. _ . ' . �_ , . �. . - .. c .*` . ' `r .' _'._' _-�,=
<br /> �- � . . -Y . . , .. . . . . . . . � � . , ' z� ..
<br /> `-"�=--• ' . ' f: . .. . . •a. : ' ` ' . ' ' . . ._\�.. �. .. . � , . . . t `.. .. _
<br /> , . . r.- . . _ . . _ _
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<br /> -� ,;.s.
<br /> _`�C`' c ' . � . t���� ��l���! . , • . ,
<br /> - .i '. . C. .-
<br /> . . (d) Gcantot has the dght ena t9 duty euM►crfzed to axearte and perform Ns OLiigatlons under inis Osad of Ttuat end these actlans do noi and .. «;
<br />�`.. . 't shatl no!eat►flIct with Use ptovtsions at any smtute.regutatlort.ordin�anca.nile at la+v,eaMraet ar othat agreemeM wt►ieh may ha,bBlding on ,. . _ . .. -
<br /> c°..f"' `� . QtattLOtetettytlfne; ' � . . �� .. 's
<br /> ' ,y '^ • F
<br /> f (e)t3s eetlon or proeeeding ts or sha!!ba pending or throatsned wh[eh m►0►!:,:!aterlally aHect the ProA6nY end • '
<br /> • � � �: (� Qrantos has not vtolated end ahail not viatate any ataMe,�e8uialICn,�o�'.�nce�ruta of law,eonuact or ather�eemeni(inctuding,but not , � .
<br />-�� �. : . llmited m,those govaming Ha=ardous Materials)which might mateAaityaHect tha Proparty or lender's rights or i�erest tn the ProPerty Pursuan! .; .
<br /> ` . �, � � to Ws 09ed of Ttust � . . . ,
<br /> �::� � 9. PA(OR OEEOS OF 7RUST.Grarrtor repceserds artd wartanta that there ere no prior deeds ot trust affe�in9 a�►Y Part of the Prap�rty��of trust � . � .
<br /> � � forth en Scde�uta B at�ctted ta this Oeed ot Trusi,xfiteh CaraMOr agrees to paI►and Perfotm irt a timefy mennar.(f tJiere ato any p
<br /> . . thea Grantor agtees tn pay a!�amounb owed and pe�tortn a!1 obligattans required.undar sue�deeda ai trust end the indeh^cadna�secuted Btereby , . ,
<br /> � � and furtt�er agrees U�at a Qefautt under any pBor deed of trust shaU bs a detauit under th(s Oeed ot Trust and shatl entitla Lender to att Bghts end _ ,
<br />-- � ` remedies conffiinsd herein or in the ObGgaUons tn wt�ich lendar would ba entiUeQ in the eveM ot any o!ltet default � � . „
<br /> :.,Y--";= q, TRA�ISfERS OFTHE PROF�RfY OR BEtiEFiC1AL tHTERESTS IN GRAlJ�OAS OA E{38ROWEAS. 1n the evem of a sale.conveyanae,lease. . �
<br /> " conVSC!tor deed or transter w any person of all or any part ot tne real pmperry desaibed in Schcdute A or azry intecest theretn.ar of ail or any .; • . ,
<br /> — .- - --- - — bansfidat tMereat tn Bortowar or tirarttor[d Hottowet or t3rar�mr is not a�ra�nsl p�rson or persans but is a corparaBon,Gmired Ita�ili4y oompgr►y� [ . - - -. .-r--, -,:__,
<br /> ;rar
<br /> partners�.Uust,os o t her l e g a f e n ti t y).Lender ma y.at ita o ptiort declara the outatanding princtpa!batance ot tha Obfigatlons pius 8axeied�nterest �
<br /> thereon immediatety due ertd paya6le. Ai Lender'a nequest,Q r a n t or or B o r r o v r e r.a s t h e c a s e ma y Oe.shatl tumish a wmpieie statemartt seUtng t a r t h � - .
