,�t any,upori th�Prop�rty�nwnd,wfth�comp�nY or comperos�opproved uv the
<br /> L�nd�t.(ar sn Krwunl not 1���1h�n th�w�tMd bN�ncs on th�Ind�bt�dnrt�s�curW bV tNs Ttatt O�W W��h e rtend�rd mortpoQa cl�u�e
<br /> wnh lo��p�Y�s tn th�L�nder. Th�Borrow�r ahNl dN+ve���id polioy or po{iCl��to th�londer,
<br /> In tM�wnt ot�lo��.tM 8arrow�r�t�Nl pw Pro.mpt nouc�to th�Irt�uranc�c�rna�nd the Und�r and lil� �qroof of lou. H th�6orrowar�s not
<br /> i
<br /> etMrvrf��in d�lwlL tM 8arowur e»�y Neat to pp1Y th�rmunnae procwd�tu np�►or r�pl�or th�demipW Vroputy.N wonon+loNiV b�s+bt�.�nd
<br /> tl»��ouri►Y uf this TtuH DMd would not��impNnd. 11 IM Borrow�r��in d�t�u0t o�N�Ct�not to r�prlt o�►�p1�C�tM d�m�Q�d Prop�rty ot t�Aar
<br /> or t�pl�own�nt would no��conomcWy����o or 1M��curltY of thl�Ttust D��d wouW b�knpNnd tMn th�Insunv►o�proc�W�thall b��pp4�d to
<br /> Itw Iwt nwturSnp peY���d�+�on 1he Not�. If tM Ir»ttnnc�ProoNd�K�1n�xast of tM totd w�ount du�on tNd Noto,tM�xa����hNl b�peld
<br /> to tht Battow�r. (MUtYna�ptoaNd�IOr npMe of ts{1lRON1Nn1 sh�M b�plaCld In�taro •��e�n exa���ot th�Sotsl rrwunt tlu�ot+�rd Not�,th��xa��e i
<br /> �hrN b�paid to ah�B�rrowe�. InfurNlc�proo��d!lor RopMe or npi�c�me�lt�hMl Oe ul�cM ie���crow with Yh�l�M����d dltbUl�W by thY l�nder
<br /> dilsl�p Oe�K�OR COMpNILOn 0)suth�WM►o���p1YClm�nt. II ttU L��d�t�eWltss utl�to ths Prop�rtV bV�xercltinp rt�pows►ol eNd.torecto�un o�
<br />