<br /> � et1 of its stodfiofders,membere,or partr►ers,as appropdate:and the extent cf their respectiva m+mershTp iMecesb. �
<br /> T - . � • S,AS'SiQHEAEHT OF BEHTS.In constderation of the ObligaSons.vfiirfi are seeuced by this Deed of Trust,Grantor absolutaN ass�8na w Lender all � ..
<br /> � � Qrantpfs estam,rlgM,tItla,iMerest,ctatm and demand now awned ar hereaRer aequited in atl existing ar�d tuture Ieases of�he Pmperty Cu►chiding
<br /> • ` '. e�Rensiona,cenaw�is and e�eases),aii agreemerns tor use and oecupancy at the�mpe�ty(ali suoh teases and ag�eemeMS whether wriuen ar oral. . . _ _ . .
<br /> • are hereafter referredto as the'Leases),and all guarsnttes af t�ssesa'periarmance under the Leases,tngether with the immediate and eonttnuing .
<br /> � rtgh!to mltect 8nd receive a11 of the renb,income,receiyts,revenuea,fssues,prof,ts and other income of any nawro now or hereafmr due pnctuding
<br /> � � �� . acry(ncome af ac►y nawce coming due during a�t�edemption peHo�undet ifie Leases or from ar aristng out at tl�e Pmpetry trtcluding minimum
<br /> ree�fs,addi�onal rorns.Pe�eMage re�,Paridng or eommon area mairrtenanca conCibuttans.tax and insurarta9 cor�buGOns.defictency mrrts, � ,
<br /> � Itquidated damage9 ioitawing defauR in any Lease.all proceeds payabte under aay poiicy of insurance cmrering toss of rarns resuttlng fram _ .
<br /> . • � uMen�rttabitit5►�std bll destruction ot damaga to the P9raperiy.aIi proceeds Payabte as a[esuft ot a lessee's exerdse of an opiion to purchase the ;' ' - . _ .
<br /> � ' Properly,all proceeds derived from the terminaSon or rejoction oi any t�ase in a bankrupt�y or other insotvency proceading,and alt proceeds from : _
<br /> 0
<br /> " • any dgtns and daims of any idnd whicA Granmr may have against atry lessee unQer tha Leases or arry accupar�s of the Pmperty(aU of the abovaare - - . �
<br /> heteafter collecHvety ceterred to as 1he�Rema'1• This assignment is subject to the right,powet and authority givan to the Lendel to ooitect and appty .
<br /> ' _ . the Ran1s. This assignmeat is recorded in accordance with appScabte state faw:the lien creffied by th3s assignmant ia intenQed ta be spedfia. �.
<br /> � perfected,and cheam upon the recording of this Oeed of Ttust,ail a9 provlded by apptica�ta atate law as amartdad fwm tlme tu ttme. Aa lang as , _, ,
<br /> ' � there is no defauFt under ths Obliga4ons or this Oeed ot Trust.4ander 8rarrts(irarttor a cevoeabte licensa to coliect all Fients from tne Leases whan �
<br /> due and to usa such p�aceeds in QrartoPs bustness qperations. Howevar,Lender may a!arry time require Gtantor to dePasit a1�ReMs irt�°sn , .,t �
<br /> � `='` aocnunt mair�inesl ky_Gfantor or LenQer,at Lander's instlwBon. Upon detauit fn tfis paymaM of,or in the perfoimance of.anll af the ObligatIons. . �;,
<br /> • Lender may at ita aption take possession oi�e Rropefty and It2ve,"hotd,�manage;iease-and-aysrate ths FroAeAy an-terms and far a periad o!time _._. _.. _ _
<br /> that Iender deema proper. lsnder may proceed t�ao��ect and receive all Rents iram the property,and Lender ahall Aave tu11 power tn make l .
<br /> ' alteraUans,renovaUons,repai�s or reptseemecrts m the Proporty as Lender may Qeem proper. Lender may appiy all Rerns in Lendera sote discreUon �""
<br /> '. to paymer►t of the Obligationa ar to ths paymertt of the cost of suoh aiterallons,renovaUons,repatrs and repfacltlients and any expansea ittcidern tn • � ;�.�_-
<br /> � takieg and retaining possesslan af the PropeRy pedadically and the management and operaUon of the Property. LenQer may keep the PropeRy► ' :�;��:'
<br /> . • � • propaly iasured and may discharge any texes.char8es.ciaims.assessments and ather liens vuhich may axrue.The erzQense and cost of fhese .. •'-r• �- i
<br /> aaHona insy be petdfrom�he Rerne recetved.a�►d an1►unDatd amoarnsshall be added to the prindpai o1 the Obt[gationa 7hase amouats,togelher -•��;
<br /> • � with other casta,shall beeome pait of tfie Obiigations secured by this Deed of Truat. . �
<br /> g. L,EASES NiD OTHEii AGREEAAENT'S. Grernor ahall not take or taii to teke any action whicl�may causs ar permit the tertnination or the , � s
<br /> ' wtthhotding of any paymant In connection with any Lease or ather ag�eemern�AgreemertC)pertainfng to the PropeRy.in addftlon,(irantor,witAOUt , '� �. �
<br /> �_�� .., . Lender'g prior written consem,shati not(a)eoltect any montes payabie under any Agreement more than one month(n advence:(b)madity any ` . .
<br /> • tigreement; (a)asstgn or allow a Iten,aecurity tnterest or other encumbrance to be ptacad upon tirentor's dghts,tiUe and tntarest in and to any f,
<br /> • l�qreement or the amounts payabte thereunder,or(d)termtnate or cancel any�greement exeept for the nanpaymeM of any sum or other matedal -- : ;
<br /> breach by the other pafty thereto. It Grantot reoeives at any Umeanyr written communfcation esseRing e default by GraMOr under en AgreemaM or ,.
<br /> purpo r H n g w t e r m t n a t a therew to LenQer 9 f Ail such Agc�eeme andrthe amon ts due to�Grayn or thereunder are hereby ass gn dyto L en dereas � � '�.��,�.
<br /> ' communications re aN g )
<br /> i � � aQdiUonalsecurttytortheObltgattons. .
<br /> -{; . 7, COLLECTfOH OF INDE6TEOHESS FRO1117HIR0 PMT/.Lender shall be enUtted to natity or require Gramcr to nmity any tnird party(inctuding, f• �����" '
<br /> but not tlmi6ed W,lessses,licenseea,gavemment�authorities and tnsuranoa companiss)to pay Londer anyr issdebtednesa or otillgetlon owi�g to _.;,�
<br /> ' .� � Gtantor wNh respect to the Property(cumuiativety'indebtedness)whether ar not a detauit exists under this Deed of Tnist Grardor shall ditlgentty f .
<br /> �•�� � coltect the tndebtedness owing to(irantor from these third paNes until the giving of such noUfication. In the ewnt that(irentor possossss or recerves .
<br /> ' i ' . .. . • '
<br /> � possesston ot eny instrumenb or oiher rerridtances with respect to the(ndebtedness foltowing tfie givfng of such noYrftcation or H the instruments or E '
<br /> ,, • othar remittences cflnstlwte ffie prepaymeM of eny Indabtedness or the payment of any insuranca or corniamnatlon proceeds,Grantar shal!hold j .✓ ��%�?`
<br /> such insWmertls and ather remitteclCea in Vust tor Lender from its otfier property,endorse the instruments and other remittartees to Lender, � - i
<br /> � and immediately provtde Lender witA possesslon of the i�mer�and other remit►ances. lander shall be entitted,6ut not requtred,to collect @Y i' �!� �
<br /> ' ' � legal proceedings or otherw(se),extend the Uma for payment,eompromise,exchangc or release any obtigor or collateta),or othervdse settta any of � •. .
<br /> � i ' the tndebtednass whether or not an event of dstautt exists uader thls i�greement Lsnder shail not be uabte to Grantor for any acUon,ertor,mistake, ; �
<br /> � � , am(ssion ot defay pertalning to the acUons Qesedbetl In Mis pamgraph or any damages resulUng thsrefrom. Notwflhstanding the toregotng,nothtng � ,
<br /> harein shall cause LenQer to be deemed a mortgagee-in-possesaton. !
<br /> • « g, U$E ANp MIUHTEHAHCE OF PROPEiiTY. �rarttor shall teke atl acUans and make any repairs needed to maintain the Pmperty in good , .
<br /> conditlon. Qtafltot ahall not oommit or permit any waste to be committa�with reapect to the Property �rantor shall use the Property sotely in i ':
<br /> w
<br /> .. eompitarrce with appiicabia law end insurance potictes. Grantot shall not make any a`terations,aEdiUons or impravemerns to the PropeAy without : . .
<br /> ' � lenQer's priot written consent YYthout Iim�ing the totegoing,a11 aiteraUons,additlons and improvemerds made to t�e Properry shaQ be subject to , .� •
<br /> � , the heneflcisi interest Celonging to Lender,shail no!be removed without Lender's pflor vnitten consent,end shaf!be made at Grantor's sole expense. � .
<br /> � •;.. � � 9. LdS3 OPl DA�'WGE Grantor s�atl Aear the eMire risk M any toss,thefR deswcdon or damage(cumutatively'Loss or Damage')to the Property or ;
<br /> • any purtion theroof ftom any cause wnatsoever. m the evant ot eny i.oss or Oamage,Granmr shait,at tfie opHon ot Lsnder,repatr the affected �
<br /> . s- .-- Piroporty to Its previous condiUon or pay or cause to be paid to Lender the decrease In tAe tair market value of tha aNected Property. ;� • � �
<br /> ' � 1� INSURANCE Tha PropeRy witl be kept(nsured tot its tutt Insurable valus(reptacement COS3)aAalnst a1�hazards(nctuding loss or damage
<br /> causedby ftood,earthquake,tomado and fira,theft or other easualty to the extent required by Lender. �rantor may obtain insuranea on the Property i . .
<br /> • � � . irom suc6 companias es aaeptabie tv Lender in ita solo discretton. The tnsurance polieiea shall requlre the insurance company to provide
<br /> � Lender v�ith at least �� Qays wrltten notice bafore such poNNe9 ere eitered or cancelted in any manner.TAa insurence policies shali
<br /> �� � � • name Lender as a losa payee end provlde that no act or omission o1 tirantor or any other person shail sNact the right o}Lsnder to be paid the : :
<br /> insutance ptoCOeds pertalning to the lass or damage o1 the Propeny. In the eveM Orantor tatla to acquire or malntain Insurance.Lender(aftet �
<br /> s� providing notics as may 6e required by Iaw)may in hs discreUon proeure approprlate insuranee coverege upon the Property and the Insurance cost �
<br /> � � � shatl bo an advanee payebta and bearing interoat as described in Paragreph 23 and socured heraby. (irantor shail tumish Lsnd�r with evidence of .
<br /> � insuranoe inOteating the require0 coverage. LenQer may act es attomeyan-tact tor Grentar In making and sottti ctatms under tnsurance poticlea,
<br /> . �, _. cancetling any poUcy or endorsing(irantor a name on any dreft ar negotiable Instrument dravm by eny Insurer.�1 suCb insuram:e poliNes shall be
<br /> '.,s• � immediatety assigned,ptedged end deliwred to Lander as turther seeurity tor tha Obtigations. In the event o!toss,Qrar�tor aha11 imme0latety glve
<br /> � Lender writt9n notice entl Lander Is authorized to make proof of loss. Fach insurence�s cn mon9 sitoward the Obli sUans or to d tha eost of
<br />- • � Instead of to Lendet and Grantor. Lender shatl have the dght,at it�sole optlon,to apply S �
<br /> �.,, rebuitding and resrortng Me Property. Any amounts may at Lender's op�an ba cippiiod in the inversa order of tha dua date9 thereof. ;
<br /> � 11.ZOH{NG AND PRNATE COVENAHi3. (3rantot shail notinitiate or consentto any cfiange in the xoNng provistons or prhrate covenarns affec�ting �
<br /> � • the use of tha Pcoperty without lender's prlor written consent. It Grantor's use of the Proparty beoomes a noncoMarming uso under nny ioning
<br /> ' provislon,Grantor sha11 not cause or permit such use tv be discontlnued or abandoned without the prior wrinen cansent of Lsndar. Grantor witl .
<br /> <� ' . �. immediatety provido Lender with written no8ce of any proposed changesto the z.ning provisions or private cavenants aNecHng the Propeity. �
<br /> . � � � ' � 12 CONDEMNATtOl� Grantot aha111mmediatety ptovide lender wiqfi wri8en noUco of any actual or throatened condemnaUon or emfnent domaln
<br /> � k ,. .. procoeding pertalning to ffie Praperty.Ail monies payabte to Grantor irom such candemnaUan or taking are heteby assigned to Lender and shall be .
<br /> : appited itrat Lo the paymertt of Lendar's nttomays' fees,lepal exponses and other costs (nctuding eppralsal tees) in connacdon with the
<br /> ` `: � � . � candamnaUOn or eminent domaln proceedings end then,at tho optlon at LenQer,to the paymer�t of the Obugattons or the restoraUon or repalr o!the
<br /> :� . . propeRy,
<br /> ' � � 13.LENDER'8 8It3MTT0 COMMEHC�OB OEFEND LEQA4 AC7ION8. arantor shall immediatety provlde Lender with written notlee at any actual
<br /> i• � � or throatened action,ault,or other proceeding aHe�ting th9 Property. (irantor hereby appoints Isnder as its attomeyaMfacl to wmmeneo.intervene
<br /> ,�.e • ' in,and detend such acHons,suits,or other legal proceedings and to oompromise or sattte any etalm ot controversy penalning thereto. tsnder sha11 .
<br /> � not bo Oabie to Qrantor for arry acdon,error,mism(ce,omi9sfon or deiay pertaiNng to the achon9 descrihed In thls paragraph or aay damages
<br /> resukingtnerefrom. Nothing eonmined herein will prevent lander irom taking tho actions deccribad in tf�is paragraph in tp own name.
<br /> .�� to. INOF.�ANIFICATIOP�. Lendor shatl nm assume or be responsibto tor the peRormanee ot any of Grarttor'e obligaJons vYah respect to the Property
<br /> . , �t und�r any eircumsffincea Grantor shslf immedtatety provido Lender vltt��vrltten notice of and indemnify and ho►d Lendor and its sharehoiders. .
<br /> � . diroetora,offioo�.employees end agenb harmtas9 irom ail ciaims,dsmagos,IiabiliUe9(inctuding attomeys'te�s and tegal exponsus),causes of ,
<br /> , �; . . action,actlons,su"ds and other legai prooeeGings(cumutativety'Gaims')poRaining to the Proparty(inetuding,but not limited to,thoss imroiving
<br /> i._.._._._.__._..__.. Hauudous Matarlais). GraMOr,upon the requost of lender,shail hire legal caunssl to datend londer from sueh Galms,and pay tho attarneys'tees,
<br /> - - { - -- logal oxpenses and other costs tncurrao tn cannaetton tharevmh. tn trtv a3tematnrv.Len6er snatf Ga er�tittad ta csnptay its arn t..'9s!re�nse!!o detend . .... � -..
<br /> • [ • . • such Clalms at(irantor's oost. Grantor's obligation to indemnify Lendor unQer this par�qraph shatl survive tho tormination.reteasa ot taroclosure ot �
<br /> • C thia Deed of Trust. ,I 9 Ja/��� ��
<br /> !�.`. ' LPNES1t8 �J FortnAton TaMndop:a.lna(4/t9/&i)I8Q0)837�789 , �j��j/ if Pago 2 af��`� '
<br /> Jrti�s�
<br />